World Tree MUSH

Introductions Required

Character Pose
Evie Frye
    It had been a very, very strange day for Evie. An argument, a pair of hot heads and a minor scuffle in the street had seen her take a dive over a bridge, unwilling to face off against the good constableary of the city of London. When she had surfaced... it was not her London. At least not in a manner that she was familiar with. Vehicles sped by, the Thames was far better smelling and there was not a horse in sight. 

    What a horrible place. The darkness afforded her cover, though as she made her way up and looked in minor wonder at the strangeness of the buildings, twisting and glass and metal.

    So, she had gone to where she felt most at comfort in the strange noises and places. She was hiding in a park, at the moment, crouched in a tree as she tried to work out just... where... things went wrong.
Evie Frye
    How odd, to think so soon after her own surprising arrival to the multitude of worlds that Hornet would find another in a similar situation. For herself, she had started in a strange world of robot beasts and little technology. The firt 'vine' she had found once she set out took her here, a place far more modern, with speedy transportation and more of the 'humans' that she had met in a town called Meridian. At least there she was able to gather supplies, find one familiar face from Hallownest, and then began to search. 

    And now she is her. As with Meridian, the people seemed to understand the notion of 'off-worlder' but that didn't keep cautious eyes and wary faces from giving Hornet a wide berth. It seemed that intelligent beasts and bugs were something many were not accustomed to. It resulted in her guiding her large stag-beetle of a mount toward a park for a little time away from these people. At the moment, her ride is settled and napping as she sits back against it, idly peeling an apple with her nail as she considers where to go next, a map on the ground with red circles, where a few kind folk had mentioned these 'vines'.
    How odd, to think so soon after her own surprising arrival to the multitude of worlds that Hornet would find another in a similar situation. For herself, she had started in a strange world of robot beasts and little technology. The firt 'vine' she had found once she set out took her here, a place far more modern, with speedy transportation and more of the 'humans' that she had met in a town called Meridian. At least there she was able to gather supplies, find one familiar face from Hallownest, and then began to search. 

    And now she is her. As with Meridian, the people seemed to understand the notion of 'off-worlder' but that didn't keep cautious eyes and wary faces from giving Hornet a wide berth. It seemed that intelligent beasts and bugs were something many were not accustomed to. It resulted in her guiding her large stag-beetle of a mount toward a park for a little time away from these people. At the moment, her ride is settled and napping as she sits back against it, idly peeling an apple with her nail as she considers where to go next, a map on the ground with red circles, where a few kind folk had mentioned these 'vines'.
Evie Frye
    Evie stood from her roost, stretching her arms a moment before her lips pursed, thoughts crossing over her gaze before she shook off the feeling, and drew her hood back up and over her head. She exhaled, and then began to free run. Darting through the trees, careful footsteps along branches and through boughs, leaping from tree to tree before she settles in one... 

    Now she knows she might be oxygen starved, trapped under some flotsam and jetsam.

    Because that was one... very... *very* large beetle. She looks to the beetle, then its oddly dressed rider, then heaving a sigh, she hops down to the ground, removing her hood to look not-quite-threatening -- after all, freckled young women in long coats with canes shouldn't be threatening at all, yes?

    "Ah... pardon me," she gives a wince of a smile "Excuse me, I do apologize for my interruption... but... is that a giant stag beetle?"
    Imagine it, sitting in a park, minding your own business, trying to have a snack, when a hooded figure drops out of a tree. ... So that's what that shock feels like, eh? While the larger stag beetle doesn't even budge from its rest, Hornet is on her feet and brandishing her weapon in the pause the figure gives between 'Ah' and 'pardon me'. 

    If it doesn't escalate quickly, (And my would it be quickly) the bug-like critter would peer between the ex-hooded one, the beetle, and back again before seeming to relax. "Yes, yes it is."
Evie Frye
    For a brief moment, Evie might have forgotten about the predicament. 

    "Fasctinating," she explains, she breathes out a moment, drawing some of her brown hair back behind her ear with a gloved hand, and she keeps her weapons firmly sheathed, though her eyes look over the other's weapon.

    "I've read about ones that get the size of a fist, but this is unbelievable." she replies to Hornet.

