World Tree MUSH

Bee in the Bonnet

Character Pose
Evie Frye

    A city choked with coal fire smoke and wracking coughs, with hansoms and carriages and rented horses, where the lamplighters are just now going about their duties, lighting the little gas lamps about the sides of the cobbled streets.

    A late fall chill has snuck over the area, laying accross the city. Children rush home -- when they have homes -- from factory jobs, or sludge their way to work in breweries or mills, or ply papers or matches in the street.

    The Thames is filled with barges this evening, men laughing and calling to one another, and near one of the docks was where Evie was perched, a light rain tumbling down. Her hood was drawn, her face set in a stern visage, before she climbs up another level along a building. Her quarry was close.

    She could feel it.
    And if she wanted further evidence of it, the telltale sound of a Needle finding purchase in the roof, and the tug of silk, heralds it. "One block, west, fit your description,". Stern, calm, but well aware of what Evie wanted to do this evening. It was nothing new for Hornet, putting a stop to those that would do her home harm. She was pleased to do the same in a new city, strange as it was. Above ground, suns and moons, creatures she wasn't familiar with but saw similarities in either way. 

    The rain, however, was familiar. It never stopped in Hallownest, so any time it rained in London she rarely stayed in doors, opposite to the general public. One may think you'd have no thirst in such weather, but the quiet creature still offers a canteen once she's come to a stop aside Evie. "Is there a particular way you wanted to handle this..?"
Evie Frye
    Evie had somewhat given up on trying to hide her weaponry from Hornet, after the cave encounter it was just too difficult to ignore, the /nature/ of her work, however -- 

    Evie's lips curl into a smile, and she gives a quiet nod. She hops a level down.

    "I loathe to involve you further than I need to, Hornet. You are welcome to remain here until I return to collect you. Elsewhile... it's nice to have a partner of similar mind."

    ... she'll have to introduce Hornet to Jacob at /some point/. But not tonight.
    "I have no issue should you want to deal with your quarry on your own, however, this is not unfamiliar work. If you need a hand, I'll gladly offer it. This place always feels like home when it rains, as such, it simply feels right to defend it as though it was Hallownest." She hadn't found the right vine to discover that subterranian city as of yet, but she was certain it would come to pass sooner or later. 

    Hornet won't follow the exact same course. She knew where Evie's prey lurked, and would move of her own accord. "I'll be near by," she repeats before using her needle to move back from where she came, the canteen tucked away once more. While she may not say it aloud, Hornet was quite curious how Evie would operate on such a mission. Even if all she was to do was observe, that would be a lesson all of its own.
Evie Frye
    Evie gives a nod. "Watch my back , then, I'd welcome it." the brunette replies to Hornet, and Evie goes on her way. She moves with the race of someone in total control of her body, leaping, hopping, swinging around a chimney and making a breath-holding leap accross a street, landing with the same grace as a cat on a balcony. One block West, she crouches, the rain falling off her oil-leather hood as she sweeps the crowd. 

    Every one of these gentlemen and ladies, rough shod as they were, wore Red jackets, black caps. Some were armed with muskets. Others with bludgeons.

    Evie's eyes roam over the crowd, and with Hornet watching the Assassin moves like a spider, hugging the walls, creeping along narrow ledges. Her green eyes see all dangers, and weigh her options carefully before there's the scream of a child.

    A bear of a man is holding a young girl by her hair, pulling her out of what might be a work house, laughing at her pain.

    The Target: Milton Cooper. Blighter sub leader, 'manager in house' of the Cooper Bottling Co.
The chimneys and smoke-stacks of London made for wonderful fixtures for Hornet's needle. With it's silken tie, she's able to dart across the skyline with a speed she has rarely seen matched. Once a single block has passed below her, Hornet comes to a halt, perched on the same weapon, leaning in against a broad brick stack, while glancing down toward the soaked streets below. 

    She had learned to spot Evie quickly against the backdrop of London town with little issue. Mindful of her position, Hornet starts to sweep the rest of the crowds. She still found it somewhat troublesome to differ between one human to the next, but at least their clothing and builds were varied enough to help her out. This is one of those times, nevermind the shrill cry of a child ringing out to draw her gaze toward the one Evie had set her mark upon.

