World Tree MUSH

A Different Kind of Monster

Character Pose
    Something, or someone, is causing a bit of a stir in the world of Pokemon. A foreigner to this world has fallen through one of the rare portals that briefly phase in from Bud worlds, a foreigner caked in blood and adorned in a strange and dusty uniform of red fabric and basic metallic armor. This creature has set up a fortified position in one of the Routes and won't come out of that fort, and, frankly, no one is really brave enough to wander close enough to investigate. It doesn't seem to be hurting anyone since it showed up.

    Scraps leers out from its thatch shelter, the reptilian creature visibly shivering from the fearful adrenaline and all of the unfamiliar sights and sounds. Pokemon in the area are being scared off by the smell of this thing, its aroma of danger probably far beyond what the average beast is used to. The area is just... eerily quiet, besides the distant bird call now and then.
Ochako Uraraka
    What a peaceful walk this has been! Although it's been a bit longer than Ochako bargained for. Since hopping the vine in an effort to tear herself away from studying she's had plenty of time to enjoy the relatively relaxed atmosphere of the world here! So many cute animals, kind of like those old classic games! "Ah, wow, I should have asked someone to come with me!" For directions, coz she's a total newbie with this multiple worlds stuff.

    And just like that, the atmosphere changes. People are talking about a monster?! She's only seen one of those for real and it was thankfully from really far away. Still, nobody's hurt right? People are just scared! So, nervously she grips the straps of her pack and presses on. Maybe it's just a big misunderstanding...

    Soon as she comes into view, that's it. She stops. Would it be awkward to turn around and leave? To just pretend she didn't see anything...? "Are- Are you okay?" Instinct wants her to flee, but Something Else makes her remain, though she is clearly nervous.
Luke Gray
     A stranger causing trouble in one of the routes near his hometown?. That was certainly something to investigate, after all, he is a seasoned pokemon trainer!, he should be able to handle himself. Plus... he really needs to help, new trainers are scared to even approach the area, harmless or not.
     As usually, he walks along with one of his strongest pokemon!. It's a tiger!, except it is fairly rounder than one, with a yellowish lighting bolt marking on it's chest, one candy to the people able to guess it's type!. The pair are a bit cautious as they reach the eerily quiet area, with the large tiger pokemon inching closer to Luke in a protective way, especially as he slowly moves to the 'fort' and spots the creature everyone speaks about. He inhales deeply and tries the diplomatic approach, perhaps it was a thing from another world that got lost?. "Hello?" he calls from a fair distance, not noticing Ochako around yet.
    People approach.

    Scraps emerges from her hiding place, her crouched form unfurling. Her hunched posture doesn't hide that she is enormous compared to the normal person, standing a solid seven feet tall. Her uniform fits oddly to her bestial body. Her head swivels slowly to take in Ochako, Luke, and the bizarre creature. It's Ochako she addresses first, as the girl's first instinct when faced with a beast like this was to ask if it was okay. That was more friendly than most people were in Scrapclaw's experience.

    "Hello," came the thunderous, gutteral tone, strangely mellow despite that. It's inhuman, like a monster copying human speech, so it's hard to place age or gender.

    "Where am I?" the thing decides to ask, while absently sharping her claws. "This is not the wasteland. Am I in a simulation?"

    It's the only explanation she has for this so far.
Ochako Uraraka
    Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. Ochako's not unused to seeing large people but this is a little different! "Oh wow, um... I mean, hi! And um..." She glances over her shoulder and somewhat unhelpfully points out a highway marker sign.

    "I'm kind of a little lost from wandering and the police officer I was- Oh, hello!" She raises a hand in greeting toward Luke, "Everything's fine here! No need to be worried!"

    What makes people Pro's here hasn't really dawned on her yet so she just assumes the guy might be nervous like everyone else! And oh gosh, a chubby tiger. Bolstered by the presence of another, she returns her focus to the large stranger's questions.

