World Tree MUSH

It's High Oni-Noon

On the steampunk world of Piston, the Stumbling Snake is a dive bar where adventurers, bandits, travelers, and gold-seeking rushers congregate to drink and swap rumors. It gets pretty rowdy in this border town near the desert, but the Bronze Sheriff keeps the Rocow Boys in line.

Too bad today there's a group of Oni that dares rob the Snake!

(Part social, part fight scene with a steampunk-western flare! Bring your ten gallon hats!)
Character Pose
Chrollo Lucilfer
The World of Piston! This particular vine is a rather distinctive. Take one part steampunk robots, add in large deserts with hidden dungeons, and a thriving industry of exploring said treasure-laden dungeons leads to equal parts gold rush and western-flavored boom town expansionism on the edges of habitable civilization. 

The Stumbling Snake is a two story saloon-inn that mostly rents out its rickety rooms and sawdust beds to those too inebriated to find better accomodations in this two-inn town. The ground floor of the inn is fairly spacious, with both a reception area and a bar area, sans kitchen. Find food elsewhere! There's a mirror at the bar for anyone worried about being shot in the back, and there's plenty of gamblers, want ads on the wall, and general rowdyness going on at this evening hour.

People of all kinds have come from on and off world, and the inhabitants are pretty accepting if they have money. Bandits and mercenaries and knights are all welcome, as long as they don't cause /too/ much trouble. You're as likely to get offered a hitman job here as you are to get a job to save Robobby who fell down the well again.

The piano, a steampowered automatic one, is hissing away and playing a jaunty tune while another bespurred person walks on in. Black boots, black (robo)cowboy hat, and a spiderweb buckle, Chrollo Lucilfer sits down at the wobbly barstool, and orders a drink from the kitsune bartender.

It's as peaceful as things get in this town. But rumors abound of caravans being attacked, and prospective ruins-divers have been found shot out in the wastes!
    The purple-haired guy that walks in is definitely not dressed like someone from the old west. Or someone from the west at all, really. Tonbokiri is dressed in something you might see someone living in the mountains in the East wearing. It's all in purple, white, and black.

    He's also carrying a weapon, though it's safely sheathed, inasmuch as a spear can be 'sheathed'. There's a large cap over the blade portion of the weapon, and that cap has been tied securely to the haft.

    And Konnosuke is, of course, perched upon his shoulder. While it's true that the little digi-magical fox-computer is here to record everything that happens and report to their master later, having a cute little talking fox on his shoulder can only encourage others to receive him favorably, right?

    Said little painted fox is currently scanning the place carefully, silent for the moment, as Tonbokiri walks to the bar himself. However, it's the fox on his shoulder that speaks up first. "Ah, that's sad... no aburaage?" Konnosuke laments in its high-pitched voice.

    Tonbokiri smirks and notes, "This isn't a restaurant. We'll eat later." He has a much deeper voice. To the bartender, he bows respectfully. "Please excuse my companion's rudeness. Do you have sake here?" he inquires politely.
Emily Nyx
    At the opposite end of the bar, there's a raven-haired woman with robotic-looking eyes and a cowboy hat dressed in the clothing characteristic of this world; her left arm is a prosthetic made of intricately-built brass and copper and wood, and has exposed pistons and gears. When she got here, she asked for "something delicious" and left the details up to the kitsune barman; since then, she's been slowly nursing her drink and occasionally glancing around the saloon. To all appearances, she's just another native who's wandered into this establishment in search of this or that, with the main difference being that she has an amused and faintly smug smile.

    ... until you get closer, and see that, while her outfit has the same style as the natives of this world, the material appears to devastatingly-expensive silks. Are the metal parts of her arm actually gold and bronze instead of brass and copper? Nah, can't be, it's not soft enough to be gold ...

    Her smile widens as Chrollo arrives, but she makes no move to approach him just yet. For now, she's just ... keeping watch. The last time she was in the same room as him, things got ... interesting, and so her attention zeroes in on Chrollo to the detriment of anything else at the moment.

    Only when Konnosuke speaks up does her attention shift to the two newcomers. Konnosuke might detect that she's actually some sort of strange techno-magical entity made out of nanomachines; either way, it'd be even more obvious to him that she doesn't quite belong here. She smirks briefly, before her expression changes back to her amused-and-faintly-smug as she focuses back on Chrollo.
Chrollo Lucilfer
The kitsune chuckles a bit, the shiney-eyed, foxtailed man smiling as he looks Tonbokiri over. "/Well/, aren't you different. Most in here ask for whiskey. Don't you worry, I'm not too far removed from my homeland that I don't miss it." The kitsune's western voice is an obvious affectation, matching the locals. Out of an icebox, he produces a decanter of chilled sake, and little cups. It's slid over to Tonbo. 

