World Tree MUSH

Hope to the High Heavens: Epilogue 1

Li-Ming asks Tyrael for advice on how to free a young cultist from a demon.
Character Pose
    The scene on the edge of the town of Westview, NJ has become quite the hustle and bustle of activity, with multiple sets of flashing red and blue lights coming from ambulances and police cars as emergency workers hurry to get the injured townspeople onto gurneys so that they can be taken to the local hospital or urgent care clinic in the case of those who hadn't sustained major injuries. There are also groups of the families and loved ones of the victims and cultists about, including Jeff Lecky's parents Amelia and James, who are frantically trying to figure out if the police know where their son is or if he's been seen. However, they seem to be quite busy asking questions themselves of everyone who is currently in a proper state for questioning. 

    Rescue crews are combing through the wreckage of the cathedral and bunker. It seems all of the missing townspeople had been accounted for, however, they are searching anyway, in case there is anyone still waiting to be found. Or if there in fact may be something of value in that pile of debris.

    Tyrael is hovering a few feet off of the ground near the spot where he'd dropped everyone off, calmly surveying the situation. Well, at least it looks that way, after all it is kind of hard to tell just what he is thinking at any given time, with lacking a face to betray emotion.
    It's certainly a spectacle. Not quite as showy as the events of the bunker but certainly a sight to behold. The matter seems to be reaching a conclusion for many of the parties involved. There are a few, however, that demand a reckoning.

    Li-Ming straightens, though her height is hardly imposing in the face of an angel. Nevertheless one that's hovering. "The boy. The creature." She certainly doesn't know the boy's parents, though given time the only pair still searching through the bedlam without closure may be prove clue enough.

    "I did everything within my power. Can you do more?" She's been edging toward skeptical about the powers and motivations of angels ever since one went bad and started trying to destroy her world though above all other heavenly beings, Tyrael has more than earned the credit of her trust. Though this one remains only somewhat proven she can only he hopeful that the stories she's been told of the old, angelic Tyrael prove true. "Though if death is the only mercy that can be given..." She lets that hang. Clearly, she doesn't want to do anything of the sort. While she may revel in righteous violence normally, this is a delicate matter.
    Tyrael turns as Li-Ming approaches with the unconscious demon, gently floating back down to the ground where she's standing. He wasn't sure what she had been going on about at first, this just looked like one of Hell's minions, but as she began to speak of a boy and doing everything in her power, he finally understands. So that's why she hadn't yet killed it.

    "Hm. Their souls have become of one essence. If the youth is to be restored, he must first be liberated from the demon's spirit." he tells her.
    Li-Ming does her best not to roughhouse the unconscious creature as she releases it. Only when she unclenches her fingers does she feel the ache from supporting the massive thing for so long. Adrenaline high gone, muscle chemistry tanked, it's a wonder she's even on her feet. She breathes in deep and lets it out slow; that is NOT the answer she was hoping for.

    "Very well. What must be done? Is there some process for this?" She could use any and all advice she can be offered. Some demons, truly mythic in their stature, are surely impossible to dislodge from the host by any method short of total destruction. This... Seemed a weaker caste. Something far more managable.
    The creature flops onto the ground, still not waking up even as she dumps it. She really must have slapped it hard. Tyrael watches as it falls, finding himself a bit impressed at how strong she is. For a mortal, anyway.

    "It is not something I have seen accomplished. However, a demon's soul may be imprisoned within a shard of the Worldstone by those who are adept at magic." Of course, that would mean going to Pandemonium. And going to Pandemonium might be complicated to say the least "I can only presume you are one such being..." he continues, studying her with a degree of curiosity.

    "You spoke of knowing me, mortal. But I do not recall meeting you prior to this day. What is your name?"
    Li-Ming is certainly strong for her size, though not absurdly so. Even the tireless nephalem have their limits!

    "Of course. Soulstones..." Her face darkens as she considers the fate of one such stone, though she imagines it's not quite the same tale. "Adept at magic? I was taught by the very best Caldeum could put forth. One of your champions some twenty years past..." No, wait. "Nevertheless, I am likely the most powerful wizard Sanctuary has seen since Zoltun Kulle." She leaves off that she thinks far more highly of herself than that. Her boast is no jest; judging by her serious expression she believes every word she speaks.

    "As to our encounter. My Sanctuary saw a star fall from the heavens. It plunged into the cathedral of old Tristram. There, I met you for the first time, though you were mortal, your sword scattered across the land. Together, with other dear friends that no longer walk among the living, we unseated Belial and broke his curse over Caldeum. We beat back the hordes of Asmodan at the remains of Mt. Arreat. It was your efforts that allowed me to gain entry to the High Heavens and cast Diablo and his invasion down. I am Li-Ming, Wizard and Nephalem. You may refer to me however you wish. You've earned that right many times over I assure you."
    Tyrael nods. "If it is possible to rescue this youth, a soulstone is the only way. However, whether you believe the danger of venturing into Pandemonium is worthy of this cause..." He leaves it at that, because honestly he's not quite sure if the kid is too far gone already or not.

