World Tree MUSH

The Meandering Dead

Character Pose
    Why can't a town have a normal evening for once? It wasn't a weird town full of mysticism, though neither was it ultra high tech either. But they had a problem the last few days. Ghostly figures had been floating in during the night, terrifying the locals and leaving the few they touched cold and shivering, some even hypothermic!

    Not something Saber would normally care about, but she's here now. Not that people know she's a girl here. Sieger might, but the knight walking down the street is wearing her helmet, distorting her voice. Sieger had probably heard people warning about the ghosts, but nobody had mentioned a knight clomping through.
    Ever since Sieger got lost wandering through the multiverse, things like this seemed to end up being more of a daily thing than an occasional side-adventure. Truly, no town ever just seems to have a normal night anymore. But Sieger's not much the type to ignore matters like this either... even though he doesn't know a whole lot about ghosts, much less how to deal with them. But maybe his magic gauntlets might have some spell stored in them that let him punch them anyway? Hopefully???

    Either way, the young man in a dark-blue cloak ends up coming to a stop when he finds himself facing a fully armored knight stomping down the street. No, no one had definitely mentioned *that*, so he's left staring for a moment, with widened eyes. "... That... doesn't look like a ghost..." Yes, very observant.
    The knight definitely isn't a ghost! And the helmet might shield Saber's voice, but not her jovial nature. "Huh? Hah! Punchy guy!" The knight turns suddenly, walking over and thumping Sieger's shoulder if he doesn't move away. It's a firm tap, but friendly. "Yeah, fancy seeing you here! This town has some dumb ghost problem. They're weak-ass, but guess I gotta take care of them. Master's weird about ghosts and shit."

    The knight shrugs, then laughs, "Come on, punch a few ghosts with me and we'll get a drink after! I could use a little kickback time after this boring job!"
    "P-...punchy guy?!" Sieger blurts out in confusion just before the thump comes up on his shoulder, jostling him just a little bit purely by virtue of surprise alone. Wait. A jovial knight, and even past the distortion of that helmet he can sort of make out a feminine quality to the voice (even if the tone and the words spoken with it aren't quite feminine necessarily), and those particular speaking mannerisms... "...Saber?!" And no, he still can't believe he has to call someone *that*.

    Either way, an exhale of breath leaves his lips, along with some strung-up tension. "What, don't just go stompin' along at me like that without announcing yourself first! I mighta thought you were 'bout to tussle!"
    The knight stares, then barks a laugh! "Maybe I would! A little spar could be fun! Yeah it's me, forgot you never saw me with my armor on! Hah! Whatever." A pat on the sword, "Yeah it's me. Guess my great disguise fooled ya. Crazy witch knows what she's doing sometimes, but if it fooled the dickwizard I guess it works on everyone."

    Rambling about mysterious noodle incidents isn't helpful though! "What do you say? It shouldn't take long and it'd be a lot more fun with someone to kill ghosts with. Re-kill. Unraise. Whatever."
    Sieger blinks rapidly at the Knight! "...D-... dick wizard? Whoa, whoa, whoa!" He takes a step back and gestures his hands in vague, defensive signals. "Look I dunno what kinda magic you think I use bu-... wait, uh, you're not talking about me, are you?" A sheepish cough and a look off to the side in a futile effort to conceal the gathering of red color on his face.

    "...But sure. I could think of worse ways to spend an evening. Beats just wandering around like a lost idiot, anyway."
    Saber pauses and stares. "Huh? WOAH! No, I meant this jerk wizard I used to know, not you!" Saber, who says so many offensive things, actually sounds a little contrite this time. "Ahah, nah, let me insult the right guy, come on!" The helmet doesn't come off though, not within sight of the civilians.

    Instead Saber puts a hand on her sword and starts walking. "Do you have some kind of Rank E Luck or something to end up running into me twice in a few weeks or something? I'm not exactly the best friend you could find out here."
    Sieger, wisely, decides to let that whole matter with another wizard be put to rest with that. But he does quickly spin around in place to send himself stepping on along with her.

    "...What, do you come from a videogame world or something, to quantify something like that as a stat or somethin'? ... But considerin' all the nonsense I've been through since I literally fell into a wormhole or whatever from my own world, then I guess it would be something like that." His arms stretch up over his head, first, and then cross together behind the back of his head, keeping there while they walk. "But I mean, I could be doin' for much worse company than a pretty blonde, you know? ...Even if that pretty blonde is currently hidden under a ton of armor."
    Another guffaw, and Saber shakes her head. "Nah, nothing like that. It's not exact, but the ranks are just a way for Masters to figure out basically what Servants like me are good at. Where they can make good on stuff. Like I have a really great Mana Burst skill, and Riding, but they're not like... abilities you pick from a menu. Just words for the things we Servants do. I think it only works because of how we're summoned."

    Again with just yammering off stuff like she assumes Sieger knows. But calling her a pretty blonde gets a moment of dangerous silence. "Yeah I'm a Knight remember. A Knight. Don't call me that."
    Sieger flashes an all-too-amused grin at the explanation. "Yeah, yeah. That just makes it sound even more like you're a character from some RPG, you know. Next you're going to tell me you have some kind of special attack or a super or something like that..."

    THe silence alone draws a blink from Sieger, though. And when the words finally come along from the knight, he winces faintly and murmurs, "Yes ma'am." Yeah, he already understands not to contest that.
    "Pfft," Saber snorts, then laughs. "Nah, not like that! We're magical constructs of ancient myth! So like... Heracles is super strong! And we each do have this thing called a Noble Phantasm, that's unique to every Servant and more power-DAMMIT THAT IS A VIDEO GAME!"

    Heavy sigh. At least the agreement about calling her a cute blonde seems to have been forgotten and put aside. Saber could be the kind to hold a grudge, but doesn't seem to be out looking for them either. "Yeah, maybe we'll get some Ecks-Pee for this or something. C'mon."