Lian Kamoya

Lian Kamoya
World: Star Wars: Legends of the Republic-1


'The most skilled warrior among pacifists' is a contradiction that Lian Kamoya has long come to terms with. The galaxy is not kind, and she has always had a talent for the lightsaber - the signature energy sword of the Jedi Order, warrior-monks who have learned supernatural power through mastery of the mystical Force. A believer in justice and protecting the weak, she embraced her talent both so that her blade might defend the innocent, and so that she might teach other Jedi to defend themselves in a dangerous galaxy. A kind, patient woman, Lian is perhaps a bit close-lipped and independent, but experienced and trustworthy enough that the Order was willing to name her their Battlemaster... a title which means nothing in the Tree, of course. With no Order to back her, and no way home to 'her' Republic, Master Kamoya can only act as a wandering, meddling do-gooder - following the whims of the Force and making just enough to get by.


Jedi Master: Excellent health, athletics, and emotional control.
Having been training as a Jedi since her youth, Lian Kamoya is in excellent physical shape, boasting stamina, strength and agility that would be impressive even for someone half her age, with extensive training in everything from gymnastics and parkour to distance running and self-defense. Not all of that training is physical, either; a lifetime of meditation and self-restraint have taught Lian to be very aware of her emotional state, and exercise tight control over it. She's very difficult to emotionally manipulate, and almost never loses her cool, even compared to other 'very calm' sorts.
Luminous Being: Enhanced physical attributes; resistance to disease and poison.
The Force allows Lian to step into the realm of the superhuman. With it, she can run faster than the fastest olympic sprinter, jump two or three stories straight up, and even enter melee with opponents much stronger than herself; she might not be able to overpower them, but she will have the strength and dexterity to turn aside their blows without having her own guard rattled. Likewise, the energies of the Force keep her hale and healthy even beyond her existing physical health, enabling the Jedi to shrug off most common diseases and even weather poisons that might kill a lesser person - though it certainly won't be pleasant.
A Powerful Ally: Potentially powerful telekinetics, safe falls.
With the Force's aid, Lian can reach beyond the confines of her body, telekinetically moving objects around her up to some truly impressive weights. Objects beyond a quarter ton or so require concentration, however, making it impossible for her to move especially heavy items in battle without leaving herself defenseless. A different application of this knack allows Lian to safely fall from great heights; so long as she can focus on the way down, even a drop from an aircraft is survivable.
I Sense Something: Empathy, telepathic impressions, visions of distant places or the future.
Being generated by all living things, the Force also allows Lian to sense the people around her. She can faintly detect the general emotional state of those nearby, with more intense emotions being easier to sense. With deep meditation, she can sometimes view distant places dimly, or achieve simple, short-lived telepathy with other Force-users or psychics. And once in a while, the Force itself will choose to bring her a vision of events yet to pass, a fragment of prophecy to nudge her in the right direction. To a lesser extent, this can also manifest as 'nudges' to her instincts, gut feelings that push her to be in the right place at the right time to make a difference.
Old Jedi Mind Trick: Lian can impress simple commands on weak minds.
Though Lian finds it somewhat distasteful, and hasn't mastered it to the extent of some other Jedi, she is trained in the classic Jedi tool known as the 'mind trick.' The Force allows her to impress simple commands on weaker-minded individuals, uncomplicated orders which they will accept as if they've just been told something common-sense and amenable. Stronger wills can brush these tricks off easily, and even weaker minds may resist if the command is too extreme, or shake them off if the trick is later pointed out to them.
Elegant Weapons: Lightsabers that can cut almost anything, and the skill to repair or build them.
Every Jedi wields a lightsaber, an energy sword capable of cutting through anything but the most resistant of exotic materials, and trading blows with even magical weapons thanks to a focusing crystal imbued with the Force. In Lian's case, she owns two; a matched pair which are also designed to be connected together and used as a saber-staff. Naturally, she also has an intimate knowledge of lightsaber design and construction, allowing her to repair her sabers as needed, or even rebuild them if they should be destroyed.
Battlemaster: Total lightsaber mastery, battle precognition, projectile de/reflection.
Lian has spent countless hours mastering every lightsaber skill she could learn, and pioneering new ones besides. Her repertoire includes saber forms both graceful and powerful, evasive and defensive, giving her the tools to handle almost any melee opponent. Additionally, Lian's connection to the Force allows her to feel the area around her and the 'flow' of a battle, sensing things going on around her long before her eyes or ears might inform her of it - even to the point of being able to sense a second or two into the future. By combining her skill and the Force, Lian can parry most ranged attacks; with energy projectiles in specific, she can even deflect them at an angle... or send them right back at her attackers.


Meddler: Lian has a tendency to stick her nose in even when it's not wanted.
A long life as a Jedi has led Lian to feel it her obligation to step in and lend a hand when she thinks a situation could use a Jedi's touch; and if she thinks she's doing something for someone's own good, she's not likely to butt out even when they ask her to. Between an attitude of 'I didn't become a Jedi to make friends,' and the perspective of young'uns not always knowing what's best for them, she has no problem being hated by someone for daring to rescue them from (what she sees as) their own mistakes - so long as they're still around to hate her.
Use Your Words: The old Jedi doesn't always communicate her intentions.
Lian Kamoya is the kind of Master who doesn't explain herself at times, and has grown rather accustomed to the implicit trust and authority most people from her universe gave Jedi. As a result, she has a tendency to come and go as she pleases, making her own plans that work around those of her allies... and seldom feels a need to detail those plans, expecting others to trust that she knows what she's doing. It's entirely possible she may split with the group in the middle of a dangerous situation simply because she feels there's something she needs to do... and failing to inform her allies of what she's doing or where she's going in any kind of detail, potentially resulting in cross-purposes, or two split groups going for the same goal, or other such issues.
Gentle Soul: Lian is a believer in mercy and second chances.
As a Jedi, Lian doesn't like to take a life unless she has no other option. This isn't to say she'll hesitate - but when a fight is over, or can be ended without lethal force, Lian much prefers that be the end of it. She has very stringent objections to battlefield executions or revenge killings, and will voice those objections to her allies quite firmly. If someone genuinely wishes to turn over a new leaf and make amends, she will defend them no matter how heinous the crime; even a mass murderer, if they seem truly repentant. (That doesn't mean she won't keep an eye on them, though...)

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1212 The Lovers Apr 08 2024
1206 Back at The Cat's Meow Mar 01 2024
1204 An Orc's Bounty Feb 26 2024
1198 The Clay Boy Jan 10 2024
1173 The Great (Hover) Train Robbery Sep 17 2023
1169 Local Heroes Aug 30 2023
1161 Primary Context May 31 2023
1157 For The Price of a Shiv Apr 26 2023
1146 Fish In The Sea Mar 24 2023
1145 Fathoms Below Mar 22 2023
See All 37 Scenes


Title Date
A Vision, a Letter Sep 29 2021
See All 1 Cutcenes