Chrollo Lucilfer (Dropped)

Chrollo Lucilfer
World: Hunter x Hunter-1
Actual Age: 26
Quote: Making the ability your own while exploring the darkness in the heart of the user...that is the true pleasure of Skill Hunter.
Role: Head of the Spider
Species: Human


Chrollo Lucilfer is the leader of an infamous group of thieving bandits and assassins known as the Phantom Troupe. Born in Meteor City where people and things are abandoned, he has no family or identity outside of his fellow Troupe members. Seeking the most difficult of jobs, Chrollo leverages his keen intellect, leadership skills, stealth, supernatural abilities and talent at information gathering and acting to keep himself and the Troupe fulfilled. Calm, deceptive, and utterly ruthless, he shows no regard for the lives of others outside of those he considers allies. Suffering from a lack of self, he wields his ability Skill Hunter to steal the abilities of others in order to use them to solve that identity crisis, obsessed with gathering abilities to the point of distraction. Seeing the Troupe and his closest allies as extensions of himself, he is utterly blind to the idea of betrayal.


Bandit's Secret: Skill Hunter< Copy-T >: A conjured book that holds copied abilities.
Chrollo's personal ability, it takes the form of a conjured book. Chrollo can make use of copied abilities stolen from others. These abilities must be spiritual, martial energy, magic energy, or similar. As Nen abilities are specific and unique, Bandit's Secret can only copy specific aspects of powersets. If that power requires a focus or item, Chrollo gains a similar conjured copy. These abilities fade over time if not specifically made permanent by Chrollo using Nen (See Copy-T rules). Skill hunter has a number of requirements in order to copy abilities and use abilities. To copy an ability, Chrollo must witness the ability, ask a question about that ability and be answered by the owner, and have the owner touch or be touched by the book all within a short amount of time (maximum of three scenes' length). Finally Chrollo must hold the book open in his right hand. Closing or dropping the book causes it to fade, and lose access to the ability until it's re-opened.
Genius Nen User: General superhuman physique from genius life force skills.
Due to his genius level of ability in manipulating his own life energy (known as Nen), Chrollo is stronger, faster, tougher, more agile, and has a greater eye for detail than others. He has a particular focus on speed, precision, and agility over strength or endurance, using an assassin's 'anime speedster' style of fighting. His acrobatics rise to the level of a ninja, able to leap to the top of a two story building as well as run along the side of walls.
Expert Assassin: Chrollo is deadly with knives, martial arts, and small improvised weapons.
Chrollo uses a combination of Nen-enhanced martial arts, knives or small objects such as pens, and pinpoint strikes when facing opponents openly with an expert skill level.
Stealthy Bandit: Chrollo uses the skills of stealth and disguise to steal.
Chrollo makes heavy use of nen-enhanced stealth as well as disguising himself to blend into areas in order to steal, such as killing a guard and stealing their uniform/id card. This doesn't extend to lockpicking or computer hacking, more of a 'brute force' stealth.
Manipulative Leader: Chrollo is a natural, charismatic leader able to manipulate others.
Chrollo is naturally charismatic, and knows how to calm down or manipulate others to work together, and how best to use others' skills and abilities in harmony. This also extends to his enemies, having the ability to guess others' wants, needs, and habits in order to get them to act a certain way or divulge information with a fairly high degree of accuracy (most often used to help steal their abilities).
Elaborate Tactics: Chrollo plans ahead and targets weaknesses excessively.
Chrollo prefers to research and observe opponents, and develop countermeasures that target weaknesses through the use of stolen abilities or getting the help of allies. He is also skilled at exploiting an opponents' openings in battle.
Emotion Emission: Ability to affect others with emotions and defend against such.
By tinging his life force with either bloodlust or calm, Chrollo can attack someone through sheer emotion or defend against such an attack similar to an empath, causing effects like terror, weakness, or even causing people to pass out. Anyone with a Tier rank can defend against this with emotional abilities or sheer willpower. This skill has a relatively short area of effect around the user, enough only for up to three people close by.


Ability Obsessed: Chrollo is obsessed with observing, using, and stealing the abilities of others.
Chrollo has a pathological need to observe, learn about, and copy the unique abilities of others. Lacking his own sense of self, he seeks to solve his identity crises by marvelling over Nen, magic, and martial artists' abilities even as he steals them. This can override his caution in battle or other plans. If an ability is enticing enough, he'll put off heists, betray potential allies, committ atrocities and risk harm to himself and those close to him in order to gain them. This not only can make him enemies, but can easily leave him with an unsavory reputation to those that come to know him and possess an actual moral compass.
Drawing It Out: Chrollo will often draw out an encounter for observation purposes.
When faced with a powerful or unique opponent, Chrollo has a tendency to try to draw out a conflict in order to see an opponents' strength and weaknesses as well as abilities. While the information gathered can be useful, Chrollo puts himself at risk the longer he fights, as he is often outclassed by other superhumans in the categories of endurance. This is particularly troublesome in time sensitive situations such as backup arriving, potentially leaving him overwhelmed or with unknown variables that ruin his plans. He'll rarely leave such a battle without wounds, needing to recover and regroup to plan in order to create the conditions to return in ideal fighting conditions tailored to his opponent.
Disregard for Norms: Chrollo cares nothing for the rules of societies and laws.
Chrollo's only true cares are for the desires and well-being of those to close him. As such, he holds nothing outside of that sacred, included the laws and norms of those he encounters that could potentially be allies. He will blatantly break social taboos, ignore honor and the values of others, and callously disregard the lives of others' in his search for self-understanding and treasure. He only cares for the ideals of the Phantom Troupe, and will only follow the law or norms when they're to the benefit of himself and allies. This leads to those of a more lawful bent such as knights and police to be his natural enemies.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
765 Where Old Things Lurk Nov 11 2020
763 It's High Oni-Noon Nov 09 2020
760 A Royal Audience Nov 28 2021
758 A Monster Mash? Usagi Takes Out the Trash! Oct 27 2020
757 The Great Golden Chef Heist Oct 31 2020
755 TFoHD #4: Point Crescent, Waning Oct 25 2020
752 TFoHD #3: A Nice Friendly Chat Oct 17 2020
751 Yo, Angelo Oct 13 2020
748 TFoHD #2: Vampire May Cry Oct 11 2020
747 Idols From Outer Space! Oct 07 2020
See All 11 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.