World Tree MUSH

Light and the Absence of Light

Character Pose
  The town of Kaipo is a little oasis in the desert, a nowhere that happens to be on the road to somewhere. It doesn't have very much to speak of for the metropolitan traveller. It has plenty of sand, a bunch of rocks, an oasis or two, and a nice little inn.

It's this inn that the Summoner of Mist had dragged her evident ally, and where the pointy-eared young woman has largely stayed, suffering from apparent exhaustion. Now, after a few days after the incident spent resting, Rydia's guest has finally seen fit to explore her new surroundings. She knows nothing of this place. It would be wise to change that.

So it is that a dark-robed figure is padding carefully down one of the town's avenues, just as the market is rolling up for the night. Normally the Hylian wouldn't be much of a conspicuous figure, but here, where magic is somewhat common, her presence says all it needs to for her -- this is a creature of divinity, or closely bound to divinity somehow.

Otherwise, the robe is pretty nice. It's of royal craftsmanship, after all. It's subtle, but costly -- rich black material, with subtle patterns embroidered in genuine silverthread. The figure seems to be looking for nothing in particular; just strolling along without purpose.

Really, it's just nice to get out after being down for a while.
Cecil Harvey
    Look. Cecil was responsible for murdering a young girl's mother, burning down her village, and making a wandering hero into a reviled villain. He also dresses in dark armor and has an echoing voice in his helmet, and wields a blade of blackest night. So what is he to do when out an about?


    Cecil has his helmet off at least, but he still has the armor of a Dark Knight. His back against a wall, he's rubbing his chin and absently watching the people pass by, probably not actually paying attention to any that aren't... well, unusual. The only thing odd about Zelda is she is wearing a dark robe in the desert.

    Though, for one who is a Dark Knight, Cecil has astoundingly clear eyes.
  The robed figure must have caught sight of Cecil. It gradually slows, looking almost wary for a moment. Armour like that is usually not much of a good sign. It tends to speak of the kinds of monsters Hyrule's histories warn of -- most often, the bearer of the Triforce of Power. According to myth... well, he's usually not a very nice kind of guy. This one might warrant a little caution.

After a few seconds, though, the head cants faintly to one side. The posture seems thoughtful. Evidently deciding on something, the figure turns and approaches Cecil.

Dark armour and brooding and all.

"Excuse me." Surprisingly, it's a young woman's voice, soft and hushed. She had asked Rydia for a basic description of her Dark Knight travelling companion, and this fearsome figure seems to match it.

"I am looking for a man named Cecil. Are you he...?"
Cecil Harvey
    That is a question! Cecil looks up when the woman approaches, eying the eyes, the carriage... and the ears. Yes, this is not a native, but someone different. Certainly not a native to Kaipo, and perhaps not to his world at all. So asking for him by name?

    "Yes, I am Cecil. Is there a problem?" He frowns. "I'm sorry, I have a lot on my mind, that was too abrupt. To whom do I owe the pleasure, and what can I do for you?" He straightens, trying to present himself a little better. He hasn't been feeling all that great, but at least he isn't the type to head to the bar when things go wrong.
  "Forgive me; I did not mean to startle you." The figure's hood lowers slightly in deferential gesture. "There is no problem."

"I am an acquaintance of Rydia of Mist. My name is not important, at least not yet." The woman's hood lowers slightly, enough to hide her features. "I am something of a friend, not a foe. Certainly an ally at the very least."

"I would like a moment of your time," she continues, "if you are not too busy. More than that, I'm afraid I must ask if we may speak somewhere more private, but it is my hope that we may be able to help one another..."
Cecil Harvey
    Hm. Anyone should be suspicious of that request, and Cecil is no different, even if the woman before him seems pleasant enough. The use of Rydia's name makes him wince, though. He owes the girl, and he's well aware of that fact. It make the decision far easier, doesn't it?

    Cecil nods toward a quiet place, behind a tree of the oasis town. It isn't super private in the sense of a dark alley, but nobody should interrupt them. "Very well, I can provide that much. Standing here staring is not helping matters, is it?"
  The robed figure pads along behind Cecil as he leads the way to a venerable old tree around which nobody else is gathered. It's as suitable as can be found without venturing inside a building, and neither party seems inclined to trust so far sight unseen.

