
World: Kingdom Hearts-1
Actual Age: Slightly over a year
Apparent Age: Early teen
Quote: "Who am I? What am I... here for?"
Role: Shining Emptiness
Species: Nobody Replica
Theme Song: Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nb7Qs11aCIQ


Xion has no memories beyond her name. She knows that she has powers, mostly light-based, and the ability to summon swordlike weapons, and has deduced that it is her essential nature to be a hero who fights villains and saves the downtrodden. In truth, she is a Replica of a Nobody - a copy of a being that already was barely real in the first place. While her nature gives her some increased protection against physical threats, it also leaves her very emotionally stunted, which combined with her lack of memories causes her to be confused by the world a lot.


Nobody: Xion is an unreal being without all the standard frailties of a real person.
Xion's body is composed of Nothingness rather than real matter. She isn't really threatened by mundane poison or disease. She can be injured, but her body is both extraordinarily hardy and exceptionally easy to repair, letting her recover swiftly - although not to the extent that she'll regrow lost limbs in the middle of a fight. Her body is also incredibly flexible, although sticking to human norms rather than the inhuman cartoonish stretching of non-humanoid Nobodies.
Light Affinity: Xion has a natural affinity with light magic, primarily light and holy attacks.
Xion can generate light on a whim, with very little effort involved. She can also cast an array of offensive light spells, from projectiles like Pearl to massive explosions like Holy, and can also charge her weapons with light energy to empower her blows. This light is a holy, reality-affirming magical light, especially effective against unholy and unreal beings. Despite being unreal herself, Xion's affinity grants her some measure of protection from similar spells cast at her, so she has no particular weakness to them unlike other Nobodies.
Mirage Blades: Xion's sword-like weapons, an extension of her being, can be summoned at will.
While they somewhat resemble powerful artifact weapons called 'Keyblades', they actually aren't. They are, however, wickedly sharp magical weapons, capable of damaging event incorporeal targets, and have a light-attuned holy attribute that makes them especially effective against unholy and unreal beings. Xion can summon any number of them at will, as they're really a part of her body, and can also summon them to her hand if she's disarmed. Or decides to throw them at people. She can even move them about at will in the air, allowing her to perform tricks such as sword fighting an opponent from five feet away, or sending a storm of Mirage Blades at an opponent in a flurry of attacks. While she could theoretically hand these out to people, since she can summon an almost arbitrary number of them, they become weak and fragile when separated from her for more than a few minutes.
Black Coat: A black, hooded trenchcoat that protects Xion's body and soul from darkness.
An enchanted trenchcoat made of some sort of leather, with matching gloves and high-heeled boots. The hood, when raised, completely covers the top half of Xion's face, making it difficult to ascertain her identity. Its main purpose is to protect the wearer from metaphysical darkness, allowing them to exist in the Realm of Darkness for extended periods and protecting them from dark-aspected magical attacks. It also grants limited protection from mundane attacks, similar to light leather armour.
Deft Fighter: Despite no formal training, Xion is very adept in a fight.
Xion can wield her Mirage Blades, or any similar weapon for that matter, with amazing grace and skill. She can chain together multiple attacks without wasting much movement, and is as good as ambidextrous when wielding a weapon in each hand. Her style is hard to read, as she essentially makes things up as she goes - one of the few exceptions to her general lack of creativity.
Red Mage: Xion is capable of using basic offensive fire magic, and using magical healing.
Xion is capable of casting both Black and White Magic at a novice level. She can cast the basic elemental attack spell Fire, as well as the basic healing spell Cure, which is capable of healing minor wounds.
Forgettable: Xion tends to fade from memories that aren't charged with powerful emotions.
Xion lacks certain metaphysical properties most real people have, including whatever it is that causes things to 'stick' in people's memories. Xion tends to fade from recollection over time, being replaced by a blank doll or even having her actions attributed to other people. Repeated exposure to Xion can allow people to remember her more, and powerfully emotional memories stick around quite sharply. Close friends and hated enemies are much more likely to remember her than random people on the street.
Hovering at the Edge of Oblivion< Edge >: Xion is made of Nothingness; sometimes, this makes her stronger when injured.
When a Nobody is badly injured in battle - bleeding profusely, barely able to stand - they begin to give off wisps of their Affinity (Light, in Xion's case) as Nothingness rushes in to try to reinforce their broken bodies. In dire cisrcumstances, Nobodies like Xion can harness this overflowing power in order to become much stronger and more powerful, at least long enough to finish the fight with one last, devestating attack. This extra strength can be utilised in other ways, of course - Xion might be able to support a collapsing building for a few moments, for instance, although it's always short-lived and usually results in Xion overexerting herself and passing out.
D-Link< Copy-N Edge >: Replicas naturally copy people. Xion can copy others through emotional bonds.
The power of the Heart transcends space and, to some extent, time as well. The power of Xion's fledgeling Heart can call on the power of her friends, people she has a strong emotional bond with. The powers she gains from calling on her links vary depending on who the bond is with, and does not always totally reflect the powers of the individual the link is based on. For example, linking to a person with holy powers would grant Xion even more strength with Light magic, while linking to a person from space might replace her magic with Gravity spells instead. Each D-Link requires an update before it can be used.


