World Tree MUSH

Startle! An Alien from Space!?

Character Pose
Izuku Midoriya
    A section of beach at the very crack of dawn, so early that no one would want to visit because they have jobs, so remote that no one wants to be there, a spot that isn't popular just yet because it was originally a place full of trash and debris that people avoided. It was an ideal for someone to get some time alone to train, and that's what Deku was doing.

    Deku was moving an enormous tire across the entire beach, turning it end over end. His green eyes focused on this task while the rubber flopped again and again against the sand, and sweat beaded on his brow. He was focused the way people tend to get when they fall into their morning routines. He thinks about his off-world encounters, the close calls he's had, and has to stop to wipe some sweat from his brow and stare at the ocean with the sunrise lifting over the horizon, gazing at something that might differ from world to world.

    He was distracted, deep in his thoughts, and so would miss any sudden arrivals until they got noisy enough to break that inner storm.
    Earth, Age 753 at Papaya! It had been a rough time getting there, with all the trouble that both his old school and the adventures with a certain blue haired girl caused him, but after changing into a new set of clothes for the tournament provided by that very girl and giving his friend a ceremonial fist bump before going their separate ways, Vegeta had been ready to go out and at least pretend that anyone beyond the Turtle Hermit's pupil and Tien would be anything approaching competition. Of course, what he had planned to do and what actually happened weren't necessarily the same thing.
    It looked just like any other door, walking through it shouldn't have done anything more than taken him out of the changing room into the hallway leading to the stage. The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai was right out there, waiting for him.
    So why exactly is he falling through the air? It seems a twist of fate has seen fit to briefly connect his world with another, shunting him from it just as he walks through the door. Wide eyes stare at the beach far below and after taking seconds to process that sight, Vegeta twists his body to look up at the empty sky--there's not even a hint of the door he'd just walked through! "Wha--" is about all he can manage to get out before he slams, rather loudly and forcefully, into the water and beach under it not too far off shore. It's certainly forceful enough to cavitate the water surface and send a large amount of it up. Sunny with a chance of off-world rain, right?
    At least for a few moments he remains firmly rooted in the sand under him, staring up through the water as it begins to pool back into the empty space around him, still utterly confused by what's just happened. But eventually he does stand up. There's no great scream, no loud announcement. He's just kind of standing there, staring with a slackjawed, gobsmacked expression on his face.
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku looks up at the sound and sight of water shooting straight up into the air. He has wide eyes, and he momentarily looks around for signs of a fight between a hero and a villain, since he doesn't want to get caught in the crossfire if something is going on he wasn't aware of. But when nothing is forthcoming, and the guy gets up in a way that indicates his bones aren't broken from the impact, Izuku decides to begin his approach.

    He does a brisk jog over that way, and stops near Vegeta, slowing to a slow trot when the stranger seems a little... out of it. Worry creeps into Izuku's features immediately.

    "That was a nasty fall, are you hurt?" he wonders, and he looks up in the sky again and back down, "What happened...?" he asks, too. "Do I need to call for help?" He points off to where he left his cell phone.

    Izuku has a number of nerdy, altruistic mannerisms, and yet he seems to be built like an olympian athlete. Well, as close to a 15 year old kid can get, at least, which is pretty close. He's got a number of scars on his fingers and knuckles. His outfit is clearly a pair of training shorts and a training shirt... with All-Might's big grinning face on the front, and the phrase 'PLUS ULTRA' subtitling the image.
    He's a mind to get back up there and see if there is still a door hanging in the sky. Sure, it seems strange to think like that, but he's also seen a giant wish granting dragon bring someone back to life, so at this point Vegeta is perfectly willing to believe whatever magic took him from a locker room to the sky is still hanging around. However he doesn't even get off the ground before a voice brings him out of his thoughts.
    There's such a frown on his face when he turns to look at Izuku, brow furrowed in what looks like the most natural position it could take. He looks the kid in front of him over, and it's clear enough that he's not the average school boy by a long shot. From the general body shape to the scars to the...
    He's eyes land squarely on the shirt and on the grinning face looking right back at him and only at this point does the frown break and become something that seems like he's feeling all manner of things better left unspoken. So for now he looks up at the sky once more and shakes his head. "You tell me," he says in that gruff tone of his. "Where the hell is this and," he looks squarely back at Izuku and points to the shirt. "What the hell is that?" Well, at least he doesn't seem hurt. If anything he seems beyond physically fit. He's on the short side, but one would be forgiven for thinking his body was carved out of stone with how defined he is. His clothes however are pretty unremarkable, aside from the Capsule Corporation logo on his top.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku shrinks back from that look, surprised by the glower he's given. He tenses, because people like this are sometimes bad news, and he clams up real fast until the guy is done speaking. The green-haired boy answers, "You're in Musutafu, Japan," and then he goes on, "This is Dagobah Beach." The part about his shirt gets him to hesitate, to look down at his shirt, tugging at it and remembering what he's wearing. He had just grabbed the first thing on the stack that was clean.
    "That's All Might, the Number One Hero," he explains, "Are you from a different world? Everyone knows who All Might is around here!"

