World Tree MUSH

Bee in the Bonnet II

Character Pose
Evie Frye
    Upon agreement in the pub, the trio would look at one another with Jacob cracking: "You know, Westhouse would have never allowed this." to his sister, who tries to remain serious -- but just gives a snort of laughter. 

    Hornet was shown to a safehouse that night, the same Evie had stashed Red in the stables (to the strange curiosity of a few horses), and the homeowner paid for their continued silence.

    That morning, a carriage was waiting for her. It was driven by one of the men in green jackets with yellow sashes -- one of Jacob's Rooks.

    Inside, the gentleman from the previous night was waiting, a book open in his lap.
    It was all so fascinating! To think she had stumbled upon someone with similar ideals, who was part of a group with similar ideals, who had similar methods for enacting the very same ideals! It would seem even the array of worlds was rather small in some ways. 

    After the best rest she'd had in weeks, plus food and food for a bug among steeds, Hornet would find herself face to face with a man in a carrage, likely off to a place of importance. "Good morning."
Evie Frye
    "Good morning, Miss Hornet." the man greets her, Henry Green motioning to the bench accross from him. "I trust you had a good night's rest? You may need it for today." he comments quizically, turning a page in his large book. He has a pen in his hand. "I hope you do not mind a few questions while we travel; Evie has told me a little about you and your companion, and looking through her notes has made me curious."
    "Likely the best rest I have had in quite some time, in truth. Your hospitality has been most gracious, thank you," Hornet replies as she gives a parting look to the safe house before giving Mr. Green her full attention. "Ah, questions? I have been answering them since these new worlds found me. I do not mind. What is it you wonder about?"
Evie Frye
    "You deserve it. Evie returns from her excusions into the outer worlds exhausted, I can only imagine when you have no home to rest how it must feel." Henry replies. 

    "Tell me about yourself, if you please. I would like to get to know you better, and perhaps answer questions you may have at the end."
    Green is going to find that Hornet's answers are going to the point with at least a little additional info. "Born in raised in a realm and city called Hallownest. Subterranian, populated by all manner of people like myself, but in far greater shapes than your kind. Trained to protect its people against threats not normally known to the kingdom. Also trained to deal with threats from within as needed."

    Green's first statement is considered. "Mm.. yes. I'm always looking for new vines, hoping to find it. I'm sure I will find it at some point. When I do, I will be happy to show it to you."
Evie Frye
    "I would be happy to see it. You mentioned that you are trained to deal with threats within and without -- are you part of an order there?" he inquires. the carriage makes a turn, hopping over a small bump. The sound of children calling out can be heard outside, along with a few cross words shared between drivers. 

    Henry is writing in his book, though, as Hornet speaks. There's also a likeness of her inscribed on the page.
    The notes and imagery don't bother her. It was expected, once she saw the book. Part of a larger group, the 'boss' as it were, she expected records to be kept. "The Pale King's royal guard consisted of five individuals. I am uncertain if I was to be added to their number. All I know of my training was with each of them, as well as from other skilled individuals around the realm. I was brought here before my training reached it's peak. Through it all, I had already begun to enact my intended purpose for Hallownest."
Evie Frye
    "Your intended purpose?" Henry inquires, his eyebrows rising up. Pale king, royal guard of five. Training against each, was perhaps being groomed to guardianship -- goes into his book. He pauses in his writings though, and looks to Hornet. 