"Where're you and your little friend from, pardner?"

Chrollo, half way through his glass, briefly looks to Tonbo and compoany. Hmm.

Emily has something with /way/ too many tiny umbrellas, as well as a single pink flamingo in it. It's also green. And /glowing/.

It tastes as good as it does dangerous!

Chrollo can /feel/ that attention. It's annoying! He's used to being the incognito one. Why oh why does he feel like he has Hisoka following him? Putting that aside, he makes sure to not react too much. He lets that smug look play out over a good few minutes.

Then directly looks back to Emily, raises his glass, and turns back to his drinking. For once the thief isn't murdering someone /or/ causing chaos.

Even spiders must rest in their web occasionally.

Outside? Well anyone with sharp ears can pick up the sounds of steam-powered hooves. Lots of them. Also shouting! And general rummaging, arguing, and laughing.

Buckle up, kids, but the robowest is being wild outside! Several card games stop. One gambler is sneaking out the back door while other people are distracted. This leads to some shoving and /more/ yelling.

Other tavern goers are starting to look nervous. The atmosphere slowly grows tense. Chrollo, meanwhile, is a bastion of calm during all of this. So is the kitsune actually. The pair seem to be on the same wavelength of weird blase.
    Konnosuke gives a quiet, "Ee?" and looks in Emily's direction. Whatever it is that he's detecting about her, he's keeping it quiet. But the painted fox looks at her with his head tilted curiously.

    "Ah, thank you very much," Tonbokiri replies. He does have a little money, and it might even be accepted here! Ah, a question! "We are from... I believe you would call it another world. But we are from the Japan of my world. My name is Tonbokiri." A polite bow.

    He pauses though, at the sudden noise outside. And at the sudden exodus of patrons. "...Please pardon the question, but... is this normal? Is something going wrong outside?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily knows she isn't actually recognizable at the moment unless Chrollo is really familiar with her expression -- her eyes aren't even glowing purple! -- but she returns his look with a dazzling smile, and raises her glass back at him, tipping her cowboy hat.

    She pauses as the rowdy noises from outside. She glances towards the door thoughtfully, then at the men who are starting to skedaddle, then back over at Chrollo and the bartender. They don't seem bothered, so Emily just settles back down, focusing back on her drink and ignoring the low-priority warning messages the drink is causing her her nanomachines to send to her CPU core.

    She briefly grins cheekily at Konnosuke, and winks back at him. Amusement and smugness intensifies!
Chrollo Lucilfer
The kitsune doesn't stop smiling. His tails writhe in ways that are almost hypnotic. Smiiiiiiile. His eyes are closed too. 

"Oh, we get the rowdy ones every now and then. I'm sure things will be /just fine/." Smile. It might be hard to tell if he's having a joke on the newcomer Tonbo.

"My pleasure, Mister Tonbokiri. Welcome to the Stumbling Snake."

Chrollo is doing his best to ignore the smug steampunk cowgirl with all of his might. She seems interesting, but he's just trying to have a drink and not get any attention! Yet, anyway. He's here for a reason, but the man is a planner. Not the time to cause trouble.

BAM! That is the sound of the two swinging doors imploding inward and taking out one of the gamblers that didn't leave already. In wanders a big group of oni! Tall, muscular, these mixed group of ladies have giant hats, kabuki masks, and sidearms that range from six shooters to weird steampunk swords.

The biggest, a single horned blue oni, steps forward. r
"Hey there, idiots! We're the Big Horn Gang! Everybody put their wallets on the tables. Bartender, be a good little foxy and get the drinks flowing!" Booms the blue one, flexing a bit even as she pats her twin revolvers that may as well be tiny cannons.

The bartender coughs, and starts filling tankards without a word. He's still smiling. Chrollo edges slightly closer to the door when he's not being watched. The oni start to fan out, threatening a few tavern-goers for their wallets! Given how the smallest is a good near-seven feet tall, it's going pretty well!

A red oni with a weapon that's basically a pneumatic drill-spear is going to shake down Tonbokiri. A blue oni is staring down Emily with a grin, clutching what for all the world looks like a staple gun with glowy bits.

