World Tree MUSH

Deadlight Pit Fights

Character Pose
Renya Rimehart

    Despite the wooden sign being posted just outside the island's one populated area, it really wasn't all that inviting. There was several visible attempts at scratching out the 'WELCOME', and rather than an arrow pointing down the cobblestone road into town a skeleton was hung aside the sign. I mean literally hung, as in noose around the neck hung, with one bony arm extended to point townwards with the rusted hook that replaces a hand.

    This place might have something to do with pirates. Call it a hunch.

    The settlement itself is what one might expect of a pirate shanty town. Most of the buildings look like they're kludged together from various parts of broken ships, with chunks of pipe or other means of venting smoke jutting out of them and old fashioned lanterns hung for light in the midnight hours. Most of the cobbled construction material probably came from the discards of the shipyard on the far side of the island.
    There's signage up for the typical adventure town shops, which is quickly outnumbered by the denotations for various taverns, brothels and other unsavory shoreleave time wasters. You can bet your last dubloon there's definately a black market of smugglers somewhere amongst the haphazard streets and alleys, too. Which brings one to note the surly sorts loitering about the ramshackle streets; and the fact that they're almost all humanish animals of some kind.

    Not too far down from the unwelcoming welcome sign is another board, this one with various Wanted and Bounty posters slapdashed upon it. Though it looks more like some attempt at a ranking system, with the more infamous names and higher bounties tacked towards the top.
    One of which happens to be a certain smugly smiling vixen, like the picture itself somehow knows it's holding the top of the heap.
One of the issues of randomly choosing vines, is one has no idea where one will end up. So ending up here infron of the non human skeleton?

That hook makes David blink. "Talk about Cliche." and Still reaching into his jacket he pulls out a Cigar. Something he has taken to smoking, it doesn't give him any issues on health. Bio-boosting undoes any damage, emelinates any addictions. So why not indulge?

Making sure his Pack is secured and padlocked. He has some gold on him, in his jacket, not that he can't easilly get more.

Places like this... he thinks, might be good for blowing off steam. Bloossports like street fighting might be popular here. he doesn't need money. Just looking for some place to blow of some pent up frustration.

As he wanders the streets the brothels catch his eye, and like any healthy male, he has a strong sex drive. But a place like this, you might end up tied to a bed, robbed, or worse throat cut.

Still despite his apparent youthful nature.

David looks for someone who is mostly sober before asking, "There a fighting ring, or fight pit in this place?"
Renya Rimehart
    'Mostly sober' is probably the best he's going to find. Though David was pretty on the mark with some of his assumptions. This was the one place in Verdigris that pirates could come to blow off steam as well, and not have various authorities breathing down their sailor's tanned necks. Pirates governing pirates... was actually fairly effective. Considering there was less rules to govern, other than a few universal aspects of The Pirate Code that was really the only law of the island. Which didn't keep Deadlight from allowing many of the less... ah... reputable activities the Victorian sensiblities would frown mightly upon.

    It still takes a try or two before David finally gets the attention of a feline sprawled across a stoop, the bottle of ale in one hand still mostly full, so he's still at mostly sober (though it's probably not his -first- bottle honestly). Species is hard to make out due to the mangy patched nature of his fur as he glares at David for a moment with the one visible eye. Then mutters something about it being too early and fumbling to move his eyepatch from one eye to the other to uncover the less glassy looking one. "Bit far from home ain't ya bucko?" he grouses in a gutteral grumble, not being drunk enough to not notice the lack of animalistics to David. Then jabs a thumb over his shoulder. "Back of town. Beatin's fine, embarassin's even better, just don't *hic* kill nobody. Unless they ask fer it." Then slumps back down to resume his effort in draining the bottle of booze.
To be perfectly honest. The anthros here make him feel comfortible. Less likely that he has a Zoanoid in human form watching him. He's very alert to his surroundings. Any humans he spots he will give a bit of a wide berth to. Getting the Answer to his question he smiles and says, "Thank you." he is at least polite and will toss one of his untouched cigars down to the feline, "Don't set your self on fire trying to light it." he says able to smell the scent of the liquir here, chances are the fumes would be explosive.

Watching where he is going he avoid walking under window sills, to avoid bed pans being dumped on him, or stepping in a peice of shit.

