World Tree MUSH

New Steel

Character Pose
    Uni sat with a small box, she's in a small cafe on some random Blossom, a quiet place where the supernatural stuff generally doesn't venture. She put a call out and gave Alty directions, while ordering herself something to drink in the meantime.

    Bravette sits on the table beside the box, settled on her lower legs in a traditional japanese style. She glances at the box occasionally, then at the door, sweeping her sensor package periodically.
    Thankfully Alty doesn't take too long in arriving. The little Altines is fairly prompt when called. Though she had spent a chunk of the prior day searching Tokyo for her sister unit, she got the call just after getting a nearly full recharge; and quite frankly, it would probably be a better diverstion to go see a friend than to keep worrying herself sick.
    She has to wait for someone to open the cafe door before she can scurry inside, and once she does, it doesn't take her too long to spot the goddess candidate and her partner shinki. She could just fly over, but rather than donning her armor, she makes her way over to the table on foot.
    "Ah... There you are. You um. Called me?" She chirps, before starting to scale her way up a seat.
    Bravette emits an alert ping when she picks up Alty. Uni turns to the door and spots the little Altines scurrying over. Once she's in range, the Goddess Candidate makes to scoop the other Shinki up and set her on the table. "I did, thank you for coming." she says, folding her hands as Bravette rests a hand on the box. "I've made a discovery. Bravette wanted to check the network attached to the grate Seraph fled through. During an expedition, she found a city." she pauses for effect. "A Shinki City. We believe that she made have taken shelter there, but the local Shinki are, understandably, very territorial and attacked Bravette when they spotted her."

    Bravette holds a hand up and shakes her head. She's fine."
    There are a rare few people that Alty would let scoop her up. But Uni is one of them, and it makes things a lot easier once she's set on the table. Pausing briefly to rub at her scarred eye as though out of habit, she listens intently when Uni says she and Bravette found something in their search.
    "A Shinki City, down there..." She muses briefly. "It's not surprising, they're kind of common under modern cities where shinki are sold." She considers for a beat.
    "Mmm... If she's down there, she probably won't be moving any time soon. She was pretty beaten up after Serrah hit her, I was surprised she ould even move after that." She says before looking to Bravette.
    "Y-you weren't hurt when they attacked, were you?" She asks, but the Zelnogrard indicates she's fine and Alty nods slightly.
    "So then next step would be to investigate that city, I guess."
    "That is the idea, yes. We identified a way in to the area for human-sized people to approach, but I think we will need to rely on Shinki to interact with the locals there. From what I've heard and been able to look up on the exanet, Masterless Shinki are very distrustful of humans, since most were abandoned by their Masters." Uni replies, then takes a look at the Altines' arm. "You managed to get repaired? I saw the hit you took before Seraph was disabled."

    Uni then reaches for the box. It's an ornate little thing, looking like some kind of high tech chest. "I saw your weapon was destroyed as well." She places the crate in front of Alty, without another word.
    Flexing her new arm a few times, Alty nods. "Hyouka helped me with that. She bought the new parts and a new battery and installed them for me."She says in regards to her more pristine parts. Though her lips purse as she dips her head into a nod. So they'll be able to get Uni, Hyouka, and the others into the area of the underground city, but having shinki deal with the populace would seem to be the best idea to go with regardless.
    "Yes... Abandoned, or separated. Sometimes masters die and their shinki wants to keep remembering them and the good times instead of being taken in for reformatting." She does point out. ... Before the box is set before her.
    Scarlet eyes blink.
    "A-ah... My greatsword was shattered, yes." She confirms. "I have a few backups but..." But it's clear that was her go-to as she runs her fingers over the crare, looking to Bravette and then back up at Uni for confirmation before she moves to open it.
    Bravette and Uni both nod to the Altines when they're looked at. The opening button is easy to press in, and when done the crate opens its top hatch, and pushes a platform up and tilts it away from the hinge, two side panels unfold also, and present a long-bladed, slightly curved sword. It has a matched scabbard, and a few extra bits and pieces on the side panels. "That is a Mk.IV High Frequency Blade. Top of the line and the first of its kind on the market." remarks Uni. The blade is a deep crimson to match Alty's eyes and the scabbard has a simple refrain etched into the black metal in silver paint. 'You are the Master of your own fate.'

    "I hope it's sufficient as a replacement."
    Needless to say, Alty's eyes widen significantly as the crate opens to reveal the blade waiting within. Fingers brush slowly over the scabbard, tracing the lines of the engraved writing.
    Slowly, almost reverently, she lifts the sword from the case, holding it in upturned palms, testing the weight and the heft, listening as she curls her fingers around the grip and pulls the sword a small fraction free of the scabbard. Slowly she eases the sword free from the saya with great care, scarlet eyes drinking in the vivid crimson shade of the blade.
    "This is..."
    This is more than a sufficient replacement. This is a gift on a level that Alty has not recieved before. Slowly she eases the blade back into the sheath.
    "Th... This..." She says again, voice cracking.
    This is what it's like to have friends, isn't it? Actual, honest to god friends.
    Again the Altines bites on her lip briefly as she locks the sheath at her hip... And draws the blade from the scabbard in a cut at the air as fast as a crack of lightning.
    "... This is more than sufficient." Alty says with a new conviction in her voice.
    "Thank you..."
    Uni watches silently. Alty's never had anything given to her out of kindness before. So as the Shinki thanks her, the Goddess simply smiles and reaches out to gently ruffle Alty's hair with a fingertip. "All I ask in return is for you to use that blade to help others." she says, folding her hands in front of her once again. "And, you are most welcome."
    Kindness is... So very new to The Angel of Death. But it is not held back in the least by people like Uni and Hyouka. 
    Slowly, the shinki eases she sword back into scabbard, head tilting into the finger rubbing at her hair. "Mn."
    "I never liked hurting anyone." She admits. "A sword to help other people though... I think I can wield that."
    Uni nods, and gives a smile. "Good." she then summons another small box, it's a standard package of jellycans, and sets this down on the table. "Help yourself to some Jellycans, stay a while and lets catch up. How have you been?"