    Okay, maybe he has an overblown idea, it's like he's saying 'you didn't know the sky is blue???' with that tone of his.

    He realizes what he just said. "That's still weird to say out loud," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck and mulling over the words as they echo in his skull. 'Are you from a different world?' It's just so alien to him, even now.
    "What's Japan?" It seems the next logical question to ask when he's presented with a name he doesn't know. But the way Izuku shrinks away from him like that puts the frown right back on Vegeta's face. The kid is clearly built for fighting, but he's acting like this when someone's only asking questions? A soft scoffing sound leaves Vegeta's lips as he turns around to look back at the sky. A place he doesn't know and a hero he doesn't know? Granted he doesn't know a lot of people in his world, but if someone was going around being called the number one hero, he's almost certain he'd have heard of the man--heard of him and probably fought him.
    His arms cross. "Never heard of him." It's all he has to say on the matter, almost. "You should wear something more dignified," he huffs out before a very slight breeze picks up. It's really pushing out from him as ki builds up, shoving air out of the way, rippling the water around him. And then Vegeta starts to lift up into the air. He's got to see if there's a way back to Papaya Island from this... wherever Japan is.
    But he's stopped dead in his tracks by the last question and turns to look down at Izuku. "Different... world?" Did he get shunted all the way to another planet? The obvious next question is "What planet is this? It can't be Earth... but you're..." he trails off, looking Izuku over once more. "You're definitely human."
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku is, in a single word, awkward. He doesn't know how to react to a complete stranger treating him with aggressive disapproval like this, and it's obvious from his uncomfortable expression that he's trying to find a way to be tactful about it. Izuku's pristine nature makes his responses slower when dealing with someone so gruff on first impression. "Y-yeah, Japan," he mumbles, probably missed over the rest of what Vegeta says.

    "This is Earth," Izuku explains, "It's /a/ Earth, not the one you're from, I think." He looks up, looking for whatever connection briefly formed in the air up there, but its already obfuscated from normal view. He frowns thoughtfully and looks back down to Vegeta. "Yeah, I'm human. Everyone on this world is human... with a couple exceptions, and a lot of weird cases of humans that don't look human at all." He lists off on his fingers somewhat vaguely as he speaks, eyes lifted as he remembers a lot of the weird cases, such as the verifiable Rodent With A Quirk that is the very headmaster of the school he goes to. "Most humans on this world have powers. W... what about yours?"

    He smiles, a clumsy attempt at friendly small talk.
    His eyes briefly go back to looking up into the sky. The more he tries to see any hint of where he came from, the more Vegeta is beginning to think there's no way to go back the way he came. There's just nothing up there but more sky. His fist clenches and his teeth grind a little. He's not sure why he's so frustrated, because it's not like there was any danger he wasn't going to win the tournament. "I'm not going to see how far they came..." he mumbles off to himself before he gets back to staring at Izuku. It's less of that glaring frown this time, but no less forceful. He's spoiling for a fight at this point and he knows he shouldn't be. There are more pressing matters to worry about, but he needs to take his frustration out somehow.
    "It's full of weaklings. I can't imagine this place is any different; nothing but fragile humans pretending to be warriors." He growls out as his feet touch back down on the ground. A deep breath later and Vegeta is closing the last bit of a gap between him and Izuku. He's shorter than the younger boy in front of him, though not by much and his hair makes up for the difference! But the way Vegeta bears himself, one might be forgiven for thinking he was a towering mammoth of a man. "How do I get back? And it better be an answer I like or I'm going to find out just how much that body of yours is worth in a fight."
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku maintains eye contact as Vegeta approaches. The way his eyes change when he's threatened is like a switch is flipped. He knows that if he gets into a fight, he can only act in self-defense... if he abuses his Quirk here, he could be expelled, no, he could even be branded a 'villain' if people painted this encounter as a fight he instigated. His heart thumps in his throat from the horror of having to fight someone he's just met, someone who looks like he knows how to fight, someone that is absolutely challenging him.
    He doesn't cower at this range. His stance shifts the way someone does when prepping for a sudden attack. His hands stay relaxed, his legs shift, his feet take a better position for a variety of evasive maneuvers.

