World Tree MUSH

Good Intentions

Vergil interrogates Alucard. Goes better than expected.
Character Pose
It will come as no shock to many that Vergil does not trust one Alucard Fahrenheit Tepes. Whether its because Vergil is aware that Alucard is a vampire or that he witnessed Alucard have his way via absorption with the dead count in Las Vegas. Despite being only half-human, Vergil is very careful when it comes to making allies with those who -might- seek the extermination of the human race like so many others. 

With this mindset, Vergil returned to his world on the World Tree and sent Alucard an invitation to join him there, in a church near the city center. Apparently he was being considerate, since apparently the meeting time was at night.

So...there Vergil waits. The Tamato is sheathed are his side and his coat flows with each blow of the wind. His eyes watch the doors closely for the arrival of the Heir of Dracula. But at the same time, this is a test of Vergil's suspicion.
Alucard Tepes
    This world seems to be one of those that the people in it call 'modern'. Therefore Alucard has dressed the part. He wears a smart dark gray suit -- with a white shirt, black vest, and crimson tie (because of course it's BRIGHT FREAKING RED) -- black gloves, and black dress shoes. His long pale blond hair's been pulled back in a simple ponytail. He might almost be able to pass as a normal resident...


    Some part of him realizes that this is a test. So Alucard has deigned to come to this meeting unarmed, as a symbol that he means no harm. At least... visibly unarmed. His sword and shield are left somewhere safe. Mind you, that doesn't render him totally helpless should this go into a fight, but... he's less dangerous unarmed.

    He enters the church with seemingly no fear -- it's a public building, so he feels no compulsion to ask permission to enter. Besides that, his mother liked the serene atmosphere of churches, so he grew to like them as well.

    He approaches Vergil, but pauses more than an arm's length -- not only for politeness, but so he wouldn't crowd the other man. He offers a polite bow. "You wished to speak with me?" he inquires.
Vergil's eyes look directly at Alucard as he waits for the other man to approach. First off, Alucard passed the initial test: most vampires couldn't enter churches -at all- for it was holy ground. Vergil can be in here because he's half-human. Which must mean something about Alucard makes him different. Maybe he's like Vergil? 

Secondly, Alucard dressed for Church. Which means he's done this before and often, at least in the past. There is something very soothing about being in God's house as it were.

At the bow, Vergil returns the politeness with his own. "Don't mind my blade. I have little intention of using it. Precaution. The road here can be dangerous at night." A very brief pause. "I will be straightforward with you: I don't trust you. Your vampiric nature makes me question your intentions."
Alucard Tepes
    "As well it should," Alucard agrees immediately.

    ...Not very confidence-inspiring, is it?

    But before Vergil can get too set into 'kill it with blades', Alucard answers, "Your instincts are good. And I would not merely tell you to ignore them with me. I am dangerous to the human race, and I know this. But that is why I choose to isolate myself from them. If you have intention to ask me how I gain my nourishment? I feed on those who would harm humans. Otherwise I guard them from those who would harm them."
"It's pleasing to know that you are aware of your threat to humanity. Your feeding habits is comforting, but do you expect me to take you at your word?" 

Vergil was nothing if not thorough. "Though I thank you from sparing both of us the question. You said it yourself, your dangerous. but you have no love for other vampires. An anomaly, pure and simple."

He narrows his eyes. "Give me one reason why I should believe you. Why I should trust you."
Alucard Tepes
    "No, I do not expect you to take me at my word," Alucard replies. "Under normal circumstances, I would say that no, there is no reason to trust me. But I know why you ask." His voice loses some of its severity. "But, if you are so insistent about this, that you need assure yourself completely that I am not a threat to the world of mortals, then this is something you care about as well. ...Which I appreciate. This said, then... perhaps I can trust you with the whys of it all..."

