World Tree MUSH

Down in the Pits

Character Pose
Not entirely the best of places, worlds of fantasy, swords and magic. There are always places were you can find the under slung of socioty, and that is where he is today, A young man wondering the streets of the underworld has found himself in a fight pit. He's there of is own volition. To fight, he doesn't care about winning, or loosing, just the fight. And he doesn't care about the money.

This might be his last fight, the Orc he tangled with was a hard out, and right now the human teen brawler is currently trying to recover for his next fight assuming he doesn't throw in the towel.

There are those who know of him, some word has spread here and there, professional street fight, Not the best, but far from the worst. He's handled some pretty tough characters.
Duncan Ritter
There are a lot of people in here besides the teen. Maybe not in his immediate area, but in this place altogether. One of those people is a very large fellow with dark skin and hair. He's dressed in a simple white t-shirt, pair of jeans, and sneakers. Pretty unassuming except for the fact that the guy is damn near six and a half feet tall, with a build like a brick house.

Though before the injured teen can fear it's his next opponent, the man starts to walk towards him, with a large white case. "How are you doing?" the man asks as he approaches. His voice is deep, rumbly, but also quiet.
as he Spits out what looks like a tooth. "I have been a lot worse." he says as he doesn't look this is his second or third fight and swallowing hard he sighs, "I'll be fine." h says in a slur and coughs some. And leans back as his body is already starting to regain his strength as he just rests. "I heal fast and have a way to undo all the damage." he says as he is trying to let his left eye heal to the point he can see through it again.
Duncan Ritter
The dark-skinned man nods, and sets the case down near him, then begins to open it. Looks like it's a first-aid kit, judging from what's inside. "They don't really have proper medical staff on-duty here... which likely comes as no surprise. I am a volunteer... my name is Duncan," he offers as he preps some things.

He raises a hand up towards that eye, since it looks the worst external injury. In that hand, there's a cotton ball with peroxide on it. He's hoping to very gently clean that injury.
as he Listens and says, "I am surprised, A medic here?" And he winces, "Last time someone tried this they tried to spike my drink..." abnd as the eye is touched he swallows hard trying to not jerk, "SHIT." he says doing his best not to move away or sting. "So what brings you here, just to help us as we beat our brains out?" he says. He's interested in why he's hear.
Duncan Ritter
"Not exactly," Duncan replies. "It's not my day job, so to speak." He winces a bit as the teen flinches. "Sorry, I should have warned," he offers in apology. "Even if you might have faster ways of healing, it might still be a problem if it healed around an infection." A pause then, and he adds, "Not to worry, I have no intention of spiking your drink."

The question of what he's doing there gets a bit of a smile. "What I told the organizers was that treating their fighters would keep them fighting longer, and get them into battle faster. Which is certainly true. But my interest is in keeping some of you from dropping dead."

The man's voice has an archaic sound to it, and his countenance seems to be somehow... at odds with the modern clothes he wears. He looks like he would be more at home in the clothes of a man from a feudal world.
the teen nods and smiles, He says "No arguments. David." he says and allows the man to treat his injury. his wounds are actually started to show visible improvements. The minor ones at least like light scratches are fading. And he inhales and exhales feeling some of his ribs mostly stop aching. His Regeneration is not that face, minor injuries cuts scrapes heal in minutes, broken bones might take days. Bruises hours.

"Well at least they are getting their money's worth." He has been fighting like a teen with a shit ton of manger issues. "I might be stopping this soon, I think it might be my last fight too." He knows his limits. Still wincing as the eye starts to open slightly showing the blood shot eye.
Duncan Ritter
"Pleased to meet you, David," Duncan replies. "Though it could definitely have been under better circumstances. Of course, it could have been worse, too." He draws back as David begin to open that eye. "Be careful," he cautions. "Don't strain healing tissue too much."

As for stopping soon? Duncan nods. "That is probably a good idea. Will you have any problems withdrawing from the fights, do you believe?"
David shaking his head he says, "No if I do I can show them something that will make them reconsider." He smiles, So far no one knows what he has access too. And as he relaxes allowing his body a chance to rest and recover. Looking around he rolls his eyes. Soft tissues are both a pain and fast to heal as he will need about ten minutes before his next fight already looking better. And swallowing hard he will stand up getting some water. Wondering who the hell he will fight this time around as he steps up for his next fight.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan nods. "If you do need some help with that, let me know," he offers. "I may not look like much, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Neat trick, since he's wearing a short-sleeved shirt! Though he probably doesn't mean literally. Anyway.