    "I don't know," he answers honestly, tension obvious in his body but his tone as diplomatic as he can get it. "I can help you find the way back, but it could take a while."

    He swallows nervously.
    He remains silent for some time after hearing the answer, staring down Izuku. Whatever he's thinking, he's doing a good job of keeping his face that otherwise unreadable frown, save for perhaps the slightest twitch of an eye when 'it could take a while' gets put into play. He's not really got a while to wait, but he also doesn't have any other ideas himself. Fingers clench a bit tighter, pops coming from his knuckles and then...
    Vegeta gives Izuku a tap on the chest, smirking a little. "So there is a spine in there somewhere," he says, turning around to stare out at the ocean before him. It definitely seems like things aren't going to be too bad for the young hero. "Fine, if you can get me back, that's good enough." But then again, he was looking forward to his inevitable fights with Tien and Krillin. With those not about to happen any time soon and someone right there beside him that looks like he's at least not too soft. "But I think I want to work off a bit of frustration anyway."
    Vegeta turns with a punch already coming right for Izuku's jaw. It's definitely not as hard as he can hit, given that he doesn't know how much punishment his new pun--sparring partner can take.
Izuku Midoriya

    Izuku is as solid as a rock from the tap. He looks... wary at the assertion that he's got a spine, though he does manage to smile. It's a compliment. It means he's improving his overall heroic demeanor. Vegeta doesn't seem... TOO bad, right? He just seemed surly, almost the way that Bakugo does. Wait, he's forgetting something vital about that comparison. Those words just before the spin were all the warning he needed to get ready for an oncoming attack. His eyes go wide and a mild frown shows on his face. He moves into the blow with obvious training, prepared to counter it with simple martial arts. As he moves, strange, faint red light spiderwebs over his skin, and his eyes glow brighter. Since it's a softer punch than Vegeta can throw at full strength, Deku can follow through on his counter, getting bruised from the impact, but twisting and trying to catch Vegeta by the forearm.

    He tries to over-the-shoulder throw Vegeta into the dirt with enough force that it'd knock the air out of even very powerful fighters, shouting, "Don't just punch people like that!"
    He's not expecting it, the way Izuku takes the punch seemingly without a care in the world. Even if it isn't near his full power, Vegeta's fairly confident the strongest person he knows would still have rather avoided that than take it for a chance at a counter. So when his arm is seized, the frown turns into wide-eyed surprise as he's hefted up and over and his back meets squarely with the ground. It's enough of a shock that it does briefly wind him, causing a gasp for air before he goes silent and stares up at the sky from that position on the beach. Surprise turns to confusion for a moment as he tries to process what just happened to him, running through everything he saw. There's practiced movement there, and a confidence to take the hit head on. This kid is hiding a deeper power.
    The prince of saiyans grins.
    Eager to see just what Izuku has to offer, he recovers quick, rolling onto his side before pushing off the sand. It craters from the force as he flings himself more than a few feet away and adopts a low stance, arms a little wide and legs braced. Though there's nothing to show for it right now, his dogi and hair blow as if in a wind and it's very likely Izuku can feel some kind of pressure pressing against him as Vegeta's ki flares to life. "Since I'm not going to fight my friend, I guess you can take his place for a little while."
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku flexes his hands and stands upright, looking down at the grinning saiyan with a deep, wary frown. He is not the type of person that enjoys fighting just for the sake of a fight. Therein lies madness, in his world, where powers are not on an even playing field and such a mentality could get someone killed very, very easily... maybe multiple someones.