    Well she certainly thinks highly of herself, even enough to compare herself to Zoltun Kulle. It reminds him of Imperius for a moment, but he doesn't particularly like thinking about that fact, so the thought is brushed aside quickly.

    Instead, he listens to the tale of...a different Sanctuary, it seems. "What? The Great Evils? did they managed to escape their imprisonment?"

    And then there's the part about himself. "I suppose I should not be stunned that some iteration of the Council would cast me out of the High Heavens.
    "Pandemonium, yes, I've been searching for a way there for some time now. In my foolishness, I destroyed the one person able to reveal the way." A tale for another time. She looks down again, regarding the horrible transformation that turned a young man into a hellish nightmare. "I'll go." Seems Li-Ming will seize any opportunity for her own personal redemption that she can.

    Then a voice, a crackling, dry laugh bellows from the darkness and the young wizard tenses as an apparition of a wizened old man takes form, rendered in swirling, spectral sands. "Archangel of Justice. Such a rare pleasure. Though your mortal form is far more emotive, it's almost nostalgic to be regarded by that comforting darkness once again." It's tone is mocking, though it makes no move other than to grip and lean upon a staff that clearly exists only as a part of it's manifestation.

    "Kulle. Enough!"

    "Ah, yes. The upstart child before you is everything she says and more. Though hardly as intelligent as she thinks she is. You would do well to heed her, Archangel. Or do not. Either way, the outcome is sure to amuse me." With another malevolent cackle, the humanoid shape scatters and swirls away to nothing, leaving only the memory of that mad laughter and the stink of evil magic about.

    To this, the chastened wizard can only shake her head. "I've been so cursed by that man's wraith since I destroyed him to gain the Black Soulstone." At least the mad old wizard's ghost left out a lot of the details of her exploits that may have soured the fledgeling relationship between mortal and angel. "They conspired with mortals, variously. The witch Adria sired a child with a previous incarnation of Diablo. That young woman was raised by Deckard Cain and would have been his successor had Adria not summoned Diablo by sacrificing the soul of her own daughter."

    Her eyes find some fixed point off in space as she recalls. "I destroyed Diablo. He was imprisoned once again and afterword I spent months hunting Adria." She laughs. "You sent an emisarry pleading for me to spare that wretched creature." Her slow headshake is all she'll say about what transpired after that.

    She looks up in response to the open musing about the Council. She has nothing nice or constructive to say and it shows by the sour look on her face.
    The more Tyrael listens to Li-Ming's story, the worse her version of things is starting to sound. Enough that he's starting to worry that those same events would transpire in his version of reality as well. When Zoltun's ghost appears, the archangel's blank visage reveals nothing of his horror at this...heinously twisted image of him. "Zoltun Kulle? But..." However, he doesn't get a chance to finish, as the wraith dissolves before he can get any more words out.

    "What is this Black Soulstone you speak of?" he inquires, after she explains the bit about Adria. "...And did you spare her, then?"

    There is a pause, as he seems to be considering. Then, "Your intentions are pure. I will take you to Pandemonium Fortress. But I would advise you to seek out additional allies in this endeavor. Pandemonium is wrought heavily with the warfare of the Great Conflict. among the few of my kind who concern themselves with the welfare of mortals." he admits. Is that a bit of shame in his voice?
    Certainly, Li-Ming would be inclined to agree. She hasn't even fully tipped her hand enough to fully reveal the full scope of her world's troubles. This... Things might become overly complicated by that revelation.

    "The Black Soulstone? An artifact constructed by Zoltun Kulle as a device to imprison the essences of demons, potentially angels alike. It was a tool to rebel against the order of things. It is why his fellow Horadrim destroyed him and sealed his archives away beneath the desert. It was instrumental in the revival of all of the Prime Evils into a singular being and now remains the only thing keeping Diablo and his ilk imprisoned. Adria used that thing to destroy her daughter and conjure a monster that likely could have toppled the Heavens themselves. Of course I destroyed her for her crime."

    No comment on whether she thinks her intentions are truly pure or not. She feels she has no other choice! So, there's a nod. "Others? Mm. I'm aware of the disdain many angels feel for mortals. I believe myself and many others of this strange, interconnected sprawl of worlds can command respect if needed. Fear not, Tyrael. We will be fine."

    How bad can a graveyard of broken worlds really be?
    Tyrael is silent for a bit, taking all of this in. It really is a lot to take in. He doesn't even know that's not all of it, either. Perhaps it should stay that way, at least for now. Whether Li had judged rightly in destroying Adria or not he can't be sure of, since he doesn't know enough about this other Sanctuary and its denizens--yet. Besides that, it was in the past anyway.

    He nods at the comment about the disdain for mortals. "I felt this same disdain, once." he admits to her. "But the actions of some Nephalem have proven such attitudes unwarranted. Unfortunately, my comrades do not share such sound judgment. However, I will protect you and yours as far as I am able. And perhaps you will succeed in restoring the youth."