"No. It is not." Once both have retreated behind the tree, away from sight of the main thoroughfare, one gloved hand reaches up from the depths of the robe. Dark grey leather travelling gloves, slightly cracked from the elements, sweep back the hood that covers the figure's face.

She can't be much further than her twenty-second year. Her hair is darkened honey-blonde, gathered into an elegant-looking braid. Her eyes are blue, clear as an autumn sky. Perched atop her brow is a crown of golden leaves, set with a sapphire. A smile flickers across her face, but it's tired.

"I suppose I should explain myself. Thank you for your time." She walks over to the tree, and though the robe hides how she folds her arms, the way she leans back against the trunk suggests they're folded. "I fought recently with Rydia an a number of others against two figures intent on unleashing a world-destroying monster from the depths of a ruin. We were forced to retreat, and in so doing she did me a great service. She has indicated you may be of some help to me in the problems of my own realm that I face."

She cocks her head slightly, studying Cecil with far more serenity and scrutiny than she might seem capable of. There is a careful deliberation about her that is at odds with her apparent age. "I should also like to offer my own services to Rydia and her companions, as well." She gestures toward Cecil's armour. "You seem polite enough, in spite of your trappings."

"Ah, but where are my manners?" Zelda doesn't quite bow, but she does incline forward in respectful gesture. "I am Prin--Queen-Regent Zelda, of the Kingdom of Hyrule," she corrects herself, with a small smile that's almost sardonic. "Forgive me my secrecy. I realise it is quite suspicious, and perhaps a little ridiculous, but I have sufficient reason for it."
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil crosses his arms, but it's in a manner that says 'speak, I am listening.' His eyes are on Zelda as she reveals herself, one eyebrow lifting in mild surprise while he listens. Some concern is there, and he shakes his head in mild worry. The fact that it was handled is his only relief.

    At the rest though... "My full name is Cecil Harvey, formerly Knight of Baron. Yes, I am a Dark Knight... it is dark power, but I learned it to protect the kingdom. A kingdom that I thought was..." He stops and shakes his head. "My oaths still apply. To protect the innocent and uphold the right."
  "Then, I am honoured to meet you, Cecil Harvey." Zelda offers a slight smile. "There is always a need for those who pursue honour and justice, if what you say is true. Whether in this world or in Hyrule, or places beyond, I believe in that. Where there is shadow, there is also light... but so long as you are aware of the knife's-edge that you tread, which I believe you do, then I must respect that."

The fact that he spoke politely to her, even after she took him by surprise, speaks volumes about his quality of character.

"I have something of the opposite, I must say, but that is neither here nor there, for the moment." Zelda dips her head, momentarily, turning aside to regard the tough, desert greenery growing beside the tree. It's a tidy little plaza, in a Spartan, sandy sort of way. "If those are your goals, then we seek much the same thing, although at the moment my priorities lie in a different realm."

"I have told my tale to Rydia. I will tell it to you, as well, and allow you to choose whether or not you should like to offer your sword."

Even if her subjects might think she's gone crazy, if they get a good look at him and how he solves... 'problems.'

She'll wait, though, for his acknowledgement to continue.
Cecil Harvey
    Sigh, "So much strife in my world, and it seems that these others have their own problems as well. I suppose that is the way of things." He straightens. "I owe Rydia much for giving me a chance to make things up to her. If she offered my name, then she must think that this is something I should pay attention to."

    He then glances at his blade. "Despite the nature of the power, it is useful. You are right, it is a dangerous line to walk, but the danger is to me, not those around me."
  "I fear you will not find differently in other realms." Zelda shakes her head slowly, adjusting the lay of her hood around her neck. "It seems there are a fair amount of realms suffering from problems of their own. Who are we to turn aside those in need? I will help others, where I can, but I must also do what I can for my people... if it is not too late."

"Hyrule's time is running out."

The Hylian seems to gauge Cecil's response, studying him calmly and quietly. Finally, she shakes her head, but the gesture is subtle. "Fear not. I will not ask of you anything you are unwilling to do... and I would not ask if the need were not great."