    "Ah, Simulation? No, uh... We're just here!" At least this- whatever it is- seems okay with talking! So... "I'm Ochako Uraraka. What's your name?" Clearly, she's still nervous but even though she's doing her best a little backup would be terrific.
Luke Gray
Luke IS nervous, big chubby adorable tiger or not, but at least, it's clear Scraps is not too dangerous, since it's speaking with the girl. The trainer and pokemon get closer, and Luke catches the what they say, "Oh, you are in the Kansai region." he says, as if that might make more sense, "I never heard of a wasteland." he says softly. 
     "I am guessing both of you came from another... world?... not sure how to explain." he admits, rubbing th eback of his head. "I am quite sure this world is real at least." the young teen says, while the fluffy creature sits by his side. "Oh, I am Luke by the way, and my friend here is Dynamo." he adds, pointing to the 'tiger'. The pair get next to Ochako, "People around here were getting a bit scared about you." he admits, turning to the huge Scraps. Either the kid is good at hiding fear, or might not be totally freaked out at the sight of a huge creature like Scraps. The pokemon next to him seems a bit more cautious, understandably.
    Scrapclaw slowly processes what's in front of her. She steps up closer, to a more comfortable conversational distance, and the soft thud of her feet can be heard on the dirt and underbrush to indicate she is a heavy creature. She comes to a stop with a hiss through both nostrils, and her tongue flicking out of her maw slowly. She leans in to inspect Luke's strange electrical beast, distracted, briefly, by it's bizarre and cartoonish physical make.

The horned monster slowly flicks her thick forked tongue out, dragging it along one of her claws, the way a cat might groom its paw, while trying to get more comfortable with the presence of these odd people.

    "Japanese," she surmises, as if that were surprising to her. Then she settles down to just sit on the ground and stare at the electrical tiger.

    "My given name is Scrapclaw. Call me Scraps," she tells them, "Do not worry about the blood. It is not mine."

    She is covered in the stuff. She was in a very lethal fight very recently. She kinda stinks, too, though not as much as she could.

    "Harrowing events best left in the past aside... I have not found time to reorient myself. You say this is another 'world,' then..." She brings a claw up to pick at her teeth, and continues after a musing beat. "That is improbable, but I can see how it could still happen. Please, explain."
Ochako Uraraka
    Eeeeeeh! She shuffles a little closer to Luke. She was hoping so much for someone maybe... bigger? Or at least not so young that she feels an urge to interpose herself. "Y-yeah, that's right! I'm from-" Someone else's blood. Hooookay.

    "Well, um... Are..." Then the origin of all the blood is pushed aside for the moment. Maybe it really is better not to ask. Deep breath. It'd be rude to react to the confused creature's smell, right?! So she tries to look confident!

    "Right? I'm still figuring it out myself! It's been on the news and stuff but I haven't watched much TV... Anyway! So the worlds, I guess, are like on this tree. So you can go through the tree from one world to another. Like lights around a Christmas Tree!" She's so boned if this new world stuff winds up on the final.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray seems to shudder a bit at the mention of blood, his first true reaction of being uneasy, but tries his best not to run away, glancing back at Ochako, relieved to have support as well. "It's nice to meet you two." he says softly. It's clear that his pokemon does tell the blood, but is also curious of the deathclaw, tilting it's head and sniffing the air, whiskers twitching. From up close, one might notice the buildup of static, staring back at the deathclaw, letting out a soft mewl, ears twitching.
     Luke nods and rubs the back of his head, standing next to the heroine, "I admit to not know much... beyond meeting a visitor and hearing the news, I was hoping to be able to explore other worlds soon, after I finish preparing." he says. He nods again at the explanation, "That is about what I heard." he says. Turning back to Scraps he tilts hsi head, "What... are you?, not meaning to be rude... just curious.". He does his best to ignore the blood.
    Scrapclaw cocks her head like a dog at the phrase 'Christmas Tree,' but doesn't ask about it. The rest she seems to absorb with a hungry gaze, happy to just sit there and listen to the hapless teenager's attempt to explain something she doesn't entirely understand. The reptile then scoops up a bit of sediment and leaf litter, and squeezes it in her claws, watching it crumble between her digits.

    Luke's question draws her attention to make full eye contact, a universal sign of surprise. She freezes a moment.

    After she regains herself, she says, "I am a Deathclaw. A weapon of war, born with a mind. I am also a Scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel, but that would mean nothing to either of you right now."

    The gears grind in her head as she finally picks up on their unease, prompting her to search for a way to prevent a future conflict, and she tries to explain, "This blood belongs to raiders. Wasteland scavengers seeking only to survive through violence and theft. They had killed my comrades and were going to kill me as well. I defended myself and escaped before I could lose my life."

