Justina Thyme

Justina Thyme
World: Radial Drive-1


A young, genius-level intellect from a world where magic and technology melt together into a single whole. Robots, Airplanes, Ships and even mundane appliances are all powered by special magical cells called Primus Nodes, or PNs. Justina has a rare, incurable as far as anyone knows, disease that means she must either lock herself away from the world in a sterile environment, or risk death. This obviously stunted her social skills and lead to her creating her Dolls to investigate the outside world, and interact, however limitedly, with those outside of her Sanctuary. These proxy bodies are semi-sapient and autonomous when not being directly controlled. Justina is an earnest, naive and brilliant girl whose main contribution to society is the very Dolls she uses, revalutionary in design, modular and reconfigurable on the fly using onboard materials to create armour plating, melee weapons, utility tools or basic first-aid materials as needed.


Dolls< Edge-E >: A modular remote body, humanoid, can potentially use magic
An Ur-Doll as Justina uses them, is a remotely controlled body made of metals, composites and ceramics. They are designed to be lightweight but sturdy and adapable to environments on the fly, using onboard power and matter synthesis to produce additional material to reinforce their chassis, or fabricate simple tools and weapons. Edge: The Dolls come in a few preset chassis configurations, with a couple that allow much deeper connection with the operator, allowing them to cast magicks through the Doll, as if they were actually there.
Genius Intellect< Edge-E >: Outside the box thinking, seeing what others don't.
Justina is a Genius level intellect, able to run multiple trains of thought near simultaneously and force her perspective outside of the traditional 'box', letting her figure out difficult situations, and find answers to puzzles not-native to her own experience easier than most. Edge: This ability can be further pushed to allow split-second reactions and decisions based on available data and inferred information.
Sanctuary: A mobile lab, safe haven and base. FTL capable, armed.
Sanctuary, named for the fact it acts as Justina's one safe place, is a Type-7 Modular Laboratory Ship, converted to run from A.I. and is staffed entirely by Dolls slaved to the onboard AI. It acts as a means of conveyance, a stockpile, a deployment point and home for Justina, being fitted with a single Beam Emitter that girdles the ship, multiple pulse cannons dotted around the hull for point defense, and its own Radial Drive for FTL travel. It also sports sensors, an Astral Projection rig for controlling deployed Ur-Dolls, and a matter sequencer that can create many mundane items, such as food and basic spare parts, limiting the requirement for resupply.
Doll Gear: Simple tools and melee weapons
Ur-dolls have an onboard fabricator, powered by internal energy stores. These can produce simple materials to reinforce limbs, or fashion simple tools, such as hammers or axes, and simple solid blades or picks as tools and weapons. It is not capable of forming complex mechanisms on the fly, such as the parts needed for a ranged weapon, though these can be preloaded onto the chassis before deployment, with the simple ammunition fabricated as required.
Doll Senses< Edge-E >: Vision modes, enhanced senses and tactile feedback.
A suite of various sensors allow an Ur-Doll, and it's 'pilot' to see in various modes. Regular vision much like mundane eyes,thermal, even pushing into ultraviolet and Auric vision such as seeing magic auras. UV can help pick out hidden or cloaked entities, Auric view lights up magical fields, allowing more intimate viewing of local magic fields. It can also hear better than most organics, and has tactile feedbacks to allow for more natural interaction with items and individuals. Edge:They also have some more esoteric sensors, akin to radar and sonar for short-range area sensing. These can be tuned to higher settings, but they cost more energy while in use at these enhanced systems.
Magic< Edge >: Magical bolts of flame, lightning, ice and other elements.
Justina is a trained combat mage, using Primus to channel into offensive spells. These take the form of elemental bolts, such as Fire, Ice and Lightning. These require a more direct link with a Doll, placing her at increased risk of catastrophic feedback.
Melee Skills: Fighting with melee weapons, like blades and blunt weapons.
Justina is versed in fighting with many different types of melee weapon, such as swords and maces. Ur-Dolls can fabricate various types of solid matter melee weapon, along with general tools, like pickaxes and shovels which can be pressed into action as weapons themselves. She is a mid-level fighter, relying on the power of the Doll-body to cover weaknesses in her fighting style.


Minerva< Named D-Tier >: Operator-class AI, Combat Support, custodian and friend.
Minerva is the Operator-class AI aboard the Sanctuary. It acts as an advisor, companion and custodian for the young half-elf, the only organic crew aboard her ship. The AI is fashioned after Justina's mother, and acts in a motherly way to her young charge. Minerva can use an Ur-doll body, fitted for support operations. It has the same basic abilities as Justina's dolls, but lacks the ability to cast magic as Minerva is not a mage.


Socially Awkward: Um, I, why are you...
Justina has been locked away from other sentient people for a long time. Interacting via a console and a camera doesn't allow for as much nuance as sitting on the couch watching terrible movies with someone else. This leaves the young woman rather awkward when not using her intellect to bludgeon a problem with science, preferring to remain quiet and not involved.
Philanthropy: It's my duty to help these people!
Often a good thing, the lack of social awareness coupled with a drive to help people be better than themselves, drives Justina to put her own wellbeing aside(in as far as her fleet of Ur-Dolls goes at least) to assist, even if that means causing more problems than she solves. It'll be fine, she can fix those new problems too, somehow.
Reckless: It isn't my body, why should I care?
Justina uses her Doll bodies so much, that she has a bit of a disconnect between her 'self' and the body she's currently using. This can cause problems when she encounters situations that can bleed through the Astral Projection. Having not encountered many of these situations before, she can be a bit overly reckless and throw herself into situations with little heed for the risks, especially if others are in danger. 'My body can be replaced yours cannot'.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1241 Frontier: Friend Find, Look Behind Aug 26 2024
1228 The Derelict Jun 17 2024
1192 Frontier: Quintessence Nov 20 2023
1187 Who Watches The Dark Watchers? Nov 08 2023
1185 The Dudley Devil Nov 05 2023
1184 Questions in Cornwall Nov 02 2023
1183 A Haunting In Dudleytown Nov 01 2023
1178 Formation Process Oct 11 2023
1162 Frontier: Caretaker Jun 28 2023
1161 Primary Context May 31 2023
See All 56 Scenes


Title Date
Captains log, Supplemental Sep 06 2021
Captain's Log 2997, 3621.1 Oct 20 2021
Captain's Personal Log 2997 3862.1 Nov 11 2021
After Action Nov 23 2021
Salvage Dec 19 2021
Encounter at Jigraad Dec 20 2021
Kindred Spirits Jan 11 2022
A faint Hope Jan 14 2022
A lesson in Hope Feb 04 2022
A New Hope Mar 10 2022
See All 11 Cutcenes