Jenny Sparks

Jenny Sparks
World: WildStorm-1
Actual Age: 90
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Role: Electric Anti-Hero
Species: Human (Century Baby)
Voice Actor: Vanessa Kirby


One of her world's Century Babies, Jenny Sparks was born as the nineteenth century became the twentieth and believes herself doomed to die when the twentieth becomes the twenty-first. She parties hard, lives hard, and fights for her world on her own terms. Sure, she's a good guy, but that doesn't stop her from facing the world on her own terms. A fiercely loyal friend and an implacable enemy, she uses her electricity powers and her decades of experience (she adores when people underestimate her) to fight evil...if not always with success. Maybe she shouldn't have told that Austrian kid he'd never be a painter...oops!


Limited Unaging: She does not age and is not affected by age-related decline.
As a Century Baby, Jenny does not age for the duration of "her" century. She appears to be a fit young woman aged nineteen or twenty. She does not experience age-related decline, and is immune to diseases of aging including cancer. She is not, however, immune to toxins, contagious diseases, or violence.
Electricity Manipulation: She can manipulate electricity and draw it from other sources to use as a weapon
Jenny Sparks can draw electricity from sources in the immediate area. This includes electricity from devices, power lines, or the weather. She can even, to an extent, draw electricity from living beings (if she does so too quickly, she can cause somebody to briefly pass out). She can then turn this electricity into a weapon, using it to strike objects or people. This has a similar effect to a lightning bolt, with the power dependent on the number and strength of sources - if she is standing under a power line or in a storm, she can easily do lethal damage. She cannot generate electricity and, thus, cannot use her powers if there are no natural or artificial sources of electricity present.
Electrical Teleportation: She can teleport through power lines or similar.
For short periods of time, Jenny can transform herself and her clothing into electricity and effectively teleport through power lines and electrical networks. She cannot take any other individuals, or more than a pound or two of objects. She moves at the speed of electricity (depending on the conductive surface). She can only follow the route of existing electrical lines. She cannot manipulate machines connected to the network or (unlike more recent versions of the character) enter cyberspace.
Leadership: She is good at being in charge and running a team in combat.
She has worked with the British military in a number of capacities, and with the military of Sliding Albion. She has also led multiple superhero teams. She is a charismatic leader, and she has the specific tactical skill needed to take charge of a group of people with superpowers or other disparate abilities.
Hand To Hand: Very basic hand to hand
She has some basic hand to hand training, although she tends to rely (perhaps overly much) on her powers.
Electrical Regeneration: If she turns into electricity, she heals
In her electric form, Jenny can heal damage to a limited degree. She has to be conscious in order to do so, and she has to have something conductive available in which to jump. If she does so, though, she can heal what would take a couple of weeks to heal in a couple of minutes. She cannot do long-term healing (for example, she can only partially heal broken bones).
Electricity Resistance: Jenny is highly resistant, even at times immune, to electrical attacks.
Jenny Sparks has the capability to absorb and use natural electricity and, within limits, electrical attacks. She is generally not affected by weaker attacks from generalists, but can be hurt by other specialists, depending on the level of the attack and other circumstances. She does not have to worry about harm from natural electrical effects such as lightning, although effects beyond what are normally found on Earth have been shown to hurt her.
Interrogation: She has some experience getting the truth out of people
As a long-term hero and soldier, Jenny has some ability to get the truth out of people - she knows what questions to ask and can be very intimidating. Of course, the strong-willed can generally resist.
Local Knowledge: She knows the history of her world's 20th century. It may or may not fit others.
Having lived through it, she knows the history of her world's 20th century backwards. This also means that if she ends up in a world that resembles any decade from 1900 to 1990, she knows the fashion, etiquette, etc, well enough to blend in.


Addiction: She has issues with alcohol and tobacco.
Jenny, to be blunt, sometimes has a Problem. She is a smoker, and while she is polite about it, she can get quite irritable if she is a bit overdue for her fix and stuck somewhere where she can't light up. She also has been known to have problems with alcohol, usually when depressed.
Cynical: She's seen all the evil men can do, and expects more of the same.
Jenny can be cynical and bitter. She tends to see the worst of people rather than the best, and sometimes plunges into despair. She does have hope, that's what keeps her going, but she doesn't often voice it. Instead, she tends to give opinions on the matter which might be pessimistic to the extreme, obviously bitter, or show a mistrust in others.
Nightmares: She's been through a bit too much, and it sometimes haunts her.
Jenny is prone to recurring nightmares, which often focus around either the people she has lost over the years or the worst events of the 20th century. World War II is a regular visitor.
Ruthless: Code against killing? She doesn't have one.
Jenny's experiences have led her to be ruthless. While she does not enjoy killing per se, she won't hesitate if she thinks it's necessary, especially in the heat of battle. This has put her into conflict with those who feel "heroes shouldn't kill," on occasion with the law, and sometimes she has taken out somebody she realized later she really needed to keep alive for questioning. Oops.
Youthful Appearance: She looks 19. She's not always happy about it.
Jenny looks like a young woman, not even twenty. Some might even see her as a child, and not take her seriously. She tends to overcompensate for this by coming on strong and resorting to defensive braggadocio. Oh, and sometimes people won't let her drink because they won't believe she's twenty-one, which can make her real snippy when she needs a drink.
Power Reliant: Bluntly, without her powers, she doesn't always know what to do.
Jenny has been highly reliant on her abilities for decades. She does not have good combat training without them, although she can brawl some. In a world where there is no electricity available, she is useful only for her knowledge of tactics (effectively dropping to Tier D). Additionally, she tends to base her tactics around the powers and special abilities of others, often ignoring more subtle tactics, and sometimes dismissing those who don't have powers.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
600 Expanding the Portfolio Dec 21 2019
515 Ghost Riders of Sutter's Fort Jun 06 2019
481 A Scardust Side-Exploration May 11 2019
465 Electric encounters Apr 11 2019
451 No Way San Jose! Mar 25 2019
See All 5 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.