    "... I was also wondering if you could tell me where... precisely I am? I seem to have gotten a little turned around."
    Weapon still raised, Hornet continues to regard this person and their plight, recalls how similar it is to something she had happen just a few days earlier, and finally sets her weapon down, "Yes, well, this is their normal size where I hail from," she notes, almost sounding irritated as she takes back her seat, but tosses an unpeeled apple to the other before trying to recall how things were explained to her. "In truth, I don't know where this is, only that it isn't where I'm trying to go," she starts, taking up the partially peeled apple from before to finish what she started. "Tell me, did you find yourself suddenly somewhere you aren't supposed to be? That's what happened to me not so very long ago."
Evie Frye
    Evie catches the unpeeled apple. Well. No sense in turning down hospitality. The brunette seats herself in the grass, then shifts as she finds another wet spot in her clothing, and then takes a small knife from one of her pouches, and sections part of the apple. 

    "About two hours ago, in fact," she replies, though her tone is far dryer than her clothing, "I'm moderately disappointed that you mean this is not such an unusual occurance. Might I inquire the name of my benefactor?"
    "Hornet, of Hallownest, if you must know," she introduces before biting into the apple she decided is peeled enough for her liking. "However, do not mistake my familiarity for a common-place occurance. A similar fate was placed upon me only a few days ago, so, I am familiar with your plight and would rather you learn quickly rather than be confused for longer than is necessary. Apparently there is a much larger set of worlds beyond the one you or I came from. There are these.." she seems to not be convinced by the next term, "Vines.. that act as paths from one to another. It would also seem that going home straight away is not so easily done." 

    The map Hornet has is given a nudge toward the other before she returns to the apple again for a long moment, allowing some time to study the map. "Someone was nice enough to let me know of a few other 'vines' that exist here, but I have not looked into them yet. Perhaps fortune will favor you more than it has myself."
Evie Frye
    "Evie Frye, of Crawley. And thank you, Hornet, for the apple." she states, finding it amusing that of course the first thing she'd have is an apple. She peels away a thin section, but she takes a look over the map. None of the words look familiar, and she lets out a breath. 

    "I had figured that I was not where I'd left off," she replies quietly to Hornet, her lips pursing again as her eyes narrowed at the map.

    "I do not beleive in fortune's favors. Patience and action are far better than luck and chance."
    "I won't argue that point. I find the same is true, perhaps with some initiative mixed in for good measure. You have on your side, at least, looking somewhat like the people of this world. I have no such luxury, here or in the worlds I have been in so far. It would seem that among these worlds, a place like my own is .. more unique than others."
Evie Frye
    "But even looking like them on the outside does not mean I am able to more easily move about." Evie points out, "Even on my own world there are places where women are not permitted to walk without their husbands, and this world is... visibly different. The people act different." she gives a small, wry smile, and motions to the beast. "At least you are not raveling alone. Your companion seems amenable enough."
    Something about what Evie said shocks her. "Ah, did I hear that correctly? Why would they be permitted to lord over you in such a terrible way?" Culture shock, easily the first time she will be experiencing it. "There are some tribes in Hallownest that would find that immensely offensive." The mantid tribe comes to mind..
Evie Frye
    Evie gives a wry smile. "Old mythology, the idea that women are less hale than men. Even in the city I called Home, there are certain things a 'lady' ought not do. Fighting, for one of them. Not a particular rule I ascribe to." Evie replies, peeling another slice of apple away. "Even among 'civilized' Londonians, a lady ought not walk alone after dark, not show too much of a leg. Tell me about your Hallownest, then? Tribes?"
    All of that, all of the comments, and their mythos earns a rather loud snort of disdain from Hornet, "Honestly, such thoughts are so... divisive," she mutters as she slumps back against the beetle, earning a huff from it but little more. "If they were to visit my home they'd see such attitudes would not be tolerated." Hmph. Nom. She considers Evie's question, and thinks how best to describe it.

    "It is fully underground, sparing only crystal peak and a few other smaller areas. The capital city, the outlying areas, each place has its own group of bugs and beasts that most often call it home. Tribes, however, are groups of bugs banded together with similar skills, abilities, and appearences also, but that does not keep them from working to better the kingdom as a whole." ... "Most of the time. No one realm is perfect."
Evie Frye
    "No, no realm is perfect." Evie gives a small smile, and seems a little more relaxed. She carves another slice of apple. 

