Syd Fortis

Syd Fortis
World: Exalted: Gunstar Autochthonia-1
Quote: "Everybody matters or nobody does."


Once a mortal technician, Syd Fortis was imbued with godly power only a few years ago, joining the august ranks of the Solar Exalted. A junior member of Autochthonia's ruling body because of his inexperience as an Exalt, Syd nevertheless strives to maintain a connection with the common people with an affable and boistrous personality. He feels that connection is vital to remind himself just why his work important and that everybody matters. Already talented at maintaining and designing fighter craft, Syd's expertise has only improved since his Exaltation. New knowledge comes easy, he doesn't need tools to work, and he can repair almost anything given the proper materials. Syd wields a massive magical hammer and wears a magical breastplate in battle, augmented by basic combat magic. Like most Solar Exalted, he has been trained in techniques to detect and harm purely spiritual entities in order to battle Primordial forces. Seeing an opportunity to found a new home for his people, Syd trained in chaos-shaping techniques and volunteered for the Worldseed Expedition.


Worlds Without Number< Edge GM-Only >: Syd can fashion new worlds from unformatted reality.
Syd can shape new worlds from raw unformatted reality by concentrating and focusing his innate magic. He has limited control over the form the world takes, able to dictate the general climate, topology, and geology; appropriate plants and animals appear as well. Syd requires allies or powerful devices to connect it to reality and provide immediate stability. If people and spirits don't inhabit the world within a few months, the world will revert back into chaos. Each minute Syd spends shaping chaos into a new world, the larger and more resource rich the new world will be. Whatever beings inhabit the patch of chaos will invariably be attracted by the limiting of possibilities, with increasingly powerful beings arriving the longer he works. The amount of land (and danger) starts small but increases exponentially until thousands of square miles are created each minute and giant monsters are attacking. Syd has to actually be within a patch of unfettered chaos to work this particular miracle; they aren't exactly easy to find.
Lore of Engines in Motion: Syd is an enthusiastic expert and pilot of various motor vehicles.
Syd has extensive knowledge about aircraft and starships (called skyships and voidships in his world) and knows enough to pilot them. He can go on enthusiastically for hours about those topics. He has an appreciation for ground vehicles, though his knowledge of them is not nearly as deep and mostly understand their engines rather than the intimate details of their workings and operation. He also knows a fair amount about the giant powered armors called warstriders, but mostly in the context of designing and building transformable spacefighter-warstrider hybrids.
Supernal Craftsman: Syd can craft and repair almost anything with proper materials and time.
Syd specializes in creating starships and starfighters, as well as the weapons and sub-systems for such. He can also repair simple broken items without the need for additional materials; items such as splintered wood, burnt/torn paper, twisted metal, or shattered glass are put back together with enough time. More complex objects, such as magical wonders, require materials to repair. It takes Syd longer to repair things that are one-of-a-kind wonders or prototypes (including his own) since he has to figure out how they work and what materials are required. Syd's innate magic means he does not need tools for any of his projects, but still requires the same amount of time as anyone else. Interestingly, he cannot repair anything made by primordial beings or true gods.
Ghost-Eating Technique: Syd can sense and harm purely spiritual beings.
Syd is able to sense normally invisible beings that have no distinction between a soul and an earthly body. He can also harm them through physical means if they would normally be immune to such. In Syd's world these beings are ghosts, spirits, and demons.
Personal Panoply: Syd has a siege hammer and armor that helps him avoid blows.
Syd created two magical items for himself. The Meteor Hammer is a massive two-handed hammer that Syd can channel his magic through to damage walls, crack ship hulls, and bypass personal armor. Leaf On The Wind is a breastplate that makes it more difficult for enemies to hit Syd.
War Sorcerer< Edge >: Syd can cast spells that affect masses of troops and shape the battlefield.
Syd is able to cast power spells to affect battles. He can summon a great swarm of obsidian butterflies to scour enemy formations and make a glassy hazard of the ground after. He is able to use sorcery to raise fortifications and walls made from dirt and stone. He can also summon a tempest around him that hinders the movement of others and provides Syd and a group of allies better protection against ranged fire.


Compassion's Curse: Syd often finds himself unable to say no to people who need help.
Because of Syd's desire to remain connected with humanity, he finds it difficult to turn people down when they need help. The greater the need or suffering being experienced, the harder it is for Syd to turn them down. In the past Syd was able to keep up because there was a vast support system to fix problems in Autochthonia; this is not the case in the World Tree and leads to Syd over-extending himself if he's careless.
Craftsman's Desire: Syd gets possessive of well-made or beautiful objects.
Syd has found himself covetous of well-made or beautifully crafted objects ever since he learned Exalted sorcery. It is not a desire to own the object for its material value, but owning the object to understand how to make it himself. The problem was not as prevalent when Syd was in Autochthonia since he knows how to make most of the wonders there, but exposure to new worlds on the World Tree has made the urge felt more often. Unless Syd can be made to understand that taking the object will cause harm or a community needs it, he'll take it whether anyone approves or not.
Machine's Efficiency: A compulsion for efficiency was drilled into Syd's mindset from an early age.
Syd typically seeks the simplest means to accomplish a goal. In situations where time is limited, this can mean extremely short-sighted decisions. Where time is not pressing, this can lead to Syd spending far too much time trying to find the best solution.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1180 A City in the Mirror of Dreams Oct 13 2023
1175 Wrapped in Biting Winds Sep 26 2023
1168 Herta? I hardly know her! Sep 03 2023
1136 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Might Feb 24 2023
1135 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Grace Feb 17 2023
1134 Uninvited Guests Feb 06 2023
1130 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Majesty Feb 01 2023
1128 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Fire Jan 20 2023
1109 The Starstriding City pt II Dec 08 2022
1105 The Starstriding City Dec 02 2022
See All 13 Scenes


Title Date
Good Night, Travel Well Sep 25 2022
The Burning of Rathess Nov 24 2022
All-Consuming Despair That Brings Total Oblivion Dec 09 2022
No Old Gunzosha Dec 15 2022
Liminality Jan 06 2023
And The Sky Was Full Of Stars Jan 16 2023
The Doctor Feb 20 2023
The First Light of Dawn Mar 07 2023
A Lantern in the Lethe Sep 22 2023
See All 9 Cutcenes