World Tree MUSH

Greener Pastures

Character Pose
    Green Field has a problem.
    They've put out a call to adventurers to help with this problem; said problem being the hobgoblin raids that plague them almost daily and have been plaguing them for the past few weeks now. First they stole food. Then when food ran low they started to steal people to have for food.
    This... This is actually not Green Field. It's a smaller little village on the way TO Green Field, named Appleby, and while things are much quieter in this little hamlet, they are well aware of what's going on over in their neighboring town due to the influx of adventurers.
    Adventurers like the green-clad young lady riding the big yellow bird right into town; headed on a bee-line for the inn, so that she and her chocobo can get some food and rest for the evening.
    Rydia of Mist dismounts from her trust avian steed and ties him by the horse trough so he can drink his fill and relax while she heads into the inn and tavern.
Matsu Shuzenji
    Does Appleby often see visitors who would count as nobility? Visitors with an entire (modest, but still notable) entourage? Well, they are certainly seeing such a visitor today.

    A reasonably ornate carriage is somewhere in town, not far from the inn; the occasional attendant in very high-class, Japanese-esque finery can be seen bustling back and forth. There's a good four or five in total... if you include the one looking deeply intimidated by the adventurer who's menacing her and the young lady whom she is attending.

    The girl of white hair and red eyes is seated at a corner table, and if anything her clothing is more high-class than her attendant's. It's not her usual miko-style outfit, but still an ornate outfit of obvious status. She is staring flatly at the bulky adventurer trying to intimidate the two of them; the gist of what he's saying seems to be something along the lines of them obviously being out of their depth, and maybe they should hire a bodyguard.

    The white-haired young lady's response is to look right in the eyes of a man easily three or four times her weight, and deadpan, "I'm a mage. Your clothes are flammable. Buzz off." He doesn't quite seem to know how to handle this tiny slip of a girl threatening him with a steady gaze, and eventually just settles on 'mutter angrily and wander off.'
Popoi had been traveling with a farmer and their family on a wagon pulled by a yellow bird similar to Rydia's. The family happened to be heading through here, probably on the way out to somewhere safer, in case their farm was targeted next by the Hobgoblin Raiders. Popoi thanked the family before wishing them good speed and safe travels from here on out.

Popoi had been found by the family when they first arrived in the World Tree, having temporarily adopted by them until they realized the child was some kind of fairy being, and became immediately mistrusting of them due to their superstitious nature. Not wanting to invoke the ire of any fae creature, but not wanting them to stay, Popoi requested they drop them off at the nearest town from here.

The sprite would have to remember not to cast magic for any reason outside of an emergency within these lands, their appearance, coupled with their ties to the elementals, would probably spook these bumpkin types, they thought to themselves. Still, their magic helped til their soil and irrigate their farmland, which earned them a few coins for a stay at the local Inn for today, as they spotted what looked like said establishment, and headed in that direction.
    Appleby certainly does not get visitors like Matsu very often, that's for sure. But she seems to do well enough for herself when the shoos off the pesky adventurer trying to bilk her and her attendant...
    Meanwhile, Rydia is settling in to her seat on the tail end of that encounter. Though she spends a beat in quiet conversation with the innkeeper regarding a hot meal and place to stay, after that is handled she plants her elbows on her table and props her chin in her palms.
    "The 'bodyguard' shakedown?" She asks in a mild tone, just about as Popoi meanders on toward the inn, that mass of red hair practically visible from a mile away pulls Rydia's attention toward the door curiously.
Matsu Shuzenji
    Now that the goon is gone, the girl's attendant wastes no time in... well, okay, she wastes a little time. That was scary. "Lady Matsu, that was... that was unbecoming language for one of your..." 'Lady Matsu' lets out a quiet sigh, shaking her head. "A slab of muscle like that doesn't care about 'unbecoming language', and we're nowhere near the court, Naeka. It got rid of him, didn't it?"

    She glances up at the sound of Rydia's voice, looking from one table to another. "...yeah. The bodyguard shakedown," she confirms, nodding her head faintly. "Picked bad marks, though." Well, one bad mark, anyway. Naeka looked like she'd have been strongarmed into it.
Popoi was certainly an unusual sight, with their vibrant, facial markings and native attire and accessories, and of course that untamed mop of red hair, all of which belongs to a very diminutive individual. It took them a bit in order to get the Innkeeper's attention, well after Rydia had headed towards a table. Upon speaking to the one running the counter, they were required to prove they even had real coinage, and not some kind of glamour made to look like money. The coins were thoroughly examined and even had a dash of salt applied to them. It seemed it was more than simply their magic that sparked distrust, something about them just seemed 'impish' to the locals here.

"Are you done yet? I don't see another way you could test them, they're real. I don't carry any funny money on me." The sprite insisted, before the Innkeeper relented and allowed them a room and a meal, along with a warning if the coins should later turn into shiny rocks in the moonlight once evening had come. The Sprite looked mildly exasperated after that exchange, looking to find an out of the way table to sit down at for now.
    With the goon gone, Rydia drums her fingers on her cheek gently.
    "Well, as a mage, if you're sure you can take care of yourself then more power to you." She says mildly, the ghost of a smirk forming on the Summoner's lips as Matsu's attendant attempts to correct her lady's unbecoming language.
    "Honestly a little sass never hurt anyone. And if it keeps guys like that away..."
    Of course the Big Green Sass Machine would approve of Matsu.
    Then Popoi actually enters and Rydia can't help but frown at.
    While sprites my be known for their impish nature, the level of hostility and mistrust displayed by the inn staff makes the Caller twitch.
    "They're just a kid. If their money's no good then put them on my tab." That likely won't be necessary once the innkeeper finds the coinage to be well and good, but.
Matsu Shuzenji
    There is a tiny little... something, bickering with the innkeeper.

