World Tree MUSH

Saiyan vs. Demon

Character Pose
    "Sorry Zagan, this just wasn't your day." Dante says, standing amid the beaten body of a ten+ foot tall minotaur with wings. "Waiiiiit..." Uninterested in the demon's pleas, he brings a shotgun to Zagan's chin, before finishing the job. Echoing loudly, the shotgun turns Zagan's ugly mug into bloody vapor. Twirling Coyote-A in his hand, Dante pops his neck as he grabs the demon's amulet as proof of the kill. "Now to turn this thing in before it rusts." He says under his breath, hopping off the headless carcass as it dissolves into nothingness.

    He doesn't seem to be able to find his bike, having lost track of it in all the confusion. "Well, shit. Guess I'm walkin'." Dante mutters, before moving along his way amid the field.
Broly found himself in this strange world by following along the branches of the world tree....and Dante's battle with the mighty Zagan had drawn the gentle giants attention, and so when he finally arrives? Broly spots Dante just in time to watch him blow off the poor Demon's head. He doesn't seem to react, though his fists do clench. 

Is he going to have to fight Dante?

If Dante can sense aura's....Broly's was monsterous. Is he a demon too?
    Not long after he walked off, Dante spies a towering figure with biceps bigger than the average human's head. "Hnnn." His senses, heightened by years of demon hunting and his own devilish heritage, do pick up a considerable aura off this fellow. And Broly...well, he'll be sensing that Dante's anything by a mere mortal. The blood of a mighty demon runs through his veins, and that sword of his isn't for show.

    "Hey, Beefy McHuge. Scoot over, you're blockin' the road standing like that." He calls out, Rebellion slung across his shoulder. "Or do you want some of this too?"
Broly seems to narrow his yes at Dante, growling considerably as his muscles really start to flex. His bicep is bigger than Dante's chest. That is horrifying and impressive at the same time. "Don't tell me what to do." 

His Saiyan blood starts getting fired up! But he starts to approach, not even taking a fighting stance. He waits to see if Dante will egg him on any longer....though if Dante does start to verbally humiliate his opponent (as he almost always does), it may not be very...ah...healthy.
    "Look, dude, I got places to be and bounties to turn in." Dante says, holding up the amulet before he begins to stride towards Broly. The Saiyan's size doesn't appear to intimidate him in the slightest. "I don't have time for this shit, pal, so beat it." He glares up at Broly, unimpressed. That sword is really, really lookin' to be put to use, as Dante begins to pass beside Broly like the man isn't nearly 8 feet tall and built like a walking fridge.

    This may be a bad idea.
Not a wise move! 

Broly proceeds to growl, reaching to literally palm Dante's head and lift him off the ground, before like a madman, he just roars, and tries to THROW Dante into that abandoned building not too far off. A good 55 feet. It probably wouldn't hurt dante (much), but hey...he might enjoy the killer hangtime.

Apparently Broly didn't like being told what to do that much.
    "What the hell's you-OH SHIT!" Dante is grabbed by the skull, before being thrown towards a nearby building. Hurdling towards it, the Son of Sparda collides with an impact that would splatter most people. But Dante's not most people. Practically embedded into the stone masonry, Dante's vision is all fuzzy after that sudden rush through the air. "Uuugh...okay."
If Dante looks up, he'll see a raging Broly - flying - straight at him, roaring in a primal fashion and a fist coming right for him! Fight night. 

First Round...3 minute time limit.

and...fighters are you ready? is Dante Ready? is Broly ready?

    Dante sees a fist coming for him, and he begins to blur in a red flash. Broly ends up punching only stone as Dante suddenly is right above, perched on Broly's arm. "C'mon, you gotta move faster than that!" He says with a cheeky smile, before kicking Broly's face, springboarding himself off of the towering Saiyan before drawing twin pistols. Normally the .45s would be nothing more than bee stings for Broly's hide, but they hit with much more kick than a mortal firearm, thanks to Dante's powers and the properties of Ebony and Ivory. Firing way more than the magazines should allow, the guns rattle off a barrage as Dante plummets.
Boot to the head. Literally. 

Broly actually lets his head get snapped back by the kick, perhaps understanding a bit of Dante's fighting style in the process....but when his eyes open? He's suddenly being shot visciously with those bullets from Ebony and Ivory. They pack a killer punch, but even they seem to be having trouble penetrating Broly's surprisingly dense skin.

Eventually, however, Broly just growls and with another primal roar, will extend his hand forward: a beam of brilliant emerald green energy flying straight out of it!

But there was no sign of a canon or anything. Nevertheless, payback is a bit of a bitch here for Dante, unless he can dodge or otherwise counter the Ki blast coming to make his day a bad one.
    Great, ki blasts. Dante tries his best to evade the shot, making himself a difficult target for Broly to hit like this as he sails downwards. He zips and zags across the air with red blurring his motions, keeping up on the fire before he turns his back and begins to run DOWN the building's length, until finally leaping towards the ground.

    He lands with what should be explosive force, but despite the deep crater at his feet, Dante's just fine.

    "Alright, let's DO THIS!" He calls out with a grin, switching out his guns for twin swords.

    "Brother!" One of the blades talks, "He has chosen us at last!"

