
World: Diablo-1
Quote: "You cannot judge me. I am justice itself!"
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdXYjnGO3-E


Tyrael is the Archangel of Justice, the first member of the High Heavens' leadership to concern himself with the well-being of mortals and thus the first to become involved in their affairs. He possesses great physical strength, the ability to fly, and to shield allies from damage. However, his black-and-white do-gooder nature can sometimes get in the way or cause him to be at odds with those who don't see the world the same way he does.


Divinity: Tyrael possesses supernatural physical abilities and is ageless.
Tyrael is a divine being who has been in existence for thousands of years. He possesses great physical strength, far beyond that which would be expected of a typical mortal being. We're talking picking up and throwing cars. It also means he does not age, and does not need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep. He is also able to easily withstand extreme heat/cold, radiation, and pressure extremes (outer space) to an extent much greater than an average human being or mortal creature. On par with his strength level is his innate toughness. Although he is certainly not invincible, he can take a lot more hits than a typical mortal. Angels are also capable of taking on a human-like form should they need to visit Sanctuary without drawing a massive amount of attention to themselves.
El'druin: Powerful sword linked to Tyrael's existence.
El'druin is unique and Tyrael's signature weapon, capable of cutting through or blocking most types of physical assaults. It is tied to Tyrael's existence regardless of what form he takes, and even seems to have a measure of its own intelligence, as only those with righteous and pure intent are able to wield the blade, and neither can it be used against anyone with righteous and pure intent, either.
Sanctification: A shield that protects from damage or environmental hazards.
Tyrael can create a shield of holy energy around himself and/or allies in his immediate area that will protect them from damage or most environmental hazards (radiation, heat, cold, pressure extremes, etc) until it is depleted.
Angel's Wings: All angels of the High Heavens have wings, and can fly.
All angels of the High Heavens have wings, enabling them to fly in air or in the void of space, about as fast as a jet plane. These appear as long tendrils of light.
El'druin's Might: Tyrael can teleport to his weapon's current location.
Tyrael's connection to this weapon allows him to teleport to its current location, or summon the weapon to himself. While he is capable of passing through walls and other physical obstacles (barring anti-teleportation or similar protection fields) in this way should there ever be such an obstacle between himself and the sword, he is rarely ever actually separated from El'druin for long. Therefore, this ability is typically used like a flash step by throwing it to a location within his line of sight and then teleporting to it.


Arbiter of Justice: Tyrael is extremely self-righteous.
Tyrael doesn't just think his actions are right. He thinks he IS the definition of rightness. His actions aren't only just, but he IS the definition of justice itself. There is no room for questions or shadows of doubt. This makes him appear rather arrogant, and definitely sporting a holier-than-thou attitude. His brand of justice is the only right one according to him. This can put him at odds with others and make him difficult to work with, as he's usually convinced that anyone who outwardly appears to be causing intentional harm to the innocent and/or defenseless is a sacreligious fiend needing to be punished, and furthermore anyone or anything who is a demon, is being influenced by a demon or has demonic roots is deserving of a similar fate.
Truth and Justice: Tyrael almost never conceals his intentions, making him predictable.
Truth and justice go hand in hand. Thus, Tyrael rarely ever lies or tries to conceal anything, as he considers it below him to resort to any kind of trickery beyond appearing as a human sometimes when visiting Sanctuary. Even then, he won't always hide his true identity, as this is usually only intended to avoid drawing massive amounts of attention to himself. However this also means almost anyone can read him like a book despite his lack of a face, and most likely accurately predict what his intentions are as well as what he's going to do next.
Honorable to a Fault: Tyrael is truthful and honorable, and refuses to fight dirty or cheat.
Tyrael is a do-gooder through and through. He will not strike down a defenseless foe, or fight using any sort of dishonorable means. Cheating in any way, shape or form is never on the table. It's not just, after all. This sometimes prevents him from doing what's necessary in order to get the job done, and if an opponent knows this about him, it could easily be exploited.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1189 Ghosts of Shosone Part 2 Nov 13 2023
1188 Ghosts of Shoshone Nov 11 2023
1107 Knights of Westmarch Dec 10 2022
1050 placeholder Dec 05 2022
1042 The Warden Jun 21 2022
1038 Return To The Altar Planet Jun 07 2022
1029 Invasive Species May 23 2022
1028 The Evil Within Jun 21 2022
1014 Avatar of Tathamet May 21 2022
1009 Town Unknown Apr 22 2022
See All 33 Scenes


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