World Tree MUSH

Stelle-ar Conversation

Character Pose
    By the time people come to look for her, Stelle has made her way down to the control hub, from the Base Zone infirmary. She's currently being talked at by a small puppet-like girl with brown hair, and purple attire.

    "Just keep in mind, I'm very fickle. If you do stay around here? I'll likely get bored of you as a lab rat before too long." says Herta with an air of derision. "Himeko used up her last favour I owed her to get my attention, but I'm actually glad she did... Just, if they offer to take you with them? I'd go with them. Just make sure you come back from time to time, I'll message you when I have a new experiment to run."

    Stelle blinks a bit, "Do I even get a say in any of this?"

    Herta quirks a brow. "Do what you want, I don't really care."
    Wandering off to find Stelle, Jessica has finally managed to find the girl with that description! Making her way here, she walks in with ears perked, unsure what she's just walked in on, a worried twitch to one of the ears and her tail curling lightly.

    "O-oh. I guess it was good to try this one last," she mumbles. "It um, really gives a sense of Closure to the investigation." Then her voice rises. "Hello!"
    And who should walk in behind Jessica but Rebecca.
    "Yo! Sup, chooms!" The short-statured solo says as she raises a metal mitt in greeting. Yeah it's just not easy to shake her, especially when something as interesting as Herta Station appears.
    "... Who's the doll?"
    Herta glances at the others approaching. "Looks like the other riff raff are showing up. I'm going to my office, remember my offer lab rat." she remarks, before the doll body seems to go inert. Whatever presence was controlling it has left, it seems.

    March 7th and Dan Heng come in not long after Rebecca, the two young Trailblazers looking a bit more relaxed than during the combat the other day.

    Stelle, for her part, turns and looks at everyone assembled. "Um... well, hi?" she replies to Jessica. Rebecca earns a nod next. "That's Herta. She apparently owns this station." "I had this station built. Not that I care to run it day-to-day." pipes up the Doll before resuming its inert state. "... that." adds Stelle.

    She looks at March and Dan, golden eyes searching the former's before she looks away. "I... I don't know anything more than you do, so if you're here to interrogate me it's not worth the effort."
    Jessica rubs her head sheepishly, looking guiltily at Herta, "Ah, sorry." But after the doll goes inert she doesn't really pay more attention than that, examining Stelle instead, but stepping aside so as not to get in Rebecca's way. Because she knows by now that the other girl is not exactly patient.

    When the other to are coming in she triies a friendly wave, but speaks to Stelle, "Oh, hello, we were just talking to um... Welt? I thought you'd still be in bed! Oh right, I'm Jessica, nobody important here. I'm from offworld."
    Ah so much for the doll. She just kind of up and went... Inert like the Dragon Balls.
    "Geeze, she's uh... A people person huh. ... People doll maybe?"
    "Now hold up. This isn't an interrogation. We just want to ask you some stuff. Promise we won't like waterboard you or anything. I'm Rebecca~."
    "Stelle." replies the young woman, straightening up a bit. "That's it." she adds, rubbing one upper arm with the opposite hand. "I don't remember anything before I woke up to those two standing over me." she says, indicating the pinkette and her stoic friend.

    These two once more introduce themselves, since Jessica wasn't there before. "I'm March 7th, and this is my travelling companion Dan Heng." the bubbly girl chirps, while the stoic guy just nods. He's not asocial, just stoic.
    "Amnesia? Oh no, that makes two..." Jessica frets, but doesn't explain any more. She's being addressed, so gives a shy smile hello. "Ah, nice to meet you. I'm just trying to figure out what happened here. You know, um, business opportunities. For the mercenary group I belong to!"

    She gestures at her sidearm. "But it's turned out to be kind of a weird story."
    "Yeah that's what that Welt guy said. Said you had no memory. Something about a Curio vault." Rebecca says. "What's a Curio vault and what were you doing inside it, anyway?"
    "As for me, I'm just a nosy solo that wandered far from home looking for a good fight. ... And found one. That was one hell of a doozy huh."
    Rebecca noticeably has her SMALLER duffel bag of guns on her right now. Never leave home without it.
    Stelle nods a bit, but doesn't say anything more, she's not exatly a fount of information.

    March 7th pipes up then. "Oh, yeah, Mister Yang said something about taking your info for future use." she remarks, then trots over to cling to Stelle's arm. "Miss Himeko wants to talk to you, when you're done down here, come up to the Supply Zone to see her when you can, kay?" she adds.

    Dan Heng asides to Rebecca. "Do you always carry a bag stuffed full of guns? How do you keep it organized?"
    Jessica answers when Dan says that to Rebecca, poking her head in from the side, "Oh, you can just tell by texture, size, weight, and smell when you push your hand in, it's easy!" Cheerfully explaining how to pull the 'correct firearm' out!

    To Stelle she flicks ears at, "It sounds like you're kind of lost! Well, here's my card too, in case you need to call a mercenary for backup! Or... batter up? Hmm..."
    Rebecca's answer to Dan Feng is pretty simple. She's about to go into detail when...
    Yeah. Yeah Jessica has the right of it.
    "... I like this chica, she's pretty slick." She says before giving Jessica a light bump with her elbow. "You're alright, girl."
    Then her attention returns to Stelle.
    "I don't have a card. But I've got a cellphone number you can call. It rings directly in my brain so I can pick up whenever."
    Cyborgs, man.
    Stelle nods, taking out her own phone to punch the numbers in... she then looks around. "I should go talk to Himeko, then... Sorry I'm not more help in figuring this out." she adds.