World Tree MUSH

Birds of a (Lack of) Feather

The Phoenix Maiden and the Daughter of the Chozo sit down for tea and snacks.
Character Pose
Matsu Shuzenji
    The expansive Shuzenji estate seems a bit different than it was before. There's a festival atmosphere about the place, with a fair bit of crimson-colored decorating done, banners bearing a firebird crest hung here and there; even the people seem to have just a bit more pep in their step, despite that it was Samus' first visit that had a feast going on. This time, the Hunter is being led further into the grounds than before, taken to a visitors' sitting room rather than the dining hall. And while it is just as winter here as it is in Hinomura, the grounds must have some manner of minor enchantment over them, for the cold is much less biting.

    By the time the bounty hunter is led into the sitting room, Matsu is already there, seated and waiting. It's hard to believe this is even the same person; aside from the change in hair and eye color, she's of much better health. From gaunt and frail to well-fed, from worn and exhausted by chronic pain to hale and hearty. But that calm, piercing look hasn't changed a bit, at least.

    "Lady Shuzenji, your guest has arrived," announces the servant leading Samus; Matsu nods, and beckons to the seat on the other side of the floor-height table before her. "We should have warm tea shortly," the girl says.
Samus Aran
    Less bite to the cold is good. This is all well and good for Samus, who has to bundle up extra well and insulated against the cold.
    It turns out having metroid DNA makes one fairly susceptible to winter's wrath.
    Thankfully though, with the estate being pleasantly warm by comparison to the outside, once she is led inside, the Hunter sheds several layers of coats before she's led to the sitting room. Crystal blue eyes do not fail to notice the change in atmosphere, and the the hangings on the walls. And once inside the sitting room with Matsu, Samus rests a hand on her chest and offers a slow and polite bow while regarding the girl, before settling down opposite her in the indicated seat. The difference in seeing Matsu then and seeing her now is like night and day.
    "How is Hisa?" She asks, that being the most pertinent question she feels to lead off with.
Matsu Shuzenji
    It's a question Matsu wasn't expecting, and the surprise shows on her face. After a second or so's pause, she replies, "She's fine. Not even sore. It's like she was never... hurt." There's a noticeable evasion of words there. Her voice wavers just a little. But she presses on. "She was only unconscious for a few hours, though she's still a little exhausted. A week of rest or so should be all she needs."

    As predicted, that's about when the tea arrives. A servant sets a tray on the table, bearing two cups - and two small plates, each with a fresh-made dango skewer. The tea is sweetened with honey; the skewers are not, but they're drizzled in a sweet-and-savory sauce.

    As they're set down, Matsu tilts her head slightly. "And you? Have you been well? No aftereffects from... whatever it is you did to the oni?"
Samus Aran
    That surprise is met by a silent, almost placid, look from the Hunter while she awaits an answer. And the answer she does get recieves a curt nod and a simple: "Good."
    The tea arrives, and Samus' eyes dip to the cup and dango skewers. She waits a beat before picking up the cup set before her for a small, slow, sip. And then Matsu asks that particular question. In regards to Samus and the oni.
    She's silent for a breath before answering with a shake of the head.
    "I'm fine." The answer is almost a bit stiff, and she opts to not go into the details about exactly what it was that she did. For now at least. "More importantly, what about you? It's not every day someone gets back up from being dead. And in better condition than they had originally been?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    "You're sure?" Matsu asks, giving Samus an appraising stare. "Oni are creatures of malice and gluttony. If you start showing any signs of corruption, come visit me again. I have shrine maiden training."

    She seems content to leave it at that, settling back and sipping at her tea. She does pause briefly at the question about her, but this time, it's mostly just to contemplate her answer. "I think I'm in better health than I was before I became the Phoenix Maiden. And if the archive of the first Lady Shuzenji is to be believed, I might be essentially immortal. I can use my healing freely now, without hurting myself. And it feels more potent besides."

    There's a soft chuckle, entirely too bitter for a girl her age. "All I had to do for it was die."
Samus Aran
    Samus had learned a lot about oni in that one brief encounter. Foul tempered creatures prone to fury and wanton destruction. The Hunter's lips purse at the memory of the red skinned ogre that had cause so much havoc in so little time. To be corrupted by such a creature...
    It wouldn't be the first time Samus has taken something into her body that was less than healthy.
    "I'll remember that." And she will, in case she starts showing unusual signs of aggression or any of the like.
    But then she frowns. Something that she hides behind taking another sip of tea.
    There was no mirth in Matsu's laughter, there.
    But rather than offer some platitude about how noble the girl's sacrifice was or that Hisa is now alive again because of her, the Hunter asks a very different question.
    "And now what? What will you do? Or do you even have much of a choice in that?" She asks, knowing full well that the girl's political ties to her land could make things very complicated for her.
Matsu Shuzenji
    Another difficult question. This time, Matsu pauses, with her skewer halfway to her mouth. It's a question that takes longer for her to consider, before she finally sets the skewer back down, and replies. "I do have a choice, and I don't have a choice. The previous Phoenix Maidens - after the first - have been a precious resource. Healers are rare here. Less so on the other continents, but here, the Phoenix Maiden is one of only a small handful. And their healing fire is strong, but when it burns the one who uses it, they cannot afford to use it often." She shakes her head. "Their traditional alliance with the emperor was the only thing that kept the emperor relevant at all, the past couple generations."