"My kingdom has been usurpsed by the Twilight King, who assaulted the royal audience hall after slaughtering the royal family and our royal guard." Zelda's eyes follow Cecil's, regarding his sword thoughtfully as she relates her tale. "He summoned twilight over Hyrule, and where it lay, it transformed my people into helpless spirits, unaware of their own fate; aware only of fear of a nameless evil." Her expression hardens. "In order to spare my people from a crushing war that they could not win, I surrendered to him, however much it left a foul taste in my mouth to see him desecrate my ancestors' throne."

She draws in a breath through her nose; lets it go through her mouth. "I seek to liberate my kingdom from the usurper, but I have not the power to do so as I am now. However, I have allies within Hyrule. It is important that I find them, and have implored any whom I can trust to help me in my search. They will be the first steps in setting Hyrule right."

"The first is Link." Lifting a hand, she places it on the trunk of the tree, tracing gloved fingers along its rough, scarred bark. "He is the Chosen Hero, the one whom the goddesses have marked to rise up and defend Hyrule in its time of need, as the heroes of past eras have always done."

She holds up her right hand, and a golden light flares on the back of it -- a crisp triangular symbol. "He will have the mark of the Golden Goddesses on his hand. The last time that I saw him, he was in the form of a sacred wolf, with eyes of blue and the mark of the goddesses at his right hand. I realise it is a desperately long shot... but it is important that I find him."

"The other is Midna, a member of the race of the Twilight Realm, and its rightful ruler, having had her position stolen from her by the current Twilight King; the very same who had conquered Hyrule." Zelda looks back to Cecil, searching. "It is my hope that Link and Midna are still travelling together, able to protect one another, but nothing is certain in these days. I would be very much obliged if you would speak with me if you should see either of them. I would find some means by which to make it worth your while -- although your reward would out of necessity be in favours, and not in any material gain." Her thin smile is bitter. "I'm afraid my access to the royal treasure is somewhat... restricted... right now."
Cecil Harvey
    Cecil listens, as he can hear the entire story. He has his own, but unlike Zelda he knows little of what his own task must be. There's still too little he understands. So... he listens, nodding his head slowly as more comes to light. His frown deepens as the story goes on, but toward the end he sighs.

    "It sounds as if your world has a hero, but perhaps this new... situation... has complicated things," he muses. "I will keep an eye out, of course. That is the least I can do. And once we find our footing here, perhaps we can even help directly with your world. I'm still not used to the means of travel between worlds yet, it's not that familiar to me." And Rydia has, ha!

    But... "You do, of course, have my aid whenever possible. I can see why Rydia likes you, and no reward is necessary in any case. I swore to protect the innocent, and the kingdom. Now I have no kingdom, but I see no need to negate the rest of that."
  The princess is silent as the Dark Knight takes in her story, studying him and his reactions. She's calm as she does, and when she does act or speak, it seems to be only after careful deliberation. Hyrule's ruler is at least nothing if not thoughtful. She seems to have little care for her own safety in this regard. Her every effort has gone towards freeing her people, and her appearance reflects that. There are shadows under her eyes, and a slight gauntness to her, as though she had been fleeing her hunters for some time before meeting with Rydia.

Zelda smiles, though, and all exhaustion is forgotten.

Folding a hand over her heart, she bows, inclining her head in respectful gesture. "I thank you, Cecil Harvey, and I am certain that Hyrule does as well. Hyrule's Chosen Hero is out there, somewhere. I must believe that. It is only a matter of finding him. Once we have, we can begin to set the kingdom to right and heal from the usurper's careless and heartless treatment of my kingdom and my people."

And when that day of reckoning comes, she's going to be leading the charge. She'll let her new friends and allies help her in any way they feel right -- except for Zant. Zant is hers. There is a certain degree of personal pride at stake, and a personal desire for justice. That little gutless worm did happen to murder her family, after all.

It'll feel good.

Right now, though, resting sounds like an even better option. "When Hyrule is restored, if you speak true of honuor and justice, than you shall have a place there, if you should choose. I see, now, why Rydia has recommended you."

"However, I am not ready to liberate Hyrule from the twilight." She shakes her head. "I must rest, and regain my strength. I have been running for some time now. For the time being, I should return to Rydia; she has been kind enough to watch over me." With a faint smile and another last bob, the princess reaches up, folding her hood back down to hide her face and her pointed ears. "Thank you, Cecil Harvey. Hyrule will thank you, when the time comes."

She turns, already setting off for the inn that Rydia had put her up at.

"Farewell. May the Goddesses watch over you."