World Tree MUSH

Shooting Star

    A monstrous wolf called Fenris has appeared in the forests of an established world. It has no business being there, and if left to its own devices may cause problems for the local townsfolk. Where it came from doesn't matter, just get rid of it!
    - Cattle Rancher
Character Pose
    "That Fenris keeps menacin' my cows!" the rancher had said, "Get rid of it before it can run off with one."

    Welcome to the Shadow Wood, part of some nondescript Medieval-ish World just linked enough for residents to post bounties on troublesome monsters and bandits that they or their local garrisons can't handle. It's a place that earns its name-- tall oak and birch and spruce, branches forming a thick canopy that keeps the forest floor dark and unwelcoming. The only critters have been deer and birds so far, though scratched up trees and large pawprints are plenty of sign for even the amateur tracker to follow what's been described as 'a wolf bigger than a horse'.

    None of the road patrolmen who guided intrepid mercenaries to this place would venture beyond the forest's border, though. Seems they're content to leave this party to their own devices.
    Roaming from guild to guild, and taking on assignments like this, has been Nepgear's primary means of support. Sure, there is also the training angle to consider, and helping the locals out with their problems, but it's a fundamental fact of life, most places: You need money to live on. Fortunately, the twists and turns of the wilder parts of the tree provide no shortage of work, and this particular assignment is fairly familiar to her from her own world. That is, find some overgrown monster in the field, and either kill it, or, kill it then bring some part of it back, or something it was guarding. Elementary stuff!

    So, as she trudges through the woodlands, following the relatively easy signs of megafauna inhabitation, she's a little more confident than usual. Her boot falls aren't careful or reserved at all, since if the description is accurate, this giant wolf likely won't be afraid of any human-sized intruders. She does, however, have a diffusedly glowing sword out in her right hand, both to have it at the ready and to provide a little bit of illumination into the nooks and crannies. "Hello, Mr. Wolf," she calls out, though not loud enough to truly conjure such a beast from hiding? "I wonder where it's lair is! Ah, this is so nostalgic." For someone so young and brightly dressed, the last bit has the tone of a veteran's recollections.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene was here not just to help hunt, but to determine the species. As one with an interest in cryptozoology, it was only natural for her to take some interest in the rumors of a massive wolf out of its habitat. Something of a worry, too, but with Raylene's awkward morality compass, what she might be worried about is probably different.

    She'd come in a nice but not super frilly dress, making her way through the forest with surprising care and agility. She is far from being a skilled ranger, but the way she steps says she's used to taking walks in the woods, at least. She doesn't seem to be ready to FIGHT anything though, despite the addition of a knife to her wardrobe, and is just staring at various things trying to pick up on any non-native magic. "Hmm. Well, I am not a tracker, but I suppose one of us will stumble upon it." Stumble, yes.
    This is so not Priscilla's thing. Hunting beings for money? She barely knows what that is! Indeed, though, that is why she is here. The very tall, scythe-bearing woman is surprisingly awkward in joining up with the others, and follows after Raylene hesitantly! She has to be here though. She has no money, no job skills she finds marketable, and lacks even a pair of shoes to go into fast food places.

    The marks left behind make Priscilla stare... not because of the size of them, but because she doesn't understand Raylene's difficulty at first. It only slowly dawns on her that she has no idea how fresh the marks are, so they could stumble upon the beast at any time. "This forest... so full of life. It assaults mine senses..." Even with the translation effect of the area in full force, her archaic speech slips through now and then. She also keeps fading from sight, nervousness forcing her to hide invisibly for a few seconds now and then before she remembers that the strange people around her are her supposed allies in this. At least her walking is silent, the bare feet making barely a sound as she makes her way with the others, sometimes pointing out a gash in a tree.
    "We'll have to just find out. For all we know, he's tracking us." Dante brings up. He's been oddly wary of Raylene, especially with whatever her mysterious friend might be. In any case, he's got his sword out slung across his shoulder. With his red coat and leather pants, he's not exactly dressed to hunt either, but who's judging? Dante pops his neck, eyes checking his surroundings.

    "Hark, it be a buffet for mine senses!" He says cheekily at Priscilla, when he can see her anyways. She might be harder to find than this wolf will be.
    The lack of any experienced trackers in the party means the prints and markings provide little to go on. Trees can take a long time to recover from being scratched on, after all. The biggest clues might be provided by Ms Dunwich. The faint magic of the wood does little to mask the presence of something that does not belong here, creeping through the undergrowth and avoiding pathways. A new, crunchy sort that might be defined by sharp angles joining flat planes to create intricate and detailed shapes.