"Get those wallets out, you jokers!"
    Tonbokiri is not convinced... though the hypnotic sway of the tails is interesting! He tilts his head, ironically the opposite way Konnosuke tilted his head to look at Emily.

    He's just about to ask if the bartender is sure everything's all right... when suddenly the oni bust into the place. Tonbokiri turns quickly, and Konnosuke gives a sound of surprise.

    He takes a quick look around the room to check for others that may be in trouble; the bartender probably won't be unless a fight breaks out. One reason to comply with the demands.

    That said... there does appear to be someone trying to sneak out; best run some interference so that fellow has a chance to get out without being seen.

    "I'm afraid all I have has already been spent," he notes. It's not a lie. Keeping his eyes on the red oni facing him down, he notes, "Konnosuke. You may want to get somewhere safe."

    "Right!" the little fox chirps. It even does him the favor of grabbing the tie of the cap placed over the pointy end of that spear and pulling at it. And then the fox leaps up into the rafters with the cap.

    For anyone who might recognize it, the spear in his hand is Tonbokiri; the three Sanscrit characters for 'earth', 'pure light', and 'mercy' mark it as so. The same characters remain mostly unseen on his chest, seemingly tattooed there.

    "I would ask that you leave these people alone, and leave this place," he replies calmly. He's edging away from the bar so that the bartender isn't in danger of an ill-aimed strike heading in his direction.
Emily Nyx
    Emily smiles up at the oni, eyebrows raising as if in delight. "What, not even gonna ask me out first?" she says cheerfully.

    ... yeah, that's Emily's voice, all right.

    She downs the rest of her drink in one go and saunters up to the blue oni, grinning up at her. "Y'know, if you're gonna be so forward," she says, gathering the energy and concentration necessary for her dimensional fields, "I guess I'm gonna have to ... take you out."

    A staticky portal opens up beneath the oni's feet, leading outside directly above the saloon doors, and possibly directly in Chrollo's path.

    "... Oh my god why is flirting so terrifying," Emily whines. She clears her throat and tries to recover herself. "Where you goin', Crow?" she calls out to Chrollo in a tone of voice which just about fails to sound snarky.
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Emily is bad at flirting and very inexperienced.
Chrollo Lucilfer
Somehow, despite how his tavern is being held up, the kitsune is smiling more. His tails are up and wiggling like drunken serpents. He is already reaching under the bar for something! 

Also the kitsune is getting low. He might be a supernatural creature, but he's not dumb. Bullets hurt. His eyes are on those characters, on that /spear/. Giggle.

"It's yer funeral, tough guy!" Comes the red oni menacing Tonbo, who doesn't seem to care too much about the also-armed melee artist. She brings that pneumatic drill-spear down in something akin to a slash. The drill WHIRRRRR'S, and digs a rent into bar and the floor as she tries to take out Tonbokiri's legs! It's fast, too, long strikes that try to push Tonbo towards the bar itself to better pin him down!

The blue oni meanwhile is somewhere between preening and laughing at the horrific flirting! This does mean that she ends up FWOOMPT'ing through that portal, and lands right on her bright blue ass just outside the place. There's a howl of interrupted laughter...followed by indiscriminate spraying of glowing nails that takes out two of her compatriots! There's plenty of nails heading Emily's way though. The leader tries to shout this idiot down, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Chrollo frowns at the portal in his path. "Seduction is about confidence in yourself, and appreciating the beauty of others. Or so I'm told. If you can't even induce a blush, are you even trying?" Lightly taunts Crow. He then pulls out a dark wallet.

It's covered in webbed embroidery. The nearest red Oni goes for it, reaching out with both hands, only for him to slide it /just/ out of her reach. Nen coats the thin thing, and he makes a vague quarter-circle motion. The oni falls, thick neck bisected and head only on by the smallest flay of skin.

Cue the screams and an /awful/ mess of red on the floor.

The kitsune's smile breaks. "One of you is going to clean that up."
    Tonbokiri is a pretty big target, it's true. Though still smaller than these oni. But it doesn't seem to bother him. He faces his attacker down calmly, golden-orange eyes narrowed just enough to indicate that he's definitely taking this seriously.

    His eyes widen just a hair as the drill spear is swung, and he draws the point of the spear upwards just barely in time to clash the weapons together and protect his legs. Sparks will probably fly from that clashing of weapons...

