World Tree MUSH

Recovery and Regeneration

Character Pose
The Passengers on the Train are a bit shook up. But alright. Still, what every that creature the Armored man turned into happened After a silver orb had been knocked out of his head. And was lost some distance back on the route. There are a couple of Vultures circling in the distance, about as far as where that orb was lost.

In the Desert the Regeneration is Slow, but steady as tendrils grow out forming a mesh of arms and legs, torso as the orb is settling in the forhead of the vaugely humanoid form. Still there is a large amount of bood on the ground from when it was knocked out.

There are some scavengers...getting closer to the form....
Emily Nyx
A bolt of golden light flies through the air through the circle of vultures, sending them scattering.

Emily flies over. She's still in the Victorian dress and with the second and third capacitor seals disabled. She peers at the bloody ... remnant, or whatever it is, and tries to analyze it using her sensors. "... What the hell am I looking at here," she murmurs, crossing her arms and frowning down at ... it.
The Silver orb is in the middle of the Mass as a couple of Vultures come over and one hops up on the form and instantly it screeks out as tendrils, lash out stabbing through it lashing around the Bird shredding it rapidly. pulling it in. And as it is consumed the Form begins to grow much more solid. A general features of the Armored figure can be seen and shortly the color turns a Jade green.

The Humanoid form soon starts to secreet a substance, emerald green over the head, chest, arms, legs, slowly Solidifying into an armored form.

The Armor has regenerated it's self, The Ring in the middle of the central orb glows brighter and brighter and brighter as it almost seems to screech scattering any animals as it starts to Sit up. eyes glowing Blood Red.

The Guyver is alive. Standing up it's movements are automatic, machine like.

The Glowing settles down but the eyes remain red and glowing.

A Butterfly approaches and instantly the armored figure reacts to it, slashing out killing it with one of the sonic swords. Then goes reaction... just standing there. Motionless. Waiting...
Emily Nyx
Emily nods slowly. "Ooookay," she says. She pings it with her own system, but obviously the Guyver isn't a Eudaemon, so there's no response.

She materializes a sword on her back that looks like an off-brand Buster Sword, much larger than any human could reasonably expect to wield. One hand grips the handle as she walks up to the Guyver -- though she does stay a few meters away. "Hey, there, stranger!" she says. "Uh ... how's it going?"

Her diplomatic skills: zero.
As Emily approaches the Guyver Instantly Turns to her Direction Steam issues from the mask. The Fists are brough up. The Blades Eject from the wrists and it assumes a Posture ready to attack. But other than assume a ready posture it is holding it's position. The Red Glowing eyes... Were not the eyes Sapphire where he summoned it?
Emily Nyx
Emily pauses. "Reacting defensively, huh?" she says. "It's cool, I'm not here to fight." She dematerializes her sword, and slowly steps back with her hands held slightly away from her sides to show non-hostility. (Not that she needs a weapon to fire her lasers.) "I'm going to reapply capacitor seals two and three now, I won't have much real combat power at that point."

Once again, the pearlescent aura appears, and the golden and silver ones reapply themselves before all of them fade. Her costume then changes to a simple women's business dress.
As Emilly backs down and backs off. It does not reply to her words merely her actions and onely after she backs off some 30 meters or so. The Posture is lowered. And it stands there. Motionless. Perhaps ten fifteen minutes. He just stands there. And after a while the Medallion in the forhead glows brightly, and steam escapes from mask, for an eccedinly long time. And the Eyes red glow fade. Turning Back to Sapphire blue. And then The Armor opens up... Leaping back off the Figure.

A young man, the same young man from the Train who summoned the armor is left.

The Young man is without a stitch of clothing, as he drops to his knees.

the Armor vanishes into thin air.

And the young man falls forward dazed....
Emily Nyx
Emily nods, unperturbed. She's seen quite a few things in her time, and this is the sort of thing she's willing to file into 'weird stuff happening away from the halcyon remnant'.

She starts walking back over to him. "Need some pants?" she calls out as she approaches, glittery light forming around her fingers. "I'll need to stick around you for a while before you get a more permanent pair, they'd be made out of my nanomachines." She pauses. "Unless the armor works for that for the time being?"
As David starts to recover he starts some and looks around, confused. "the Train, What, Wait,, What happened where is that BITCH!" he says. Clearly sounding confused. "I remember the guy with the sword hitting me... then... then..." Apparently he remembers everything up until that orb was knocked out of his orginal body....
Emily Nyx
Emily pauses, and mentally backtracks a bit. "She blasted all of us with hexes," she says. "Dante lost dexterity or something. The witch, or bitch, or possibly bwitch, I blasted in the face with a laser, and she ran off with just one box."