    The great height Priscilla stands at gives her glimpses of something equally large moving amidst the bushes, keeping itself low and out of sight...for most people, anyway. It's apparently more accustomed to staying unseen from human-sized observers.
    Raylene and Dante, to varying extents, are also familiar sorts of companions to Nepgear, though she's not certain how the former will defend herself if the beast were to suddenly spring out and set upon them. Some random civilian probably wouldn't just join up, though, so presumably she's got something! Gunners are also fairly common, especially stylish ones. What sometimes has Nepgear glancing over, when she thinks she can steal a glance without being noticed, is the taller woman in their company. Such an archaic tone that filters through even the hypernatural translator!

    For just a moment, she finds herself distracted, thinking of what a certain self-styled magician would sound like within the wider tree environment, or even a certain scout. Would the chuunibyou-ish natures be tamed?

    She finally finds the will to speak to Priscilla, by way of response: "Are the forests where you're from not as lively, then?" She's familiar with the concept of biomes, even if her own world is basically one big temperate zone, save for one exception. Perhaps she's from wintry place where things hibernate most of the year. "They tend to be where monsters live, back in Planeptune, but you only see ones this big very rarely." She also laughs a bit nervously to both Raylene and Dante's proposals, of stumbling upon it and being counter-tracked, respectively. "It's probably the top of the food chain around here. Judging from the mess it's making."

    In other words, either is plausible. Meanwhile, she doesn't seem to be aware of exactly where it is, but there's that hair-on-back-of-neck effect, like they're being watched.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene doesn't comment on that, but Priscilla's nature gets a few looks from her. Dante too. Unless they have active magical effects, though, she isn't really able to determine much about them. Not without thorough study, anyway. For her part, anyone with even the vaguest of enhanced senses can probably get that eerie feeling lingering around her. The Horror may be immaterial and invisible right now, but it is not really made with full stealth in mind, and hanging around Raylene gives that impression. Just 'the willies' really.

    "It's a cryptid from another world," Raylene finally says. "Out of its element, without natural predators and likely very scared and needing food. Without its normal manner of hunting it has to attack the cattle. At least, that is my theory. It might be possible to capture it, but if not I could take some of the remains back and possibly see where it is from." She might be exaggerating her skills there. "Or... at least use for alchemical supplies."
    In truth, Priscilla has no idea what she's doing. Dante's comment to her has her staring at him... but she finally gets that he's flirting with her after way too long, and shows a mild blush. "I am afraid such matters are unrequited with one such as mineself."

    Oh thank Velka, there's a glimpse of something else! Wait that's bad. A chill passes through the air and Priscilla vanishes from sight again, this time holding the invisibility for real. Her voice murmurs out, "Something approacheth from the bushes. Ware, for it is large compared to thee." She's really trying to speak more properly but it just comes out sounding mangled. "To thine right, there."

    Helpfully, she points. Unhelpfully, she is so nervous she went invisible before pointing.
    Dante wasn't technically flirting, but he does smirk a little in amusement. "Don't sell yourself short, honey. You'll find someone." He winks, before he hears something rummaging through the bushes. He keeps Rebellion close, eyes scanning his surroundings. The woods aren't his usual stomping grounds, which makes this just a smidge stressful, but Dante keeps cool as a cucumber.

    Not literally anyways, with that coat his chest is practically glistening with man-sweat.

    "Question is, what's it doing here?" He wonders aloud, eyeing Raylene. She seems like she knows a thing or two about demons and such, best to listen to her.
    The Presence pauses, apparently understanding that it's been located. After a tense few moments, it moves again, more overtly-- and much more loudly. Something huge and furry erupts from the bushes. Its target was Priscilla-- which it can't see anymore, sailing through where she had been before she disappeared. The beast lands on all fours, skidding to a halt and drifting to face the hunting party in the same motion.

    It's an enormous wolf, so that tracks with the descriptions. Huge, dark blue, with red eyes and exaggerated claws on its forepaws. The front and hind legs sporting some kind of armored bracer stands out, though one particular hunter here should have no problem recognizing something that's alarmingly common where they originate from.