    ...And Tonbokiri winces. It's easy to think the force of the blow just hurt his arm. But it's more than that. Oh so much more.

    But at the moment he doesn't have time to consider it. He's being pushed back by those repeated blows. Though when he sees he's being pushed back, he starts to get a little more aggressive; he is not longer merely trying to deflect the blows, but to SHOVE the oni back with each strike.

    He's incredibly strong, a match for the demon sword spirits in his own world, who can slice through even a well-made katana in a single effortless blow.
Emily Nyx
    "Okay, thanks for the tip, I'll keep that in mind next time," Emily answers Chrollo, apparently earnestly. She ducks under the return-fire. "Releasing capacitor seals 3 and 2!" she announces, and she's surrounded by three distinct auras: one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent. The first two shatter, and the third one fades; in a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, she gains a sort of black cowboy longcoat. And there are five oversized revolvers hovering around her.

    ... If Konnosuke scans them, they'd come up as non-functional, and still made out of nanomachines.

    "So, I guess we're, like, jumping straight to a shootout?" she says in a conversational tone of voice, inching her way towards Tonbokiri. "Instead of the regular a bar fight, we're just going straight for the kill?"

    She glances over at the bartender. "My custodian programming is a little rusty," she answers. "I mean, I could help, if that was needed."
Chrollo Lucilfer
At first the oni striking at Tonbokiri is laughing as she feels the much smaller being pushed back, enjoying her feeling of domination and strength against someone tiny and weaker! That doesn't prove the case for long, though, as suddenly this 'little' man is actually shoving her back with spark-inducing blows! 

" can a /human/ be so strong!?" She grumbles angrily, before she gets serious! Revving up that spear into overdrive, there's smoke billowing off of it with every renewed clash! She's less using it like a spear, and more like a maul at this point!

Tonbokiri will notice how every blow has the weapon sparking. It seems he has a much, much better quality implement, and it won't take too much more to shatter it. The oni raises her weapon high, and SLAMS it down towards the living spear's head!

Chrollo can't help but actually smile at how Emily actually takes the taunt so ernestly. He laughs, amusement dancing in his features. "I can recommend a few books." He offers more seriously.

Those ~auras~ though, are something to watch for! The nails destroy the bar's mirror, and sends shards of glass raining down! More oni fall as well as one or two tavern goers. The kisune covers himself with his tails, lighting up with foxfire that burn away the shards.

The kitsune has had enough of this. Mirrors are expensive! "Fine. Just...get rid of them, and you'll drink for free. I might even pay you." Mutters the bar-fox.

Chrollo is shot at by the leader blue oni, leaping up /just/ in time to avoid his midsection being evaporated. A pen flies out in response! The spider plays hide-and-go-toss with said oni, on increasingly few rafters to leap between. While the leader is peppered with pens, bleeding horribly?

This is no human. She FLEXES, and the pens pop out.

"I hate offworlders!" She complains, and then begins to shoot wildly at Emily and Chrollo, those bullets having the force of a small rocket.
    "It seems so," Tonbokiri replies to Emily's words of going straight for the kill. "Unfortunately for these ruffians. If I can touch it, I can cut it!"

    He's about to put his money where his mouth is, though, since the red oni seems to get upset. He is likely at least a match for her strength, demonstrated when, at the overhead strike from the oni, the sword spirit's gold eyes narrow...

    And he gives a loud kiai as his blade slices at the haft of the weapon itself, hoping to sever the drill from the rest of the weapon. With the blade's supernatural cutting prowess, combined with his greater-than-human physical strength, it should be enough.

    ...Of course if it ISN'T, he's going to end up taking a HELL of a crack on the head. Possibly enough to knock him out. Definitely enough to take him out temporarily...
Emily Nyx
    Emily shrugs. "I'll find my own way," she answers Chrollo matter-of-factly, ducking under the nails once again.

    She glances over at Tonbokiri, and lets out a sigh which almost sounds irritable. "Oh well," she says. "Okay, now I feel kind of gross about wisecrack-flirting like that." She raises her hands to grab two of her fake revolvers out of the air.

    And then slits open in her longcoat beneath her arms, and she reaches out with two more arms, grabbing two of the remaining revolvers. For a brief instant, red circles flash in her eyes, accompanied by a banner rotating around her head like a halo -- did it say 'Danger'? 'Glitch'? -- but they vanish the next instant; her smile returns and her eyes start glowing purple.