    "Is there a settlement that will allow me to clean myself?" she wonders.
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako by no means likes the sight of blood but it's going to be hard to avoid seeing it where her future is headed. "Anyway, we're all from different worlds and I guess this one's where you're from? It seems really nice!" There, ladle on the cheer. It seems we're not actually in any danger, afterall. "And it's nice to meet you both too!" There, things seem to be safe enough to finally relax.

    She blows out a little sigh and even she turns to regard Luke with mild surprise. "I just thought..." Quirks do all kinds of things to people that would seem unusual on most other Worlds. Where she's from, you kinda just get used to seeing people all big and crazy looking. "Huh? Oh wow. Well you seem nice- uh..."
        The tale, now told, is quite a disturbing thought. This poor person had to defend themselves and wound up here immediately after? "I'm sorry you had to go through that. But, uh! Everything's going to be okay now!" She hasn't got That smile down quite yet but she's working on it. As for where to wash up... She'll simply look to Luke hopefully.
Luke Gray
Luke hopes his question was not rude... but on his world, it's either a person, or a pokemon... and he is very certain Scraps is not a person in a costume... and not like any pokemon he even heard about. Plus talking of another world?. He nods a bit, shuddering a bit at the name, but relaxing as he hears the term scribe, and being part of a brotherhood, that can't be bad, right?. The explanation does get a bit of a nervous reaction, letting out a sigh as he hears that story. "Taht's terrible... closest I had been to trouble was... fighting team rocket from trying to steal from a nearby town... but not that... badly." he mumbles, glancing aside, realizing it sounds kind of childish.
    The tiger seems to understand the words, adn the concern, adn seems appeased, padding closer to Scraps, and sits next to the deathclaw, purring sofly. "Well, we are near my home town, and my house is on the outskirts actually, I think you can go and take a bath there, at this time I think my parents are out working, so it won't be a problem." he says after a moment, "Not sure we have clothes... that big but at least you can get cleaned."
    Scraps slowly gets to a stand, so she doesn't startle any of them. The electric one gets an eye of distrust, and then she looks up to Luke, and back to the beast. The Deathclaw doesn't know what to make of it, clearly, the confusion and social awkwardness starting to radiate off the beast as it visibly shuffles backwards from the electrical feline.

    She looks to Ochako, and Luke, and realizes these are people who had never lived in a wasteland before. She puffs a noise from her nose like a steam engine releasing pressure. Then she rumble-hisses, and turns to start walking down the road to the indicated town. "Show me to your home, then. I will not linger long, I do not want to startle the locals any further."

    The way she speaks is very slow and deliberate, as if she were a human given speaking classes. She takes great care not to mulch words with that viciously serrated maw of hers.

    She doesn't look at Ochako anymore. For some reason, she is in a hurry to go get cleaned up.
Ochako Uraraka
    Ochako is giving it her all to at least appear calm! Of course, she's probably loaded with tells that a predatory creature, especially an extra intelligent one, can spot easily enough.

    "Right! Perfect! It looks like you can get cleaned up, maybe we can find someone to help us figure stuff out! Right?" Maybe?

    It seems like she may have lost a handle on the situation and she winds up feeling a bit self conscious. Everything's taking an awkward turn! She's not sure why but she has a feeling it's something to do with her! "W-well, if you want I can come along. But I don't want to cause you trouble, Luke!" Anyway, grasping at a subject to ease the awkwardness...

    "What kind of cat is Dynamo, anyway? Or..."
Luke Gray
Luke's focus is on helping Scraps, and that includes making sure Dynamo pads back to his side, "Sorry, he is just being friendly." he explains, or tries to, while the big tiger thing simply follows and approaches Ochako instead, not right to bump into her but close. "Oh, he is an Electiger, he is my strongest pokemon." he says, as if that was a good answer. He smiles and nods, "Sure you can come, I don't mind at all!... but I am not sure we can get much answers back there, there's just one scientist around and is a pokemon specialist." he says, nodding a bit and making sure to move to catch up with Scraps. 
    The path is clear thankfully, wild pokemon still moving aside, a bit cautious of the visitor, and thus, the trip is uneventful. The house is modest, simple!, a yard and such. But Luke focuses on guiding the visitor to the bathroom, offering soap adn all the stuff needed. "Take as long as you need!" he says, "If you want food, there is some in the fridge." he adds.