    The beast snarls, then lifts one paw to wipe the side of its nose, not unlike a boxer thumbing his nose at his opponent before a fight.
    Dante blinks. "Did you just do the Bruce Lee thing?" He remains silent for a moment, before grinning like an idiot. "That is SO COOL. It's on, baby!" He grips his sword and takes off after the Fenris Wolf. "C'MON!" The Son of Sparda practically lunges forwards with his sword thrusting out, moving with blindingly fast speed as he makes contact with the lupine menace.
    "W-what, where?" And the tall woman becomes slightly stranger still with being able to just phase out like that, in the first place. Nepgear still gives a glance around, since at least the direction was called out. It's hard to tell much from just a creepy feeling, though, especially since it could just as easily be Raylene's friend over there giving her that sensation. She thinks she heard something strange just now, though, and after processing it, she turns to give said girl a slightly bewildered look. "If it's anything like I'm familiar with, I don't think it's just going to follow us home if we just give it some food!"

    There is a significant lack of self-awareness, there, as the girl that regularly asks to bring even dangerous machines and robots home in similar situations.

    "It probably ended up displaced like I did," is her guess to Dante's question. "But, that's not important right now!" For the time being, she's not wanting to just stand here and wait for it to wander out, or jump out. She's wandering into the underbrush, 'to the right' as Priscilla described it, hacking away bits and pieces with a sword using speciously lisenced sound effects. Whether this resulted in it finally showing itself is beside the point, as she ducks the moment she feels it emerge, and then turns to face it, "Huh? That looks kind of like...the larger wolf monsters where I'm from, actually!" It *could* be a coincidence, it's certainly a common form for giant monsters to take, but this is a little too uncanny.
Raylene Dunwich
    "Most likely not, but one can hope, yes? Killing it is just as good for me!" Raylene is so flippant with the life of this beast, one moment saying it'd be nice to capture it, then dismissing the need to keep it alive. Either way she wins, right? Except then it's there, and they only have a few moments of warning.

    Raylene is already diving out of the way, but she obviously isn't set up for combat. Her knife whips out, but she isn't holding it in a way that speaks of an expert knife fighter. Instead she appraises the beast, considering it and trying to see if she can tell anything about it with her various occult lore. Though if it isn't truly occult that is likely to not come up with much. She refrains from summoning the Horror into the material world as yet, but begins concentrating to do just that just in case.

    Until then, she's a bit of dead weight.
    Goodness that's a big wolf. And Priscilla didn't even get a chance to talk about the ruins that were her home! Fortunately when she goes invisible for combat, leaping backward or to the side is her standard method of preparing, so the wolf sails through where she was a moment ago. Her scent is lingering in the air though! He'll know she's still close by, and likely have some warning when she does move.

    While the others are talking and preparing to fight, Priscilla stares at the creature. Her scythe is readied, and she creeps around toward the side. This is apparently how she can get the money she needs? Why wait then. As Dante is lunging foward, Priscilla waits for an opening, taking a sudden swing with her scythe. Only one, testing to see what creatures in this world are like. It leaves a breeze in passing, perhaps a hint to where she is aside from scent.
    Raylene and Nepgear don't immediately attack it, and so the wolf has no real reason to go after them. Fenris smells Priscilla but can't actually see her. It might try sniffing her out, but it has the very obvious, loud, and hyped half-demon contending with its attention. It ducks low, then lurches to one side. Rebellion's thrust only scores a glancing blow, throwing off sparks on impact that start as hexagonal shapes and disperse into glittery powder.

    It ain't no regular wolf!

    Up close, the beast lifts one of those big claw-decorated paws and swats at Dante, then slides itself away. Red eyes shift towards the two visible girls, as if sizing up their threat level. Or perhaps which one will be the least effort for a meal.
    Even though she's a little bit of a kindred spirit with this thing, if they really are from the same world (a lucky guess on her part), it's obvious that this is what they were sent to find. It seems to be as spoiling for a fight as any of the cobbled together team is, whether it's native to the area, defending its turf, or what. Accordingly, with the investigative and theoritcal side done, there leaves only to take it out and claim the reward! Besides, it's not like she can ask a monster like this how it actually ended up here, which admittedly would have been helpful.