Once he's gotten all of David's visible injuries cleaned and taken care of to the best of his ability -- and when David starts showing visible signs of improvement -- Duncan puts the medical kit away. "You're looking a great deal better already," he comments, looking pleased at that. "That is good. You cannot afford to show pain or weakness out there."
David's next enemy happens to be someone called Bruiser the Half Troll. And this guy Regenerates Faster than david. Someone stacked the deck agauinst him. David is slated to loose and loose badly. The Guy is nearly twice as Big as David. And this fight is totally unfair. But David has no intention what so ever of just giving up.

DAvid and the half troll will circle each other, David is far more agile and then David lungues. It is a no hold's bard save don't kill. And david has thrown his fair share of dirty tricks, and as he lunges he suddle does the splits, and as hard as he can he suddenly will punch straight up into the guy's balls.

The Guy screams out as pain is pain. And with it David throws all honor out the window. If this guy takes him down, David is gonna make sure that he seriously hurts him. A strike to the knees to bring him down as David is very adept to cripple him. not that it will keep him down. David's only chance is to make him submit and admit defeat.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan is actually on hand near the combatant's entrance to watch the fight. He's technically staff here, at least for now. Besides, he's not armored or armed, and a lot of his power comes from having a sword. Not that these guys know that -- he came here with an acoustic guitar. So he's not likely to be bothered by the staff to fight.

So for now he watches David fight. The crowd is cheering, though Duncan is quiet, watching how David moves, how he fights, what he's doing. He watches the fight with an assessing, considering look.
David's experianced in battle, street fighting mostly. And with it he knows to use every unfair advantage. This guy could go down and get up repeatedly, which is not fair to david. So as David has smashed those knees he will grab hold of a Leg as the guy is trying to recover and puts another elbow to his balls.

And with a twist he will put the guy on the grount as david flips over onto his ass and twists the leg breaking it and with a knee bends it an un unnatural angle. He might heal faster that david he can put that to his work. If the leg is missaligned that leg might heal wrong.

Still David is suddenly Grabbed and hurrled off of him thrown across the ring as he tumbles and rolls. The troll is trying to fight through the pain to straighten his leg to make it usible. As David rushes at him trying to deliver a Drop kick with both legs across the face which knocks several teeth out of the half born troll.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan's own fighting style is built around a fair bit fewer unfair advantages, but he doesn't seem to judge David for utilizing them. There's nothing in Duncan's expression that suggests any contempt. But then again, his face is hard to read apart from the considering look there.

But what IS clear is that he manages to understand what David's doing. A frisson of a knowing look appears on his face as David goes for the break. Duncan's noticed the troll seeming to gain its strength back without much effort too.
As the Troll recovers David is clearly now trying to recover as he has yanked his leg to straighten it and just block and weather david's attacks. Still David has one trick up his sleeve as the troll is not interested in Loosing.

The Troll is attempting to Spin and turn with david and when david runs at him was expecting to blick a kick only for David to jump pushing of the ground and forward flipping hands on the trolls head as he turns around in midflip and then he will lunge pushing off the ground, to push the Troll forward getting him into a half headlock, and of course the troll gets a hand and claws into david's arms drawing sever blood as David screams but keeps trying to push him to ge thim to his stomach. Right now can david push the guy that is twice his weight onto his belly?
Duncan Ritter
Duncan does wince a bit as David gets clawed in the arms by the troll. He'll need some medical care after that. Ouch. However, Duncan does tilt his hed a little bit when he notices what David's trying to do. This seems like a thing that would be difficult to do -- to have a test of strength with someone so much stronger that he is. But perhaps David has a plan...? Duncan watches carefully to see if he does, or if the idea is to try to brute force this.
Still David manages to succeed. He get sthe Brute on his stomach and then pulling his arm out of that clawed grip tearing his flesh and then he pulls back making a knife hand first, and then he thrusts as hard as he can up under the rib cage making the troll scream out, he doesn't break the skin and it takes one, two thrusts more but on the found he forces his hand through the skin and into the body of the troll born fighter and as he screams pushes his hand inside and then says, "SUBMIT!" he screams.

And the Troll screams in pain... "DEATH FIRST!" AS the Troll born is grabbed by the hair and pulled back arching his back, "That's your lung I havd hold of I can rip it out, how long will it take to heal from that, SUBMIT!" he says as the Troll coughs some blood up.
Duncan Ritter
The crowd reacts accordingly to the realization that David has hold of the troll's lung, sounds ranging from dismay to excitement rising from the crowd. They cheer all the more loudly, realizing that David has managed to gain the upper hand.

