Rydia (Dropped)

World: Final Fantasy 4-1
Actual Age: 18 (8?)
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "Running away from the problem never solved anything. And it just means more running when it doesn't go away, and that's not what I want to do."
Role: The Last Summoner
Species: Human
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/gEJGtLm8lQc


A girl hailing from the village of Mist, Rydia was born to a clan of people known as the Summoners. Adepts in magic, the people of Mist specialized in calling upon the Eidolons; creatures and spirits of another realm, and forming long lasting pacts with them. As the daughter of one of the more powerful summoners of her home, Rydia is a capable learner in the arts of calling Eidolons and monsters to her aid, along with a potent knowledge of the arts of black magic. Rydia is a girl with a sharp tongue and no-nonsense nature, but is truly gentle at her core. Orphaned and with her hometown burned to the ground, she has little left for her in the land that used to be Mist, and wanders to find a new purpose in her life. Now that she has spent time among the Eidolons in the mystical realm known as the Feymarch, her skills have only improved over time, but at the cost of her childhood, as time passes differently in the Feymarch than it does in the normal world.


Summoner: Rydia can briefly summon creatures to attack or magnify her abilities.
As a Summoner from Mist, Rydia is capable of calling the Eidolons, spirits of great power from their realm in the Feymarch, or some common monsters. So long as she provides them with the magical power they need to exist in the physical plane, they will appear before her and fight in her name. Eidolons are intelligent creatures that embody elements or concepts such as earth, fire, ice, water, lightning, holy, or others, and bear great strength. Rydia cannot manifest them for extensive periods of time, and as such her summons allow for only a very brief appearance, usually one powerful attack or action that might be beneficial to Rydia; actions such as healing her allies or poisoning or paralyzing foes, before vanishing. An Eidolon's abilities are stronger forms of Rydia's natural magic skills. Rydia also may form bonds with some non-unique creatures from beyond her world, but only if their abilities fall into the boundaries of her abilities as a Summoner.
Black Magic: Rydia is capable of using offensive, elemental based, magic.
Rydia is capable of using potent and advanced offensive magic, such as ice, lightning, poison, and other elements to great effect. After spending time in the Feymarch and learning from Ifrit himself, she has gained control over the element of fire as well.
Weapon Proficiencies: Rydia knows how to use daggers, staves, bows, and whips with fine skill.
Rydia knows how to use daggers, staves, bows, and whips with fine skill.
Adventurer's Tools: Rydia always has basic adventuring gear on hand at any given time.
Rydia never leaves home unprepared. At any given time she has the basic essentials an adventurer can ask for on hand. Lesser healing potions, bandages and basic salves, rope, supplies to fletch new arrows, a skinning knife, and other basic miscellaneous items are all kept on hand for easy access.


Whyt< D-Tier Named Feature >: Rydia's contracted Eidolon, an adult dragon made of mist.
Rydia's contracted Eidolon, a full grown dragon made of mist. Rydia's binding pact with Whyt allows her to maintain Whyt's connection and existence on her realm for as long as the two desire. Whyt is capable of fierce offensive attacks with his claws, turning into mist, and is a clever dragon that seeks to aid his master as best he can. The dragons of Mist were considered holy creatures and as such their chilling radiant breath is potent against creatures vulnerable to cold or holy attack. As Rydia and Whyt are permanently pacted, their lives are linked. If one dies, so does the other.


Fear of Fire: Rydia is averse to fire.
After her hometown of Mist was burned to the ground, Rydia developed a dislike of fire. Though she understands the necessity of controlled fires for cooking or warmth, or even using fire magic for offense she is still uncomfortable as a result around the element. Though this fear has been tempered somewhat by spending time with Ifrit it is still far reaching enough that if fire is used around her offensively by foes, or in fiery locations such as volcanos it can cause her to lose her focus as she remembers her home burning to ash and rubble.
Sharp Tongue: This girl has no filters.
After spending ten years in the mystical realm called the Feymarch, Rydia's development had been skewed by the strange and inhuman mentalities of the Eidolons. As a result she has not developed a normal human social filter in the least, and might even act oddly or stunted in comparison to most adults. She calls things as she sees them, regardless of whether it is polite or not. She is a good girl, but she is not afraid to call a man a coward to his face.
Whyt: Rydia's life is bound to her Eidolon's.
Rydia and Whyt share a long term bond and contract. Their lives are inextricably bound together. If Whyt comes to harm, Rydia will be affected, just as if she comes to harm Whyt will be as well. The two share a symbiotic relationship that makes it imperative the two keep each other alive in dire circumstances. In the event one comes under mortal peril, the other may act more impulsively or less rationally, or go to greatly dangerous lengths for the other's sake. One could even be manipulated into doing terrible things for the other, if captured.
This World is Sad and Cold: Rydia has trust issues due to a negative world view.
Ever since Rydia's home burned down she has led a life of being hunted, having to hide, and having to deal with very adult problems from a young age. Rydia has grown up with a soured outlook on the world at large, viewing it as a sad cold place where she must hold her friends close and be wary of almost all others. Rydia is slow to trust as a result, paranoid of the threats of Baron, Zant, and a cold unfeeling World Tree. Because of this, Rydia is constantly mistrustful of most people she meets, but once her friendship has been earned it is steadfast and rock solid.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1098 Placeholder Title Nov 15 2022
1089 An Embarrassment of Riches Oct 26 2022
1072 Hobbling Hobgobs Aug 20 2022
1071 Greener Pastures Aug 19 2022
980 What Scares a Goron? Feb 04 2022
972 Placeholder Title Jan 28 2022
894 A First Victory Oct 19 2021
893 Planetfall Oct 18 2021
853 I Hope to the High Heavens... Aug 02 2021
850 Unconventional Jul 27 2021
See All 119 Scenes


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