    "Yes, brother, I see that." The other blade replies, before Dante snaps with a loud 'SHUT IT!' as he twirls the scimitars. Agni and Rudra, one made of fire, the other made of ice cold winds, the twin swords dance in Dante's hands gracefully as the Devil Hunter flicks out blasts of fire and gale force winds at Broly.
Broly cracks his neck, an actually VISIBLE aura appearing just a few centimeters away from his flesh. Dante's eyes are sharp enough taht he can see it rather easily. But, Broly growls like some wild beast waiting to be unleashed, and as Dante lunges? so does Broly. 

The Saiyan is blocking sword blows by simply striking the swords back. Either his fists are just as hard as his flesh, OR he simply knows exactly hnow to strike a blade so he's simply unharmed.

Nevertheless, the blade known as Agni manages to cut Broly across the cheek, but hte Saiyan uses the momentum to try and whallop Dante right in the face with a heavy handed strike!

The wind seemed to bend around that one too...which means if it hits, it's going to HURT. But Dante will yet notice that his cut actually pierced the skin.

Is his face vulnerable to this kind of stuff? or did he just get lucky? Only one way to find out....
    Dante blocks the fists with his swords, the blades equally tough to damage. "He is a formidable adversary, my broth-" "I TOLD YOU TWO TO SHUT IT!" is all Dante can let out before he gets hit right in the face, knocking him back and leaving a big trail of upended earth in his path.

    "Okay..." He grunts, forcing himself to his feet. "So maybe I wasn't taking you serious before." Suddenly, the Devil Hunter begins to spark with red energy as an unearthly howl emits from his lips. Dante's body and clothes shift and mutate as his visage becomes downright monstrous, and his power level rises.

    "C'mon, ugly, MAKE ME WORK FOR THIS." Dante bellows, his voice echoing with an inhuman flange as he sprouts wings from his 'coat', forming claws and horns as well as bright glowing red eyes.

    Drawing Rebellion, Dante flies towards Broly, about to impale him full in the chest with the demonic sword.

    Devil Trigger -
>> GAME >> Dante spends an Edge for: Dante's getting the snot kicked outta him by Broly, thus Devil Trigger (and spending an edge) is needed.
Dante, is pissing off Broly MORE with demeaning comments REALLY the best idea. 

Nevertheless, like a gorilla, Broly beats his chest, and actually lunges at Dante at the same time! and although Broly may land a strike on Dante's face, it does very little damage and won't impede Dante at all, and thus, Rebellion actually pierces Broly right in the shoulder!

The Saiyan howls in pain, and even falls to a knee, but seems to growl. To most any life form, that'd mean the complete loss of that arm. But Broly is one tough motherf$#er.

He seems to look Dante right in the eyes, his hair turning from black to POSSIBLY what looks like a mixture of blue and black, but not fully transforming, but then he really does. His energy goes THROUGH THE ROOF. How is he getting stronger?!

Broly's hair spikes upwards moderately, and is a brilliant blue color. But there are even tinges of green in his eyes, the task at hand.

Dante might get palmed in the face again, except instead of throwing him, Broly will try and slam Dante's demonic face INTO the ground.


Dante isn't the only one who used a boost.
    Dante strikes a proper blow this time, and he grins in satisfaction with sharp fangs as he tries to twist the blade. Only for Broly to just grab him by the head, and slam him onto the ground repeatedly. "OW. OW. OW. OW. OW." The scene is rather comical despite the life-or-death stakes, especially with Dante's vocal echo as he's left bloody and bruised from the beatdown.

    "Okay-SCREW THIS." Dante swings his legs upwards, trying to lock them across Broly's arm and TWISTS to dislocate the Saiyan's elbow and free himself, also drawing his pistol to fire on Broly's face.
Blade twisted in Broly's shoulder, Broly still shouts as he bashes Dante into a brutal crater. and although Dante's attempt to dislocate Broly's arm is a complete failure, he does get his sword back. Either way, Broly takes a bullet to the mouth, and although his head jerks to the side, Broly slowly looks at Dante, and spits out the bullet. 

God. Damn. It.

Then, with a roar, Broly will just unleash his energy in a seemingly omnidirectional blast, being surrounded by a pillar of emerald green energy that pushes outward, clearly causing shattering destruction to their environment.

...but good thing Dante's fast!


    Dante rips the sword free, but it's tossed aside as he's slammed into the ground one last time. Then everything explodes.

    Devil Trigger wearing off, Dante's just out cold now, practically dead from all the punishment. Then again, given how he's groaning, he might just be KO'd.
Broly then jumps on top of Dante, a foot on either side of his body, but then...he notices full well that Dante is down and out. He growls, then seems to slowly calm down. His enemy couldn't hurt him anymore...but he also notices his enemy...didn't deserve to die or be hurt any more than he already was. With that said, Broly drags his unconscious form into the house he punched him into early, and carefully leans him up against a wall so he could sit comfortably. The amulet is observed by Broly, but is just set upon Dante's lap. 

Like it was allll just a bad dream.

But even Broly is a gentle giant, his super saiyan form wearing off as he calmed, he looks at Dante for a long moment before walking away at a casual pace. no rush, no fuss....the winner...

Is Broly.

...but when will be round 2?