Sasuke Uchiha (Dropped)

Sasuke Uchiha
World: Naruto-1
Actual Age: 24
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: I have already awakened. These eyes...can see fine in the darkness.
Role: Wandering Shadow
Theme Song: Keisei Gyakuten (Reverse Situation) - Naruto Shippuden OST track 26
Voice Actor: Noriaki Sugiyama (Japanese), Yuri Lowenthal (English)


After witnessing the murder of his entire family by his elder brother, Sasuke Uchiha went on a quest to gather power and find vengeance. He did many terrible things before discovering his brother was a hero, and was only saved by his best friend. Now he serves the The Leaf Village hwile walking the path of a hero. Sasuke's abilities are vast and they are powerful. With use of chakra, he's phenomenally strong with access to elemental abilities and increased physical abilities. He's walked a long path already, and quite frankly, he's one of the best ninja that has ever walked.


Chakra: Sasuke can enhance his abilities, walk on walls, and perform element attacks.
The energy that runs a ninja. It's physical energy, it's spiritual energy. If you run too low on chakra, you could die. Sasuke has POWERFUL chakra. While it's not absurdly massive, he knows how to use and control it enough that he spends very, very little with each action. However, Chakra is fuel. If he's fighting for too long or he over exerts himself, he wont be able to use many of his abilities, and will be subject to running or using taijutsu (martial arts). With chakra, Sasuke can use lightning, fire, wind, and gravitational attacks to batter his enemies. He can use chakra to even bolster his physical abilities. He can walk on walls and on water, he can leap tall buildings in a single bound, move fast enough to almost instantly appear behind someone else, appearing as a blur to the perceptive. Not only that, but he's strong enough to punch through walls and durable enough to survive even landscape-shattering impacts.
Susanoo< Edge >: Summons a large warrior of energy around Sasuke
The result of activating the Sharingan/Rinnegan (or a mixture of both) in both eyes. The Susanoo is the most powerful ability a Sharingan/Rinnegan user could possess. The Susanoo is a gigantic avatar of chakra that enshrouds the user and boasts a powerful offense and defensive capabilities. Easily Sasuke's most powerful ability by any means. It has many stages, including the basic uses (creating a rib cage around himself to defend against attacks) A partial (forming the top half of Susannoo. Usually has a trademark weapon. For example, Sasuke's is a shield-crossbow.) and Perfected (a truly gargantuan monster, its the full-body Susanoo. It takes the appearance of a Tengu Samurai with feathered wings and two chakra katanas. In it's perfected form, it's roughly between 36 and 40 feet tall.
Martial Arts: Sasuke is a magnificent physical combatant. He's very good with a sword.
Sasuke is a master combatant. Able to fight through multiple enemies at once. He's been victorious without much injury in a fight against more than 1,000 enemies. His fighting style is aggressive and fast paced to not allow his enemy time to think. However, his style is also reckless and risky. Hes grandmaster-level with a sword in hand, and is extremely deadly by comparison.
Willpower: The mighty ability of never, ever, EVER giving up.
A trait Sasuke learned from his best friend. When he has his sights set on something, he never quits and he never gives up. He will fight until he either falls unconscious or he can't physically move and he remains mentally unshakeable even against extreme dangers.
Sharingan< Copy-T >: A Technique that allows the user to read and copy another's movements
A Dojutsu (Jutsu of the eye). Sasuke bears the Sharingan in his left eye. Fully maturing his Sharingan to the legendary and rare Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Sasuke can read his opponents movements to far better anticipate what they are going to do next, see one's energy flow, and copy a limited number of their abilities/motions temporarily.
Rinnegan< Edge >: Grants Sasuke access to short range teleportation
A Dojutsu (Jutsu of the Eye.) Sasuke bears the Rinnegan in his left eye. The Rinnegan grants Sasuke a full 360-degree field of vision, as well as teleportation. Specifically, Sasuke can 'switch places' with something or someone at least in such small distance that he needs to see what he's switching with. Or luckily guess. Finally, he can use small acts of telekinesis, like shifting the gravity around a person to draw them closer to him with but the extension of his hand required. He can do this to four people maximum simultaneously.
Amaterasu: Sasuke can use Black Flames to remarkable effect.
Sasuke can use Black Flames. Otherwise what he would call Blaze. These flames are phenomenally difficult to put out, but he can extinquish them at will. But he can create constructs out of them such as a sword or a spear of flames. They can't burn through hard metals like titanium but they can rend through flesh and armor like butter.


Stoic: Sasuke is the master of deadpan expressions.
Sasuke tends to be serious all the time, and his tone is often deadpanned and expressionless. Even when he is being sincere and affectionate, He rarely laughs, and only shows other emotions when around close friends or allies. It can make him seem shady or mean-spirited to others. The most people tend to get out of him is a smile and a few nice words. That's it.
Secretive: Sasuke has a habit of keeping important information to himself.
Much of Sasuke's knowledge is on a need-to-know basis. He won't tell you jack-squat if he thinks you don't need to know. It has a habit of making people constantly suspicious of him or question his motives. His most used excuse is 'trust me'.
One Arm: Just as it sounds. He only has one arm.
Sasuke only has one arm. It's completely gone from the mid-bicep down. It has every disadvantage that comes with only having one arm.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
371 War in Heaven Dec 06 2018
312 Chance encounters Oct 28 2018
283 Goth meets Emo Oct 08 2018
205 Up a Tree Aug 28 2021
201 Out of Towner Jul 26 2018
188 Listen to the Poles Jul 13 2018
186 Mining Operations Jul 12 2018
184 The Voice -- Er, Ninja -- and the Snake Jul 08 2018
180 A Perfectly Normal Walk Home Nov 13 2023
See All 9 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.