He thinks of the course of action to take here. He'll need to be careful, lest he get someone who tries to hit him over the head and shanghai him. Isn't that how it works if you can't get them druged out due to spiked drinks and cigars.

walking his way through the streets he'll eventually find his way to the fighting pits. Looking around for one of the bookies, walking up he asks, "Where do you sign up as a fighter?" In truth, David doesn't look like a street fighter, decently muscled well toned. But he doesn't have a mark of blemish on him. Inhaling the Cigar he blows the smoke out at an angle. Away from the bookie.
Renya Rimehart
    If there was one thing that did look a smidge out of place while walking down the street, it was what appeared to be a caravan wagon sitting amongst the buildings, it's somewhat better upkeep standing out amongst the kludgework of ship debris buildings. An odd thing to find amongst pirate slums, but then again, who knows what these rapscallions have hauled in over the years.

    The neurotic looking porcupine peers at David. Then pulls out a pair of brass frame eyeglasses to put on and make sure he's not seeing things. Satisfied it really is some human wandered up to the stand, he pushes a battered book forward for David to write his name, then points him off in the direction of the arena that, no surprise, fakes the look of an old gladiator pit by having the stands built in the rounded hull of an old galleon.
    The bookie promptly disappears inside, chittering sharply to others about the 'chump human' and to start stacking betting odds. All they see is easy money.

    Ignorant of what's going on down at the fighter pit, Renya thumps her booted feet up on the polished wood table and leans back her chair. Or at least tries to, she doesn't get very far before scraping the top of the back against the inner wall of the wagon. "So that's the long and short of it mate. We need a load of loadstone, preferably by our own 'aquisition'... Though from who doesn't really matter." Renya tipped her tricorne back by the brim so she could look her conversation partner right in her large purple eyes. "Got anything to help an 'ol' friend' out?"
    Muzaji in herself was a bit of a peculiarity. You didn't see many zebras in Verdigris' northern regions, which had always lead Renya to the assumption that she had been someone's servant before wheeling and dealing her way to freedom with the charms of a silver tongue hidden by that black-striped complexion. Her hoof-tipped fingers where templed atop of the table to look professional, but all the charisma of snake oil couldn't hide the look of potential dealing in her favor in those purple pupils. But whatever business the trader dealt in, it was clearly a profitable one for her, if the multiple gold and bejeweled bands around her neck and adorning her leather vest were any indication. "Mmmm. They've been getting strict on the Calerado shipping lanes. But let's see..."

    While the zebra was digging through her ledgers Renya cocked an ear towards the door, ever wary of surprise interruptions even in someplace as 'safe' as the pirate shantytown. But all there was to be heard was the rowdiness of the pit fights in the distance.
David will sign his name up and seems to know he is the odd one out. Adn there are already plenty here calling him behind his back an easy win. Of course what they don't know is david is a lot faster, stronger, and more agile that he looks.

Getting into the set up area. David will store his gear. Thankfully nothing is inside of it he can't replace. A Book on Supreme tsun zu's art of world tree war and magic. A big ass thick tome too.

He opens his back and gets stripped down to just his T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He pull sout boxing Tape from his pack and will want to tape his hands up before the fight. Of course there might be rules he needs to follow and such. So unless he is approached he will want to start taping his hands up, mostly the palms, and knuckles. He's not interested in killing anyone, but he's also not wanting to break his knuckles on someone's head.
Renya Rimehart
    It's a pirate fighting ring. Other than that 'don't kill anyone needlessly' rule there really aren't any. They're more interested in seeing fights that nitpick over what's allowed or not. And so far David has appeared an easy fall to make some easy gold off of.

    "Aha!" Renya snaps her attention back to Muzaji as a stack of (probably stolen) communications is plopped on the table. "There's several shipments to Chillblain that have been disrupted, thus the increase in naval patrols on the routes."
    "Stealing stolen goods out from under the noses of both the Imperial Navy and those industrial bigots of the Cape?" Renya sat up and reached over to snatch the parchment from the zebra's hand before Muzaji can start trying to haggle her for it. Then flashed her friend one of those smug smirks. Don't worry, you'll get paid, she just wants to verify. "You always know how to come up with the good stuff~"
    "Well my preferred clientel do tend to be very... demanding, Captain." Despite the slightest hint of annoyance at the snatch Muzaji was still being all charming yet oily salesmare. The vixen was always good for her payments regardless of how aggrivating her attitude could be at times.