    "Sorry, Mr. Wolf," she does speak up, however. "It looks like your days of munching on sheep and cows is coming to an end!" After glancing around it to briefly appraise Raylene again - is that girl really going to be alright? - and with Priscilla as its apparent focus at first (perhaps as a fellow kaijuu), before it turns to Dante, she shifts around to try to attack the Fenris' flank. She runs in what could be called a circular strafe, before lowering her sword behind her and leaping with a downward slash toward a shank, perhaps aiming to cripple one of the beast's lanky limbs. As she sails through the air, the sword leaves a faint, violet afterglow while being brought to bear. And there's that sound effect again. Vwrrrm! The flashy opener does leave her somewhat open to reprisal, though, with how she's left her feet for the moment.
Raylene Dunwich
    Will Raylene be all right? Maybe. She is sizing things up, and the wolf meeting her eyes for an instant makes her realize what her best option here. She could summon the Horror, but that's a last resort and exhausting. Otherwise she is not quite helpless and...

    Excellent bait.

    With exaggerated motion, she steps back and 'trips' over a root, falling to the ground and making a loud but startled noise. WHUMP! Hey look, easy dinner!
    Dante feels a glancing blow strike him, drawing blood. He switches out his sword for Ebony and Ivory, the guns twirling in his hands as he takes aim at the werewolf. "Keep it stylish!" The guns roar with every shot, kicking in his hands with recoil that would shatter a regular person's grip easily. He takes the opposite route to Nepgear, trying to keep the wolf confused as Dante riddles it with gunfire, sliding expertly across the ground.
    A scythe arcs over the wolf, and Priscilla steps back. She CAN fight, and she has no frustration in the agile beast managing to escape her lifehunt-enchanted blow. It's a quick one, and the sword glancing off it tells her it must be tough, too. Dante looks like a skilled fighter and probably knows what he's doing. Probably. With Nepgear joining in this should be easier, but she can't swing her scythe as easily amongst these trees.

    Without thinking, Priscilla switches tactics and breathes out a blast of icy cold blizzard breath, her invisibility fading at the same moment. It has the same life-sapping quality of her scythe, if weakened, but the cone blast is... might be not the best thing to use in a group. She realizes her error halfway through the attack, cutting it off before she can focus a full blast so she doesn't catch her allies in the wave. "My apologies!"

    And now she is visible. Tactical error on her part.
    Appraising its meal is interrupted. Fenris is suddenly beset upon by rapid pistol fire. Sparks sail off with each hit, prompting Fenris to dip and lean into the gunfire with a snarl directed at Dante. Raylene's pratfall attracts the subtlest indicator of its notice when ears flicker her direction, though it's quite suddenly iced over by blizzard breath from a surprising angle.

    Fenris whirls around to face the dragonlady, backing away, when Nepgear comes in on one of its hind legs. More sparks fly, and when the beast jumps backward, it fouls its landing and betrays the extent of its injuries. Teeth are bared as it picks itself back up, the beast takes another step back. Something rumbles overhead, like a quick crack of thunder, and the great wolf's ears shoot upward. It apparently decides to hedge its bets, whirling around to face the fallen Raylene Dunwich. Its intent is clear.

    As the monstrous wolf advances, something punches through the leafy canopy overhead and slams right into its head, throwing up a great cloud of dust with a sound like a hammer striking an anvil.
    "FIgures." Dante holsters his pistols, and this time opts to charge towards Fenris. Coiling up his legs like a spring, the devil hunter promptly bounces himself towards the wolf, curling so he propels himself feet-first to deliver a brutal dropkick into the wolf's chest, drawing his pistols again to fire upon the wolf.

    Long as he can keep the wolf distracted, maybe Neptune can finish this off!
    Things are getting a little bit chaotic. Especially with someone that is unaccustomed to working as part of a team joining in, and Raylene's wounded bird routine. At least Nepgear hopes that is a routine. The sparks flying, meanwhile, is a fairly common trait with monsters of this type where she's from, adding another data point in favor it being from her own world. If only there was some way to actually get information out of this! Nonetheless, that's for another time.

    As she lands her strike, a chilling mist wafts around the body of the beast. A bit of friendly fire tickles her, but thankfully Priscilla cut it off before it does much more than add some accentuating ice crystals to her one piece dress, and perhaps make her regret that it's not a little longer. Backflipping away with the momentum of her own swing, it seems she's taken Dante's 'keep it stylish' advice to heart, coming to a stop with a light slide of her boots. Nonetheless, with the amount of attack angles keeping it busy, Nepgear starts winding up for another swing.