    "Was it not to protect your realm?"
    "Ah, I meant to say, that I begun protecting my home before my training was complete. Much like a skilled fighter continues to hone their craft while still using their skills toward whatever end. Hallownest the city was at the core of the realm. Beyond it, other tribes of bugs, some in line with the Pale King's rule, some that remained neutral. Some that actively fought against it." There's a subtle shrug given from Hornet. "The state of any world, I imagine. No place is ever fully at peace."
Evie Frye
    "No. Life creates strife, and as long as there is 'peace enough' we must be satisfied with it." Henry gives a smile. "And your companion, Red, is curious. Evie says he speaks."
    There's a nod of affirmation, "On occasion. He's older, stubborn, and speaks when he feels it is important. Otherwise he enjoys a fruit in these worlds called apples and acts as my steed. He feels it is his duty, and I have no reason to tell him otherwise."
Evie Frye
    "How did you and Red meet? It seems... curious that a sapient creature would voluntarily serve as a mount, I do admit. It is hard enough to get someone to do ask you ask if you pay them." he offers as a small joke, and leans forward, peering out the carriage window. "We're nearly there now. Before we begin, do you have any questions for us?"
    "Ah. Hallownest is .. a very different place. The size and shape of its citizens vary by a great amount. Red is no different, and is a citizen as much as anyone else. However, most of his specific kind take jobs acting as transport for the smaller of us that live within the city, travelling a vast network of tunnels that stretch all over the kingdom. He simply sees it as his job."

    Questions? "Mm. I do, but I have a feeling such questions will be answered as I see more and more of your 'brotherhood', I believe Mr. Frye called it. Why it acts the way it does, how it was founded, how far reaching it is. Questions I'm sure any new initiate would have. .. Or perhaps, just the clever ones."
Evie Frye
    "A Brotherhood, yes. Found all over the world, sometimes distanced merely by miles, others by centuries." Henry gives a small smile, and the carriage pulls to a stop. 

    "And you are right. The clever initiates question. After all, as it is written, 'nothing is true'."

    Henry opens the door, and steps out, motioning for Hornet to follow.

    They exit to an old edifice of brown stone, a yawning opening in the street with a gate. Paper blows by in the wind.

    "Miss Hornet, I look forward to learning much more about you." Henry states, and he unlocks the gate. "This way, if you please."
    Nothing... is true? Interesting statement, but one she leaves to dangle for now. "Vast, I see. Interesting," Hornet muses as she exits the carriage after Mr. Green. "I do feel that we share that curiosity, though I feel you may have your questions answered sooner than mine. Not that I mind.. Trust is only earned, not freely given," she notes before moving to follow him into the new venue.
Evie Frye
    "This will suit our purposes well." 

    Henry leads down the way, and then, lighting a lantern and attaching it to a hook, Hornet would find herself facing -- herself.

    A hall of mirrors.
    "And what purpose is that..?" she asks, though not expecting a simple answer. Especially when she comes face to face with Hornet, or the image of one in a reflection. "It seems your group is particulary well resourced to have such places so well hidden."
Evie Frye
    "... don't ask Jacob about this." Henry gives a wry smile, and gives a small shrug, and with a pellet of smoke thrown. disappears into the mist. 

    Hornet is left with her reflection, and dozens of other reflections.

    "Who are you?" one of the relfections seems to ask. It shimmers slightly.
    Fascinating. Hornet thinks that, at least. However, left in a room of mirrors with her reflection speaking to her, she harbors no fear. Just interest in the ones that brought her here. "An intrigued creature who seeks to know more."
Evie Frye
    "/Why/ do you want to know more?" Hornet's voice bounces back at her. A few of the relfections seem to shimmer, turning off in other directions. The mirrors are moving, slightly, but enough to cause the visions to go back and forth.
    "No one knows everything. To cease learning is to cease living," Hornet quickly points out, looking from one reflection to the next. "After all, we don't even know everything about ourselves."
Evie Frye
    Hornet's visage flickers away from a few more mirrors. 

    "How well can one ever know ourselves?"
    "Only as well as they believe. Only as much as they can find out, and only as much as other people lead them to believe. And even then, truth is a matter of perspective." Interesting questions, interesting brotherhood. Secrets surely abound for both parties.
Evie Frye
    Well, nothing is true. 

    The mirrors all fade off as the smoke lightens, save for the one directly in front of Hornet.

    This one falls backwards, shattering into a thousand tiny shards, and beyond there is a little dancing light... revealed to be the lantern light shining off Evie's pocket watch.

    And she makes a face at the mirror.

    "... that wasn't supposed to happen."

    "You set that one, Seven Years bad luck, darling sister~" Jacob laughs, and more lights come up. Henry grabs a broom, shaking his head at the antics of the twins.

