The World of Beware of Chicken-1

Beware of Chicken-1

A world of cutthroat supernatural martial artists vie against one another to defy the heavens, in the ruins of a once-great civilization.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Bi De


    A world that appears agrarian and simple at first, but with hints of a once-great civilization in the mists of time. Ox-pulled carts trundle along carrying crystalline cameras and communicators alongside their bales of rice, and in the mountains and valleys around the world, strange beasts infused with mystical energy make straying from the villages dangerous.

    Among all these dangers and simple people, devoted martial artists strive to perfect their craft, gaining lengthened lifespans and superhuman abilities. Yet even as they perfect their bodies and minds, they grow distant from the humanity that lets them relate to the common mortals below...