The World of Exalted: Gunstar Autochthonia-1

Exalted: Gunstar Autochthonia-1

The last free peoples of the Spiral of Galaxies flee the forces of the victorious Primordials aboard the machine god Autochthon.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Syd Fortis


    Once, the gods decided to overthrow their titanic parents; the capricious and cruel Primordials. With the aid of two rebel Primordials, Autochthon and Gaia, the gods created the Exalted, their chosen and bearers of awesome power, and went to war. Countless lives and worlds were lost. In the end the Unconquered Sun knelt and swore fealty to the Primordial Emperor, Theion, becoming the Tyrant Sun. The Primordials had won.
    With Gaia missing, the gods and their Chosen turned once again to Autochthon. The Great Maker became a titanic starship, a refuge for all those who could be gathered before he fled the Spiral. In the four millennia since, the Exalted have been transforming Autochthon into a weapon to defeat his Primordial siblings. In all that time, the Primordial forces, led by the Tyrant Sun himself, have hounded the refugees.
    Growing numbers of mortals and Exalted are beginning to question whether or not the Spiral can be retaken; after all the Primordials have had four thousand years to entrench and consolidate their power. Within Autochthonia itself, there is growing civil unrest as nihilistic cults and Primordial agents take root with alarming frequency.
    A bold new experiment has been proposed: forge a new home away from the vengeful reach of the Primordials. Following in the footsteps of his patron, the Alchemical city of Ot has been refitted into a city-sized starship and has taken the name the Starstriding Engine. Those in Autochthonia that wish to start somewhere new have been allowed to join the Worldseed Expedition.