The World of Star Wars: Legends of the Republic-1

Star Wars: Legends of the Republic-1

A Legends-canon Star Wars world, set 500 years before the Battle of Yavin, when the great Galactic Republic still guided myriad worlds, and the Force-wielding Jedi Order protected peace and justice among the stars.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Lian Kamoya


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The fall of the GALACTIC REPUBLIC is yet a half-millennium in the future. Though the great institution is beginning to fray around the edges, it still exercises authority as a galaxy-wide governing body, aided by the gallant defenders of the JEDI ORDER - a monastic order of warrior-philosophers gifted in the use of a mysterious energy known as the Force, and charged with everything from mediating disputes to apprehending the most dangerous criminals. Though it is a time of relative peace, there are ever dangers present in the galaxy, from conspiracy, to pirates and raiders, to shady underworld dealings. The most notable events of the past 50 years are the beginning of TUSKEN RAIDER aggression on the desert planet of TATOOINE, the construction of the fallen Jedi prison known as the CITADEL, and the mass migration of the KALLIDAHIN race to the planet of POLIS MASSA.