David (Dropped)

World: The Bio Booster Armour: Guyver-1
Actual Age: 26
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: Who am I? What Am I?
Role: Freedom Fighter/Liberator
Species: Human Augment/Living weapon
Theme Song: Kioshoku Soko Guyver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_tffYhyRg8
Voice Actor: Young Garrett Hedlund


Once a normal teenage boy, David found an alien suit of armor that gave him superhuman strength, flight, and various powerful lasers and other attacks. The suit put him and his family in the crosshairs of a group called Chronos, backed by monstrous beings called Zoalords, who transformed people into shape-shifting monsters. In his struggle against them, David lost his friends and family, then eventually his world when the defeat of the Zoalords triggered an environmentally-devastating doomsday plan. Aggressive, determined, and worse traumatized by his experiances. He now wanders the World Tree, looking for a way back to his devastated world and a way to heal the damage done to it.


Enhanced Human Body: David has peak human physical attributes, accelerated healing. D-Tier
The Symbiotic Armor bonded to David has enhanced him physically, bringing him on par with some of the finest human athletes of the Olympics. It has strengthened his skeleton. Heart is reinforced, lungs hyper oxygenate his blood granting him incredible levels of endurance. An accelerated healing factor. He has a strong resistance to telepathic probes or contact. D-Tier without armor.
Survivor: Finding food, shelter, water, hunting as well as improvised weapons.
David Spent a lot of time in a national Park Near his home while he was growing up. Sometimes staying out for several days and nights at a time. Since the Park was near the Cheyenne Indian Reservation in North Dakota David often made friends with some of the adults of the tribe. And learned how to live off the Land. Finding food, Shelter, water, hunting as well as Improvised weapons are part of David's skill set. During the War with Chronos which was in Cities David learned similar traits in an urban survival setting.
Guyver Armor: A summoned suit of alien armor that enhances all physical and sensory abilities.
The armor David can summon grants him many powers and abilities, super strength, Super speed, Super reflexes, super agility, Super durability, and enhanced powers of perception. David's senses when the Guyver are active allow him to sense in all directions, in the Thermal, Ultra violet, Sound waves, and Bio Electrical fields giving him a very keen sense of his surroundings. The Guyvr also acts as a Universal environmental survival suit. Allowing him to survive in Deep Oceans, Outer Space, even toxic environments safely.
Street Fighter: David is a street fighter, not a martial artist.
David is no slouch when it comes to fighting. He is a street fighter. Low blows, improvised weapons like throwing manhole covers. Cheap shots. David won't win any points for style. He had been forced by Chronos to fight for his life for years. Often against over whelming numbers sometimes fighting hundreds of Zoanoids at a time. He knows how to use his environment to his advantage.
Guyver Weapons: The Suit includes weapons such as vibro blades, lasers, and disintegrators.
The Armor David has has several built in weapons. High Frequancy Vibration swords project high intensity sound waves centimeters from the blade to weaken substances flesh, bone, stone, metals allowing the Blades to Cut through Most substances. He has a build in head Infrared laser that he can use excess body heat to power. In atmosphere range is 50 feet farther in vacuum. He can cut or wield with it. Sonic disruptor, A pair of orbs over his mouth he can speak through them or Project Sound waves he can use to stun, or at the strongest home in on an object's resonant and disintegrate them. Pressure Cannon, A Compressed ball of gravity that is launched from the hands. He can use to produce and explosion, or use it to disintegrate something the size of a soft ball ot leave said sized hole. He can rapid fire up to three of them at a time.
Guyver Movement: The Guyver can fly, or use limited Teleportation.
The Guyver has a gravity orb in the waist that allows the Guyver to fly under its own power. He can even fight in the air or pull off what some might call wire-fu movies. Flight speed is just above super sonic. The same ability that allows the Guyver to be stored in a pocket dimension when the host needs it also allows limited teleportation. Distance is limited to a thousand miles. He will always be safe when teleporting but always in the general area of his target. On average he can teleport once every 10 minutes by himself. He can take up to six additional people with him safely but this extends recharge, taking an extra 10 minutes per person. He has learned how to access this without the Guyver active but it is more exhausting, doubling recharge and taking two people with him like this causes him to pass out.
Mega Smasher< Edge >: The ultimate weapon of the Guyver. A chest-mounted Charged Particle Cannon.
The Guyver's ultimate weapon, a chest mounted Charged Particle Cannon unleashes energy in a directional beam with countless trillions of Charged particles that destroy the atomic structure of anything it hits. The Weapon has two lenses and can be fired both at the same time (Recharge 30 min) or one lens (recharge 10 min). All but the most sturdy, reinforced, or shielded of objects will survive a direct hit. The Lenses are fragile when exposed and it takes about 5 seconds to fully charge. This attack through a heavily forested area has a range of about 300 yards 15 feet wide before it loses all power for both lenses. Half that distance for one lens.

