World Tree MUSH

A Stranger

Character Pose
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku is currently found in a park in Musutafu, Japan. This city has a couple of entrances from other worlds in it, along the edges of it, in fairly public and open areas. The portals are surrounded by touristy stalls that make it easy to get an idea of how friendly this world is to outsiders: They have no reason just yet to see the other worlds with fear, and the bombastic nature of the people here makes them naturally inclined toward positive first impressions!

    Wow, that's a lot of All Might stuff.

    There's a park near one of these portals where Izuku can be found. He's sitting at a picnic bench with a glass of water and a bunch of notebooks in front of him. He appears to be studying, scratching down various notes, and cross-referencing information between his hero journals. He hardly even looks up from what he's doing, seemingly feeling pretty safe here in the open like this.
    There's a person, somewhat short, clad completely in a black trench coat, with a hood pulled up to completely conceal their face from view.

    Of course, in this world, such a person probably isn't that noteable - maybe she's permanently invisible and therefore likes to cover her entire body. Maybe she's extremely photosensitive and burns in sunlight. Maybe she has some sort of leather-based equivalent of Best Jeanist's quirk.

    So this is probably why no one's paying attention to the person in the creepy outfit as she wanders from stall to stall, seemingly aimlessly.
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku looks up from his note-taking to where there's a strange figure in all-black. He stares as she wanders through the place, the total concealment of her form making him irrationally nervous. While it's true that there are a lot of odd ducks in his world, even ones that only look intimidating but are really big teddy bears, he still sees someone like that and wonders if they're up to something. Nobody dresses like that in the middle of Summer unless they have some important reason for it.

    He gathers up his books and stuffs them away in his satchel, then picks it up and his water to approach this strange individual. "H-hey!" he greets, lifting one hand and smiling in his wary way, the awkward nerd that he is. Awfully athletic-looking for a personality commonly associated with scrawny, pale kids. "Isn't it hot out for that kind of clothing?" he wonders... and offers his water to her, since she might need it more than him.
    The girl in the Black Coat stops dead in her tracks as she's suddenly addressed. She turns her head to look at Deku - well, one assumes anyway, given he can't really see her eyes under that hood. There's a long, somewhat awkward moment...

    Then, she reaches out to take the water bottle. Even her hands are adorned by black leather gloves! "It is hot," she says, as she pulls down her hood to reveal her face. She looks... totally normal. No obvious mutation. Bright blue eyes along with black hair would be a little weird in most worlds but Deku might not even notice it's biologically improbable.

    "...I don't know what you mean about my clothes." Xion... doesn't quite understand she can take her coat off yet.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku doesn't know how to respond to someone like this. He looks awkward and confused by her own confusion, quirking his brow and trying to process that. He's met a lot of odd people recently, though, and doesn't see it as especially strange. She doesn't look distressed, so he doesn't worry about it very much.

    "I'm Izuku Midoriya," he greets, choosing to overlook the clothing choices for now. "Are you from off-world?" he wonders, looking off toward where the gate is. It is a gate, a bit like the 'Stargate,' but it stands in the air on its own and has a bridge built up to it made of different materials than the gate itself. Whatever it is, it wasn't made by the locals.
    The girl gives him a smile. It's a bright, sunny smile, totally at odds with her dark and gloomy attire. "I'm Xion! Pleased to meetcha, Izuku Midoriya~" She hmmms. "...Your name has a familiar pattern to it but I dunno why..."

    She follows his gaze for a moment, glancing at the gate. "...I dunno. I wasn't in this world this morning but I might be from it for all I know." She takes a gulp of water.
Izuku Midoriya
    Izuku has a feeling this is going to be a running theme with her. He looks really confused and awkward about this, but she's smiling, and she seems friendly. The fact that his name is familiar is strange, though. "Have we met...?" he wonders, rubbing the back of his neck. He doesn't know her, that much he's certain of. He's positive he would remember some strange girl in a black coat like this.

    "What can you remember, Xion?" he wonders, trying to see if there's anything they can talk about, specifically.
    Xion's head tilts to one side. "Ummm. I can remember waking up in a city. And then speaking to a robot. And then I wandered around a lot and kept getting into fights because people were being mean villainous jerks," she replies, head tilted slightly to one side. "It's been, umm... fifty-five days." She nods her head, smiling proudly for some reason.

    "People keep expecting me to forget stuff again so I've been keeping a diary, but I remember everything that's happened in the past fifty-five days. And I don't remember anything before that." She shrugs!
Izuku Midoriya
    Deku is visibly surprised by her talking about getting into fights, and laughs nervously when she says her memory stretches back only about two months. He rubs one of his cheeks and thinks about what she's said so far, and decides to say, "Your problem reminds me of someone else I've met."

    "Would you say you've been doing alright in that short time?" he wonders, more concerned for her personal well-being in general when it comes to her memories. If she's feeling okay about it, it isn't as pressing of an issue and can be addressed at a slower pace until something comes up.
    She hmmms, putting a finger to her chin in a classic 'thinking' pose. "I guess I've been okay... I keep running into nice people! And even when I don't, did you know that fruits just grow on TREES? You can just walk up to them and pick them it's amazing!" Her eyes almost seem to sparkle with her sudden enthusiasm.

    "...You're a nice person too. It's nice to worry about other people, right? So, I'm glad I ran into you. AND you gave me water! So that's, like, doubly-nice."

    Despite looking to be around Deku's age, this girl's lack of life experience is pretty obvious. Even if she hadn't claimed to only remember fifty-five days.