The World of WildStorm-1


1990s Earth, but with a slightly higher level of technology. Superpowers various kinds exist, but the superheroes are not shiny, four color heroes who say "Aww shucks," but rather flawed individuals, with some uncertainty as to who is on what side.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Jenny Sparks


Earth in the 1990s, although the level of technology is a little higher. So is the level of alien contact - while much of it is under wraps, ordinary people have the idea that humanity is not alone. Superpowered individuals, varying in morality, both protect and threaten the world. Flawed heroes, some of them working openly, some in the shadows, fight wars that ordinary people know nothing of. But they do know that StormWatch watches over them...but who watches StormWatch. (WildStorm, original continuity).