
World: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: Late Teens


Sieger was always getting trouble his whole life. Even in his much younger years, he got into fights with perceived bullies all the time, and in his later teenage years, grew on to fighting gangs on the streets as some self-imposed effort to protect the community around him. This came to a head when he discovered a strange alien artifact-- a pair of powered gauntlets that infused into his affinity for magic, magically boosting his own physical capabilities alongside allowing him to cast spells to interplay with his own hand-to-hand combat skills. Unfortunately for him, the discovery of the artifact also lead to him being shoved out of his realm, and now he is left wandering through the World Tree and the realms connected in an effort to find a way back home-- and commit some heroics while he's at it.


Armed Device: Starke: Ancient Belkan Device that boosts and assists in the use of magic.
An Ancient Belkan Armed Device that Sieger stumbled upon by cosmic happenstance. In standby mode, it appears as but merely a bracelet with a red gem centered on it, but in active mode, it takes the form of two powered gauntlets, magically boosting his own physical capabilities while making complex calculations to assist in casting spells for him.
Cartridge System< Edge >: Momentary boost to power output through consuming mana cartridges.
Starke is equipped with a Cartridge System that allows loading it with bullet-like objects that store immense amounts of mana into them, and then 'fired' to briefly boost the power output of magic used by Sieger. This allows for massively more destructive attacks, but careless use can result in his body being overstressed by exceeding the amount of mana it is normally used to.
Knight Armor: A magically formed suit of armor.
When Starke enters active mode, it typically comes with mana being channeled to replacing Sieger's regular clothing with a set of armor, fashioned after knights of Ancient Belka, granting him considerable resistance to damage both physical and magical. The mana forming it can also be released in an emergency to create a brief shockwave around him, though it does leave him horribly unprotected afterwards.
Anti-Shielding Fists: Starke dispels supernatural shielding effects on touch.
Starke is equipped with an experimental module that interferes directly with magic that takes the form of shield-like effects. In practice, this means that any punch that Sieger throws while equipped with Starke in gauntlet form weakens the effectiveness of shields and shield-like entities with the potential to nullify them entirely. This ONLY applies to shielding-- any other defensive measures, supernatural or not (like regeneration, inherent toughness, armor, or simply dodging and parrying) are not affected.
Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Sieger's martial arts skills.
Sieger spent nearly his entire lifetime fighting with gangs and other criminals on the street of Berlin-- and along with augmenting his skills with lessons in Muay Thai and Jiu-Jutsu, he's grown into a formidable melee combatant by Earth's standards.
Attack-Enhancement Magic: Spells to boost attacks through mana enchantment
The main type of spells that Sieger gains through Starke. By enchanting either his body or a weapon with mana before attacking, he can explosively amplify the impact of the attack.
Determination of Steel: The will to push through, no matter what.
Sieger never gives up when it comes to protecting people. Never. Not even when all the chips are against him, to the point where he can push through immense amounts of pain if need be.


Supernaturally Inexperienced: Sieger is not used to fighting on a non-mundane level.
Sieger did not exactly have a lot of time after obtaining his Device to study and train how to use it, and he is still effectively a novice as a mage. Further, all of his combat experiences prior to being shoved into the World Tree have been entirely mundane in nature, without any supernatural elements, and as a result, he has no reasonable sense for how to deal with most supernatural beings effectively yet.
You're Not Invincible You Idiot: Sieger is a bit too nonchalant about risk of injury to himself.
Sieger is reckless, plain and simple. Even without the damage resistance from his Knight Armor, he has very little concern for his own well being when he perceives someone else's to be at stake, to the point that he may even take on outright self-destructive tactics and attacks. And his Knight Armor certainly has its limits...
Impulsive: Sieger often bites off more than he can chew.
Despite being occasionally capable of displaying quick wits in the middle of fights, Sieger tends to... not really think things through at all *before* he actually gets into one. This can result in him getting into fights that he *really* should not have picked. Further, with his hot-tempered and hero-idealizing nature, he tends to act without a second thought too when he perceives someone to be in danger or being treated unjustly, and charge into action to try and save them-- even when he really shouldn't.
Rough-Tongued: There's a reason Sieger is a fighter rather than a diplomat
A life as a street brawler does not exactly teach social graces to you. Not only is Sieger's rather vulgar in his use of language at times, but even when he means well he tends to put his foot in the mouth and say just the thing to agitate people; he tends to wear his emotions on his sleeves and speak up his mind, afterall.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
655 Goblin Mayor May 01 2020
604 The Meandering Dead Dec 17 2019
586 A Master of Stealth Oct 22 2019
577 A Lonely Encounter Sep 27 2019
576 Pirate Scraps Sep 25 2019
484 Interracial Cooperation May 12 2019
277 Several Types of Magic Oct 04 2018
262 Ruffled Feathers, Magic, Maps, and Void Sep 26 2018
See All 8 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.