    "I'm afraid you're quite right about the ideas being divisive. Many centuries ago it was worse, and few women enjoyed any real freedom -- unless they were rebellious, of course. History is full of women who took up the sword in defiance of cultural norms." Evie smiles. "So, if your world is largely tribal, does that mean you're part of one as well? Are they all swordsmen?"
    "To an extent. The history of Hallownest is a long and complicated story and my own is rather similar. Born to one mother, raised by two others, a defender of my home and its people, now suddenly removed from it. Due to that upbringing, I do not feel entirely beholded to just one tribe. Thankfully, even without me, the kingdom is not without its defenders, but I still wonder how it is doing since my sudden forced absence." 

    Finally, Evie is given another looking over. "And what of you, Evie Frye of Crawley. Hailing from a place were people of your gender are so looked down upon, what drove you to rebel against it all? Equality? Revenge? .. something else"?
Evie Frye
    "Well, for me, in Crawley?" Evie gives a small grin, and leans back. "My mother passed soon after my brother and I were born. I was raised by my grandmother, then my father. I'm afraid my father knew as much about being a 'proper lady' as I care to know, so I started right off. I do believe in equality. *Freedom*. Ideas, information, people. No one should live their lives under someone else's thumb." she peels off another bit of appe, looking at it as her brow furrows. "No one should have the right to rob you of freedom."
"And that is something we both agree upon. Freedom is a right of everyone and everything no matter your origin, heritage, home, or otherwise. I would fight for it until the end of time if I were able to, and I can see you may feel the same. Hallownest was born so we could be free, to be intelligent, to be individuals. It seems it would be a place you'd enjoy, even if none such as yourself walk within it."
Evie Frye
    The Assassin gives an easy smile. It'd been... years since she could speak so frankly with another woman like this. 

    "I think I should like to see Hallownest some time, it sounds like a grand place to visit, should they not mind so many questions about culture."
    And it's the first time in a long while that Hornet had such a long conversation with someone. It was quite nice. "Well, should I find it, I'll have to see if I can find you again, Evie. I think you would enjoy it. Many may not quite as much about the realm as I do, it was a core component of my education before I began to learn how to fight to defend it."
Evie Frye
    "Hm. Well. It seems to me, being as we are both ladies of certain qualities that there are several paths ahead of us." Evie states, brushing off her (still soggy) jacket. "We could part ways after a time and try to find one another in the flotsam and jetsam, or, perhaps we could aid one another. I did say that your companion does seem most amenable." she suggests with a wise smile, her eyebrows rising up. "And I wouldn't mind having someone I can hold a conversationw ith. My brother was not the most... cerebral of en."
    "Hmm.." it's a good thought! Normally Hornet's one to be on her own, fighting the good fight against threats beyond the borders of Hallownest, but this is not Hallownest and Evie is no normal bug, person, or otherwise. "It is true, there is room for two and supplies on the saddle. I see no reason to say no, Evie. You conduct yourself well and there is an air about you that I am certain you can handle yourself, even without seeing how you would do so."
Evie Frye
    "... you... you mean I could ride on -- oh! Does he have a name? Is it a he? Or a she?" Evie questions, suddenlyc urious again to the large bug. She draws up her cane, tapping it against the ground a moment before she tucks it to her back. "I promise. I'm not half bad in a scrap myself."
"Mmhmm, you can, so long as he knows, which he will when he wakes up," Hornet says with an amused tone. To prove her point, she nudges the stag with an elbow but all it does is stir a bit, then settle once more. "Stag names are typically rather simple. Due to his red shell, his name is simply Red." Then there's a smirk, "I'm sure I'll find out soon enough."
Evie Frye
    "Red, easy enough. I once had a pony whose name was White Socks, though not nearly on the same scale as Red." the lady gives a wry smile, feelig at ease with Hornet before she raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Planning to get into a fight presently, Miss Hornet?" she questions.
    "Only as needed, Evie Frye. Hallownest was never dull, even within the city proper. I have no doubt that the realms that we will be visiting are the same. Considering my 'unique' appearence, I'm surprised I've not needed to draw my nail against others as of yet."
Evie Frye
    "I would imagine if these worlds are attached to vines, and they get visitors such as us, then perhaps where we might go, you may look simply 'exotic' and I will be quite out of place... only one way to find out, though." Evie gives a wan smile, and very, very carefully reaches out to brush her gloved hands against Red's carapace. 

