
World: Hyperdimension Neptunia-1
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "Gotcha! Except I don't. But if you think it'll work, do your thing!"
Theme Song: Has a playlist!
Voice Actor: Rie Tanaka (JP), Melissa Fahn (EN)


The goddess of Planeptune, one of the countries in her world. Rather than being clever, innovative, or dutiful-- Neptune relies on her charm and charisma as an energetic dork who plays too many games. Due to how lazy she often is, she has a reputation as a second-rate goddess, though this runs counter to her boundless energy. Neptune's ego is enormous, leading to claims that she's some sort of protagonist. Beneath all the jokes and smug, though, Neptune honestly believes in the hearts of the people around her. She wants to inspire and drive people, and is content with seeing the results of that inspiration. As an adventurer, Neptune's a skilled swordfighter with some elemental tricks up her sleeves. And when the going gets rough, the rough transform-- A pressured Neptune may power up as Purple Heart, the true form of Planeptune's patron goddess.


CPU: Empowered by Shares/Faith. Above the average human limits despite laziness.
Physically, Neptune is elevated above the regular humans of her world, due to her connection to Share energy--the faith of the people who believe in her-- and her status as a goddess. Her speed is average, but her toughness and physical strength are very high. Even if she's cut off from Shares, Neptune retains this basic enhancement.
Swordplay: A two-handed swordfighter with both combo chains and heavy single hits.
Neptune has a natural talent for swordfighting using two-handed weapons, typically curve-bladed swords and longswords. She's equally skilled at multi-hit attacks as well as single powerful hits.
HDD Purple Heart< Edge >: A transformation to fight stronger foes with. Strength, Flight, Purple!
The true form of the goddess of Planeptune, Neptune assumes this form through her connection to people who put their faith in her; Share energy. Her CPU attributes are amplified and her appearance changes to a more adult form, with a suitably more mature and serious personality. She obtains Processors as armor, and the ability to fly. The transformation has a time limit, is exhausting, and can be straight up prevented by cutting her off from Share energy.
Digital Inventory: Who's got time for pockets? Digitize it!
Neptune stores her belongings digitally, with a capacity roughly equivalent to a schoolbag. Her weapon and anything that could normally fit in her hand is stowed this way. Being Neptune, she doesn't sort anything she keeps, so anything she doesn't use a lot-- Her sword and her phone and random snacks-- isn't going to be found fast enough to be useful in a fight.
Free Falling: The power to fall from great heights without injury regardless of how she lands.
Numerous times, Neptune has fallen from great heights to no ill effect, even if she's landed on her head. Only sometimes is this fall broken by someone on the ground. At other times it's left a sizable crater, and Nep is no worse for wear. This might be the effect Share energy has on her body, or it might just be the hard head of a slightly derpy hero.
Bit Magic: Elemental magic effects tied to sword attacks, and ranged skills
Neptune imbues her sword with Share energy to give it elemental effects for some of her combo finishers-- Fire, Light, and Lightning specifically. She also conjures a non-elemental projectile as her only real non-melee attack option; the 32-Bit Megablade.


Dork Knight: The first person to admit she's kinda dumb.
Neptune's not very bright. She's got energy and enthusiasm to spare, but also kinda dumb and doesn't tend to understand complex plans or concepts. She often demands translations if it goes over her head, and has a pretty good chance of just discarding the idea for something simpler even if the idea is re-presented in a way she does understand. Neptune herself is usually the first to acknowledge her own limitations, here.
The Anti-Bored: Neptune will find ways to make things interesting, especially if they aren't
Neptune has very little impulse control and a variable attention span. The less engaging or cool something is, the easier it is for her to lose interest in it. Long discussions, lectures, and the like do nothing for her, and may risk Neptune getting disruptive just to make things interesting. Otherwise, expect a lot of noisy complaining until something more interesting happens.
Pudding Power: Ever bribed someone with a cheap snack food?
Neptune's favorite food is something of an achilles heel. She loves puddings of all descriptions, but especially creamy varieties. At the end of the day, pudding is all the reward she really needs to stay motivated. Attracted a Nep's unwanted attention? Perhaps you can distract her with her favorite snack and sneak away while she's occupied. Want to make her mad? Innocent puddings suffering is a surefire way to draw her in.
Eggplants Are Nasty: Ever trolled someone with a common vegetable?
Neptune cannot abide eggplants. The smell alone makes her uneasy, and actually seeing them can and has caused her to bail. Over-exposure can upset her enough that she's even been unable to stay transformed. It's not really a power-sapping Kryptonite kind of thing, she just really, REALLY hates them. She's only powered through it when the stakes are extraordinarily high, and still could barely keep herself together. It doesn't matter how they're prepared, she will know. Don't even try it!

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
325 Tsunrise Nov 06 2018
260 Shiny & Black Sep 26 2018
210 Shooting Star Aug 05 2018
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.