The World of Seiken Densetsu 2-1

Seiken Densetsu 2-1

A fantasy realm of kingdoms, villages and wilderness, with races both humanoid and monsterous. Some technology is being reclaimed from the ruins of a forgotten civilization, whose greedy ambitions became its undoing when drawing the ire of the gods.

Type: Bud
Active Characters


The world of Mana is one comprised of magic that expresses itself in the form of the various elements Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Light, Darkness, Life/Plants, and the Moon/Magic. Governing the whole of magic is an enormous tree known as the Tree of Mana, usually situated in a sealed off area known as 'Pure Land'.

The tree has been both the physical manifestation of the Mana Goddess, who is in turn a manifestation of Mana itself. The individual elements themselves are in turn guarded by creations of the Mana Goddess known as elementals, each one corresponding to a different element: Gnome, Jinn, Undine, Salamander, Wisp, Shade, Dryad, and Lune.

This power has been coveted by both greedy individuals and powerful civilizations throughout history. Sometimes this is due to humans being manipulated by the forces of the Underworld or Demon Realm, known as Mavolia, who have attempted to usurp Mana in order to lay claim to the world. The main safeguard for the safety and balance of life is the sacred Sword of Mana, whose power is activated when the Mana Tree is threatened or corrupted.