World Tree MUSH

Broly vs. Aurelia Argent

Character Pose
Aurelia Argent
    The grassy arena is well lit, obscuring the people in the stands, who are only faintly visible from the bright reflection. There's introductions over the speakers of course. Aurelia's armor glitters and reflects sunset colors under the glare, the mass of it making the petite woman look stouter than she really is. She waits to politely introduce herself to her opponent.
    Aurelia took a breath. The point wasn't necessarily to win, as her mentor had explained. It was to learn. With very few exceptions, Aurelia had not really faced danger over the course of her magical girl career. Sparring with opponents from other worlds, with different styles and abilities; that is why she signed up for the tournament.
    Still, she was nervous.
Broly's skin was his armor. His fists were his swords. His teeth were his gauntlets. When Broly was announced, he steps out into the grassy arena. His footsteps rattle the ground but by bit as his height alone towers over Aurelia's smaller frame. Broly had intense eyes, but seemed kind. 

He didn't need to win. He had lent up aggression. He looked at Aurelia, his eyes flashing with green energy. "Hnnnnnh." He grunts. He starts to approach steadily. "Broly." He introduces himself. No salute, no soldier's discipline. A brawler.
Aurelia Argent
    Keeping with Broly's short introduction, Aurelia introduces herself. "Metallia Gold." Her face is hidden behind the sculpted face plate, though the transformative magic does make her face look different enough from her mundane alter-ego to throw off comparisons. Aurelia is apparently as unarmed as Broly, with no obvious weaponry.
    That changes with a wave of the hand and a thunder-like crack as a metal baseball bat is pulled from elsewhere and swung at the larger saiyen. No, not swung. Thrown, the bat twisting into a rope-like shape as it whirls towards Broly's ankles.
Broly grunts in reply to Aurelia's introduction and he slowly gets into a fighting stance. Arms slightly uplifted as his dark hair is carried on a suddenly strong breeze. Though she conjures her weapons and Broly finds himself attacked! 

A baseball bat with a thunder like crack is being tossed at Broly as the Legendary Saiyan tries to rush forward, throwing a ball of explosive green energy at Aurelia in the form of a Ki blast! A clash that will no doubt meet between then. Which will be stronger, the ki or the bat?
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia carves a furrow in the grass as she dives for cover, avoiding the ki blast. She refocuses her magic, using the massive weight of the orichalcum plate to return to her feet with a thud. Then, hoping Broly hasn't snapped the impromptu metal ankle restraints, she makes a throwing gesture with a gauntleted hand, attempting to hurl her huge foe out of bounds.
The bat proved superior! It goes straight through the blast and curls itself around Broly like some kind of trick! The metal scratches and strains along Broly's body, causing this man-beast to howl in anger. "Nnnnnvgggghhhhhh!!! I will break you." Broly growls his words through his teeth as he tries hard to break out of it with a rip of his arms,z hoping to snap through the metal as a green wave of ki emerges from him in all directions! "LET ME OUT!" 

Hopefully, this intercepts Aurelia's telekinesis vis her gauntleted hands and overwhelms that force with his own or Broly's going for an aerial trip.
Aurelia Argent
    The twisted metal of the bat shatters from the ki blast, and the shockwave sends Aurelia tumbling perilously close to the edge of the ring. Getting her bearings, she halts herself mid-air, turning to face Broly and righting herself.
    Dropping to her feet, Aurelia takes a gamble and reaches out into the ground below Broly's feet. And causes it to heave upwards in a spray of mud and grass as a water pipe is violently wrenched upwards to the surface.
Broly is free! 

Broly was floating in the air as he started to growl, his hair started to turn blue, but his rage wasn't great enough to transform into a Super Saiyan. Broly charges, his fists clenched as he leaps across the arena to try and bash Aurelia with a powerful swing of his fist. He has to get passed the chasm and the water. No way to dodge that kind of attack, but we must see if it will hurt him or strike him hard enough to divert his course! This is the moment where a Victor will be decided!
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia rolls with the punch, not being anything resembling fast, to mitigate the physical harm.
    That said, she is knocked out of the ring and marked as the loser in this contest. When she does get her wind back, she calmly walks over to Broly and extends her hand.
    "Good match, thanks a lot Mr. Broly."
Broly strikes true! He hits hard and he hit fast. There was little mercy in his swing and the only reason why Aurelia was not more hurt was her ability and skill to mitigate the damage. When Aurelia is decided to have lost and Broly as the Victor, he pauses and recomposes. He remembers Paragus's words to him, his training. he approaches Aurelia and his massive hand near envelopes her own as he shakes her hand. 

"Good fight." Broly speaks clearly, yet even when he compliments it strangely sounds like a threat.

A worthy battle indeed!