World Tree MUSH

Outrageous Topography

Character Pose
There are many worlds that tend to blend in, or seem relatively similar to each other. But then there are worlds that are just completely abnormal, with outrageous topography. 

This is one such outrageous world, where the entire expanse of the planet seems to be one, huge mega city. It's seemingly entirely empty, yet isn't designated a dead world. The streets are entirely metal, the buildings hum with electricity, and small machines seem to keep the world in pristine condition.

What might initially catch Krystal's attention is something moving at relativistic speeds on said world. Though at some point it stops. Radar will bring one to a massive intersection, where some sort of blue creature stands in the middle of it, looking around.
     Krystal is traveling the vines a bit, looking for anything out of the ordinary or perhaps a world she hasn't been to before. Today as her ship, the CloudRunner comes through the vine leading to this city coated planet, she finds both. Her ship's sensors at first don't pick up any life, though they aren't as powerful as those on a larger ship so that doesn't mean the entire planet is necessarily lifeless. Case in point, a few moments later there is a blip, and then it's gone as quickly as it appears. "Wow, if I blinked I'd have missed that. I swear I saw a blue blur down there too..." 

     She decides to go down for a closer look and brings her ship in for a landing on a landing pad which doesn't seem to have been used in quite a while. A moment later she hops out of her ship dressed in her midnight and lavender flight suit, staff in hand just in case whatever was down here was hostile, though if it is as fast as she thinks it is, one might question how she expects to strike or shoot it with said staff. She looks around a bit and begins walking down one of the streets. "Maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me." She mumbles out loud.
"Whoa, who are you? I didn't know there was anyone actually alive here." Sonic says while standing -directly behind her-, having moved almost instantaneously from where he was standing. 

His thoughts move a mile a minute. <Wow an animal person for once Though she's a little taller than usual.>

He taps his foot, seemingly not the best at just standing still.
     Krystal's eyes widen as she picks up on the torrent of thoughts flowing from Sonic before she even hears him, though not much before as in a fraction of a second he almost seems to appear behind her because he moves so fast. In all her travels she has never met anyone who's thoughts change so rapidly, and it's a little overwhelming at first. 

     She turns to face him and blinks, then grins as the thought about her being an animal person but being a bit on the tall side. "Are foxes not bigger/taller than hedgehogs where you come from? I actually don't believe I've seen a hedgehog in all of Lylat now that I think about it though... Anyway, I didn't think there was anyone here either, but my ship and my eyes just barely detected you as you zipped past. You've got to be the fastest thing on two legs I've ever met. You'd probably outpace my ship even, at least in the atmosphere."
"Well my best friend Tails is shorter than me, and he's got two tails, so he can fly! But I've never seen -any- animal person as tall as you in my world." Sonic looks around, still curious about the world. Then stomps on the metallic ground a few times. 

"You've also got a -lot- of clothes for an animal person." he notes, as he motions over his own body. "We've got fur, you know!"
     Krystal giggles a little as Sonic comments on how much she's wearing in the way of clothing, and smiles as she nods a bit. "Two tails huh? I guess it's not hard to guess how he got his name then. Though I'd probably give myself a headache trying to think about how you'd move even two tails fast enough to fly and not end up with them tied in a knot or worse." She says with a bit of a wince with her own tail twitching a bit. 

     "As for the clothes, for some reason, they frown on people walking around without them in the Lylat system where I come from. Though I am wearing a bit more than I normally would for a casual night out or something. I'm dressed for flight in my ship, and also for any adventure that might come my way." She says with a bit of a grin, now also collapsing down her staff and attaching it to a clasp on her belt, as she didn't expect to need to defend herself, not from Sonic anyway. "Oh, my name is Krystal by the way." She adds as she realized she forgot to introduce herself.
"Sonic the Hedgehog. And I save the world naked all the time." Sonic reaches up to tug at his scarf a bit. "Well, I've got this thing now. It's getting a little old." 

"Tails flies a plane sometimes. And I guess Amy wears clothes. I've never really thought about this before..." He shakes his head a few times. "This whole alternate worlds thing makes you think about a lot."

His thoughts aren't the best. <Oh man I need a new topic I sound totally weird>
     Sonic is worried he sounds weird, but Krystal just finds that thought rather cute/adorable in that he was trying so hard to sound normal or cool. "So he can fly with his tails, and also fly a plane? Sounds like a talented little fox. Who's Amy though? She your girlfriend?" Krystal asks with a knowing grin.
"Oh man no!" <Never not in a million years why would she say that> "I am a bachelor, a lady's hedgehog, not tied down to anyone or anything!" Sonic declares all of this before he suddenly poses, holding up a single finger and winking. <Whew I think I saved my coolness levels there>
     "So you're not willing to be tied down for a relationship? Must be lonely sometimes, though I guess for someone as quick as you, you'd have to find a lady that could keep up and has the same thirst for adventure." Krystal gives her thoughts as she glances back towards her ship a moment, then around at the view of the deserted world-spanning city for a moment, or at least as much as she could see from here, and finally back to Sonic. "Seen much of this planet? Anything interesting?"
"Hey, I can do romance, but I -am- on the go a lot. And I've got Eggman always sending robots after me." Sonic suddenly shifts over to her, reaching out to lift her up if she'll let him. Despite being smaller, it takes no real effort for him to do so, he's clearly strong. 