    "What a horrible brute," she mutters, only the rain privy to her words. She was no fan of any child being mistreated, but this seemed worse than the usual labor she was seeing such young ones put to. A slide of one hand checks for a few other minor tools, but aside that, Hornet remains still. She would ensure Evie would have no surprises from her vantage point. This was Frye's mark to claim.
Evie Frye
    The Assassin went into action in a hurry. A few pellets pulled from her belt, and the area around Milton Cooper errupts with choking smoke, clinging to the area around them. There's cries of alarm, and Evie focuses, taking a leap, her hood hiding her face before she drops into the smoke. It's over in a few moments, smoke filling the alleyway -- and when it clears, there's Milton Cooper, with a single blow to his neck. The girl is nowhere to be seen, nor is the Assassin!
    Smoke, noise, and everything is over before Hornet could even see anything! Without her curiosity sated, one may think she's upset, but she is in fact amused. The amount of training and skill needed to execute such a strike in such a swift manner would clearly be high. 

    "Impressive," she says aloud, half expecting Evie to appear near by within the next few moments. It's why she's off the needle and simply standing on the rooftop beside the smokestack by the time the smoke is clear and Mr. Cooper realizes he has little time left with the world.
Evie Frye
    Cooper is gone. The throngs around call out to one another. Torches are lit and lanterns begin to glow as they try to find the assailiant, and Hornet may be able to spot Evie moving, the girl being cautiously guided with one gloved hand over her mouth. 

    Evie does make her way over to Hornet, quietly watching below.

    The crowd disburses, or heads back inside, some muttering in fear before Evie relaxes enough to unhand the girl, who is now soaking wet.

    "Terribly sorry to trouble you like that, Miss Frye!" she protests in a hiss.
    More impressive, then, that the single blow was enough to deal with the brute. "Simple solutions are often best," she admits also before taking note of Evie and the girl she had seemingly rescued. Hornet decides its best to not force them both to the roof and drops down not far from the two, so they can meet up. Even now, the rain still doesn't seem to bother her. Should it bother Evie and the other? She also wonders what the girl's reaction will be, but seeing as Evie handled Hornet rather well, she hopes that the citizens here will as well.%
Evie Frye
    The girl turns, and she spots Hornet. Her eyes go wide, and she takes a deep breath to scream in fright before Evie grimmaces, and grabs the girl, bringing her gloved hand up to muffle the scream. 

    "Bea, this is Miss Hornet. Hornet is one of my friends." she calmly states, holding the girl tightly even as she looks over her shoulder, judging how far the ground is and if the Blighters heard the muffled yelp.

    "Miss Hornet, this is Beatrice, who was just going to make her way to Clara and Miss Nightengale's hospital and let them know the bottling company isn't about to produce more elixer."

    Bea is released, and she gives a little gulp, looking to Hornet. She looks drenched, and completely miserable.

    "H-how do you do, Miss Hornet?"
    That reaction was not what Hornet had hoped for, but one that didn't surprise her either. "I do well, and I hope you do as well," she replies without missing a beat. She had done the same as Evie, eyes slipping up toward the rest of the area, then back to the pair. "I wasn't aware you had more assistance, Evie. Resourceful. Very good,". It wasn't something Hornet often had in Hallownest, even if the king had his knights. 
Evie Frye
    Evie makes a face. 

    "There is, I fear, more than meets the eye in many cases, Hornet." the Assassin states, and releases Bea, who gives a nod. "G'night, misses." -- and hops down, carefully, slips once and makes her way down.

    "... there has been something I've been meaning to ask you, Hornet."
    "Hmm?" The statement has Hornet curious, but not so much that she doesn't give Bea a departing nod, "Tread carefully, mind your surroundings," she offers before looking to Evie again. "Something troubling you?"
Evie Frye
    "What are your thoughts on protecting the innocent? Those who cannot fight for themselves?" Evie questions, continuing to crouch in the rain. It doesn't seem to bother her, but she does turn her head, her eyes catching in the gaslamps.
    "It is necessary, and something I have already done, and may even continue to do. Hallownest had plenty of threats that ordinary bugs could not deal with on their own. I put down those threats as quickly as you did here," Hornet explains, eyes slipping from Evie toward the town soaked by the rain. "It is nothing new to me. Something I gladly do."
Evie Frye
    "Mm. I've had an idea in mind for quite a while." Evie states as she hops up, and begins on a bit of a trek. "Care to join me for a hot drink?"
    "A hot drink sounds delightful," Hornet admits as she moves to follow after Evie. "I don't mind the rain, but it is a rather cold rain, here, isn't it?"
Evie Frye
    "Mm. Wait until it snows. Used to have the most spetacular snowball fights with my brother back home in Crawley." Evie states, giving a slight smile at the memory. "And it'll be nice to take off the hood and warm up!" 