    "So, there are no humans at all then in Hallownest, only insect tribes. Fascinating."
    For a long moment Hornet sort of considers what Evie said, then seems to just start to recite something for her. 

        "In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret,
        For none could tame our savage souls yet you the challenge met,
        Under palest watch, you taught, you changed. Base instincts were redeemed,
        A world you gave to bug and beast as they had never dreamed."

    "The elegy of Hallownest, the story of its founding. There is... more to it but those later verses speak of something now contained and dealt with, something's memory that need not be recalled. There is more than bugs, Evie, but yes, there are no humans in that realm."
Evie Frye
    "... once there were no humans on Earth, either." Evie replies quietly. "And my apologies for the assumption, you must tell me of the other tribes. At some point, for now?" 

    Evie stretches her arms a moment, and looks back out towards the city. "... you don't happen to know if this *is* a London, do you?"
"There are a few, the mantids and the spiders of deepnest are two. The moth tribe, the bugs of the Hive.." Hornet pauses, thinking, "Those are the obvious ones I can think of right now. Likely more and lesser ones, but for the most part they all cooperate when needed." 

    As for the city they are in? "Not.. certain, I meant to ask but did not get the chance to do so. I .. also cannot read the writing of your people as of yet which has turned out to be very problematic." ... Huh. "I suppose having you around will be very helpful in that regard." Hopefully that didn't sound too much like seeing Evie as just a tool..
Evie Frye
    No, no, Jacob's the tool, but that's neither here, nor there. 

    "I can hardly object. I find it fascinating enough that you speak English. Well. What I know as English. There are so many questions that need to be answered.. Alec would have a conniption with all these lights everywhere..." Evie replies, then turns back to hornet. "Provided we're in a city that uses something I can read."
    "Seeing as there are so many similar to yourself, I would hope that you can read what they have. Despite the different tribes, journals are all written in the same writting." Surely it's the same for humans, right? RIGHT?! "English.. you call it? It's just .. .our words. I'm not sure there is a name for it."
Evie Frye
    "Mm. That might be problematic. I speak the Queen's English, a good amount of Hindi, Middle Arabic, a bit of Italian, a smattering of Mandarin though reading it's out of the question..." she trails off a moment, looking back to the Hornet she's befriended. "I'm afraid yet another divisive trait of Humanity, there are as many tongues as there are tribes."
    There's a long, long pause before Hornet finally responds. "You're people are a strange people, Evie Frye," she finally admits. "It appears Hallownest is unique in far more ways than I had originally thought. At least you can understand ... much of what your people speak and write?" she's starting to worry about making any kind of assumptions about this new race.
Evie Frye
    "Give me enough time and most of it... luckily..." Evie looks out a little more carefully. "It appears we're in someplace that speaks my language. For instance, that bit of rubbish says 'Coca-Cola', and that sign is advertising 'boba tea'." 

    She pauses.

    "I'm not familiar with that variety."
    "I do not recognize either of those things," Hornet points out as she glances in the same direction. "At least we know you can read what is here. Perhaps you can discover if this town shares the name of the one you came from?"
Evie Frye
    "I have no idea what either of those products are." Evie replies quietly, but she takes a deep breath. "If you don't mind me asking, Hornet... how did you and Red come to be in this park?"
    "We came from another world I did not get the name of. I just know a city there was named 'Meridian' and a native there named 'Aloy' found me and a few others that had also recently been forced from our homes. She provided me a place to stay for a few nights before I found Red and departed to try and find some of these 'vines' I told you about. When I came here, it was on the outskirts of this city, aboard Red. We ventured here and there where people did not seem to mind, I asked questions to those that were willing to answer. There were.. far more that seemed disturbed by our presence so I decided to put some distance between us and found this park in the process. I was simply having a small snack before hoping to venture to one of these locations," she taps on the map, "To see where these vines go. I hope for Hallownest, but the way it was described to me, there are quite a number of worlds within this 'World Tree' we are now apart of."
Evie Frye
    The quiet woman narrows her eyes back out to the people beyond, and then turns her back and returns to Hornet and Red. She stops, and looks closer at the map, studying it. She even goes as far as to draw it up, and take a good look at its lettering. 