    Eventually David is directed into the arena, no surprise to a flurry of booing and jeers just because he's already been plastered as a cheap fight in the betting circles. As if to push the odds even farther against his favor, his opponent is a rather large and buff razorback boar already snarling and sneering around his oversized tusks. Oh no, whatever will the boy do...
Out into the Arena if they expect david to be an easy fall they are in for a very Rude surprise. As he sees the Boar David actually starts for a moment. Before he has to look at him closely and he shrugs it off. It's not a Zoanoid Degal. A Razor back boar type Zoanoid. As he comes out David says. "When I put you down, stay down, or I break bones to keep you down." David says firmly in a fighting stance. He doesn't intend to let anyone get a free hit off him.

Then the Fight starts. David lunges forward he's much faster than he appears, as he ducks a hay maker punch, and then in one hard thrust he punches up into the solar plexus intending to knock the wind out of the Boar."

the boar instantly looses his entire lung full of air, as David will step back and deliver an upercut under his jaw knocking him back and over onto his back. The boar is coughing wheezing and and doing his best to get air into his lungs, and as the Boar Recovers. David will be ready to lunge once more when the Boar looks at him. David is giving him a chance to stay down, if he wants broken bokes he is free to get back up.
Renya Rimehart
    It was rare for such a large gathering of pirates and scallywags to be anything near quiet. Which only makes it all the more eerie when the hush falls over the crowds as David ducks the first attack and then lays the boar out with one punch that should not be as strong from his puny human form. It takes a few minutes until there's a few shouts of "CHEAP SHOT" and more booing. Surprised, sure, but the first match being rigged to draw people in wasn't unheard of and now they're clamoring for more.

    And the bookies were making a sweep off all the people that had bet against the human. Someone yells to send out another opponent while the crowd is too wound up to realize their bad judgement.
    They do at least try to make it convincing. The next brawler sent out into the ring is of all things a giraffe. Yes, he still has a long neck even as a humanoid. Let's see you uppercut a chin that high, bucko.

    The negotiating over price for the shipping transcript is disrupted by the beligerant buzzing from a pocket of Renya's greatcoat. The parchment is kept firmly clutched in one paw as she fishes with the other for the device making the noise -- Verdigris' aether utilizing verion of a radio, known as a bonavox. "This better be important, I'm in middle of busi--" Renya's rant at the interruption is cut short by the response. "--Then stop betting on him to lose for Neptune's sake!... Really? Only one? Could be... Just keep betting on him. No, ya bloody oaf, to win! I'll be over."
    Muzaji just raised a brow a bit as Renya dropped the device back in her pocket. "Sounds like some sly vixen has her digs in the pitfights as well."
    "Never hurts to post someone there when we're in port, pick out potential recruits when I need more fightin numbers." The parchment was tucked away, multiple gold coins pulled out in it's place and Renya leaned over to slap them on the table. "The usual down payment." Which Renya followed with the fastest way to keep the smuggler from objecting. Which was to lean all the way over and give the zebra a quick kiss to the cheek with her usual flamoyant exaggeration of doing so. "Ye'll get the rest when the tipoff proves profitable like always~" The other way being just giving her no time to do so, as by the time Muzaji has caught back up to what just happened Renya was out of the wagon with a flutter of coattails and scarf in her wake.
    A hoofed fingertip rapped on the tabletop. "I wonder what that was about..." She'd just ask her own connections in the betting pool later.

    And by that point the giraffe is probably in no better condition that the opponent before him.
The different body style is something that David has issues with but indeed he lunges at the Giraffe, and David of course uses a Different tactic. Running at him David rather than duck will dive. Head forward, as at first it might seem he has tripped only to tuck into a Roll aimed at the Giraffe's Legs. That large head of his should help topple him.

When the Giraffe is down David as he rolled has swung onto his feet and jummped oneo the Back of the Giraffe his right arm goes around the throat of the Giraffe and instantly brings his inner arm and elbow across his throat and he gets that Long neck into a Choke hold, as he starts pulling, He needs to maintain the Choak hold just long enough to bring the Giraffe to the point of passing out. And when he senses that he let's go of the Choke hold. And push off the Giraffe. And move around to the Giraffe's head justs as he is recovering.


David delivers straight jab right across the face with the intend to knock him out.