    Settling back, hands in her lap, "But now I can use it freely, and it's even stronger. I might be the most important strategic resource in the country. The Shuzenji elders... they still don't like me, and I still can't exercise much real authority. But they at least recognize me as the proper head now. Where I go, Clan Shuzenji goes." She closes her eyes. "...but if I want to do anything to improve my country, protect my village, continuing to work with the emperor is my only option. Or so it seems for now. A choice, and yet no choice at all."
Samus Aran
    Samus sets her teacup down now. If only to try the dango while she listens.
    Blue eyes watch the phoenix maiden like a hawk, though while Matsu considers her response and finally answers.
    A choice and yet she also doesn't have a choice. It's a lousy sounding situation.
    "Railton and I both noticed." Samus says at first. "That your power burned you, before your... Change." Now that doesn't seem to be much of an issue though, and if the girl's healing ability is even stronger...
    The Hunter nods understandingly.
    "You're even more of a political piece now than you were before, like this, aren't you." It's not a question. "And the emperor? Do you know anything about his goals?"
Matsu Shuzenji
    Matsu nods her head slightly, and reaches out to take up her own skewer again. "Mortal bodies weren't meant to wield divine flames. The irony is that previous Phoenix Maidens didn't burn themselves enough, according to the records. They were reserved. Cautious. Slowly burning away at their bodies, until their bodies just gave out. They fell sick and died. But I... I burned myself alive with Suzaku's fire. Apparently that let me purify my body, or let the fire reshape my body, or... something." Nomf. "...the founder apparently knew. But didn't want to let just anyone find their way to this power."

    She eyes Samus over another bite of dango, then sets it down again. "...I know what he claims are his goals. He claims to grieve for the state of the nation. He claims that he wishes to reunify us, preferably under Imperial rule, but he will settle for the Shogun's rule if it comes down to it. He claims he wants the strife and bloodshed to end. And he's the only person in the Imperial court that seems to genuinely respect me, instead of just paying lip service. And he acts as if he legitimately cares about the wellbeing of the citizens of this province, at least."

    As she takes up her tea, she adds, "I don't trust anyone, but especially not any of the nobility. Samurai, members of the court, no one. He's working hard to obtain my trust. I... haven't decided whether to give it to him yet."
Samus Aran
    "Mm." Samus muses at the explanation. Where others has been so reserved, no doubt listening to ther handlers and caretakers about not using their healing fire so carelessly... Matsu had burned herself completely alive in one heated moment of desperation for a friend, paying no mind to her attendants or the possible consequences.
    And now here she is, supposedly immortal and more powerful to show for it.
    "That took mettle." She says at length. "That you were willing to do that for Hisa." The Hunter can respect that.
    But now onto the subject of the emperor.
    "Understandable in your situation. It sounds very... Precarious." The blonde considers. "I never liked politics." She admits next with a faint frown of distaste.
    Politics are always complicated, painfully so and sometimes even deadly.
    "I take it you're worried about what happens if he betrays that trust."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "Hisa is the closest thing to family I have left," Matsu says softly. It's a few words that tell quite a story.

    "Yes," Matsu agrees, in regards to the emperor. "Or rather, I want to assume he will, so that I'm not disappointed when he does." She frowns a little, sipping her tea. "...He said I could think of it as the two of us using each other for our own ends, if it would make me feel better. He was also showing me respect even when I was still just a sickly Phoenix Maiden who probably only had ten years left to live, though. I'll give him credit for that much."