    "If this is London, it is far beyond my time."
    While Evie's studying the map, Hornet finishes with her apple, setting the core down near Red's mouth, which he noms rather quickly despite being quite asleep. "Various worlds, I suppose different times in those worlds is a possibility, as much as new races, new languages, new friends, and otherwise," she decides before standing to rummage around in one of the cargo pouches on Red's saddle. A waterskin is eventually produced and held out to Evie first.
Evie Frye
    "No, thank you, I'm soggy enough already." Evie replies, half trying to joke and half with a bit of snark behind it. She studies the map for a bit longer "I'm not sure if any of these places will be even familiar to me, but it is my thought that if all these places are connected with vines, then it may be best to set up a base of operations some place, and explore from that. We'll have to take turns doing the talking depending on the world and how used to outsiders they are..." she trails off, and then rubs her face a moment, pressing her fingers to her cool cheeks as she gives a huff of breath between her gloved palms. 

    "Either way, it's better to have a place to fall back. This Aloy you met before, what's their world like?"
    "Less than.." Hornet motions to the 'future-London' the two have encountered, "Than this. Far less people, a far smaller city. I think it preferable to this place, and I know where the 'vine' is to return. Aloy was very accomidating but I did not want to overstay. However, she did seem like she was in need of assistance in her world from what I recall. Perhaps if we help her, she'd be willing to help us further."
Evie Frye
    "One good turn deserves another." Evie replies, and she draws herself up. "If she is agreeable to both the help and a small base of operations, besides... who doesn't love a trip to the country?" the Assassin states amicably. 

    "If that's amenable to you, my friend."
    Realizing the waterskin is still in her hand, Hornet has a drink before tucking it away, "I think that will suit us both well. Perhaps you can meet Diantha and Demi as well. They were the others I met when I first arrived on Aloy's world. We will see."
Evie Frye
    "Seems like quite the garden party. I should make finger sandwiches." Evie gives a gentle smile. "Right then, then we have a plan." 

    Having a plan was good. Having a plan meant a little control in the sea of chaos.

    And she draws out a silver pocket watch from her vest. "How long until Red's fully recovered?"
    "Recovered?" The question surprises Hornet for whatever reason, "He's just lazy most of the time, and stubborn when he wants to sleep. We can go whenever you like, I'll just have to bribe him awake, that's all."
Evie Frye
    Evie sort of looks over at Hornet, then gives a shrug, bringing her hands up. "Of course. A particular beetle." she replies, and gives a sigh. 

    "More like my pony White Socks than even I knew."
    "Well, fortunately he likes fruit and I have a lot of it," Hornet notes before removing a few more apples from the pouch and sets them down in front of Red. "Did you want to try and get a few things here, or would you rather see the markets in Meridian?"
Evie Frye
    "To be honest..." 

    Evie looks over her shoulder. "This city's a bit busy for me just at this moment..." Evie replies.
    At that note, Hornet gives Red another firm nudge with an elbow who promptly devours the apple offering and grunts, "Time to go?" in a rather rough tone. 

    Hornet nods, "Back to Meridian, and with a friend," she points out.

    Red regards Evie, seems to approve, and then slowly rises up onto all his limbs, ready to go whenever everyone else is.
Evie Frye
    "... oh God... he speaks..." Evie whispers, and brings her hands to her mouth to hide her absolutely delighted smile, "Hello, I'm Evie." she introduces herself simply, and looks to Hornet. 

    "White Socks certainly didn't speak." she adds, but it's hard to hide the utter joy in her eyes.
    "He does, though not that much, truth be told," Hornet explains as she climbs up onto the saddle on Red's back, offering a hand should Evie needs it. Somehow she doubts it, but a little courtesy never hurt. "Well, just another thing to add to the list of interesting things, hmm?"
Evie Frye
    Evie does accept the hand, drawing up to Red's back, her hood staying down for now as she adjusts, takes a deep breath, and motions. 

    "Shall we?" she gives a grin.
    With a nod from Hornet and a urging on to Red, back to Meridian for two, and a new world for one other.