Two down. "Now... the real fight begins!" His down dirty style, his speed and strength. His next enemy won't under estimate him. That will be a fight!
Renya Rimehart
    Being able to fight was one thing. Knowing -how- to fight was another. And as tough as they were the general rabble rousers of piratedom tending to fall much more into the former category. No one expected the mere human to know how aptly to take advantage of different physiques like that. A lot of angry shouting could be heard from the backlot of the pits as someone was trying to find a more capable opponent. The bookies were raking in winnings from the turn of events.

    Even the ruckus in the booths doesn't shroud the passing of the Pirate Princess herself. Especially when she throws a bag of coin onto the counter with an audible thump and puts it all on the human, then walks into the stands like it was nothing. Suddenly the rush turned and the betting got even more furious. It was about half and half now as folks either assumed the famously fiendish fox was in on something and followed her lead, or started betting even more on David taking a dive just to spite the carousing captain.

    In the arena the puny ranks of fighters are pushed aside, and a hulking hellion of a badger stomps into the ring. Big muscles, big claws, and extruding every bit of the 'don't give a ****' demeanor of vicious stubborness badgers are known for in most worlds.

    "Oh, this is going to be good~" Gracefully Renya slid herself amongst the seating to plop down in a spot next to a pair of equines; one a big brute of a clydesdale and the other a pinto mare. A brief tip of the hat in greeting was given to them both. "Ahoy me mateys. Is that the rising rapscallion out there still?"
    "SURE IS CAP'N." Carronade wasn't even shouting, he just had no 'indoor voice' after years of yelling over the thunder of cannons firing. "FLOORED EVERY FIGHT SENT AT HIM."
    "Not as scrawny as he looks." Powder Peg complimented her companion perfectly, being short and stout in comparison. But definately had the more volatile attitude, that along with being the one handling the gunpowered while the bigger stallion lugged around the cannon, had gotten her pirate name.
When the Badger comes out David smiles and says "//You// are going to give me trouble!"

He says it with respect.

David had to make a show of it. Of course Renya was there when the Armor he had left him. Despite the face he was almost emaciated. Renya might recognize David for who he is, or rather what he has at his command. If he can dismiss that armor as easilly, chances are he could summon it just as easilly.

Unlike the others when the Fight begins David is much more cautious.

As expected The badge rushes in, teeth claws out? hands wide. The badger has one advantage over david. He has thick fur and plenty of muscles.

David uses much more of his agility and speed.

And even as David lands a few solid punches. The badger doesn't seem phased, and of course he's tagged david a coupel of times. Including a slash across his chest. Not too deep because David turned with the Blow.

. David takes a solid punch to the face that breaks his nose and as he recoils in pain, the badger slashes at him with Claws.

And David manages to Recover stepping aside. he attempts to Grab hold of the Badges wrist and and as had as he can twist it to try and wrench the elbow down inner arm up as David will attempt to slam his fist into the elbow as hard as he can to bend it backwards.
Renya Rimehart
    It takes a few minutes. But when the fight gets going Renya sits up to take notice at more than just how furious things have gotten quickly. "Wait a bloody minute..." When revelation sets in fully she motions to her crewmates. "Find the bookie that wanders the audience."
    Which isn't hard to do as Carronade reachs over with his size and plucks the rabbit scurrying about the stands and holds him over. "HERE YE GO CAP'N."
    Renya sat back in her seat. "Triple everything on the human." It gets a gawking look in response. "Aye, I'm serious." More incredulous gawking, but the bookie does his job and is set back down to scurry off.
    Now there were as many stares in the vixen's direction as there was at the fight below, even with how well known in these parts Renya's flamboyant and frivilous tendancies were. After staring for a few moments herself Peg leaned closer and lowered her voice (unlike Carronade she did know how to whisper), "Ye know something we don't Captain?"
    "Damn right," was the only smug response Renya gave.

    It's definately a more even fight. The fact that David gets clawed several times and seems to not be slowed down by it as he gets back into the fight is starting to make some people doubt their odds though...
The Badger's arm doesn't break as he expects, or had hopes. "Sorry about this!" he calls out, And has the badger in an arm lock that keeps the badger from using his smaller more compact body. David has one advantage he is taller than the Badger so he turns presenting his back to the badger.

Arm still locked as he lifts it up and then with a sickening crunch, brings that elbow down right on his shoulder bending the arm back at an unnatural angle.

