Samus Aran

Samus Aran
World: Metroid-2
Quote: "Don't worry. I'll end this once and for all."
Role: Galactic Warrior
Species: Human (Chozo+Metroid DNA Infused)
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Nikki Garcia


The lone survivor of a Space Pirate attack on the human colony planet K-2L, Samus Aran was taken in by the mysterious and enigmatic Chozo people as a child. Given an infusion of Chozo DNA to withstand the environment of their home planet of Zebes, Samus was then raised as an adoptive Chozo warrior. Eventually leaving the adoptive nest to see the galaxy, Samus lead the life of a soldier and then became the galaxy's most renowned bounty hunter. A serious and professional warrior, she fights relentlessly against the threats to galactic peace, her tough outer shell hiding a quiet and caring individual underneath. She is aided by her genetically-enhanced physique and the powerful Chozo power armor, equipped with an array of weapons and enhancements to surmount obstacles across hostile planets or, now, the strange environments of the World Tree.


Chozo Warrior: Greater than peak human strength and endurance due to training and DNA infusion.
Samus was raised as a warrior from a young age. As an adult she has reached a level above peak human limits. She is incredibly agile in and out of her power armor and is slightly stronger, and more resilient than highly trained human athletes. Coupled with her prowess she also possesses an immense mental and physical fortitude both on and off the battlefield.
Gravity Suit: Powered armor; environmental protection, aquatic mobility, curls into a ball.
A suit of powered armor made specifically for Samus by the Chozo. The Gravity Suit provides Samus with protection from all manners of extreme environments, ranging from incredibly hot zones, arctic and subarctic temperatures, and even the vacuum of space. While wearing the Gravity Suit, Samus is capable of moving through water as easily as she does out of water. The suit itself is powered by both Samus' mental focus and an internal energy supply. She can manifest the Gravity Suit in an instant with a thought. Samus is capable of morphing into a much smaller ball form. This enables her to enter spaces that would normally be too small for her power armor to enter, such as vents and crawl spaces.
Visors: Tactical targeting, scanner, thermal vision, and X-ray vision.
Samus' helmet comes equipped with a variety of visor modes. The tactical visor links to her arm cannon allowing her to fire her attacks with incredible accuracy. The scanner visor allows her to learn new facts and data about her surroundings and creatures she fights as it gathers data. Thermal vision allows Samus to see heat signatures of creatures and the environment around her, and the X-ray visor allows her to see shapes and figures through walls, and objects, or even people.
Arm Cannon< Edge-E >: Weapon arm; can fire various energy beams or limited supply of missiles.
The main weapon integrated into Samus' power armor is an arm cannon that can fire a variety of beams for combat purposes. The standard power beam is her weapon of choice, however she also wields the high power plasma beam which can pierce enemies, the wave beam which can pierce non-shielded or warded walls. Samus may freely charge each type of beam up over a short time to be more powerful. By expending Edge, she may wield the legendary hyper beam, which is unparalleled in destructive force, when her emotions reach a critical point.
Explosives< Edge-E >: Missiles, super missiles, bombs, and super bombs.
Samus is capable of firing missiles and the more potent super missiles from her arm cannon as well as beams. In general missiles are more powerful than beam weapons, and super missiles pack the punch of multiple missiles in one with a relatively small blast radius. When in morph ball mode, Samus may lay bombs of moderate destructive power to damage foes or open up new paths. By expending a point of Edge, Samus may drop a power bomb, which explodes with a high intensity, high heat, and high force, that deals great amounts of damage to the surrounding environment.
Speed Booster: Inhuman speed, can smash through obstacles.
Samus is capable, with a running start, of reaching inhuman levels of speed. Outpacing most cars at top acceleration, she can use her own body to slam clean through some obstacles without stopping.
Utility Armaments: Non-lethal ice missiles and grapple beam.
Samus' arm cannon is capable of firing non-lethal ice missiles that can freeze some targets solid and encase them in thick ice, with an application of enough missiles. This depends highly on a target's ability to withstand the cold. She also has the grapple beam, which she can use to reach out-of-reach places, or grab onto a living target and reel it in closer.
Phantom Cloak: Stealth cloak, masks Samus' presence to the naked eye and ear.
Through the use of the Phantom Cloak integrated into her power suit, Samus can become almost invisible, and any sounds she makes are muffled dramatically. This comes with the drawback of an extreme energy drain and the inability to move particularly quickly. Sensory equipment more powerful than the naked eyes or normal ear may still pick up her presence.
Metroid Siphon< Edge >: Samus can siphon life force with a touch.
Since she was infused with the DNA of the last metroid, Samus' latent metroid abilities have awoken. With a touch (and a point of Edge) she can siphon drastic amounts of energy from organic or mechanical targets. This energy, regardless of the source can be put towards healing injuries to her body or repairing damage to her power armor.
Gunship: Armed spaceship capable of lightspeed travel, has integrated AI support.
Samus' gunship is a spaceship that gets her from point A to point B in the galaxy. It is armed with several laser cannons, can travel at the speed of light, and has an onboard AI known as ADAM that can radio contact Samus at any time so long as there is no interference or jamming. ADAM occasionally chimes in to give Samus sound tactical advice or keep her on track with her objectives.