    It's not a quick jaunt, and it's quite late when the two arrive at a pub. Evie hops off the roof, the heels of her shoes clicking against the cobblestone as she makes her way towards the door. There seems to be a bit of a row going on within, a heated argument when suddenly --

    "AW GAAAAAHD!" someone cries out as they're slammed through the swinging door. Evie has to side-step, and she reaches to make sure that Hornet doesn't get caught in the blow as a gentleman with a large mustache skids against the ground -- and a man leans out of the door. He's a little rough cut, wearing a fancier top hat and a green jacket, a scar cutting through one eyebrow. He bears a resemblence to Evie, in fact.

    "And the /next time/ you decide to cheat at cards, make sure it's not against /me/!" he snarls... and then pauses. Blinks, and breaks out into the biggest, shit-eating grin.

    "Snow..?" While the word sounds familiar, she can't quite recall what it means at this very moment. That will bother her, at least until either Evie explains it or it happens on its own. 

    At the pub, and on the ground, Hornet simply moves in aside the woman, taking note of the loud voices within. Much like earlier, there's no beat missed as the man comes flying out and Hornet moves aside as if she's done it a hundred times before. She glances down, even tilts her head at the man on the ground, "It's raining, I wouldn't lay there long," she states, possibly a joke of a sort, before her gaze rises to this other man, and one that calls out her friend's name. "Ah." She seems to understand, but will await a confirmation.
Evie Frye
    "... Hornet, might I introduce my brother, Jacob. Jacob, this is Miss Hornet." 

    Jacob Frye grins again, and then straightens up a moment, leaning his elbows on the door and looking Hornet up and down.

    "You know, vampires are one thing, but this looks like you're bringing the devil herself to our doorstep. Here I thought that'd be /me/." Jacob offers as a joke.

    "Jacob Frye. Charmed." he smiles, but he's obviously sizing Hornet up.

    Evie motions for Jacob to step aside. He doesn't. She motions for him to step aside again, with a little more force.

    That time he does withdraw, and motions everyone in, steping outside to help the poor cheating Rook up.

    Inside, the pub is full of green-jacketed, yellow-scarf-and-belt wearing types. Bowler caps and mustaches everywhere. There is a warm fire to chase out the chill, and a portly barkeep.
    "Well met, Jacob Frye," Hornet offers, though with no real offer of a handshake. Forgot about that particular mannerism, likely. "I assure you I'm not. ... that." She's assuming something bad, seeing as how most humans have responded to her. There's a side glance to Evie for confirmation before looking to her brother again. 

    With the invitation to head inside offered, Hornet moves on in, happy to be away from the rain. Just because she enjoys it doesn't mean she has to be soaked to the core every time it comes around. The room is taken in, noting a lot of similarity to the people inside. She won't be making any assumptions, however. Not where her friend and her brother are involved. "Much better." Warmth? Good.
Evie Frye
    Evie leads on to a table in the corner, and she removes her jacket. She's wearing a deep, rich green vest over a white shirt beneath, and her heavy jacket -- even worse with the rain -- gets hung up on a peg. She sits down, finally able to just -- relax. Surrounded by allies isn't something she gets the luxury of out in the World Tree. 

    Jacob waltzes up to the bar like he owns the place, and chats up the bartender, and Hornet is afforded a seat near the fire to recover -- and dry off from the rain.
    A place near the fire is quite simply the only place Hornet wants to be for a moment. Thankfully the cloak often kept around her body has rain roll off of it -very- quickly. A benefit to living in a city that is rained upon constantly. It only takes a minute or two for it to dry right out without it even needint to be removed! The room will be afforded another long glance in another minute or two. She'd agree with Evie, its nice to just sit.. and not worry about anything.
Evie Frye
    That's about when a large tankard is set down in front of Hornet, along with some sort of savory looking stew, full of stringy pale meat, carrots and potatoes. The same is followed to Evie, who gives a thankful look up to her benefactor, and pulling up a chair -- respectful to not sit next to one of the two ladies -- is a quieter looking man. He has darker skin, dark hair, and though he wears garb similar to Evie's own jacket, including a hood, his is lighter in color and has a different look to it. His ear is pierced with a single, small golden hoop. 