David is intending to go as far as possible, hois body has already stopped the bleeding, but it still hurts like he leg's go of the Arm and hand turns and balling his fist he will spin and bringing his fist right down on the Badger's knee. A second sicking Crack as the knee is damaged. but not unrepairible.

David Hopes.

Still Badger refuses to go down. As he spins and claws david right across the face. And Still David holds his ground turning and with a Spinning kick, manages to strike his heel right across the badgers heqad with a sickening crack as teeth go flying from the badger. David Stumbles back some. Holding his bloody face....The Badger is down as David backs away. The Badger tries to get up as David says, "Stay down." David has torn part of his shirt off to hold to his face. He has not lost an eye but those slash marks are nasty looking.
Renya Rimehart
    "How the hell is..." But Renya holds up a hand to keep Peg quiet just a little longer.

That badger might need a more pirate appropriate pegleg after that busted knee. Yet a misaligned limb isn't enough to keep him down entirely as he shambles onto his feet and makes a sickly sound that might of been a growl of anger as he half-drags the twisted leg to lumber towards David...

    Now no one should be that surprised that some pirates are poor potential losers. And that includes the arena 'house' and it's betting pool now stilted towards losing big. They have accomidations for this sort of thing though, in the form of a sharpshooter hidden amongst the audience. Amist the ruckus one has drawn his weapon and started to take aim....
    But the click of a hammer cocking isn't quite so lost in the noise to a sharp pair of ears.... and just before he can pull the trigger the would-be sniper is blasted in a swirl of white that leaves him frozen stiff and unable to finish the shot.
    And Frostbite is slipped back into her greatcoat as Renya tsks softly. "Just as allowed to protect -my- winning," she trills as the pirate popsicle.

    Stomp.. drag.. stomp... drag... stomp.... and then the badger collapses just short of David's feet from the loss of blood. Not dead, but definately out cold.
David winces, but he moves back and looking around he allows the badger to collapse. The Shot catches David as he instantly turns to the source of the shot and then homes in on the target, a sharp shooter. When the Badger passes out as David moves away from this fight. He knows the odds are against him now. Holding that torn shirt he refuses any water, or help. Last thing he needs is someone to slip a narcotic into the salve. For the moment David needs an interlude to get his bleeding under control. It will take a few minutes before he is wincing as his face mends some.

He could bio-boost but he chooses not to. But he will tell one of his attendants "If one of your sharp shooters does shoot me down. Trust me... You may end up having a massacre on your hands. understand?"

Finally after he has managed to stop bleeding and have the wounds rapidly heal some. He is ready for his next round. The injuries look like they have been healing for sev3eral days perhaps a week? Still he looks to Renya and offers her a nod of respect. His endurance is still high... but the matches will only get harder from here on.
Renya Rimehart
    It's going to take a few minutes to get enough arena staff together to actually drag the badger off the grounds and to the town infirmary. By this point most people are going to realize that the sly vixen was definately on some kind of insider knowledge and the betting isn't going to be as easily stilted. Oh well, what she made off that, and what the duo had been betting before was more than enough to stock up on before setting sail once more. Renya motioned a finger wave to the two equines. "Go collect the winnings for me, mates." Despite the hefty loss they won't argue with Peg and her powder-keg temper, especially when she's got Carronade to sic on anyone stupid enough to try and give her lip. "And toss a sack on Muzaji's step on the way outta town. It'll make up for us not getting to 'negotiate'."

    The audience was in an uproar but there was still a lull in the actual fighting. With exaggerated casualness Renya got up from her seat and walked down to step onto the railing and hop over it to the arena grounds. Tail swaying with the stride she sauntered to David and leaned in close. "Enjoy the spotlight mate, but don't super beam of death the place. They may be brutes but they ain't yer alien critters." That and a sly wink is enough of a hint that she's realized who he is right? "Look me up later. The zebra knows where to find us." The one person she knows she can reasonably trust and distinct enough for the outsider to find.

    And then she walks away, whistling to herself. Renya would rather get off the field before the next string of fights starts. They're not going to be taking it easy on him now. But she saw what he can do. He'll be fine, if beat up to hell and back.
in the End David will stand his ground, and yes he will be back in the Arena. In truth it all about the fight for him. the combat the desire to blow off steam. When he's had enough he will take his leave. not even bothering to collect //his cut of the winnings// when David does leave the arena he will indeed be beat all to hell. And looking fierce enough that chances are no one wants to mess with him.