Forget Me Not: Xion sometimes acts loud and bombastic to try to stick in memories more easily.
The idea that, were she to die, Xion would fade almost completely from the memories of everyone around her absolutely TERRIFIES her. As a result, she pushes herself to be memorable, acting loud and dramatic and trying to be at the center of attention. Even if it would be advantageous to NOT stick around in someone's memories once she's done with them - it's not a great idea to send her on stealth missions solo. These loud, bombastic displays don't... always work, as she's not entirely clear what it is that makes her more memorable sometimes.
Innocent: Xion has no memories of ever leading a normal life, making her quite guilless.
Xion doesn't really understand the way the world works and doesn't have any real idea of how to function in normal society. She is amazed by things most people find ordinary, doesn't quite understand the concept of 'money', and is easily fooled or controlled by others. Her ideas of 'right' and 'wrong' are entirely based on gut reactions, and she tends to take requests for help completely at face value.
Fledgeling Heart: Xion's Heart, her metaphysical font of empathy and emotion, is very weak.
Xion doesn't feel emotions very strongly, and also has a lot of difficulty figuring out other people's emotions. She has no real complex desires or drives, and only really does things at the behest of others most of the time. She also lacks a lot of creativity; when presented with a problem she's unfamiliar with she usually has no idea how to proceed, and doesn't really try to come up with novel ideas by herself without a lot of prompting. She has difficulty understanding people's motivations and sees things in very black and white terms of 'good' and 'bad'.
Heroic Spirit: Xion is ready to throw herself into the role of a hero at a moment's notice.
Xion is certain that 'being a hero' is what she's for - the reason she exists. She is more than willing to throw herself headlong into danger if it means defeating some vile villain or protecting some innocent bystander. Possibly a little too willing really - righteous anger is one of the most powerful emotions she's capable of feeling.
The Recusant's Sigil: The 'X' in Xion's name is a mystical tracking device. No, seriously.
The glyph in Xion's name is primarily a tracking mechanism - those who know it's there and have the right mystical knowledge can always track her location. It also has a side effect of making 'True Name' magic worked on Xion especially potent - attempts to control her using her name, properly spelled using the Sigil, are almost impossible for her to resist. The Sigil is noticeable to people with appropriate mystical senses.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
825 You Inspire Me May 14 2021
680 Death Mountain Jun 23 2020
675 The Lurker Below Jun 17 2020
670 The Hyrulean Steppe Jun 09 2020
263 Venusian Skies Sep 26 2018
240 I was hungry all along! Sep 19 2018
235 Field Trip Sep 16 2018
170 A Stranger Nov 13 2023
133 Envious Rampage May 30 2018
130 A Slothful Apparation May 28 2018
See All 12 Scenes


Title Date
Xion's Journal May 31 2018
What Are These Feelings? Jun 17 2020
See All 2 Cutcenes