    And with that, opens fire on the oni (without actually pulling the triggers), shooting red orbs of light from her revolvers; as soon as she fires one, she tosses it into the air, then catches it with the next available hand; it's sort of like juggling, except only one gun is in the air at a time and she has four hands.
Chrollo Lucilfer
Down comes that famous spear, slicing at the red oni's weapon's haft! That supernatural blade proves far sharper than this cobbled together spear-drill could ever be! But the Oni is smart enough to realize when a superior warrior is before her when he unleashes an earnest strike. Bringing up that spear-end defensively, there's a whole world of sparks as Tonbokiri's namesake carves into the still-spinning steel of the weapon. Shards of metal burn off, schrapnel that slashes into the oni herself and threatens to pierce the man's body as well! 

There's a fierce howl of pain, and then a breath. The red oni sucks in oxygen, concentrates as part of her weapon splits part. She's bloodied, but still alive! Spinning her now half-spear around, mechanisms humming despite not able to run a drill, she puts her whole body into one more desperate blow against Tonbo!

Her muscles bulge, she breathes out fighting spirit, and the tables before her are all but /erased/ from the enraged oni's blow as it thunders towards the man.

But she's not thinking of defense! Can Tonbokiri do something!?

Chrollo, despite dancing with death in the darkness of the rafters, smiles. Something flutters down towards Emily.

It's the cliffnotes version of 'Making Friends, Lovers and Influencing Underworld Figures for Dummies Volume XII'. At least he recognizes someone who isn't a bibliophile. Or is this some kind of insult!?

The blue oni leader actually /pauses/ at the juggling acrobatics of one Emily Nyx. She suddenly becomes a true sharpshooter, and the dense amounts of red orbs threatens her position. She shoves one of her lesser oni cousins in the way, and they take enough shots that the oni falls to her knees! Luckily for the kitsune's floors, in a rather disintigrating fashion, as the interaction between some tech on that oni and Emily's own blasts goes awry.

BLAM! A burst of blue-tinged shotgun pellets knocks out one large handcannon from the leader's hand, as well as the hand itself. The kitsune is not smiling anymore, and his eyes are half-lidded in what passes for fury amongst his kind.

"You all aren't welcomed here. Please leave." He offers in annoyance, as only one long-lived can.

The leader oni, having rolled beneath a knocked over set of tables to shield herself from the fire of Emily and the Kitsune, sweats. She reaches towards a back pocket, and holds something up!

It is round, black, and has a number ticking down.

"Alright! Everyone put down their goods, or we /all/ get blown to the sky!" Threatens the oni.

The world suddenly skips, like a vhs tape that's been used too many times over that crucial part of the show you were watching. There's a blurr behind the leader oni. Two of the oni-minions, one blue and one red, turn to see Chrollo holding ducking back behind a table.

One of them yells as the sound of a book being closed is heard. A blue oni reaches for the man's free hand.

Chrollo has...the leader's ammo belt?

A quick grasp, and he's caught, and the much stronger woman forces him down to his knees. He drops the ammo belt, and the other oni picks it up. WHACK!

That's the sound of a thick oni-leg impacting into Chrollo's ribs. Something definitely gives despite his nen, and he gasps.

"Damn thief! That's what you get!" The other oni grinds her foot against his face.

Despite his obvious pain, there's a smile there. Between the bomb, Chrollo being ground down that way?

The oni seem a little more confident in their scheme!
    Tonbokiri is not giving ground, no matter the danger. And because he doesn't, some of that shrapnel does bury itself in Tonbokiri's arms and chest, pieces scraping across his face and ripping at the trailing ends of his clothes. This does make him stagger back a bit, the shrapnel. And he bleeds like a normal human.

    ...But are those glowing marks on the blade of his spear? They're small, and faint... are they really even there? Or is that a trick of the light?

    A spear gives one only two options -- full attack or fully defend. With the oni doing the former, Tonbokiri returns in kind as only a spear can. A spear is a precise implement for puncturing, not a weapon meant for wild strikes. And so as the wild strike comes at him, he runs forward, toward it...

    ...And just as he gets into range, shifts precisely two and three quarters inches to the side of the oni's off-hand. This should hopefully put her square in prime territory for a strike, which he'll deliver.

    Though his strike? Made with the blunt end of the spear, and aimed right into the oni's solar plexus. Because he's aiming to fling that oni into those that appear to be harassing Chrollo.
Emily Nyx
    Emily snickers at the sight of that book, and ... apparently just shoves it into her torso. No, in fact, that's literally what she just did.