She looks him over, without the slightest hint of being embarrassed or scandalized at his nakedness. "How're you doing, kid?" she says. "Some sort of bio-defense-mechanism in your armor seemed to go haywire, and tried to start causing collateral damage to the train. The others took it out, though."
As he looks around and yes he looks young and as he realizes he is naked he doesn't seem embarresed, "What did she do? What happened the Medallion in the armor's forhead what happened?" he asks. Needing her to tell him what happened.
Emily Nyx
Emily hmms. "The medallion?" She points at the armor that he just came out of. "Right there."

She gives a brief summary of what happened in surprisingly sharp detail with only a few weird turns of phrase. "And then I flew over here and found this thing."
As he listens and he blinks, "The Bio-boost creature. That is what my armor is truely. With out the control metal... it normally disolves... rarely does it form that thing..." he says. "I am going to hunt that Bitch down and kill her."

"I am guessing when you saw the Red eyes you knew to stay away. The Armor regenerated me from scratch... Resurrected me. With out me in control it reverts to hyper protection mode..." he says and he is pissed. He's a lot more angry at himself than the others... "No one was killed by the Bio-boost creature?"
Emily Nyx
Emily nods. "It was obviously in auto-defense-mode, so I didn't press the issue," she says. "In the world I came from, you don't pick fights unless you need to. Of course, that's partly because there isn't much left to fight over."

She shakes her head at his other question. "No friendly-fire, no other casualties," she says. "Just some damage to the train before we could take it out. I don't pretend to have a clear idea of what happened or why, but I guess it's another thing to blame the 'bwitch' for."

She shrugs. "On that note, need a spare pair of pants?" She gestures, and once again, there's glittery light around her hand.
as he looks down and he says, "Yes... If you can do that I have... extra clothes on the train. Assuming my stuff is off at the next stop." he says. Not sure how long it will take him to get to the train station on foot. He doesn't feel like he should bio-boost again...
Emily Nyx
Emily gives him a thumbs up, and puts a hand on his shoulder. Glittering light spreads over his body, before coalescing into a comfortable black tuxedo and tie.

"As for catching up with the train, I can give you a lift," she says. In a glittery transformation of her own, she becomes an ostrich-like bird with purple feathers and oversized wings. And a saddle-harness sort of setup. "Hop on!" she says. "Gonna need to stay in contact with you to maintain the tux, if it takes more than a few minutes."
as he looks at her when she shapechanges and with blink he is too out of it mentally, to do more than mount up. "Thank you." he says.
Emily Nyx
Emily bobs her head, noticing that he's not in a great mental state. The harness buckles itself up to keep him secure, and then she starts running forward, and then leaps into the air, flying along the train tracks at speeds faster than you can reasonably expect an actual animal to move at. Especially with those non-aerodynamic body proportions.
He is thinking of what happened on the train. He counds himself lucky that he didn't go into hyper protection mode... that ccould have resulted in the mega smasher beign fired. AS she gets him back to the station he will ask about his back pack. And once retrieved he will be able to pull out a fresh change of clothes needing to get into a bathroom...
Emily Nyx
Emily transforms back into a human form -- basically the same accidental-Vergil-style she had before the fight began -- and waits patiently in front of the men's room. When David is halfway through getting his clothes back on, the tuxedo disintegrates into what appears to be glitter, which then vanishes into a staticky portal to rejoin with Emily.
As he comes out wearing a similar set of clothes to what he hade minus the jacket. And his shoes are flipflops. Easier to carry than shoes. "Thank you. Uh Emily correct?" he asks trying to recover his memory on her name. "Thank you..." Looking around he is not sure where to go or what to do at this point.
Emily Nyx
Emily shrugs and nods. "Emily Nyx," she says. "And it was fine, I didn't have anything better to do. Got to flex my shapeshifting-muscles too." She says this so cheerfully. "Besides, it would've been a pain if something worse happened to you and I got blamed. Same with the train itself." She turns away, smiles at him with glowing purple eyes, and gives a wave. "See ya."

And with that, she steps into a staticky portal and vanishes.
David seems to be glad she was there to help him. And at least confirm the creature did not kill anyone. But he still intends to hunt Salome down... she will pay for what she did. He will not under estimate her again. And she will curse the day she made him an enemy.