World Tree MUSH

Snacks in Night City!

Character Pose
A world of technology. 

Of wonders of modern science that one can only dream of. Yet, today, a different kind of Wonder was walking through the streets of Night City. He was large, muscular, with shaggy black hair and a beast hide around his waist. Black armor about his legs and and some kind of white and purple and green gear around his feet.

People noticeably seem to avoid him, thinking him some kind of cyberpsycho freak. He's gotta be. No natural physique leads to whatever the hell /Broly/ is.

He takes notice of police vehicles, and he snarls a bit, his fist clenching tight when one of them sneers at him.

This place was dangerous.
 In a world of Chrome, anger and very loose morals certainly the Saiyan stood out. Just as another towering figure might as well, one who was currently moving out of a building where a crowd had been gathered and making her way towards one of the 'Joe's Diners' that rested nearby. 

It had never really been Adora's intention to use her powers for personal gain once she'd come to understand what She-Ra was...but there had never been a rule against it and now? It was about survival. Between the Fright Zone and Brightmoon, she'd never really had to -work- for money to live before, but Night City was nothing like that and after she'd found Catra running some less-than-legal loot to earn funds, talk of the paid fist-fighting rings had been enough to get Adora's attention.

The fact that she had -no- chrome made most people bet against her, and some tall blonde woman wearing white and gold, complete with a damn tiara didn't exactly look like the most fearsome foe compared to some of the chromed thugs...

But well, Magic was a lot harder to quantify and now? The 'Princess of Power' had gotten paid enough to make sure she could be fed and have a roof over her head.
The rules always change. 

The rules always shift.

Night City was no such exception. Broly was shirtless, revealing a body of scars and hardened living for survival. He doesn't say words like 'excuse me' or anything like that to get by people. They move or they get run over. But what got his attention?

A fighting ring, of all things.

Broly is stepping into the place, green eyes looking around with a light growl. He didn't need bets. He needed a good fight. He sees the strange woman in gold and white, his head tilting. What kind of armor was that?
 Sensing Ki and magic didn't generally tend to line up, but there was a certain radiance about her. Of course, She-Ra's fight was done, her newly aquired funds currently earning her a meal and a coffee...or at least that was the intent, but the sight of Broly stepping past her and towards the ring that close has her too meeting his gaze. One out of place soul could spot another! 

Of course, the large shirtless man who was clearly ripped was definately going to get attention and sure enough while She-Ra's own opponent had been dragged away the next Chromed up ganger moving to claim some funds for himself steps into the ring and offers his challenge:

"Alright, that wasn't nuthin! Who wants a real fight Chooms?"

Broly's voice is deep as thunder. The gargantuan man leaps into the ring, his feet rumbling when his weight impacts the ring. He cracks his neck, walking towards the strange Chromed up man. Broly seemed unfamiliar with the various prosthetics and technological super-enhancements that these people had. Yet, they seemed overtly confident in their ability to fight.

The Saiyan will put their strength to the test.

"Make the first blow."
 If Broly was ignorant of Cyborg enhancements? Well, the Ganger was far, -far- more ignorant about the alien species before him. Perhaps they should be more worried about the non-chromed who were turning up of late, but clearly the man wasn't the quickest learner. It should be worrying when someone was volunteering to let you hit them first when your fists were made of literal steel. 

A shrug, the man rushes forwards, pistons hissing as his augmented arm swings for what was clearly intended to be a one-punch knockout.

Adora herself, she turns around at the announcement of the invited strike, concern on her face...
The Saiyan Race was a people of warriors. Of skill, conquering, and sheer annihilation. 

This over-hyped robot was /exactly/ the kind of thing you scoff at. The swing that comes for Broly's face is met with the /least/ amount of care possible. In fact, he stands there and /takes it/.

His face doesn't even move.

The impact is hard enough to ring out the entirety of the fight ring, and Broly /stares/ at his opponent with a grimace and rage filling his eyes. His fist clences....and he reels his hand back and with a movement that borders a blurr, he moves to strike the Cyborg right back!

...hard enough to make a 'Choom' disappear.
 Shock. Horror. Gasps...and maybe a little celebration for the one or two folks that had decided to bet on the random shirtless seems that the fight was over before it even began. Adora herself could only blink and slowly lower the milkshake she'd been sipping from as she's made to watch the aftermath before exhaling her assessment in a single word. 

Broly actually scoffs. 

"That's it?"

Broly rolls his arm then, turning to look where only the man's shoes remained. He starts to turn, looking at everybody else. "I thought I was going to see a /real/ fight?" Broly shakes his head, and starts to turn on his heel. There's plenty of time for another challenger, and Broly is looking around the place for anyone who thinks they have what it takes.
 Funnily enough, noone seemed particularly eager to get pulped by a single punch like the last guy, leading to people to part quite readily. Even Adora wasn't exactly sure what she was dealing with there. Still, she does at least seem to be one of the few who didn't immediately flee, instead seeming to frown and stare at him for a moment as she took another sip from her drink. "You're...not from Etheria, are you?"
People are scrambling away from the Legendary Super Saiyan. Broly simply watches them scurry off like rodents whose had a light shined upon them. of them doesn't go anywhere. Adora doesn't move an inch from Broly when he finally decides to approach. "No. I do not know what that is." Broly says in a voice like thunder, though incredibly serious, he seems to have truly no idea what an 'Etheria' is. 

"Is that a planet?"

Well, it was, truely. The blonde in white, the 'princess of power' just simply seems to stare at the man who actually matched her transformed height easily before nodding her head. "But you're definately not from this city either, huh?"