
World: Seiken Densetsu 2-1
Actual Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Young Child
Role: Elemental Mage
Species: Sprite
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/PJWw3AuVxgc
Voice Actor: Lizzie Freeman ( Remake )


Popoi is a Sprite, a humanoid race of creatures tied to the power of magic and nature. They usually have a brash, fun-loving and joking demeanor, but still care very much for those they call their friends, and won't hestitate to defend them and also the world that they live in. They joined up with a young swordsman and a girl to stop the Vandole Empire from unsealing the powers of life and magic ( called Mana ), in order to activate an ancient weapon called the Mana Fortress. Popoi can call upon the powers of the Elementals of Mana in order to cast offensive spells against their foes.


Elemental Offensive Magic: Popoi can cast damaging spells with attributes from classic eastern elements.
Popoi's close ties to the power of Mana allows them to access the ability to cast spells that cause direct magical damage of different varities from the classic eastern elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Moon, Wood, plus the powers of Darkness. They can call upon shards of Ice, bolts of lightning, waves of fire and lava, and bursts of pure energy, etc. The source of power was granted by the Elemental Spirits of Mana.
Elemental Enfeebling Magic: Spells that reduce speed and endurance and dispel magical enhancements.
As a faerie being born of Mana, Popoi can use magic to cause debilitating effects on enemies. Conjuring ensnaring vines that slow their movement or a downpour of acidic rain to weaken their endurance, and dark arts that disenchant any magically granted, short-term, benefical enhancements of a lesser potency, or spells to summon magical petals and pollen to cause targets to become drowsy. The ability for Popoi to use this magic had been gifted by the will of the Elemental Spirits of Mana.
Flammie Drum: A small toy that summons a Mana Dragon as a means of airbound transportation.
The drum is the favorite toy of Flammie, a white furred, winged dragon who serves as Popoi's trusted aerial mount. The dragon was found as a young whelp, after Popoi and their friends saved it from a serpent that slew its mother, and it developed a strong bond with them. It was raised to maturity by the King Truffle of the Matango, a race of mushroom creatures. The drum makes a distinct sound that can be heard by Flammie from long distances, and it'll instantly head straight for the source, allowing Popoi to hop on its back and ride them.
Midge Mallet: A mallet that shrinks the wielder or their allies. Use again to undo effects.
A wooden mallet that is enchanted with the power to reduce the user or a willing target to 1/3rd their original size. Using it once more will reverse the effect, and return the shrunken one to their normal size. The enchantment isn't terribly potent, and if not undone by restorative magics, the effects will tend to last for about a day. It can also be used to remove minor curses and status effects that reduce one's size. It was a gift given to Popoi, that was originally owned by the Elder of the Dwarf Village, located within Popoi's home world.


Autophobia: Popoi cannot stand to be completely isolated.
Popoi's most traumatic experiences during their lifetime occurred when they were all alone. The flood that carried them away from their Village, and the experience of being pulled from the material plane of their homeworld, when the power of Mana had been sealed away. The whole notion of being completely separated from anyone and/or left stranded somewhere by themselves in an isolated location, is enough to cause them to be quite adamant about not being separated from whomever their current band of traveling companions are. The risk of abandonment is enough that they even wind up tagging along with those who might not have their best interests in mind ( though never as far as to accompany anyone who is obviously evil in nature ). This could be used to force them to curb their usual antics, or even go as far as taking advantage of them by threatening to leave Popoi behind in a remote place.
Antlophobia: Popoi has a distinct fear of floods, and the heavy rains that bring them.
When Popoi was young, a terrible storm had struck the village they called their home. The rains had grown so fierce that a flash flood tore through the great forest that the village resided in, and dragged them away in a surge of water, before eventually depositing them far from anywhere they recognized. The helplessness they had experienced during that event still haunts them, and Popoi will find themselves devoid of their usual bravado, acting more hesitantly in combat when potent weather or water-based powers are used to summon storms, rushing currents or whirlpools.
Brash Behavior: Rare are the moments that Popoi knows when to keep their mouth shut.
Similar to faeries, Sprites are prone to mischief making now and again, especially the younger ones. Popoi is no exception, though their energetic personality meant that they took this trait to a much higher degree than usual. Being cheeky, self-centered and ribbing others whenever it suits them is their default setting. Unless the situation is blatantly serious, they will tend to act in a playfully obnoxious manner and eventually rub people the wrong way. This goes double for those who have very little patience to begin with.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1073 Tales of Clownsuits Aug 20 2022
1072 Hobbling Hobgobs Aug 20 2022
1071 Greener Pastures Aug 19 2022
See All 3 Scenes


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