    She stares at the bomb. For a quick instant, her bravado disappears. She goes into a tunnel vision for a split second, and completely fails to notice what's going on with Chrollo and Tonbokiri.

    Then her amused and faintly smug grin returns. "Okay," she says. "I can handle ... juuuuuuust about a klick straight up. Shit."

    Her guns disintegrate into silvery nanomachines, replaced with four arming swords with the four card suits near the base of the blade. She saunters casually towards the leader, with the swords hovering around her. "Of course," she continues, "I've got to hold you down for a few seconds, since I expect you're smart enough that you won't, uh ... fall ... for the same trick as your underling."

    And with that, another staticky portal opens up beneath ... Emily's feet. And the other end is clearly way up in the sky. Emily is hovering now, though, and she glides forward, her swords flying forward to slash at the oni. They're just running interference, however, because her true target is clearly the bomb, and she reaches forward, both of her right hands extending unnaturally far to grab at it!
Chrollo Lucilfer
Tonbokiri hits perfectly even as he bleeds! Right in range, the blunt end of that spear impacts the oni, and his superhuman strength sends her flying into those trying to hold down Chrollo! 

The Spider is freed in a pile of fallen oni, leaping out of the mass of well muscled ladies with a quickness. Rather than take advantage and end any of them? Well he seems far more interested in ducking behind the bar with the kitsune. Fox and spider avoid the most of the melee that way, with multiple oni starting to reposition to threaten both Emily and Tonbo, what with the man having defeated his opponent, the sly thief freed, and...

Well, Emily is something else! Those swords fall towards the oni, and she grimaces! One leg smartly kicks at the floating blades of the four armed robocowgirl, making those slices bite shallowly along her ribs! But it's the hands that snag the bomb as they stretch, the thing beep-beep-beep'ing along as the timer on it counts down.


"I'm not kidding! I have a detona..." Starts the oni leader, as another oni goes for her pocket!

Chrollo, wiping his cheek from oni-foot-dirt, sips a bit of pilfered whiskey from the bottle, while waggling said detonator in his other hand. The belt was a distraction.

His kitsune, sharing a bottle as he points shotgun at the oni, grins.


The oni sweats.

Chrollo ducks into the kitchen, happy to flee out of the blast radius. He considers pressing the detonator...only to decide against it, snapping the thing in half.

It's up to Tonbokiri and Emily to deal with the bomb. Many oni are fleeing! What to do!?
    Bombs?! Even with the detonator gone, that's still going to be a big issue. And there isn't enough time to really run the thing out of town, or put it somewhere that it won't be a problem. And Tonbokiri can't run it out of here fast enough.

    Isn't there anything they can do?

    Suddenly, idea!

    He looks to Emily. "Excuse me!" he calls quickly. "Could you create a portal for the bomb?"
Emily Nyx
    Emily snickers as Chrollo steals away with the detonator. "Way ahead of you, pardner," she answers Tonbokiri.

    With scant seconds remaining, she tosses the bomb through the portal, and immediately closes it.

    There's a loud boom from above the roof. Not close enough to cause any damage, though.

    Emily's eyes flit up to the ceiling. "... Okay, that was, uh, that was less than a kilometer," she says uneasily. She shrugs, smiling. "Whatever, I was on-edge, and it worked." She looks around at the other oni, and grasps her swords in all four hands. "So ... anyone else wanna come and play?"
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> Emily is already thinking with portals.
Chrollo Lucilfer

Half the town screams, as the results of Tonbokiri, Emily, and one currently horse-stealing spider's efforts ends in bomb parts vaguely clattering harmlessly against the kitsune's roof. The Stumbling Snake is saved!

Several of the oni, eyeing both the living spear as well as the four armed warrioress with her portals, end up outright fleeing and finding their horses! The double doors are basically smashed off their hinges by exiting horned demon-people.

One red oni, and one blue oni though pause long enough to slide their steam-phone numbers into both the spear's and eudeamon's pockets with mixtures of threats and offers of dinner when their bounties cool down!

Sorry Emily, the date with beautiful oni will have to wait until the law cools off.

Meanwhile, the Kitsune looks over to his roughed up spithole of a bar-inn, scowls, and then adds to the burdens of the pair.

Namely a mop and bucket and broom respectively. The fox looks both relieved and mad. While the two won't have a tab?

He will absolutely see that they clean up this mess. Huff!