
World: Hollow Knight-1
Apparent Age: Adult
Role: Defender of Hallownest
Theme Song: Christopher Larkin - Daughter of Hallownest ( https://youtu.be/o5_nMrARi-k )
Voice Actor: Makoto Koji


Hornet is a citzen of Hallownest, raised by three mothers, born and raised to protect the kingdom she calls her home. Through her extended family, Hornet developed a love and loyalty for the kingdom of her birth that few are able to match. She would put everything on the line to defend everything that lies within its borders. To that end, the training she received as made her a fierce and nimble fighter that wields her needle with an unmatched expertise due to being able to call it back to herself with thin strands of silk. Those that can rise to the challenge of her skills will earn her trust, not easily given. Currently far flung from the lands she calls home, Hornet roams the worlds of the World Tree seeking allies that can help her both find her home and save it from a corruption she fears may be taking it over.


Vespa's Needle: Hornet's weapon, a blade that can also be thrown and recalled with her silk.
Vespa's Needle: A blade made of a silvery metal with a ring acting as a pommel, this weapon rests at the center of Hornet's combat prowess and agility. At first glance, it seemed to be used as a sword. The purpose of the ring is made clear when the weapon is thrown. A shimmer of silk will often appear between the blade and its owner before being returning to her hands.
Silken Acrobat: Use of silk allows Hornet to scale walls and heightens her agility.
Hornet's agility goes hand in hand with the use of her Needle and the silk she uses to to bring the weapon back to herself. Most often her weapon is used to accent her agility, but her ability to create silk can be used without the weapon to create points she can retreat to at any angle. When her silk is tied to Vespa's needle, it can even let her ascend walls by using it as an achor point. Given time to prepare and place this silk, Hornet can use the nearly invisible strands to leap great heights, move at high speed, and even release bits of shrapnel to act as traps in the air around her.
Red Stag: A large stag beetle that Hornet uses as a mount.
Stag Beetles of Hallownest are sentiest beasts of burden, standing taller than average bugs that are happy to share their strength for the benefit of others. Hornet's stag is no different, is red in color, and she uses it as a mount as she roams the World Tree. It acts as her main form of long-range transportation and her first friend within the World Tree. If a fight breaks out, Hornet will send him off to safety, as it possesses no combat capability.
Citizen of Hallownest: As a bug from Hallownest, Hornet can see in the dark and has a firm exoskeleton.
Hornet, as a being of Hallownest, is a creature of clear insect-like decent with intelligence and strength unlike typical bugs. Like most beasts of Hallownest, she has a chitinous shell which offers a slight amount of protection for her. She is familiar with living both above and below ground, can see easily in each environment, and has a respect for proper authority in a given area.
Archaeologist: Hornet knows how to research and discover information about civilizations.
Through her upbringing, Hornet's family imparted upon her the history and knowledge of the creation of Hallownest, the hidden knowledge of its safety against an ancient corruption, and the secret research that occured to ensure the kingdom would stand forever. She is a wealth of knowledge about her home, should she be convinced to speak of it. On the flipside of this, knowing so much about her home leaves her bewildered and curious whenever she finds new lands to explore. She can easily discover information about a new land if it is written somewhere, or hidden among the items and artifacts of world she's visiting. She will not judge a new kingdom's ruler or people without first understanding their history and the story of it's people. If one cannot earn her trust by sparring against her Needle, they may find that trading history can do the same without coming to blows.


Child of Violence: Hornet's needle and silk are used to solve her problems.
Hallownest has been a kingdom at conflict ever since the Pale King arrived. All across her upbringing, Hornet was taught how to defend herself and how to defend the people of her home. Once she had grown, her waking hours were spent honing her ability and defending the place she calls home. When a problem rises before her, the use of her needle and silk are always the first thing to come to mind as a result.
Light of Frame: Hornet may hit hard, but can't take hard hits.
While very nimble on her feet, and agile in the air with her silk, Hornet's frame is lithe and light, and is not built to take sustained blows from a strong opponent. If she's caught in a corner or small space, and has no choice but to be struck, she will quickly be put out of combat. Her fighting style is to duck, dodge, dive in, strike, and back away, only to repeat the process.
Agents of Corruption: Corruption of a people or world is unacceptable to Hornet.
Knowing the history of Hallownest, Hornet has an issue with anything she sees as a creature or entity of corruption. Anything that creeps into a world or land, infests its people, corrupts its authority figures, will find Hornet standing in its way and will do everything within her power to put a stop to it. She fears that corruption may be creeping its way into her home, and it is what drives her to find Hallownest once again so it can be saved... if needed.
Higher Beings: Unless certain of corruption, Hornet will obey the authority of a local world.
Once she understands the history and authority of a world, Hornet will often adhere to the requests of people of authority in that world and obey their laws. Should a world fall under threat, she will fight to ensure the world and it's people will survive their hardship. She prefers to act on her own and by her own methods, but will obey local enforcement should they be present.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
637 A Night in the Royal District of Columbia Mar 28 2020
588 Bee in the Bonnet II Oct 23 2019
587 Bee in the Bonnet Oct 22 2019
503 Seaside Exploration May 27 2019
480 Introductions Required May 10 2019
478 The Majestic Yet Terrifying Machines of Horizon May 10 2019
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.