And still Duncan remains quiet, aside from a wince at the realization himself. But yes, with the troll's regeneration, there was little else David could do than try to figure out some way to force the thing down. But will it work...?
Finally the Troll will growl out, "I SUBMIT!" And iwth it David will pull out his bloody hand from inside the Troll as he staggers back. And as the Troll snarls out as David has not turned his back and as the Troll is getting to his feet he turns and Lunges at david and tackles him. "BONUS DEATH ROUND!" he screams knocking David into the far side of the arena.

And then in one shot comes a screamed word.

"GUYVER!" And then it comes an Explostion of energy as the wall behind david is destroyed... and the troll knocked away.

It takes only a moment, but behind david appears an insectoid form that encapsulates David as in his place is a seven and a half foot, tall being that looks at the Troll with Sapphire blue eyes..
Duncan Ritter
Duncan, for his part, had been about to interfere -- submitting was the end of the match; for the troll to continue to attack was a violation -- when the blast happened. The crowd will likely be sent sprawling... or possibly FLYING, depending on how close they were to the blast. Duncan falls back as well, tipping over neatly onto his rear. Because of this, he misses the encapsulation of David's form in the armor. But he notices the insectoid creature there instead of David when he stands back up.

Well, either way, Duncan steps forward. "I believe that was the end of the fight," he comments to the troll. "Continuing to attack would be unsportsmanlike." He doesn't get between them yet. Mainly because he doesn't want to get close to the bug-thing until he finds out what the hell just happened!
The Troll born will get up and snarl as he allows himself to heal up and david will stand there as two bursts of Steam eject through his face plates through those vents on the side and then as the people here are indeed able to get on footing and watch. A modulated voice says, "Not a healthy idea!" and then the refs and such will get on the troll and get him back down and even do their best to knock him out as he keeps saying it wasn't a fair fight etc etc. And with the place now devoid of fighters David dismisses the armor. And while he still has blood on him, every one of his injuries is regenerated as if it was never inflicted.

David will grab hold of his towel from his area and toss it into the arena. Fast healing is one thing, external healing is anouther. And with throwing the towel in David's stopped fighting for the night. Part of this is endurance as well. How far can one go before they have to stop before they pass out or need external healing.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan exhales a quiet sigh of relief when the refs get the troll under control. Good, that's dealt with. And he also looks in David's direction as the armor retracts. That would be handy if he could do that, he realizes. He keeps that to himself, though.

However, as David leaves the arena -- quite literally throwing the towel in -- Duncan follows. "Excellent showing," he comments. "I would say you were holding back, but that's not exactly true."
and shake shis head, "No, I was giving it my all. just two different power levels. I'm not in it for the money, but the need to preservve my sanity, or what's left of it." he says. And grabbing another towel David is also starting to get himself wiped down and sighs... "Oh at least I don't need to wait a week before all injuries are gone." And he starts collecting and getting his items.
Duncan Ritter
Duncan nods. "That's why I said 'not exactly true'," he notes. "Still, excellent showing either way. Are you injured any worse than you were before going into the arena?" he asks. He seems reluctant to ask about what he just saw David do, and for the time being turns his attention elsewhere.
"No The armor provides a surge of healing and steps up my healing twenty fold. So injuries are fully gone by now." and he exhales and sits down. "Normally I don't both with collecting my winnings, This time I think I will." he says and as he gets his things packed he will put his back pack on. "Thanks for the ring side help Duncan."
Duncan Ritter
Duncan nods. "Of course. You're quite welcome," he replies, with a smile. "Take care of yourself." Pause. "Do you have a place to go for the night, at least?" he inquires. It's not like he does either, so he can't really offer him much, but...
David shaking his head, "No I normally just find a cheap tavern get a cheap meal, crash for the night or sleep on the streets. I actually feel safer that way." he says. "I always try to take care of basic needs.
Duncan Ritter
Once more, Duncan nods. "If that makes you feel safer," he notes. Though it also makes him think -- who would feel safer sleeping on the streets than in their own house? Then again, David might not even have a home. But since there isn't much he can do to help, he just offers, "...Take care of yourself, David."
David nods and heads offer to handle the details of his cut of the winnings. And with a sigh, "You too duncan.