    She sets down her tea again, and her face hardens slightly. "...but I'm fine with that arrangement. If it protects Hinomura, and improves life for people in Arashi-no-moto even a little, then it's fine even if he's just using me for his own ends. That's how nobles operate, isn't it?"
Samus Aran
    "I think I gathered that." Samus says in regards to Hisa. She remembers Matsu's panic, fear, and frustration all too well from that cold day that the oni attacked and the shrine maiden had been killed in the line of her duty. ... Only to be resurrected of course. And that's what has her here now, apparently. Tea with the very girl that performed the impossible.
    "At least he's, supposedly, being honest." Samus murmurs, setting her dango down. "That's less two-faced than most of the Federation senators that I've met. Still, I think I can understand your position." The Hunter says, eyes falling half-lidded.
    "Yes. That's how they operate." There are probably enough parallels between the nobility and Federation officials for Samus to be pretty sure there. She is silent for a beat afterwards. Before she speaks again.
    In regards to Hinomura though: "If you ever need any... Outside help. Railton is a good choice to depend on. And if I'm available, I'll come as well. For a moderate price, of course."
Matsu Shuzenji
    There's a moment or two where Matsu eyes Samus, contemplative. It's the immediate aftermath of her musings about the Federation. She doesn't say anything, choosing instead to return to her dango - and to finish it quickly, before conversation stops her from doing so again. Om nom nom nom.

    On the subject of outside help, however, her expression turns thoughtful again, and this time she's more forthcoming. "...I don't easily trust anyone. You and Railton included. But... business is easier. Services rendered, payment given. I can work with that kind of relationship. And..." Here, she falters. And then there's that look again. The look like she's swallowed something bitter.

    The look where she knows there's something she's supposed to say, even if she doesn't like it.

    "...a member of the Imperial Court does not do mercenary work. It is beneath us. But... we remember our friends. And a donation towards the clan's or the emperor's coffers is an excellent way to display sincerity and friendship. I am a powerful healer, and skilled in warding, cursebreaking and purification."

    She doesn't look like she has the least bit of regard for this particular technicality.
Samus Aran
    "I'm not asking you to trust me." Samus says matter of factly. "I can understand how keeping things 'strictly business' makes these kinds of situations much easier." She points out, pausing to sip the last of her tea. "If you can work with that kind of relationship, that works for me."R    But then.
    Then the girl turns so super formal.
    There is a momentary pause, an almost awkward shift from the Hunter before she rallies.
    "So you are." Samus murmurs as Matsu details her particular set of skills. "And I can tell you, a good bounty hunter also remembers their friends. She says putting her teacup down. "I'm sure we can find a mutual benefit from that at least."
Matsu Shuzenji
    It is here that Matsu takes a good long drink from her tea.

    Then she sets it down and mutters, "Courtly honor is stupid." A pause, and then a glance at the nearby servant. " didn't hear that." The servant almost manages to hold back the amused smile. Almost.

    But they seem to have come to an understanding. Even if she can't outright call it mercenary work, she can go out and earn 'donations' for herself and the emperor. If that's the stupid hoop she has to jump through, so be it. "You and Railton both do very good work, at least. I had other things on my mind at the time, but..." Huff. "...oni aren't easy to kill. That Railton can match one in strength, and you have the firepower and abilities to counter one, makes the both of you impressive. Hisa is the only shrine maiden in Hinomura that really has a chance against one. If she'd fought smarter..."

    There's a hint of anguish there, but she tamps it down. "...nevermind. I'll probably have more work for the two of you in the future, regardless. I can't officially do mercenary work, but there's nothing against me hiring them."
Samus Aran
    Samus doesn't smile.
    "It sounds difficult." She says in agreement though. Similar enough to what she's dealt with in the Federation at least.
    "That oni was tough." The Hunter admits. She does not say that she has probably faced tougher on her own, And she shakes her head.
    "If Hisa had focused on fighting smarter, the people inside the building she died trying to protect might not be here to thank her now. She did what she thought was best at the time."
    The fact that she's still among the living now is on Matsu more than anyone else.
    "You know how to reach me if you need me. So don't hesitate."
Matsu Shuzenji
    "Mn." It's a noise in the affirmative. Matsu bows her head politely in acknowledgement. After straightening up, there's a slightly awkward pause, and then she speaks up again. "I... I know that whatever pay Hinomura has been able to offer you wasn't much. I've prepared a little extra from the clan's funds. The elders weren't happy, but for once I was able to talk them into shutting up and letting me. I can have a servant give it to you when you leave." She glances towards the door, then adds, "...if you want to have another cup of tea before you go out in the cold again, I won't blame you."
Samus Aran
    Samus does not comment on Hinomura's pay. She's been paid more for her work. In the past she's even been paid less; back when she was a no-name bounty hunter freshly cutting her teeth on freelance work.
    She simply dips her head in an appreciative nod when Matsu says she has her covered a bit better with the clan funds. As for tea though...
    "I'd appreciate that."
    It's nasty cold out. And Metroids don't like the cold in the least.
    She can stay for another cup of tea at the very least.