The World of Radial Drive-1

Radial Drive-1

A world of magic and technology, and exploring the unknown of space

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Justina Thyme


    The year is 2794, the races of Centria have been unified in purpose for six hundred years. The discovery of the Radial Drive three hundred years prior has allowed the allied races to explore the stars, and brought upon a surge of technological breakthroughs as the existance of Universal Leylines was found. These lines function like giant arteries, moving Primus throughout the Universe, spreading off into vein-like Galactic Leylines, and finally down the capilaries, the smallest in Planetary leylines. The Radial Drive itself uses the flow of these lines, pulling the craft under the 'surface' and along at much faster than light speeds in realspace. The Drive itself led to other applications, Primus-fueled matter replication allows for the mass production of basic elements, and combinations, such as foodstuffs, basic metals, ceramics and polymers, while more exotic elements require more mundane approaches to acquisition.

    The Appearance of Vines in most major colonies of the Centrian Alliance's holdings was at first a shock, and many feared an invasion by some unknown threat, though their first encounters with the Tree were thankfully peaceful, allowing trade and embassies to be established with many 'local' worlds along their little branch. Many machines that use Primus Nodes, a kind of battery created from siphoning energy out of the Leyline network, can be easily converted to use other energy sources with a little innovation and patience.

    The races that make up the Centrian Alliance would be familiar to those versed in basic fantasy, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Humans and Kobolds are the 7 Prime species, with Pixies, Fairies and other minor races making up semi-autonomous citystates and minor colonies that still have representation within the Senate.

    A Doll is a kind of automoton, ranging from non-sapient to semi-sapient. These constructs occupy many mundane and menial tasks, such as construction work, cleaning and manufacturing, akin to real world robots such as Roombas or the computer controlled construction arms used in factories.

    A new kind of Doll type has been spearheaded and realised by a team of scientists based off of the schematics provided from Justina Thyme's Sanctuary facility, a semi-autonomous, remote-control capable, modular unit that can be controlled via telepresense, or astral projection to a fairly long range, allowing exploration of harsh environments. These Ur-Dolls have onboard matter replication units allowing for the flash forging of tools, melee weapons and reinforcements to their chassis on the fly.


Primus is the common energy source that powers magic, and many pieces of technology. It goes by many names, Mana, Prana, Chi, Ki, Arcanum, to name a few. It flows through the Leylines that spiderweb the universe and acts much like the blood in a body, giving life to planets where it pools in great amounts. It is harvested and stored in Primus Nodes, a kind of storage medium akin to a large battery, or used to fuel Primus Nexus units or even the main power generators of starships, the Primus Core and is the main source of energy for everything from simple appliances to entire cities.


Faster Than Light travel is achieved in universe by use of a system called the Radial Drive. A set of fan extend from the craft, and 'snag' onto the Leylines crisscrossing the universe, using the flow to travel faster than is possible through normal space. Destination coordinates are input and estimated travel-time is input, meaning there's some drift in exit between ships that 'Dive' at different entry points, from a few kilometers up to a lightyear. This means that emerging from FTL inside of a star system is a risky proposition, and so common practice is to emerge outside of the local Oort Cloud, and proceed in via sublight drives. These are fairly quick, allowing a ship to cross a solar system in a few days.