Vegeta (Dropped)

World: Dragon Ball-2
Actual Age: 21
Apparent Age: 21
Quote: "My pride is proof the saiyan race lives on!"
Role: Martial Arts Alien
Species: Saiyan
Voice Actor: Horikawa Ryo


The young prince of saiyans was born to rule. The planet that bore his name was promised to him when his father's rule was over and he would have been a cruel tyrant of a man were it not for being stuck under the heel of an even greater power. Frieza's ultimate betrayal after promising so much to them came as a shock to Vegeta but his father knew. Instead of giving the prince to the overlord, his mother hid him away within a pod and sent him from the planet. Generally stern, Vegeta tends to be withdrawn and not one to talk, or at least get right to the point if he has to talk, but his time on Earth has prevented him from being the cruel man he could have been. There's this feeling of a great desire to not have his time wasted if possible and also this great feeling of sorrow in him. He never really talks about himself if he can avoid it, only opening up to a very select few people that earn his trust. He seems driven to be the strongest he can be, but while he might seem singleminded in it with no time for others, Vegeta tends to offer help when it's needed, even if he would never admit that he was helping someone just because they needed to be helped. One day he will be strong enough to avenge his people, no matter how long it takes. In the meantime, his pride and desire for a good fight tend to get him into a lot of trouble; it's difficult for a saiyan to fight those urges, after all.


Saiyan: Alien physiology evolved to superhuman levels for combat.
Evolving to deal with a planet ten times more massive than Earth has ensured that saiyan physical abilities are at their base what might be considered superhuman, stronger, faster, and more durable than the average human, it's no wonder they're warriors. However their biology takes it one step further by allowing them to gain much greater control over their ki than most other species in their universe and allows them to improve their already phenomenal abilities through constant training, seemingly only limited by how driven the saiyan is and how much the environment will allow the body to be pushed. But the average trained saiyans can easily lift a car, move faster than the untrained eye can see, and get back up from damage that would surely put the average human down for good. Of course, they also get a prehensile tail, which is always a bonus.
Great Ape< Edge >: A terrifying transformation that comes with looking at the full moon.
One of the greatest abilities of any saiyan that possesses their tail is the way their bodies transform into massive apes when their eyes take in light reflected off of the full moon. Growing to incredible size and increasing their power immensely, the transformation is considered one of their greatest trump cards. It does, however, require a planet to have a moon. The transformation ends when the moon sets or if the saiyan's tail is severed.
Martial Arts: A master of unarmed combat, strong and agile, with alien biology behind it.
Though he was being trained by his father before his planet was destroyed, Vegeta's technique wasn't refined until he was taken in by the Crane Hermit and taught properly. A style of speed and brutal combination attacks that make use of both ground and aerial movement, it seems a perfect fit for a saiyan.
Ki Manipulation: Life force harnessed as a weapon, energy beams and orbs and explosions.
Vegeta can channel is life force into explosive blasts of energy. Most of these are potent but unlikely to cause serious, lasting damage unless a great many land. However, as a member of the Crane School, Vegeta has learned to use their signature techniques: the dodonpa focuses a large amount of ki into a very small area, allowing it to hit with much more force and pierce into a body almost like a ki rifle. The kikohou is far more powerful and reaching, able to strike an area several meters across with enough force to drill out a hole in the ground meters deep. It is considered a dangerous technique because while it offers incredible power, it also puts the user's body under considerable strain. If it doesn't outright kill the user, it surely leaves them in such a weakened state that continuing to fight is likely never an option.
Flight: The use of ki to do anything from hover to travel at supersonic speeds.
While ki can be used to create powerful attacks, it can also be used to lift objects from the ground. Vegeta can only use this to lift himself, allowing him to hover off the ground or fly anywhere from a lazy pace to speeds rivaling jet fighters.


Saiyan Pride: Being too prideful can hurt.
Vegeta's pride can easily get the better of him during a fight, especially when he's losing. Though he's arrogant and cocky and sometimes doesn't always end fights as quickly as he should, these are minor examples of his pride getting in the way. It's when he's losing and he knows he should find a way to escape or that he's endangering others that it becomes a serious problem. Being determined is only a good quality until it starts risking getting him or others killed.
Give Me a Good Fight: You mean you can get stronger? Interesting...
It's very hard for Vegeta to turn down a good fight. If he knows that someone can be stronger than they are, or if they're holding back, and he isn't completely sure they'll prove too much for him, it's a very good chance that instead of finishing them off when he probably should, he'll let them actually use everything they have. Sometimes it works out for him, but just as often it comes back to bite him hard. Hopefully he has more level-headed companions with him that can talk sense into him or at least step in to nip the mistake he undoubtedly will be making in the bud.
Lone Wolf: I don't need anyone's help!
Vegeta doesn't like to work with others when it comes to fighting. Only in the most dire of situations does he ever actually suggest taking on a challenge with the help of others. He's far more likely to either go it solo or sit back and wait his turn. It is partly to do with his pride, but also because for as long as he had been on Earth before being introduced to the greater World Tree, there was no one even remotely as strong as him-others would just slow him down or get in the way, and he doesn't have time to babysit while he's in a fight.
The Usual Problem Solver: A fist is usually the best problem solver.
Because Vegeta comes from a planet where he is certainly the top dog in terms of strength, his usual order of operations in solving a problem is to tell the offender to stop and get lost and if they don't to beat them down. He might be more tactical if he thinks the person he's fighting can stand up to him, but ultimately it is a rare thing that Vegeta thinks to use actual diplomacy. It is not surprising to think this is likely to land him in a lot of trouble in worlds where he is not the biggest threat out there.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
168 Startle! An Alien from Space!? Jun 27 2018
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