Walks Her Own Path: Samus does not follow authority figures and does not play 'by the book'.
Samus does things her own way. Though as a bounty hunter she takes jobs from figures in authority, she does not feel beholden to them beyond this. She will get the job done, but she will do it her own way, with her own objectives and mission paramaters as she decides fit to complete the work. She will not bend, bow, nor break simply because some figure in authority demanded she perform in a certain way, especially if they do not share her views on the value of life and empathy for others. This can can cause a strain in relations with others who are more by the book types, or even friction with people who choose to employ her.
Lone Survivor Complex: Samus will fight so that others can live on.
Samus carries traumatic memories of being the lone survivor of her home planet, and this drives her to fight to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She'll go out of her way to rescue intelligent life even if it puts her into danger, or spare an enemy's life if she deems it appropriate. Samus may even put more pressing goals on hold to do this rescuing, no matter the repercussions of her actions. It isn't recklessness that motivates her, but of prioritizing life above all else. If she has time and knowledge, she'll save a life even with a planet exploding around her.
Orphan Complex: Samus has a soft spot for orphans due to her own past.
As an orphan herself, Samus bears a certain empathy towards others who have lost their families and way of life. These such people will see a very different hunter than the rest of the galaxy, bringing out a strong protective instinct in Samus. She will show mercy to creatures that are the last of their kind, and she attaches to such beings in her desire to safeguard them from the dangers of the universe. This has been used against her, in her past, and can be used against her again if someone chooses to try and weaponize the very creatures she has attempted to spare.
Socialization Issues: Machine-like professionalism; Samus believes her actions are louder than words.
Samus was raised from a very young age by the Thoha tribe of the Chozo people. Though the Thoha Chozo were explorers, thinkers, artists, and some of the greatest scientists in the universe... They were still not human. As such, interacting with humans and other human-like races is an awkward process for Samus that is somewhat difficult. To other humans and human-alike races, Samus can seem so professional that she is almost a machine. Samus believes that her actions bear more weight than her words and is so used to spending incredibly long stretches of time both on and off missions alone that she is not very vocally communicative with others and may eschew communicating her thoughts to any possible teammates entirely. She is not against working with others to reach a common goal, but oftentimes her methods of acting first over speaking may leave them in the dust behind her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1232 The Warden: Asteroid Assault Jun 30 2024
1231 The Warden: Anchors Away Jun 26 2024
1174 The Warden: Interlude Sep 20 2023
1172 The Warden: First Assault Sep 13 2023
1167 The Warden: Backup Plan Aug 16 2023
1164 The Warden: Deal with the Devil Aug 02 2023
1155 The Warden: Blitzkrieg Apr 23 2023
1154 Frontier Unknown Apr 18 2023
1088 The Warden: Asteroid Insertion Oct 11 2022
1081 The Warden: Invaders Sep 19 2022
See All 42 Scenes


Title Date
A Father's Last Words Jan 11 2022
See All 1 Cutcenes