The World of Fallout 23XX-1

Fallout 23XX-1

A blasted wasteland, this post-apocalyptic Earth is still infested with warring factions hundreds of years after nuclear armageddon burned their blue marble to ash.

Type: Bud
Active Characters


The Fallout 23XX world is a post-apocalyptic setting where the most common threats are radiation or gunshot wounds. Across the former United States, humanity still struggles to find its footing again, with some regions more successful than others.

New California has established a thriving republic, having recovered and become something resembling a healthy nation. The East Coast is still fractured, but contains multitudes of small towns that are starting to establish strong trade lines, creating a thriving post-disaster economy. The East Coast is also seeing the first real greenery thanks to active efforts to push back the irradiated hell their ancestors brought to the lands. Raiders, tribes of humans with violent tendencies borne of the harsh nature of the wasteland and raw human instinct, constantly test the defenses of the smaller settlements.

Across the wastelands, Super Mutants, former soldiers of the Master, attempt to gain a foothold, but are kept at bay due to their lacking wits. Without the mutant intelligence and strategy of the Master, an abomination that once desired to conquer the post-War wasteland, the Super Mutants were nothing but brutish savages with massive egos and not the terrible armies that the survivors of the wastes once feared would wipe them out. Irradiated monsters can be found in every region of the world, including those horrors wrought by the United States government itself before the Great War burned everything. Among these are Deathclaws, generally known for being vicious apex predators, but have shown high intelligence over the years under the right conditions.

The Brotherhood of Steel, a faction dedicated to acquiring technology and ensuring it never reaches the hands of those that would abuse it, marches across the wasteland, seeking to impose their own sense of justice upon any and all they discover. Despite their arguably noble goals, they are a splintered faction, and each region of the wastelands has a different take on how their morals should be approached. In the East, they believe they are the one and only path into the future, and despise anything that resembles the old world... including ghouls and monsters that aren't bothering anyone. In the West, they live a tenuous balance of peace with the NCR, but their numbers diminished when they followed the Super Mutants eastward. In the Midwest, they have taken a much more liberal stance on the world: If you are intelligent, and wish to coexist peacefully, then you are worthy to join the ranks. The wastes of the Midwest are so harsh that it required the Brotherhood to rethink their policies, and many bunkers in that region are populated by all manner of human and beast and ghoul. One such bunker is known for a thriving deathclaw nest.

Notes: This setting incorporates parts of Fallout Tactics. The Fallout series, this World included, is a post-apocalyptic setting with a 50s flavor, with clunky future tech seated alongside old black and white televisions, and computers that can fill a room with tape databanks.