    It's really strange. Alucard almost feels as though he's speaking to a kindred spirit, as severe as Vergil's being... as much as he's being an inquisitor! But, Alucard knows he would probably do the same if he were in Vergil's place. In fact, he has. Multiple times. Always testing the mettle of a potential hero -- that was how he got beaten within an inch of his life by Sonia Belmont, after all! At least Vergil's keeping his inquisition to questioning. For now.

    But that's not answering the question, is it? He reaches up -- slowly, mind -- and pulls something out from under his collar. It's a locket. Gold, done in a style that looks ancient. Of course, given his age it probably is. It's actually a rather large locket, so it's no wonder he generally wears it under everything. Alucard opens the locket, and looks at whatever's inside it.

    After a moment, he notes, "...I lost my mother when I was very young. She was accused of witchcraft for her healing, and heresy for consorting with my father. The church sentenced her to be burned at the stake. I thought to free her, but she bade me stay my hand, knowing that I would have to fight those who had sentenced her." He pauses then, looking back up to Vergil. "The last words she spoke to me were that I should not hate all humans for what these had done. That if I found that I could not live with them, I should do them no harm... for theirs was already a hard lot."

    And just to show Vergil that he's telling the truth? He turns the locket so Vergil can see it. There's a pair of pictures inside it. One is a picture of three people -- a tall, distinguished-looking man, clearly a vampire, with black hair, pointed ears, blood-red eyes, and visible claws on his fingers; a gentle-looking blonde woman with soft gray eyes and an almost impish smile on her face; in the woman's arms is a small blonde toddler with large gray eyes and the beginnings of fangs peeking out of his tiny mouth.

    The other picture is one of only the blonde woman. It's slightly darker than the family portrait, and her face is cast in shadow. She wears a purple dress and holds a bouquet of lilies.

    ...It feels strange being this open with someone he's just met. But he does feel as though Vergil may understand him... somehow, perhaps, in part...
Vergil remains silent as Alucard simply confirms his suspicions that Alucard is essentially a great danger to humanity. Though when Alucard suggests showing Vergil the why of his supposedly good intentions and reaches into his coat, Vergil doesn't even reach for his blade, as if he's that confident in his own abilities that he doesn't need to. Call it arrogance or pompousity. 

But He....strangely enough, has a feeling that Alucard is someone a lot like himself: He wanted justice, but the person he craved justice for stayed his hand. Though they are both not exactly human, they fight for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the dream of their parents. Vergil grunts a moment as his eyes briefly closed.

Especially when he hears of the fate of Alucard's mother....and given another reason to not trust the church. Or more specifically, the Catholic church of ancient years past. Regardless, when he is shown the picture of Lisa Tepes after revealing to him his past, Vergil's hardened features seem to visibly soften as he takes a deep breath.

"My mother, Eva, was killed by demonkind for her 'unholy' mating with my father, the Demon and Dark Knight, Sparda. They set fire to our home while my brother and I and our mother was still inside." He reaches inside of his own jacket and pulls out a simple picture, which he reveals to Alucard.

Its a woman with blonde hair and eyes like Vergil's own. Vergil takes a breath before putting the picture back in his own coat. "....We are much alike, Alucard. Kindred Spirits, warriors of the same squadron, however you want to call it. For this, I will suspect you no longer."
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard closes the locket once the pictures have been seen, tucking it back under his shirt again. And when Vergil begins to tell of his own mother's death... Alucard seems to freeze a moment, surprise visible through the impassive mask he usually wears. It only lasts a moment, though, and he recovers. A nod. "...You have my condolences for your loss," he says quietly.

    But that explained a lot. It wasn't just the partly demonic heritage he'd been sensing -- that sort of thing always attracted his attention, being half a creature of darkness himself. Darkness, chaos, any kind of something that isn't 'normal', it always attracted his attention. Because there was almost always a kind of conflict...

