World Tree MUSH

The Voice -- Er, Ninja -- and the Snake

Character Pose
A modernistic world, a little beyond that, actually. Most everyone has their face in a travel media device of some kind -- a phone, a tablet computer, a laptop, et cetera. But not everyone. There's a fellow sitting at a table at an outdoor cafe who seems devoid of any of these devices. The people around him seem to be giving him a wide berth, honestly, some foregoing their media devices to look up at him as if startled at his presence. Most have moved away from him.

It's really no surprise, the young fellow's eyes are a shockingly single-colored blood red, with nothing but slitlike pupils to break the color up. The seams on either side of his face that span between the corners of his mouth and the area below his ear make his face look artificial somehow. Not only that, but he seems to have a strange air about him, one that could easily be described as 'creepy'. Though those able to sense magical/mystical energies will be able to tell what it is -- it's darkness, the ancient kind.

Not everyone is moving away, though. There's a tall woman sitting next to him -- a pale woman with black hair and brown eyes -- who he seems rather annoyed by, given how he glances in her direction with a mildly disgusted look every once in a while. And honestly she doesn't look thrilled to be there either. Her aura is as light as his is dark, though.

They both have a cup of something in front of them. The woman appears to have a cup of light tea; the young fellow with the weird aura has a cup of something thick and dark that smells sweet.
Sasuke Uchiha
Arriving in this world is one Sasuke Uchiha. Though he looks as if he's just a wanderer. He wears a black cloak that covers every inch of him except his head. His long hair covering up his left eye in a sort of semi-stylish bang, leaving a single eye to carefully observe the world. With that in mind, the Ninja starts on his path, clearly wanting to just walk rather than do anything else at the moment. 

Soon enough though...he realizes how --modern-- this world is. Media devices, televisions, the usual. While Sasuke looks like some kind of psuedo-old-fasioned kind of fighter. Even though Sasuke isn't intimidated by this world, it does give him time to curiously think.

and that's always fun.

Nevertheless, he comes across the two individuals, Sasuke approaches them. "What is the name of this world?" he asks the two of them without seemingly realizing he could be rude. He's just very blunt and to the point.
Rude or not, it's a distraction from his WONDERFUL company, so Ryuunosuke is all for that. While the tall woman looks at Sasuke in surprise, Ryuunosuke answers, "Earth, I suppose. Several other worlds have 'names', I am not certain that this one does." A bit of a smirk. "...Rather pretentious, is it not? Expecting to stand out amongst so many other worlds..."

The tall woman looks to him. "Ryuunosuke." He gives the woman an innocent smile. Though he just can't cast off his own pretentiousness for the expression, so it ends up looking about as innocent as a cat with the canary's feathers literally still sticking out of his mouth.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke takes notice as Ryuunosuke tells him the name of this world is as generic as about 80 percent of them. 'Earth'. "I see." He takes a moment to look around for a little bit. "You could say that. Though a world that's ignorant of other worlds happens to call itself the same thing, don't you think?" He looks away then. "Anyway..." that is until he gets a good look at Ryu. 

He reminds him fiercely of Orochimaru, one of his past teachers.

"...What world are you from, perchance." he asks as if curious. Testing something.
"Perhaps it merely does not care about other worlds," Ryuunosuke remarks, raising his cup to take a sip of it. His words don't seem to indicate that he shares this opinion, just suggesting it as a possibility.

Though both he and the woman sitting next to him look at Sasuke in confusion at the question. Ryuunosuke does have a kind of flat nose, yeah. Serpent-like eyes, the seam on his face... it might not be a completely unwarranted confusion to make.

With a slight tilt of his head and a momentary flicker of a forked tongue -- the latter of which gets a nudge from the woman, one of those 'you're DOING it again' sorts of gestures -- Ryuunosuke answers, "This one, to my knowledge." Pause. "Though I suppose one could say that I have been... out of circulation, for some time. Indisposed, perhaps." The woman eyes the serpent-like man beside her, but doesn't call him down this time.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke watches and he listens, even if he doesn't appear to be too invested in this conversation or this world in general. But he watches Ryuunosuke, and for the briefest of moments, Sasuke's sharingan in it's base form awakens. That single..crimson red eye looking like it was looking into Ryuunosuke's soul..before it disappears as quickly as it came. No, not Orochimaru. 

"Then you're not him...but similar. Interesting." And with that, Sasuke keeps his eye on him. "What is your name?" He asks, though he doesn't seem to ask the same question to the woman.
Ancient evil slumbers, in some form, within this young man. Perhaps 'slumbers' isn't the right word to use. It's awake, but lazily. The conscience inside is in fragments, each one trying to look in a different direction, if that makes any sense. Whatever ancient evil is there, does not have the power it once had.

Ryuunosuke shudders for whatever reason, as one does when one's grave is walked upon in the old wives' tales. Perhaps he could sense the brief deep look, on some level. Not enough to be able to tell what he was doing, certainly. The tall woman blinks, looking to Ryuunosuke with confusion. But as she breathes in to speak? "It's nothing," he tells her quickly, as if he knew what she was about to ask.

The question of his name draws Ryuunosuke's attention back to Sasuke. "I am called Ryuunosuke," he offers. "And yourself?" Tongue-flicker. This time the woman does not nudge him about it.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke notices that dark power...that evil, that perhaps 'used' to be within him. Or rather, still remains, but is far weaker than what it was. To him, it's kind of the same technicality as Naruto and Kurama (The Nine-Tailed Fox). Nevertheless, he notices the shivering of Ryuunosuke, but doesn't quite comment on it. 

After he hears his name, Sasuke seems to nod lightly to Ryuunosuke. "I see. My name is Sasuke." he says rather simply. No bowing, no extending of a handshake...his voice is rather cold and emotionless, even though it's clear he's likely just pushing back those emotions.

Nevertheless, he looks to the woman. "and who are you?"
Ryuunosuke doesn't seem to push for such small politenesses. He hasn't even stood up while the conversation has been taking place after all. "It is good to meet you, Sasuke," he offers to the introduction.

The woman bows her head politely. "Please, call me Hitomi," she answers the question of her name.

"She is my babysitter for today," Ryuunosuke replies, with a teasing tone. "Since I am so horrible." Hitomi looks to the young man next to her and frowns, but notably... doesn't correct him.
Sasuke Uchiha
Sasuke looks upon Hitomi and he remains locked onto her. Babysitter? The boy looks to be almost twenty years old, and as such, he highly doubts that she's just...a babysitter. Regardless of that, his eyes remain fixed on her, until they shift to Ryuunosuke. "Are you?" he asks the boy directly. Looking directly into his eyes. Clearly it wasn't a question meant to be answered, but so long as the young man knows what his position is, then the world is all the better for it. 

With that in mind, Sasuke eventually seems to turn half-way. "Thanks for the information." and he seems to walk forward in an attempt to explore this world.
It's good that the question is rhetorical. Since Ryuunosuke doesn't intend to answer it. He merely gives a look of uninvolvement as he picks up his cup to drink from it again. He notes the half-turn away and the words, and nods. And, in a half-offering of advice, "...There are things in the dark that mean nothing but ill for you. Take care that one does not find you."