"I've seen a bit, I'm trying to figure out what this place is. I'll carry you around, it'll be faster than the ship." he boldly claims, grinning cockily. <It's not lonely right -now-> he thinks to himself.
     Krystal nods. "The busy life of a hero out to save the world. I guess I'm one to talk though, I haven't really settled down with anyone either, too busy traveling and helping others with their problems." She answers as she blinks in surprise as he picks her up. "Wow, you're pretty strong." She comments before adding subtly with her telepathy for Sonic to hear in his head. <And kinda cute too.>
"Whoa what was that?!" Sonic asks before he suddenly zooms away. Despite how quickly they're running, he seems somehow able to keep her from experiencing the normally negative effects of moving at such high speeds, perhaps just a matter of skill, who knows. 

The world around them, from her perspective, blurs by as he stops on a rooftop, her ship -far- out of sight. "There aren't any doors, this place is -weird-." <Did I really hear her voice in my head? Weird.>
     Krystal feels quite a rush as Sonic zooms along while carrying her, her heartbeat growing faster. She wonders how Sonic, who honestly doesn't look like your typical man with super strength, not only can carry her, but hold onto her through the crazy g forces that would have to be generated by his hyper-fast movement. 

     She grins as she hears him questioning if he heard him in his head, but decides to keep him guessing a little longer. "That... was intense..." She says as she takes a moment to catch her breath. "As for the lack of doors, maybe there is some other way to get in? Some kind of computer lock with a hidden entrance, or even a teleporter perhaps?"
Sonic carefully sits her down, seeing a little circular machine walking around on dozens of robotic legs, almost like a strange roomba crab. 

He picks it up with one hand, turning it over to stare down at the wriggling legs. "It's all so automated. It reminds me of a massive Eggman base. I might see if I can bring Tails or someone back here."

He sits the machine down, then turns to face Krystal, shrugging. "It's getting late. I should set up a camp somewhere. But... maybe not in this world without any grass or anything. You know anything about camping, or do you just live in space ships with fancy space food?"
     Krystal watches as Sonic examines the little bot, looking it over about as much as he does. "Strange, I guess it's leftover from when there were people living here. As for camping? Funny you should ask. I actually spent quite a while on a very low tech planet called Sauria which is inhabited by dinosaurs, saving its people from an evil tyrant, and also from the planet literally breaking apart. My ship is actually based off of the Cloud Runners from that world. Anyway, I also usually didn't have to worry about anyone but myself and sometimes had help from some of the more peaceful dinosaur tribes... And in any case, here there is no wilderness, so I'm not sure camping knowhow is going to help much."
"I don't know what any of that is! But I know what it's like to have an evil tyrant. Eggman's always trying to destroy the environment and build his crazy machines and oil factories." Sonic suddenly lifts her up again, then laughs. "How do you think I got to this world?" he asks, tilting his head. 

Then he zooms off, this time -much- faster. Going at relativistic speeds is absolutely strange, the way it makes the world around them sometimes appear to bend or move closer, or faster. It's all very... confusing, like going at warp speeds in a space ship.

By the time he stops, they're in the midst of some jungle. In the distance they can see the edge of the machine world, glistening in the sun. "See? Getting from a world is easy." <I know I know I'm cool!>
     Krystal stretches a bit and looks around some before looking back at Sonic. "You know, if you were going to go this far, you could have at least found us a nice hotel or something." She jokes with a grin as she takes her boots off. "Seriously though this is nice. So your tyrant is called Eggman? What an odd name. The one I spoke of was known by General Scales. He almost killed me once, grabbed me by the neck and tossed me off his airship, luckily the cloudrunner who brought me there stuck around even though I told her to seek shelter from the storm that was beating down like a hurricane."
"We've got wood, leaves, and nature!" Sonic enthusiastically says as he starts to zoom around, grabbing leaves, branches, vines, and other materials. He seems to move almost non-stop, with no real need to stop and rest. Though he occasionally stops to speak. "The city doesn't seem to have light, and I don't want to stay in a dark robot city. So tomorrow we can try to explore again." 

He seems to know what he's doing, laying down foundation, tying sticks together, and generally almost making this look like a sped up video of building shelter. "Just relax. Tomorrow, we'll find out what the deal is."