    "Ordinarily, there would be far more of us, and more potential intiates, but London is in a sorry state of affairs at this moment." he states, and Evie grabs a couple of chairs. Jacob grabs his own, turning it backwards and sitting in it, his arms over the back of it. Evie sets one for Hornet, and Henry brings his own.

    "So. Ours is a brotherhood dedicated to preserving free thought, and the freedom of others." he begins, '... we try to uplift the downtrodden, fight for the innocent, and respect those who have passed, even those who we have had to bring to an end."
    Shattering, glass scattering across the floor, and a familiar sight in the distance. With Jacob's words, Hornet again finds herself just amused by it all. "Impressive, none the less," she admits to the group before stepping carefully past all of the shards to take her seat in the one empty chair. 

    Once settled, the woman from Hallownest listens, nods, "Noble ideals, no doubt. A grey area somewhere between ends and means justifying one another, not leaning constantly toward one side or the other."
Evie Frye
    "Sometimes we must operate outside the laws of society in order to protect it." Henry continues. "Some would see it as abhorrant, others as permission to do as they please, but keep in mind never is a life taken without consideration for its effects.... /most/ of the time." 

    A Look is levied from Evie to Jacob, who just yawns.

    "London is not a safe city for us. We three are the sole members here, and Evie the only member to travel beyond our own world, somewhat out of nescesity. We need the help here."
    ... Sometimes vast. They were in ruin here, which actually causes Hornet to feel a bit of sympathy for the trio. Everything until this point seemed to hint at something more grand. To see it is not leaves her wondering, "Were you larger once..?" 
Evie Frye
    "In the city, yes. There are more out there, but we are in decline. We still fight, though." 

    "Jacob's Rooks have brought us some possibilities, but Miss Hornet, you come with similar ideals, training, and fearlessness." Henry states, "and if you decide to accept an invitation to join us, we will help you when you find Hollownest."

    "Agreed. Hen-- Mr. Green and I had already considered venturing along some other vines while the city is quiet." Evie points out.
    "Well, like I said at the pub last night, I will say yes when the offer is formally offered. Evie has provided you all with a good first impression. Everything in the last 24 hours has only added to that. And when I -do- find Hallownest, hopefully everything will be as it was left. The knights of the Pale King were formidable. I doubt he would decline assistance with the wider worlds, though."
Evie Frye
    "If the Pale King's goals allign with ours, though if you are one of his vassals, surely they are congruous." Henry states with a soft smile. 

    "Then let us make it formal. Miss Hornet, from Hollownest, would you like to begin training with us as an initiate to the Assassin Brotherhood?"
    The Pale King is .. curious at best. I will leave it at that. His motives are his own. So long as the kingdom is maintained, I am sure he will be pleased," Hornet explains of the monarch. As for the brotherhood? 

    "Yes. I will bring my talents and my nail to your aid, here and elsewhere, wherever it is needed."
Evie Frye
    "PAr for par, this /also/ makes you a Rook." Jacob pipes up, "Just so you know." he gives a grin, winking to Hornet. "BUT this also means that you're not gonna be so secretive, right? After all! We're family -- blood of the convenant, water of the womb, or in our case both, eh Evie?" 

    Evie ignores her brother. "I'm pleased to have you at my side Hornet. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Until then... Henry will have to start giving you history lessons."
    "Mm. Jacob? Trust is earned, not given. I can't just tell you everything, can I? What fun is there in that?" A smirk? Twice? in one day's time!? Impossible.

    "You've had me since Meridian, nothing has changed. Just a few words and an agreement. I can tell you it changes little, but there's nothing wrong with this. I had planned to help you just as you had planned to help me. We simply found your home first." Her tone is calm, but optimistic. A place to call her own, while still hunting home, was a welcomed change. "At least now Red can get all the apples he'll ever want."
Evie Frye
    "I have an associate with some land outside the city where Red may be more comfortable for the long term. Also, he has an apple orchard, and trustworthy associates." Henry comments mildly, "It... may be easier on Red than living in the Safe House's stalls, at least short term."