    "It seems so... unfortunately," Alucard agrees, to the mention of being kindred spirits. "Unfortunate that we both had to lose so much." And he nods once. "Thank you. I would have done the same, though likely been less upfront about it." Yeah, Alucard would likely have tried following Vergil, and that probably would have ended in a fight.
Vergil nods softly while his eyes remain closed, though he can sense Vergil's surprise. "And you, mine." he replies in the stoic and calm way of speaking that he always had. He remains exactly where he is, arms crossed, leaning slightly against the podium before he straightens out, uncrosses his arms and opens his eyes to look carefully upon Alucard. 

"I had a sense that you and I were alike in more ways than one...though I was not expecting a similarity of the most important sense. Our mothers were strong women."

Though Vergil was half-tempted to say his mother was the strongest, he's not so pompous as to forego a measure of wisdom, especially considering his current company. "This was the only alternative I could think of that didn't end in the two of us coming to blows. While I would not negate such a challenge, I prefer to know the why before I perform the do, unlike my idiot brother, I happen to have a thought process."
Alucard Tepes
    "Thank you," Alucard replies quietly, to the mention of condolences. At the mention of their mothers both being strong women? That gets a half-smile. "Indeed," he agrees. That's to both. Nah, he's not going to start a competition over whose mother was stronger -- that would be unfair to both of their memories, and both of their mothers' spirits.

    Now, when Vergil mentions his brother? That gets a quiet chuckle, a break in the normally stony composure. "It would have were I to have initiated it," he notes. "This way we are far less likely to injure each other."
Vergil nods softly to Alucard as he speaks his thanks. Condolensces for death doesn't do much aside from earn a measure of gratitude or appreciation. That being said, Vergil looks back to Alucard and he ponders for a long moment. 

"Then you're lucky that I'm the one who initiated it."

Aaaaand there's Vergil's arrogance entering the fray. "...and likely, as am I. I would prefer not to make an enemy unless I must, to save me time when I need to complete an objective. But currently, I await." He does enter a silence for the moment.

"What severity to do you expect a retaliation for our efforts in Las Vegas?"
Alucard Tepes
    "We would have likely caused damage to each other," Alucard acknowledges. He's not being arrogant; he's sensed Vergil's power -- and seen him fight. He knows that fighting against someone that powerful would be unpleasant at best, and fatal at worst! But he also knows his own strength (most of the time). That said, it's still fortunate that it didn't come to that.

    And then, shop talk! Something Alucard can feel less awkward and weird about!

    "As of yet? None, that I am aware. I have not noticed them reaching outside of their own world for retaliatory measures," he replies. "I do not know if they are not aware of the existence of other worlds, or merely believe that all the assassination is being done by a group in their own world. I did see a news report about the belief that 'D' is a terrorist group rather than a single person."
Yeah...and Vergil fights Dante near every goddamn day because they have a surprisingly functional disfunctional relationship. Pretty much they need to fight in order to show that precious brotherly love. But, Vergil is at a point of uncertainty if he wants to make an enemy of Alucard. If they came to blows, neither would leave the fight unscathed, and the chance that only one of them leaves alive is...pretty high, actually. 

They both have a sense of finality to them. "Guaranteed."

But when they move on officially to any reprimand, Vergil nods. "I may investigate any matters they take anyway. I learned a long time ago that just because the dog is far away, doesn't mean it doesn't still have teeth to bite you with, nor means to enclose the distance."

Small pause.

"I noticed that too. And these terrorist attacks of this variety have been on the upscale. Then again, that Diana woman was rather eccentric."
Alucard Tepes
    "That is true," Alucard notes, regarding the vampires still being a threat. "If we are able to go there, then they are able to come here, or send others out into the World Tree to gather information. And we do not yet know if they're aware of the other worlds."

    As for the attacks being on the upper class? "The vampires in her world style themselves as the lords and masters of their world, ruling over the mortals merely because they are vampires. Mortals are like cattle to them -- beasts to be raised like livestock, and fed upon with no more thought that slaughtering a cow or pig for the evening meal. 'D' is merely aiming for the serpent's head, so to speak."
Vergil nods softly to Alucard. "Exactly. The further we are ahead of them, the more time we have to prepare for retaliation. I'm telling you this because when I tell Dante, he's just going to push open the front door and pick a fight. Best only do that when its time." The night and day personalities between Dante and Vergil once again rearing its head. 