    Vegeta's bounce into a low stance, and Deku waits for the next attack. One of the boy's eyes close from the strange pressure against him... he can't help but think of certain forms of media, the pressure of someone's fighting spirit or something. But the pressure's obviously being caused by that visible energy, some form of power native to where this stranger is from. The boy doesn't attack, though. He didn't come to the beach today to get into a fist fight with an alien. So he holds his ground.

    He hasn't got any school of martial art, it's just something of a basic stance with his hands lifted loosely to be ready to counter, a bit like a boxer. "Your friend?" he realizes, and his face softens in innocent confusion... This guy befriends people like this? "My name's Izuku Midoriya. Call me Deku, though."
    His grin is almost immediately wiped clean, returning to something more neutral while he observes Deku. The throw had made him think there was something more to the boy than what he originally thought--some sort of hidden depth he would hope to tease out to test himself against. But now that he's seen the stance adopted, it becomes pretty clear that Vegeta is struggling to not show he might be disappointed. It's so... it's not what he had been expecting. He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes for a moment to still himself. It won't do getting disappointed when the fight is about to begin. There's always time for that after.
    "Vegeta." It's all the response he gets before muscles tense up and he springs forward. He's clearly giving it more of his all, as he closes the distance surprisingly fast. It looks as though he's going to bring his fist in for another shot at Deku's face, but the feint is just that and while the left hand pulls back from it's path aimed at the young boy's head, Vegeta's right swings in low right for his stomach. Closer now, the pressure of his ki is definitely apparent and the careful eye might just notice the faint rippling of an aura around him from it. Regardless, Vegeta plans for only one of two things with the attack, to either end it in one blow, or force some of that power he thought Deku must have to come out.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku responds quickly, quickly enough that he might've been able to retaliate against the first hit, but he wasn't expecting a feint in the least. His hands go up, but don't move with enough agility to catch the real strike. He hasn't had nearly the training that Vegeta has in fighting, and he's left wide open for the hit. His eyes go wide and unfocus briefly from the pain of the impact, his stance sagging... but he grits his teeth stamps his feet in the sand. THUD!

    He then dips and weaves backward, and there's a burst of sand as he goes for a similar blow for Vegeta: An uppercut, bracing against the sand. Air follows his movements, raw physical force buffeting the air. This is not a hit Vegeta would enjoy tanking. It could probably pop him well up into the air if it makes purchase.

    "Would you just STOP!"

    Yeah, he isn't thrilled about this. He's not even allowed to use his Quirk outside of school or the off-world internships, but he hasn't had time to tell Vegeta that, and he doubts this guy would listen now. And this'll be the second time he'll get chewed out for it, if someone finds out this happened.

    Izuku drips with nervous sweat, desperation in his eyes. He's getting backed into a corner, that's clear.
    There it is, that's how to take a hit. Vegeta seems absolutely pleased that Deku isn't face down in the sand after one blow from him. If nothing else it means he can get a little more rough with him. But the retaliation comes faster than he would have anticipated from any normal fighter. It's not so fast he -couldn't- react to it, but he wants to know just what Deku can offer up in return and so he plans completely to let the hit land...
    Right until the last second when it becomes very clear taking it unguarded is probably not the smartest of ideas. Even so all he manages to do is get his hands in the way, his aura flaring up bright around them as he tries to hold the uppercut off. Teeth gritting and eyes wide, Vegeta puts more than he thought he would ever have to against someone. It still sends him a good distance into the air, lifting him from the ground with a steam of sand following behind him for at least part of the trip.
    Two flips and a few meters later, the sound of his ki bursting to life can be heard and his upward movement is finally arrested. At some point in his flight, his tail slipped free from around his waist and it sits behind him, twitching back and forth. Vegeta hovers there in the air, staring first at his hands before shaking them--that actually hurt. He's not sure if it was because of waiting so long to defend or if Deku is just that powerful, but regardless when he looks back down at the junior hero, he's got a smile that's so wide. And then he starts laughing.
    "This is great! I actually felt that!" His laughter drops off and he's left grinning down at Deku, fists clenching. "Finally, someone worth fighting."
Izuku Midoriya
    This is not a fight Izuku can win. He knows that immediately when Vegeta tanks the punch like that. At least, not a fight he can win trying to handle this sensibly. So far, Vegeta hasn't been trying to kill him, but Deku doesn't have a level beyond this, and he doesn't want to end up in the hospital, beaten unconscious, because some random weirdo decided to 'work out his frustration.'
    Deku considers his options while Vegeta is up there, floating. The combination of strength, speed and flight almost seemed unfair to the hero whose whole Quirk is just pure physical enhancement. Combos like that would always outclass most heroes in his world by default. He flexes his hand, and sparks crawl along his arm, the glow of red still shining over his skin. The power of Full Cowl could be maintained indefinitely, it was the only safe way to use his abilities.

