
World: Fallout 23XX-1
Actual Age: 29
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "It is the duty of the children of men to pick up the pieces and build something greater."
Role: Mindful Monster
Species: Deathclaw


Scraps, or Scrapclaw, is a Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel... and a Deathclaw, a bio-engineered monster created to fight wars for mankind. She was born in a tribe of Deathclaws that was taken under Brotherhood protection, and learned that humanity carried many similar instincts to her own kind. She became fascinated with human technology and knowledge, and eventually convinced the Brotherhood to let her join, even if she could only join in a civilian position. She accompanied Knights and Paladins out in the wastes, and learned a great deal of Post-War history, laser technology, and the creation and maintenance of computer technology. She became an important part of the Brotherhood to the point no one saw her any differently than any other human... well, when her bestial nature didn't bubble to the surface.


Deathclaw< Edge >: An apt name for what Scraps is capable of in a fight.
Scraps is a Deathclaw. This means she is capable of shrugging off most conventional gunfire, and moving at speeds that far exceed that of even the fastest human even over rough terrain. She possesses incredible physical strength, capable of smashing stone with her brute force, or ripping metal apart with her claws. Additionally, she is capable of bursts of adrenaline to act even past her own limits, reacting with speed and acuity that could almost be called supernatural, but this requires much more effort on her part.

(The 'adrenaline burst' is the use of Edge to go faster, hit harder, etc. than she normally does, like a temporary RPG power-up.)
Tech Savvy: Scraps is trained in old world tech, particularly laser weaponry and computers.
As a Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel, Scraps has a keen familiarity with the strange and anachronistic future tech of her world, and therefore is comfortable with most technology in general, even the things that could stump the layman. She is particularly well-trained in laser weaponry, and in old world computers, to the point that she can craft new laser weapons if given the time and materials, and she could operate and debug most computers, even modern ones from other worlds.
Radiation Native: Deathclaws are incredibly resistant to ionizing radiation.
Deathclaws are incredibly resistant to ionizing radiation, and Scraps is no exception. She could handle raw uranium without a problem, and wander into the epicenter of Chernobyl with little to no ill effects. It takes so much radiation to harm her that it could only come from a nuclear blast, or from the very Sun itself... and by that point she has bigger problems to worry about. However... this doesn't make her safe for other people after she's been exposed. That radiation has to go somewhere.
Survival: The acumen to survive even the harshest environments.
As a survivor of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Scraps is capable of surviving in extreme environments. She knows how to track down water and purify it for use on short notice, she knows what is safe to eat and what isn't, she knows how to create or find viable shelter from the elements on short notice. She even knows basic medical skills to prevent infections and illness, though it's hard for her to do without a first-aid kit handy. However, she only knows how to survive for long periods in areas most modern people couldn't, and not any other skills under this umbrella, and so couldn't work as a tracker and cannot do anything special with plant life, etc.


Biology: Deathclaws are alien creatures at best.
Scraps is a Deathclaw, and this means she is... not very approachable. She looks like a monster, and has no way to hide this from the population of any world she's in. She struggles to express herself visually due to a lack of human visual cues. She is also very large compared to most humans, and much heavier thanks to her dense physiology. She can't really blend into a crowd.
Temper: Instinct makes for bad bedfellows with civility.
Scraps is an aggressive and unfriendly thing, despite her otherwise positive moral leanings, and has some other problems. When stressed, a Deathclaw's instinct is to kill and destroy. Scraps has a tendency to snap under extreme conditions, when her anxiety gets the better of her, and can become quite impossible to reason with when buzzing on an adrenaline high. She might not stop until she has killed everything in the room, or she's been thoroughly incapacitated. Fortunately, the more familiar she is with someone, the more likely they are to talk her down from this state.
Grizzled: Wasteland life does not engender trusting personalities.
Scraps is quick to assume the worst in people, and it's likely she will take the most pragmatic course of action to solving a problem. She has seen slaughter and mayhem that even Deathclaws aren't capable of, perpetrated by humanity, and has even seen friends and family killed for no reason other than breathing the same air as a violent raider. She assumes a lot of people have selfish motivations, and is slow to trust strangers.
Carnivore: Deathclaws eat meat exclusively.
Scraps cannot eat anything but meat to nourish herself. She CAN eat plants, but it does not satisfy her hunger. What makes this worse is that her appetite isn't very picky, and in a pinch she could even eat human beings. She is, after all, not human herself. She just saves that for absolute emergencies... but she won't feel bad about it later. This comes with a side-effect of her coming up with rude steak-related nicknames for people that bother her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
583 The Lazarus Contract Oct 15 2019
461 The Rosy Setting Sun Apr 01 2019
419 That Which is Plain to See Feb 12 2019
276 Angels and Heroes Oct 04 2018
250 Super Peach Tennis Sep 21 2018
177 A Different Kind of Monster Jul 04 2018
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.