    Matsu Shuzenji spends several seconds just staring. Then, she quietly turns to her attendant.

    "Naeka. Look. I'm not the shortest person in the room."

    To her credit, Naeka makes a valiant attempt at stifling the laugh.

    Returning her attention to Rydia, the young Phoenix Maiden shakes her head faintly. "If something really dangerous appears, I might need assistance. I'm a healer and exorcist. But I can handle myself well enough to deal with common riff-raff like brigands or wild animals." Pause. "...I'm Matsu. Head of the Shuzenji clan." She watches the interplay between Rydia and the innkeepr with mild interest, occasionally glancing at Popoi.
Popoi was surprised to see at least one among the patrons speaking up for them, as they figured it was going to be a bit of a rough patch while they were in these rural parts of this region. They seemed to have an exotic look them as well, though different from their attire, a lot more eye catching, that was for sure. They figured they should at least introduce themselves for being kind enough to attempt to look out for them, even if they figured they could handle any brush-offs and cold shoulders the people here directly their way.

"Thanks back there, not too many friendly types in these parts if you happen to be a Sprite." They said while moving a little closer towards Rydia's direction, though not wanting to overstep their bounds regarding personal space, since they seemed to be speaking with somebody else who looked like some kind of nobility. Those types were just about as unpredictable as many of the travels they came across, some could be polite and kind while others could be uppity and hostile. Taking a wait and see stance at first.
    It takes a concerted effort of Rydia's willpower to not snort at Matsu's height comment.
    "Rydia of Mist." That's her introduction, once she rallies, quietly clearing her throat. "I'm not exactly an adventurer by trade, but I happen to do a lot of adventuring." She says in regards to her occupation. "Healers and exorcists tend to be in high demand in this field, but I can imagine you have your hands full being head of a clan and all."
    As to Popoi, though, Rydia goes so far as to nudge a seat out at her table with her boot.
    "A Sprite huh. So that's what you are." She muses thoughtfully.
    "There was a time when I lived with pixies, actually."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "I'm not an adventurer," Matsu says, and the tone of her voice indicates it's an explanation she's long since tired of giving. "It is below the station of an Arashi-no-Moto noble to accept jobs for pay. I am simply on a mission of mercy in the name of friendship, and should that friendship be reciprocated in the form of monetary donations, that is perfectly acceptable."

    The look on her face says how she feels about the whole speech.

    Shaking her head, she shifts attention to Popoi. "Where I'm from, we have proper reverence for benevolent spirits. If anyone gives you trouble, I'll set them on fire."
Popoi sees that the two of them are both quite welcoming, as they head closer and climb up onto the offered seat. The top of their eyes barely clearing the tabletop as they sit down, and only because they tilted their head upwards in order to see better, "Yeah, used to live with others like me, until I strayed too far from my village and ended up, well here. Here being this world that seems to be spread out on what looks like branches. I haven't found a way back, so I've decided to just travel for now, see where I end up I guess."

"So..ah pleased to meet you Rydia of Mist." Their head turns towards the direction of Matsu, "You as well, Miss Noble. No need to set anyone on fire, too many things here other than people that would just end up catching fire too. Kinda hard to sleep in a burning bed, ya know? Anyways, I'm not here to hurt anyone, maybe once the people here see that, they won't think I'm going to cause trouble."

Besides, it's no fun to cause mischief if everyone's expecting it.
    "Oh so it's like that is it." Rydia murmurs to Matsu's explanation. "I didn't take you for the career adventurer type anyway." But then Matsu says she'll go and set people on fire.
    That makes Rydia cover her mouth to stifle a giggle.
    "Well I don't think you should go that far. I'm sure you could burn someone just as easily with your words as with your fire."
    But then she waves a hand breezily. "Just Rydia is fine, really. And I think our Sprite friend here has a point. People tend to flail and run around like flaming chocobos when on fire." Mused as she rises from her seat.
    "Anyway, as much as I'd like to keep chatting... I've got an early day's ride ahead of me tomorrow. I was going to look into that thing happening over in the neighboring town, Green Field."
Matsu Shuzenji
    For the second time in minutes, the white-haired girl introduces herself, though it's a fair bit more formal for Popoi somehow. "Shuzenji-no-Matsu, Phoenix Maiden and head of the Shuzenji clan. And my attendant, Naeka. It is an honor." She bows her head at her table (as does Naeka), and then adds, "Matsu is fine, if you prefer it." There is a pause as a plate of food arrives, and the unmistakable wide eyes of a hungry teenager show up, however briefly. "...that's what brought me out here," she replies with a faint nod. "But there's some trouble with my carriage's wheel. They don't know if they'll get it fixed quickly or not."
Popoi looks between Rydia and Matsu, "Right, got it." Having the shorter versions of their names, so there's less confusion and less chance of them forgetting how to address them later on, "Yeah, sun is already starting to go down now. After I get my belly full, I'll probably be getting in some shut eye as well. So they got something going on over in the next town that's got all these swordsmen and spellslingers interested, probably some sort of big trouble then. Maybe I should follow along as well."

"It's an honor to meet you too, Matsu. Hopefully we can both take care of what sort of problem they got over in Green Field."