
World: Star Fox-1


Krystal is an anthropomorphic vixen from the planet Cerinia which was mysteriously destroyed while she was on an intergalactic diplomatic mission. She now spends her time exploring, finding new allies, and trying to find out what happened to her home planet. She continues to fight for peace during her travels and is more likely to get her hands dirty when necessary to accomplish this goal these days, but knows the universe is vast and there is only so much she can do alone. She enjoys this life, both because she finds the work she does very rewarding, but also because she enjoys finding new worlds and learning about their cultures. She is a natural telepath, a decent pilot, and can generally hold her own in a fight. However, she can't resist helping someone in need, even if it leads to unfavorable consequences for her, and is sometimes a bit too ardent in her fight for galactic peace, which can land her in over her head with situations that are beyond her ability to fix on her own.


Power Staff: Krystal's staff can fire energy or ice, create barriers, and unlock doors.
More than a simple melee weapon, Krystal's staff is capable of various functions. These include firing energy blasts from its spear-like end similar to a blaster, creating a short-range blast of ice to freeze an opponent or object, forming a small and temporary force shield to protect herself and anyone directly next to her, and even opening locks, though the latter doesn't always work. Most of these powers deplete the staff's energy reserves, eventually exhausting its power core, rendering it just a simple spear until it can be recharged from an appropriate energy source. Her staff also almost seems to have a mind of its own and must accept its user before its powers can be unlocked.
Ground Quake< Edge-E >: Arguably its strongest feature, her staff can be used to create ground quakes.
Krystal can charge up her staff and strike it firmly into the ground, causing a miniature earthquake, knocking down and potentially stunning anyone standing near her. This normally works on foes that are roughly comparable to her size and/or strength. However, through spending edge and much more of her staff's energy reserves, she can overcharge the power, causing a much bigger quake capable of toppling stronger foes.
Combat Training: Krystal is skilled in unarmed and staff combat and is a decent shot.
While by no means a seasoned expert, Krystal has trained in melee combat, both unarmed and with her trusty staff. She is also a pretty good shot with projectiles from her staff's power cell, or a standard blaster. Rather than trying to overpower an opponent with brute strength, she leans toward using her agility for quick and rapid strikes and attempting to avoid the attacks thrown against her.
Telepath: Able to read the thoughts and knowledge of others and speak into someone's mind.
Krystal can directly interact with the minds of others. This allows her to communicate without making noise and across language barriers and also to read a person's thoughts. Although, deeper thoughts and memories require more time and focus to delve into. Similarly, while she can detect strong thoughts at great distances, such as a person in distress many miles away, this also requires focus to home in on. Being able to pick up on the thoughts of others also allows her to learn more quickly from others who are proficient in a particular thing. All of this is not infallible, as someone with a strong mind and proper training, or perhaps a species with natural resistance to telepathy for example will be able to block or at least resist Krystal's mental probing.
Cloud Runner: Krystal's ship is well armed, capable of warp flight, and has a unique design.
Cloud Runner is Krystal's personal spacecraft. Its design and name are drawn from the Cloud Runners, a pterodactyl-like dinosaur tribe on Sauria. It is armed with twin laser cannons, a single locking system, and one smart bomb. Being a space fighter, it is not terribly effective for ground-based combat situations, but its capabilities have proven useful during her travels through the galaxy.


Soft-Hearted: Can't resist helping someone in need, often not considering the repercussions.
Krystal has spent much of her life helping others because it is something she's proven to be good at, and she finds it very rewarding. However, working alone is rough, and Krystal will often rush in to lend a hand without taking the time to learn or consider the potential risks to herself. Finding allies to share her burden will certainly help, but this is an impulsive tendency that she will need to overcome unless she wants to wind up one day offering a helping hand at the cost of her own life.
Overconfident: Not afraid to stand up to someone who is obviously stronger than herself.
Krystal has been fortunate that in her work around her part of the galaxy, she has had far more success than failure. However, this has also bred a worrying bit of overconfidence in her. She is likely to either overestimate her own abilities or underestimate how formidable her foes are. So far, she has been lucky but it's only a matter of time before her reckless overconfidence comes back to bite her.
Brainwave Beacon: Sometimes Krystal really wishes her telepathy had an off switch.
Krystal's telepathic powers are both a blessing and a bit of a curse because she has not learned how to shut herself off from them. There are certainly some thoughts she has picked up on that she wished she didn't. Deep dark secrets, unspoken insults, even just powerful raw emotions. Sometimes it can be too much and can either lead her to meddle with the affairs of others when she really shouldn't, or even overwhelm her to the point of making it difficult to concentrate on what's important in a chaotic situation.
Haunted By Her Past: Her past is a touchy subject, and her quest for the truth may lead her awry.
Many people experience loss in their lives, but Krystal lost her entire home planet along with everyone she knew. She will mourn the loss of her family and friends for the rest of her life and has made finding out what happened and how has become her life's work. She needs the closure, but she also hopes that if she can find out what happened, she might be able to stop it from happing to someone else. However, the realist voice in her head knows that such a powerful event may not be possible to stop, and that chills her to the deepest parts of her soul. Having experienced this loss also makes it harder for her to allow herself to get close to others, afraid of experiencing the pain of loss once again. Talking about family is also an expectedly touchy subject.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1159 When the Past is a Slippery Slope May 15 2023
942 Restful Silence: Finale Dec 14 2021
937 Restful Silence Pt 4 Dec 07 2021
932 Restful Silence Pt 3 Nov 30 2021
926 Restful Silence Pt 2 Nov 23 2021
923 Muradin's Multiversal Pubcrawl Part 2: Darkened World Nov 22 2021
919 Restful Silence Pt 1 Nov 16 2021
908 The Foundry Oct 29 2021
619 Looking for Information Apr 11 2020
613 Looking for Home Feb 04 2020
See All 34 Scenes


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