David only uses the Mega smasher as a last resort or in a situation where there will be no collateral damage, buildings civilians etc, It also leaves him exhausted if he fires both lenses. (Consent from Scene Master Required.)
Mind Control Immunity: When summoned, the Guyver frees him from DIRECT mind control effects.
In the event that someone mentally dominates David (without the Guyver active) through telepathy, implanted mind control, or brainwashing him, the control metal will break the conditioning and domination when summoned. While active, David is shielded from telepathic control.
Regeneration: The Living Armor grants Super Human levels of Regeneration.
Outside of combat, The Guyver is capable of incredible amounts of regeneration, up to and including regenerating the entire host body from nothing more than a chunk of the control metal. Inside of combat this is drastically cut, and while noticeable is no where as efficient due to the Guyver splitting its power between movement, attack, defense and healing. Destroying or permanently disabling the control metal prevents this.
Auto Summon: If David is fatally injured or killed the Guyver automatically summons itself.
It is pointless to have a suit of protective Armor that you can summon only to be killed in an accident or an assassination. As a result in the event that the host suffers a Fatal injury, or is attacked and injured in a way that is instantly fatal. The Guyver will auto summon around him and provide a surge of healing energy to repair the damage and any other wounds the host suffered. Should the Control Metal be destroyed it will destroy not only the Guyver but also be totally fatal to the host as well.


PTSD: David has PTSD and Survivor's Guilt. He is reckless and pushes away comfort.
David is traumatized. He also carries the guilt of being his world's only known sole survivor. He often drinks or sometimes smokes despite not being able to get drunk. He is easily angered such as when people try to comfort him, more so if they claim to understand as he will often spout out something like Knowing what it feels like to have friends and family turned into monsters you are forced to kill, or watching your entire planet die when you could do nothing. He also won't hesitate to jump in to combat to protect people who are in danger seeking perhaps to redeem himself or find destruction. He also doesn't believe he has a soul.
Aggressive: David reacts very aggressively to people attempting to control him.
David due to the bonding of the Guyver is fairly aggressive. This is due to the shifting of his hormones. Upping the level of hormones that encourage aggressiveness. This is to ensure the Guyver host has a strong desire to survive to fight for his life. It is a natural product but it can also make him hard to handle at times. While he can deal with it through HARD work, he can also do major exercises, or fight. Those who constantly antagonize and provoke him eventually he will explode on them. People he perceives as attempting to control him with out a very good reason, true or not he will be hostile and aggressive to.
Bio-Boost Creature: The true monstrous form of the Guyver without the control metal.
The Creature that composes the Guyver armor is regulated by the control metal. Without the control metal or severed part of the guyver, the Guyver reverts to it's natural form consuming the host body and disintegrating under most circumstances. Rarely (plot only) in some instances the Guyver will not dissolve but degenerate into a feral monster. One that is intent on finding a host consuming them and killing them. Eventually it's metabolism will burn its self out and melt into nothing after several hours. Unless david can find and use his control metal to absorb the creature in question.
Energy-Field: The Guyver produces a destructive energy field when summoned.
When summoned, David projects an energy field from within himself in a sphere outwards to about 5 feet around him. The shield helps protect him as the guiyver is summmoned and push away obstructions such as shattering handcuffs, or other restraints. The Shield violently pushes people away and static objects like walls tend to be heavilly damaged. It is as subtle as a bomb going off. And because of the potential harm. If David is in a heavilly crowded areas or with someone bound behind his back can keep him from summoning the Guyver simply because he doesn't want to kill someone.
Hyper-Protection Mode: When David is not Conscious, The Guyver is on Auto Pilot!
When David looses consciousness in the Guyver, either due to being knocked out, or killed and needing to be regenerated. After thirty seconds the control metal assumes control of what ever is left and reactivates the Guyver. The eyes turn blood red, and glow brightly. It can not identify friend from foe. And will use Lethal attacks without restraint to protect the host if approached. Because of this, when David travels with people he makes sure they know the dangers of the glowing red eyes. Also if David is taking too much damage in a fight he won't hesitate to retreat and flee an enemy before Risking being Ko's or worse. This can leave a villain to carry victory in the day. If the Guyver is taking too much damage while trying to defend it's self, it will teleport away to a random location. Otherwise it stands there and does nothing as it regenerates the host.
Willpower: David must have the will to summon the Guyver.
David also has to have the willpower to summon the Guyver. If David can be attacked mentally through emotional warfare, verbal manipulation. David can partially sever his ability to call on the Guyver. Such as developing a hatred for the Guyver he can lose the ability to normally summon the Guyver. And until he overcomes this self-imposed mental block he loses control of the ability to summon it.
Kill Reflex: David is conditioned to Kill reflexively when fighting, trying to break it.
David was in his fights against the Zoanoids and Chronos conditioned him to kill of reflex. There was no taking of prisoners because of captured the Zoalords would force the Zoanoid to die. Now David in a world where the rules seem to have changed is trying to restrain himself from killing. And this leads at times to hesitation in combat.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
412 City Ruins Exploration Jan 25 2019
411 The Impossible Mashing Jan 23 2019
409 Badder Than Bad, It's Good Jan 23 2019
398 A Behemoths Tail Jan 12 2019
391 Down in the Pits Jan 04 2019
339 Recovery and Regeneration Nov 13 2018
338 The 3:10 To Eden Nov 13 2018
335 The Creepiest Crypt Nov 12 2018
334 Pokemon: Close up investigation Nov 11 2018
331 About Town Nov 09 2018
See All 21 Scenes


Title Date
Location *REDACTED* Oct 15 2018
0-100 in three seconds flat. Oct 16 2018
Twilight Zone Oct 17 2018
Lost, Alone, and Stranded. Oct 19 2018
New allies or friends? Oct 24 2018
Knowing Thy Self Oct 24 2018
Memory and Madness. Nov 14 2018
Fighting Insanity. Jan 04 2019
See All 8 Cutcenes