Then again, they are twins. Just let Vergil's hair get wet or just wait until he doesn't sleek it back. They look identical, where one could totally impersonate the other.

...if their personalities matched, anyways.

But he nods softly. "Humanity is humanity. If it were up to me, none of the vampires on that world would survive." He looks Alucard's way. "No offense." then he continues. "But, 'D's activities is keeping their attention off of the marketplace, as it were. With any luck, she'll keep up her efforts."
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard gives an affirmative sound regarding Vergil's assessment of Dante's likely course of action. "Indeed," he agrees. "He does strike me as the type." He doesn't say this with any judgy tone of voice, though -- there's a time and place for that. Just... this is neither, where these vampires are concerned.

    As for offense? "None taken. I am a dhampir, not a vampire," he offers. Might also help Vergil think of him as something other than a vampire, if he has a label to use. "If she's to keep up her efforts, she will likely need assistance. Their nobility has likely figured out what she's doing, and will be guarding their more powerful vampires even more strongly. And those powerful vampires are likely to seek out more power to protect themselves."
Vergil notices that Alucard is definitely avoiding using more judgier terms in response to Dante. Which makes him grin...a grin which grows wider when Alucard reveals his true nature to Vergil. "Hmph. Half-breeds should stick together. Or whatever you want to call it." Vergil answers, a subtle request of friendship perhaps from the Dark Angel, a title he probably also shares with Alucard. 

As for the question of if the vampires will come after Diana... "Well, its almost guaranteed. Though I imagine there's much more to her than meets the eye. I know revenge when I see it." Vergil hums softly. "If she needs the help, you can trust me to be there."
Alucard Tepes
    Alucard smirks a bit himself at the assessment. "Two half-breeds equal a whole?" It's a joke, one of his too-rare forays into comedy that isn't him lobbing snark. But he doesn't seem adversed to the idea of a friendship, so there's that!

    As for Diana? He nods. "She most definitely is," he notes. "I have been along with one of her elimination missions. I believe she has a plan. That she is not randomly striking out at anything she perceives as 'authority' in her world. Though I do not think she will share her plan, merely expect those who assist her to follow along with each step. I can understand why. The more people who know the plan, the greater the chance it can be leaked."
Vergil looks over at Alucard for a second before he chuckles. Apparnetly he found it funny - or he thought it was so pitiful that he'd give him the benefit of amusement. Either way, he nods ever so softly with Alucard's assessment. "Indeed. Shame that I dislike being out of the loop. Surprises can be deadly." Says the dude who can survive most anything. 

-most- being the operative word.

But he sighs a moment. "I should get back to Dante, make sure he's not covering our home in pizza. You're welcome to join me if you want to get a better idea of him, though I doubt you'll see a change." another burn thrown Dante's way, his ears are probably burning.
Alucard Tepes
    "We could ask her," Alucard reasons. "Though if she has anything, I doubt she'll reveal it. She may only say whether she has a plan or not. Perhaps not even that. Though I suppose nothing ill could come of asking."

    Alucard nods when Vergil mentions getting back to Dante. He smirks at the burn. "We've met before. I've had the pleasure of working with him before." Again, no judgy tone here -- he's pretty understanding of the concept of 'only I get to insult my brother'.

    However, he nods. "Take care," he offers. "If the road here was dangerous, the road back will also be."
Vergil nods. "Let me know when you intend to go. Though our chances will probably be slim if we know it and she doesn't trust us, and for good reason." He shrugs though before he starts heading out the door. When Alucard mentions that the road back is dangerous, Vergil shows him a sheathed Yamato, as if it is his answer to the threat of night. 

"Already covered."