    That's when she's momentarily distracted by something that sounds vaguely like a sonic boom from overhead. Maybe it's just a thunderstorm rolling in? The sounds of a thud from nearby are similarly curious - but, there's just no time to investigate. Shaking her head to refocus herself, she lunges forward again, this time with a rising swing. "I'm alright," she calls over to Priscilla, as well, just in case she was worried!
    Was Priscilla worried? She's fading into invisibility again, another chill passing through the air. At the least she didn't want to make enemies of her current allies, but her level of concern is uncertain. As yet. She does want the beast dead, that's enough, and not her allies.

    As usual she leaps aside, but she is glad to see that again, she isn't the creature's target. Her ability to take a hit is not that great, so keeping it away from her is just fine with her. The crossbreed moves to strike again while it is down, trying to see what hit the wolf-

    She can't swing her scythe properly still, can she? Priscilla improvises, making do with a quick, thrusting poke with the bottom of the scythe's haft.
Raylene Dunwich
    Oh. That's good. Raylene is saved from being chewed on by everyone else. Sure, she was live bait because she knew she could heal herself, but she can't recover from death and being chewed on hurts a lot! She rolls aside, pushes herself up to her feet, and dusts her dress off.

    In mid-battle? Well, she knows she isn't a combatant, normally, but now that it's distracted she whips her trusty dagger out and makes a quick lunge, hoping to at least keep it distracted. She's a small girl, it's likely to just annoy something this size, but that's all she may need to do. "What just happened?" she asks, uncertainly.
    The party descends on the wolf, obscured by that cloud of dust, for some jabs and stabs and one impressive drop kick. There's lots of satisfying impacts, but not much noise from the animal itself. Dust begins to clear, exposing the beast laid out on the forest floor, very much unconscious. Balanced on its head is a purple-haired girl in a white hoodie-dress, hands held out to either side. As the beating tapers off, this figure tips forward, landing face-down opposite Fenris.

    Well that's the wolf taken care of, at least. The specifics were to get rid of it, not necessarily kill it, and between the beating and this person's sudden arrival it's very unconscious.

    Said person is not, however, unconscious. She picks herself up and rolls back to sit on her haunches, blinking at the beast in front of her. After a moment, she points, "Found you!" Without skipping a beat, she drops that hand into a shrug, "Look I'm not about kill-stealing, I just fell into it, so you guys can still have all the credit since you clearly did all the--" Eyes snap open, "Nepwhat, hold the phone! Nep Junior?"
    The wolf goes down, and Dante dusts himself off as he holsters his guns. The devil hunter just cocks an eyebrow at the mysterious new member of the party, "Heh, nice timing there, kiddo." He grins cheekily. "Guess credit can be shared for this one, we all had a hand in bagging that ugly bastard."
    The large amount of obscuring dust from the wolf, likewise obscures to Nepgear what even impacted, or actually, that whatever landed did so upon the wolf itself. A more strategic thing to do would have been to stand back and let things clear first, but sensing an opportunity, the girl finishes with her attack motion! She's once again focusing on crippling strikes so that the finishing blows anyone might have prepared are more likely to hit their mark. Accordingly, when she once again leaps back to put distance between herself and the target again, and the dust begins to settle, she isn't exactly expecting...

    ...that the task is basically already done, thanks to the unexpected aerial bombardment. "Huh?" She sounds genuinely perplexed, but still keeps her beam sword at the ready for a few moments longer, instinctively wafting away some of the spreading dust and debris cloud from her eyes and face with a sleeve. "D-did we get it? Even though I'm not sure quite how!" There's no mistaking that the shape of the wolf seems to be down, even though it's still heaving with breaths, it can be presumed.

    But there's another unexpected bit atop it, a darker purple than her own as things clear. That voice. "Neptune!?" It's spoken in absolute disbelief, and perhaps just a moment of suspicion, counter to the likely more casually-accepting manner in which her sister called her. ", it really must be you. No one else could have survived an entrance like that."

    And at this she suddenly sprints up to Neptune, and if the technically 'big' sister doesn't avoid it, she'll move to scoop her up into a hug as she suddenly blurts out, "I've been all alone out here! And...and you just show up in the middle of a monster fight!" Before she can make even more of an embarassing scene, though, Dante's speaking up reminds her that there are others around - and that the monster isn't technically dead, though likely not getting back up soon.