    "Mr. Green, it's unnusual to see you outside your shop." Evie greets the man, who gives a smile. His accent is also very, very different than the Frye twins'.

    "It is not every day one of Clara's stops me in the street on their way elsewhere to say you had a new friend, Miss Frye. I wished to see for myself."

    "Very well. Hornet, this is Mr. Henry Green... a... superior of mine."
    So distracted by the fire, the heavy thunk of a mug and bowl almost startles Hornet. Almost. Her gaze slips upward to regard this new man, introduced by Evie as a superior, which earns all of the bug's attention. "Well met then, Mr. Green. You have a very... efficent employee... if such a word is appropriate." 

    She'd move onto the drink and food in a few moments. For now, she wanted to see just what this man is about. The different accent, the air about him, the fact he was Evie's boss, that all was more important at the moment. "It's a small comfort to be met with respect and not fearful gazes and stammering words, I must admit."
Evie Frye
    "The pleasure is mine, Miss Hornet -- and it is less an... employable relationship as it is one of..." 

    "If you say 'Brotherhood' I shall throw myself out the door." Jacob intercedes, and he plops on down next to Evie. Henry good naturedly smiles, while Evie gives a cross look to her brother. "A /little/ decorm, brother /dear/?" she states tersely.

    Henry looks like he's trying somewhat to not laugh. "I would think of it more mutual admiration and requirement. I do not do 'field work', as these two would." he smiles with a simple explaination, "... and why would I fear? You have made friends with one of mine, and proven yourself a valuable ally to Evie more than once."
    "I don't mean to judge humans by the actions of others, just a majority have found fear rather than respect when I've met them. It's a refreshing change when it occurs." A neutral gaze is sent Jacob's way. She's starting to understand what Evie's brother is like. ... It's amusing. 

    When her gaze settles back on Mr. Green, she has already made note of what Jacob said. "I will admit, there are methods that Evie uses that have made me curious about her aliegences. A 'brotherhood' of sorts? I will admit to wondering due to an earlier question from her." Her gaze shifts to the woman again, "I did not learn what I know on my own, and not to take away from your skill, Evie, but I had a feeling you learned yours somewhere as well.." Back to Green. "It has something to do with this place, or perhaps yourself?"
Evie Frye
    "Little with me." Henry admits, "I only met them some months ago, but I was a friend of their father's." he folds his hands a moment, and Evie takes over. 

    "But you are correct -- Jacob and I were both taught. As was Mr. Green, and many others before us, and in you I see many of the qualities valued by others within. A sense of loyalty, a curiosity."

    "Fighting skills, protecting the innocent, tendency towards metting out hard justice at the end of a weapon..." Jacob continues, seeming a bit enthusiastic as he jabs at the air above Evie's head as if slashing at something.

    "A sincerety and serenity, and ability to fight from the shadows." Henry continues, and he scratches at his beard stubble one moment.

    "Evie has told us about the worlds beyond, and though I have yet to leave London it is good to know that there are others who share many, if not all of our values. So, as de-facto mentor, somewhat, of our London beareu, I would like to extend an invitation to--"

    "Join the /ROOKS/!" Jacob interjects, and hoises his tankard up. "RIGHT LADS?"

        "THE ROOKS!"
            "Bugger the Blighters!"

    ... comes a choir of calls back from the people in the room, and Evie puts her forehead in her hands and mutters "Oh, Jacob..."

    And Henry sternly presses his lips together. "... that is not entirely untrue."
"I admire his enthusiasm," Hornet is quick to point out after listening to what they all have to say. She waits for the ruckus of the pub to die down a bit before she continues. "Where I am from, Hallownest, I worked against the threats to my home no matter what the sort. Threats from within, outside, and all flavors inbetween, ensuring no one would be put into danger. I agree, it is good to know worlds exist elsewhere with individuals." 

    At this time she finally takes a sip from the drink that was brought to her, likely trying to give Henry a chance to finish what he had been saying. "I think I'll wait for the -official- offer before I say yes, Mr. Frye." Is that smirk? It LOOKS LIKE ONE. Couldn't be.
Evie Frye
    The ale is strong and bitter, but refreshing. 

    "To learn more about the what we do, and why." Evie finishes, lifting her head from her hands. "It's dangerous. We are beset by enemies all around, far more clever and better fighters than our Mr. Cooper this evening, but help us here, and we /shall/ help you when you return to Hollownest."