The World of Star Fox-1

Star Fox-1

The Lylat system is home to mainly peaceful spacefaring anthropomorphic animals, however the peace is often broken by the evil Doctor Andross and other alien threats.

Type: Bud
Active Characters


The Lylat System is a solar system that is home to a multitude of peaceful, usually friendly anthropomorphic creatures and several inhabited worlds. The planets of Lylat are lead by Corneria, the home world of Fox McCloud and the center of power for the Cornerian Alliance. The system has suffered through multiple wars, opposed by the evil Doctor Andross on his terraformed fortress planet Venom.

Fox McCloud and his team of mercenaries have fought their way through Andross' forces and brought about a time of relative peace to the Lylat system, but in doing so have opened it up to new threats. The Star Fox team is always ready to defend Corneria...For money.

On the other end of the spectrum, Star Wolf is a team made up of Fox's greatest rival, Wolf O'Donnell and his team. They have frequently found themselves working for Andross, and have no morals that prevent them from taking money from whoever will offer it. With the remnants of Andross' forces on one end of the system, and the Cornerian Alliance on the other, it's only a matter of time before tensions spill over once again.