    "I'm warning you, Vegeta. Getting into fights with people is illegal here, for both of us. I could get expelled, you could get arrested, or one of us could get killed because we don't have someone to stop us if we go overboard. You need to stop!"

    He still doesn't see a good reason to fight Vegeta... and has the implication he might kill Vegeta if he goes overboard nestled in there. He isn't exaggerating. One for All is not a power to be used frivolously. But... Deku's beginning to think he might have to overdo it just to get the point across here.

    "Knock it off!" he emphasizes, from a defensive position, wincing from the ache in his gut.
    He's rushing back down when Deku starts to talk and it's with only a less than a meter between them that he stops dead in the air, staring down at the boy with the dumbest look on his face. It's as if he can't even process the idea of the words he's just heard. Fists clenched and brow furrowing, he's weighing his options at the moment. On the one hand, he's not even sure anyone can arrest him if he really wanted to stop that from happening, but on the other hand, Deku has at least shown himself capable of posing something of a threat to him, so who's to say there aren't others around that could do the same? Maybe he could beat one person like Deku, but if three or four showed up at once...
    Vegeta finally lands, growling, staring a hole right into the young hero while his tail lashes about behind him in frustration. And then he's reaching out to grab Deku by the shirt and give him a good shake. "Then find a way to make it legal! You're the first person in fourteen years I feel like I can give even half of my strength without thinking I'll break you in half! I'm not about to let this go, my pride won't allow it!" A shove and arms crossed, Vegeta turns around and... is he sulking? Well, he looks more annoyed than anything, but it's clear Vegeta does not like the idea that he can't just fight someone he knows has strength he can test himself against.
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku is ready to get hit again, but there it is. Vegeta stops, and doesn't appear to be in a mood to fight anymore. Then the fight-hungry guy picks him up and shakes him, and wide green eyes stare down at the alien with a certain surprise. "W-wha--!" When he's set down again, he realizes what Vegeta is saying is: I have all this power, but no good outlet for it, no purpose to put it toward, no equals. There's a moment of sympathy in the freckled boy's face.

    There's that awkward silence, and Deku brings his hand up to his chin, and takes a blatantly thoughtful pose. He mutters to himself as he thinks over various ways to approach this. He pauses to look up at the portal that obviously didn't maintain... it means Vegeta can't go home, and it means a person with all of this power would be running around looking for a fight. So... Izuku lets out a sigh and lowers his hands down to his sides. "I'll go talk to the teachers at U.A. Academy. They might let you spar with me, for extracurricular training. A lot of what I'll be doing as a Hero will need the fighting skill you'd be able to train into me. But they'll need to have a judge on-call to keep it from getting too violent. Once I explain that you're looking for a way home, I'm sure they can help you with that, too."

    "What do you think of that? Uh... I can't make any promises, but they've been embracing other worlds pretty openly, and it'd be a good way for you to get some real, official work in doing something you obviously like doing."

    Biiig bright smile!
    He looks over his shoulder, brow furrowing. A finger taps on his arm while he observes Deku. He really just wants to start the fight up again and get going again, but Vegeta is also aware that clearly there are limits put in place on the kid. There's something he's just not used to having beyond the limits he has to purposefully impose on himself to not kill someone in sparring matches. It seems like an outright bother in his mind.
    Eventually he turns away and gives another annoyed huff as the offered solution to the problem is proposed. "Fine. It's clear you need the training anyway. All that power and no proper understanding of how to use it." His tail wiggles about a little more before coiling back around his waist. "I'd be disappointed beating on someone that doesn't know how to fight anyway." He finally turns back to Deku and... does the best he can at smiling, which mostly looks like a less deep frown. "So where is this U.A. or whatever?" A short pause before looking back down at Deku's shirt. "And where's this All Might guy?"
    Oh dear.