    "Ah," she recomposes herself, "Y-yes, sorry." She glances to Raylene next, "Do you have a way to transport this thing somewhere else? I doubt the people that contracted us will care much what you do with it, as long as it's...gone." She'll not ask any deeper questions than that.
Raylene Dunwich
    Raylene stands back and thinks, then nods. "I can call someone to help. Not to worry. At worst I can get the Horror to carry it." She's bad at talking and doesn't explain what the Horror is. "Neptune, hmm? Well, even if I was not in as much danger as I pretended, your timely arrival saved me from what could have been a very painful and bloody experience. Consider yourself to have a favor of mine if you wish to call it in. Raylene Dunwich." She does a small curtsy to Neptune.

    Nepgear's hesitance is noticed though, as is Dante's willingness to split. "I did less on this than most of you, I would be happy to surrender my share, since we captured it alive. Feel free to stop by if you need any potions or the like. Do not worry... death does not frighten me by far, but I have no intention of killing this beast for research. I merely want to study it a while. In the meantime, let me see to your injuries, if any."
    At first, Priscilla remains invisible, not certain of the newcomer. As Neptune seems friendly, she fades back into visibility and lets out a long breath, the concentration of going back and forth taking its toll. Her scythe lowers, and she regards all the greeting and discussion with an unsure look.

    "I merely wish to buy footwear. If thou hast given me your share, this will aid in my quest." Quest. Yes. That's what it is.
    "Huwah!?" is all the eloquence Neptune gets out when Nepgear scoops her up. The hug is quickly returned, and followed up with pat on the head, "Held yourself together pretty good without me, huh, little Sib-o-mine? Though I mean come on it hasn't even been a week since you disappeared!"

    Well, maybe back in Gamindustri.

    Separating herself from Nepgear, the smaller yet paradoxically apparently elder of the two purple-haired girls places her hands on her hips, "That's right, the name's Neptune, your friendly neighborhood protagonist! And big sis of your apparent friend here!" There's that claim out in the open now. After a moment, she asides to Nepgear without taking her eyes off the other three, "Shirtless dude, giant lady, and creepy girl. You've got a pretty neat party goin' on, here. I'll have to get the broad strokes from you later."

    To Dante she just grins, "I dunno about timing! Seems more like luck to me." And to Raylene, she answers, "A favor from you sounds spooky, count me in. You're a witchy type, right? Potions an' stuff?"
    "A week!? It's been months, Neptune!" Thankfully, conveniently not enough time that she's appreciably aged any. If she would have at all. But still enough of a time scale difference that Nepgear nearly drops her sister, rather than how she sets her down gently. She doesn't seem to find the pat on the head at all patronizing, though, her body language and posture getting a little more relaxed, as she takes a deep breath. "Wait, they're...they're not my party, exactly! We just happened to all respond to the same job posting, really." Though it wasn't like the company was bad.

    And now that Neptune is doing her introductions, she realizes her own bad manners, turning to give a lowering of hre head to Raylene, Dante and Priscilla in turn. "I think I might have mentioned it before when we were setting off, but just in case, my name is Nepgear. And I'm indeed Neptune's younger sister! I got separated a few months ago and I've been making the best of it, she's here, so..." A little bit of color fades from her already pale complexion, "Is Histoire going to be okay, I wonder?"

    Priscilla's quest offers a welcome distraction, both from that and Raylene's mention of a 'Horror' that apparently does her bidding, including pack animal services. "Shoes? Oh...right, I guess you are kind of big. Well, if you'd like some more help, I'd be glad to!"
Raylene Dunwich
    Creepy girl, huh? That's... accurate, Raylene guesses. "Yes, a witch, that is the best way to say it. And you could say we are her party, but temporary members. I ah..." She stops and plays with her braid. Raylene actually hasn't played a lot of games so it's hard for her to make the metaphor work right.

    Shoes. A great distraction. "The pleasure is mine," she says politely. "I specialize in magical remedies and simple utility potions. I'm afraid my combat skills are much weaker than most of those I run into outside of my world. I should fix that some day."
    Priscilla stares. Introductions, now? Fine. "I posses the name of Priscilla, of the Painted World of Ariamis. I am far from my home, and merely wish to be left in peace... but this land I find myself in requires money, so that I may find my way back to the home I seeketh."
    "Dante, Devil Hunter." The white-haired fellow introduces himself. "Buy me a strawberry sundae sometime and maybe we can swap backstories." He suggests, eyeing Priscilla's feet. "...huh. Yeah only just noticed you don't have any shoes."